"What? But this photo is obviously ..."

Outside the Shence Mansion, the leaders of the Taibu Division and the Tianbo Division got together and enlarged the photo.


In the warm and harmonious photo, in addition to the carefully placed breakfast, there is also a man's figure.

Everything seems to be normal.

But this is the circle of friends of Qingquefa.

Early in the morning, the amount of information exploded.

Fu Xuan was completely shocked, and his eyes widened.

What is the situation now.

It is known that the two men were in the same room, and it is unknown how long they stayed.

Coincidentally, he just told Mo Chen the address of Qingque last night.

The original intention was that everyone could visit Qingque the next day to help her adjust her mood.

Did you just come to the door last night?



Fu Xuan held back for a long time, his little face flushed.

She would never have imagined that she would have a lemon on her phone one day.

I can't stand it!

" Who is this girl who sent

the photo?" Yukong was silent for a moment, staring at the photo with beautiful eyes, his gaze deep.

After becoming the helmsman of Tianbo, she has been able to control her emotions well and is mature and steady.

But who was not a girl with a good temper when he was young, just because he was not convinced, he ran seven or eight traffic lights in a row, and was finally brought to the cloud cavalry general.

Why can this green finch girl be so close to Mo senior!


At the same time, the other side.

Qingque was still in the toilet, and Mo Chen suddenly received a request for video communication.

"Haha... Mo is a senior and looks good.

During the video call, Jing Yuan was pretending to handle official business, and approached the camera mysteriously when no one was around.

He lowered his voice and asked, "Is the green finch girl's physical condition okay?"

is responsible for selling the cute mascot, but there are many people who care about it.

After all, he participated in the battle with the Extinction Lord and the Star Core, and the consumption could not be small.

The specific process has also been stated.

"That girl is quite energetic now.

Mo Chen nodded slightly.

The lively little finches that are bouncing around, he can't always cope with them.

It's clingy and sensible, and it feels like it's indescribable.

"Ahem... I heard that you are at the house of the Blue Sparrow Girl.

Jing Yuan finally couldn't help it and began to gossip.

"Well, it's mainly to see how well she comprehends the sword intent, and have breakfast by the way.

Mo Chen's face was calm.

"Where did you comprehend the sword intent?" Jing

Yuan asked with a smile.

After a fatal silence.

“.... Haven't started to observe yet.

Senior Mo frowned slightly, and seemed to feel that something was wrong.

Said good business, but did nothing.

So what did he do when he came to the Sparrow?"

"Oh—I know, I know.

Jing Yuan suddenly realized and applauded.

The drunkard's intention is not in the wine, but in the taste...

Don't say it, don't say it.

"It's okay, I'll turn off my phone.

"No, there's business.

Jing Yuan hurriedly shouted to Mo Chen, and said helplessly: "Seeing that Senior Mo, if you don't reply to the message, let's explain it directly." "

The Star Core has been handed over to you to take care of, what else can you do.

"But Senior Mo, don't you think the whole thing went too well?"

Seeing that Mo Chen chose to listen, Jing Yuan continued:

"Not to mention the Extinction Lord who has not yet descended from the main body, it is the secret legend of the Medicine King, and there is no movement this time. "

To put it simply, the movement is too small to destroy the aesthetics.

"The star core has really appeared.

Mo Chen thought for a moment and said calmly.

Retirees who can't draw their swords are already tired of dealing with an Iron Tomb Mecha with a star core.

Tired, referring to watching the whole play, and finally almost pinched the star core with his bare hands.

"Have you forgotten the Avenger Alliance formed by the Rich People?" Jing

Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was serious.

The strength of the rich people who plunder the universe should not be underestimated.

In case....


Mo Chen took a sip of porridge, his face showing confusion.

I can't remember if there is such a person.

"Senior Mo, it's a force that wants to take revenge on you, don't forget it!" Jing

Yuan held his forehead with one hand and couldn't help but complain.

Can a person be able to do whatever he wants?

"In short, Luo Fu will be on guard recently and closely monitor the traces of the Medicine King's secret legend. "

Very energetic, please.

Mo Chen looked lazy as a retiree who didn't want to take care of things.

Jing Yuan didn't say much and quit the video chat.

It just so happened that the green finch also came out.

"It's better, and my face is still a little red.

Mo Chen pushed the xiaolongbao across the table to comfort the little tuan.

"Just think I'm having a fever, huh, stupid guy.

Qingque sat back in front of Mo Chen with her little head down, her cheeks bulging.


Take a bite of a xiaolongbao, and eat the poor guy from me!

The little group of finches turns shame and anger into appetite, and the more they eat, the more fragrant they become.

"It's a rare holiday, so I'll rest at home today.

Mo Chen looked at the cute and lovely green finch and smiled.

The feeling of pampering, I guess that's it.

"It can be..."

Qingque raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Chen, vaguely speaking.

Under the table, the smooth little feet were unconsciously tangled together.

The girl's careful thinking made her want to stop talking.

"Something you want to tell me?" Mo

Chen asked softly, noticing her casual eyes.

"Big guy, can you stay with me for a while.

"Yes, you eat slowly. "

It's not just breakfast. Seeing

the dagger, Qingquetu's beautiful eyes came up with shining.


"That...?" "

It's rare for the big guy to come as a guest, why don't you stay and eat a meal I cooked."

Qingque snorted softly, and her little face was proud.

Who said that mascots can only be sold cutely, and they can only be eaten?

Cooking is also possible!

You have to impress the big guys.

"There are still a few hours left before lunch.

Mo Chen chuckled.

Isn't it nice to stay in someone else's house all the time?"

There's a big guy here, and I'm very secure. The

green sparrow's eyes were watery and very serious.

She is a delicate and frail girl, and she will be afraid at home alone.

The kind that doesn't dare to stretch Jio out of the quilt when lying on the bed.。


"You can also comprehend the will to touch the fish, and no one else will disturb you.

Qingque's face turned red and whispered.

The innocent will to touch the fish, don't think about it.

"Do you still want it?"

Mo Chen understood now.

After all, I've tried it several times.

"Opportunity, it's a rare opportunity, it's just a normal practice, it's okay to ask for it again!" Xiao

Qingque forcibly held back the shame in his heart and looked directly at Mo Chen.

The meaning is already obvious, that is, not to magnify the guys.

“... That's a lot of bothering.

Under Qingque's surprised gaze, Mo Chen nodded lightly and agreed.

"Hehe~ Don't bother, don't bother. The

green finch cheered happily and ate breakfast obediently.

Anyway, there is usually no one else at home, so you can continue to stay after lunch.

Rounding off, that is, the big guy accompanies himself to cultivate all day.

I'm full of energy today!

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