The chirping little finches finally found a warm nest and fell into a deep sleep.

Falling into a quiet night, on the contrary, it is a little uncomfortable.

In the yard.

The eaves hid the moonlight, but they couldn't hide the pair of slender white legs that overlapped each other.

Holding the sword, Jingliu leaned on the stone steps outside the house, his silver hair scattered, quiet and elegant.

This former Luofu sword leader is not at peace in his heart.

... It's not because I witnessed the sticker just now, it's just a lemon.

Qingque was actually able to attract Master's sword intent.

If it weren't for Qingque's delicate body and soft body, she wouldn't have practiced martial arts at all, and Jingliu would have suspected that she was a hidden kendo master.

How, exactly.


The originally closed door was pushed open, and Mo Chen walked out.

"Master, how is Miss Qingque doing now?" Jingliu

got up to greet him and asked with concern.

"After tossing for a long time just now, she was already very tired.

Mo Chen said softly, and didn't elaborate on what was going on inside.

"Master, your chest is wet. "

“... The girl spilled the water when she drank it. "

Really?" "Really?" Jing

Liu's pretty face was serious, and she looked like she wanted to care about her master.

But she, who is superb in swordsmanship, obviously didn't understand the atmosphere.

The swordsmen in the story are all images that have no feelings and do not touch the leaves.

Isn't this the demolition of Master's platform?

"There are some things, don't ask so much.

Senior Mo grimaced, turned around and walked towards the gazebo.

Qingque's girl actually drools when she sleeps, and she likes to rub things around.

In short, it's simple, not too smart.

"Yes, Master. "

Do you have any paper?"

Take care of everything, and the familiar people just arrived.

"Senior Mo, and Master, good evening.

Jing Yuan smiled at the corner of his mouth and said hello from afar.

Looking at this harmonious appearance, the peach blossom tribulation mentioned in the group chat should have been resolved.

It's you, Mo senior.


Jingliu hugged his arms, nodded slightly, and turned on the high cold mode.

Jing Yuan and her are not only real masters and apprentices, but also legends known as the five heroes on the clouds.

The events of that year are in the past.

It is impossible for the Mo predecessors to protect the Xianzhou Alliance all the time.

It is also a comfort to be able to reunite under this pavilion now.

"Oops... Drinking tea and admiring the moon, good Yaxing.

Jing Yuan smiled slightly, sat down familiarly, and raised his head to make a big bowl of tea.

This nearly 1,000-year-old Xianzhou general is always free and easy.

It's all in plain sight.

At least for now, he's happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Where's the Blue Sparrow?"


Shhh Senior Mo, if the progress is so fast, it's not good.

Jing Yuan pondered for a moment and was in awe.

Miscalculation, miscalculation.

Looking at this posture, you should have chosen a bigger house in the first place.

"I'll give you another chance to organize the language.

Senior Mo calmly drank tea and picked up the saber on the table.

Since I retired, I met the green sparrow, and the people around me are weird.

Especially this kid Jing Yuan.


After a "cordial reminiscence".

"It seems that these scourges hidden on the Luofu Immortal Boat can no longer be contained.

Jing Yuan grinned and rubbed his head, and Mo Chen came to the scrapped battle mech.

Iron Tomb.

At present, the calculations on the side of the Taibu Division also faintly point to this extinct king.

However, compared to the aesthetics of pursuing destruction, the Iron Tomb is more like coming to trouble Mo Chen.

The value of a rare and powerful body, naturally needless to say.

"Got a clue?" Mo

Chen looked at the starry night and the bright moon, and his tone was calm.

"It's not easy to do the enemy and I am clear.

Jing Yuan spread his hands and smiled helplessly:

"But since they choose not to hide anymore, I believe there will be a big move soon." "

If you want to disturb the fairy boat, ordinary means are not enough.

And to mention the notorious planetary-class disaster....

"Senior Mo, if Iron Tomb wants to implant the star core into the immortal boat, who is his helper, and where will he hide the star core?"

"There are many forces in the vast universe, how can I know.

Mo Chen yawned lazily and chose to give up thinking.

He is retired and loves whoever he is.

Jing Yuan: ....

Let's try to analyze it, and I have a sense of participation, so I can't

help it, retirees can just open it casually.


Jing Yuan looked at the lazy Mo Chen, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"Well... It seems that it is time for me to leave and let my seniors go on more important things.

He deliberately dragged out a long tone, looking like "I'm fine, don't worry".


Senior Mo slanted a glance at Jing Yuan, who was smiling.

This kid is talking to him again.

Something to say.

"As a general of Luofu, I have my own decision, and before the situation changes, Senior Mo can relax. "


Jing Yuan reached out to wrap his hand around Mo Chen's shoulder, and the aunt smile on his face couldn't be suppressed at all.

As the leader of the group of comrades-in-arms, how can he not gossip.

Knock up.

"But nothing. "

Miss Qingque is bothered by the sword intent, senior, you don't have a little worry?"

I've already confirmed, as long as you have a good rest, you'll be fine.

Senior Mo's eyes moved, and he explained.

But for some reason, I always felt that something was missing.

"You see, this is the seniors who didn't think it through.

Jing Yuan sighed and said earnestly: "An ordinary girl, let her stay alone in a strange and empty room to recuperate, how can she do without a sense of security!"

Mo Chen thought about Jing Yuan's words slightly, and understood.

"You'll have the cloud rider send the sparrow home later. "


Jing Yuan silently covered his face.

He hinted for a long time, is it because of this?!

"Senior, you can't send Yunqi, why do you have to send it personally... No. "

I was almost led astray by Qingqi's train of thought.

Jing Yuan took a deep breath and said step by step:

"In the final analysis, it is because of you seniors that people fall down with fatigue.

"After retirement, it's no better than the former hunting barracks, and people are still waiting for you to take care of it." Finally

, the word retirement woke up Mo seniors.

“... Take care of it.

Mo Chen muttered unfamiliar words, a hint of confusion on his face.

Letting Qingque touch the sword intent was indeed ill-conceived by him.

What to do.

But when he came back from his contemplation, he found that Jing Yuan had gone away.

"Senior Mo, don't let the Green Sparrow girl down—"

Jing Yuan disappeared into the distance with the battle machine on his shoulder, hiding his merit and fame.

He'll be able to help with that!

" Mo

Chen looked at the empty courtyard and was silent for a moment.

Jingliu also left.

Retirees suddenly become alone.


He also has a residence that can probably be called "home".


It's late at night.

In the quiet room, the girl's breathing was steady and soothing.

Suddenly, the green finch smacked its lips.

"Hmm... The mouth is so dry... "

The pillow placement that is not very accustomed to makes the girl a little uncomfortable.

She rubbed her eyes and tried to find water to drink.

Wait a minute, where am I?

She subconsciously reached out in the darkness and groped around.


I touched something that looked like a water cup.

The little hand touched it again.

Fingertips touched something hot.


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