Star Coach

Chapter 9 Champions League Final (Part 1)

Paris, France, Stade de France. The venue of the 2000 Champions League final.

The players were ready to go on the field, and Jiangshan clapped with them one by one.

Mendieta, Gerard, Carboni, and Angloma all came to Jiangshan, "We will do it according to your plan, don't worry."

"Yes, we want to win more than you do." Angloma remained calm.

Jiangshan patted them on the back, "Listen to me, we will definitely win the final championship."

He was nervous too! Jiangshan was definitely the first time. Who didn't have a first time? Everyone's first time is nervous and exciting.

Bosque shook hands with Cooper, smiling with a knife in his heart.

Bosque was mean, "Jiangshan is actually your assistant? Fortunately, you didn't listen to his deployment, otherwise I would be in trouble today."

He had given a speech at Wukang University before, and Jiangshan specifically asked him to discuss the deployment. Bosque only knew Jiangshan's identity a few days ago, and he was a little depressed.

Cooper was indignant, "It's Jiangshan again, Jiangshan is everywhere." He immediately responded, "Jiangshan is just my assistant, but I am the head coach."

Bosque's image is not as handsome and tough as Cooper's. When the two shook hands, Cooper was undoubtedly more charming.

Bosque is also quite miserable. He led the team very well in Real Madrid, won two Champions Leagues in three years, and won at least one championship every year, but just after winning the league championship in 2003, he was immediately fired by Florentino.

It's just too much joy and then too much sorrow. It is said that the reason is that Bosque's personal image does not match the temperament of Real Madrid... Isn't this saying that he is too handsome? From then on, Bosque and Florentino fell out. Later, Real Madrid wanted to award Bosque a gold medal, but Bosque ruthlessly and coldly refused.

After the starting lineups of both teams came out, Cooper was slightly relieved. "It's just as Jiangshan expected, 532. Humph, it's not that easy to deal with me."

The young Casillas is the goalkeeper of Real Madrid. The defenders from left to right are Carlos, Ivan Campo, Elguera, Karanka and Salgado. The midfielders are Raul, Redondo and McManaman.

Of course, Raul is more in the front midfielder position in the game. He is a competent striker. The two forwards on the field are Anelka and Morientes.

All the main players in the back line of Valencia appeared. The goalkeeper position is still the white-haired Cañizares. The defenders from left to right are Carboni, Pellegrino, Djukic and Angloma.

Strangely enough, the individual defensive capabilities of Valencia's main back line are not top-notch. Pellegrino turns slowly and the two full-backs are old, but the combination of these people is quite effective and almost leak-proof.

The two old men, Carboni and Angloma, played health-preserving football in the last few league games. They maintained good condition and fully recovered. In the previous life, Carboni was injured and did not make the roster in this game. His position was replaced by Gerardo.

Mendieta took the starting position in the midfield, and the other three were Farinos, Gerard and Gonzalez. The forwards were Lopez and Angulo, and there was not much change.

The players of both sides were too familiar with each other in the same league, so it all depended on their performance on the spot. Bosque was a little depressed. Carboni actually started the game, and the possibility of Raul and Salgado being restricted by the old football rogue increased a few points.

Fans all over the world are watching the Champions League final. Even in China, many fans got up in the middle of the night to watch. They saw the young people in the assistant coach's seat again, young people like them.


With the whistle of the Italian head coach Blaschi, the game began.

Jiangshan's heart was instantly pulled up, and the exciting moment had arrived.

Cooper's tactics were very clear. The players were inexperienced and more nervous. They could only play steadily at the beginning, waiting for the opponent to attack, and then get into the state and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

Bosque seemed to have expected Cooper's arrangement. The tactical arrangement was overbearing. He seized the two wing attacks and Carlos and Salga pressed across the half court for a long time and became wingers.

The 532 formation changed to 352 formation at the beginning, and it was aggressive. Cooper was inexplicably anxious. The Champions League final was different from what he imagined. He was a little conservative.

Originally, he planned to fight back with the wing, but in Bosque's arrangement, the defense was also solid. The 532 formation was a big pocket in defense. Valencia's players plunged into the pocket and couldn't get out at all.

Mendieta was taken care of by Carlos and Raul in turn. He had no room for free play. He played very uncomfortably and was almost invisible.

The situation was even worse for Gerard. After Mendieta was restricted, he became the team's main ball holder, and the responsibility of breaking through the middle was all on him. But he faced more Real Madrid players and the situation was more difficult.

Gerard had just broken through McManaman when Karanka rushed up again, interrupting his rhythm. Redondo was also disturbing him on the side, so the ball was easily intercepted.

Real Madrid's defense in the midfield and backcourt was very targeted. They entangled the flanks to deal with Mendieta and Gonzalez, and strictly guarded the middle to prevent Gerard from passing the ball.

They forced him to break through with the ball, and then Real Madrid used their numerical advantage to steal the ball.

Jiangshan was upset when he saw Real Madrid's tactical arrangement. Didn't he tell Cooper about these tactics? Cooper didn't have any targeted measures?

Cooper was also very depressed, "Damn, is Jiangshan a worm in Bosque's stomach? How come he guessed everything?"

The game was in the 35th minute, and Valencia was always passive. The goal had been in danger many times. If it weren't for Cañizares's dedication, they would have fallen behind.

Jiangshan thought of Valencia losing the ball in the 39th minute in the previous life, and finally couldn't help it. He rushed down and whispered to Cooper, "Let the two defenders go in, suppress their attack, and also release Mendieta. Otherwise, Carlos will cause great trouble."

"You don't need to teach me." Cooper was in a bad mood. At this time, Jiangshan came to talk nonsense. He was just an assistant, no, just a scout, a part-time scout.

Carboni and Angloma looked at the sidelines, saw Jiangshan's gesture, and began to gradually press forward to counterattack and cross the opponent's half.

There was one more receiving point in the half, and Mendieta's pressure was reduced. Raul couldn't leave Angloma alone, so he had to follow back to defend. There were suddenly a lot more people on the edge of the penalty area.

Mendieta received Angloma's diagonal pass near the penalty area, wiped past Redondo, and passed the ball in front of the goal. Little Bug Lopez suddenly inserted and lobbed the ball, which was the best chance for Valencia since the start of the game.

Casillas made a wonderful save and hit the ball out of the penalty area. Carlos received the pass, started, and inserted.

Angeloma chased back quickly, but he was still a step slower, and he was no match for Carlos in terms of speed.

Jiangshan's heartbeat accelerated, and he looked at the time, which was exactly the 39th minute. Sure enough, Carlos kicked the ball, a long shot. The only difference from the previous life was that Carlos shot directly, not a free kick, but the threat was greater.

Bang! The ball was blocked by central defender Djukic.

At this time, Angeloma just met the ball and twisted it away before the Real Madrid players. He passed the ball without looking at anyone and gave it to Gerard in front.

Mendieta and Gerard switched positions, Gerard dribbled the ball on the wing, and only Raul was defending, and Carlos had not returned yet.

Jiangshan did not sit down after returning to his seat. His heartbeat was faster than Gerard's pace. He had changed, and it was different from the previous life. Was it effective? This was his tactical arrangement, which he quietly arranged with the players.

Cooper also became nervous. He didn't expect the player to have a sudden inspiration, which worked well and finally created space for counterattack.

The four players rushed down and took advantage of the gaps left by Real Madrid's attack and defense transition.

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