"It's... The story of the big guy...?"

Qingque slowly covered her small mouth, only to feel that her eyes were hot.

The real situation of the Third Fertility War was so dangerous.

The amount of information is too much, so that even girls who are naturally smart and like to fish can't calm down for a long time.

It's a lot more stressful than listening to someone.

"I know it's hard to accept these things for a while.

Yukong sighed softly, gently soothing Qingque's emotions.

Even if so many years have passed, every time she recalls the sword that slashed the divine arrow, she will be deeply shocked.

Few people knew that the Xianzhou fleet, under the protection of Senior Mo, had dodged the terrifying blow of the Star God.

"The oath is like a cloud in the sky, guarding the fairy boat, and never landing. He

whispered softly, in a calm tone, and went straight to the heart.

When Senior Mo and Emperor Bow Si Ming swore an oath in front of the battle and founded the Cloud Cavalry Army, they had already expected such a future.

The star hunting god does not distinguish between good and evil, but he will take care of the fairy boat and give blessings.

If the attack is not light or heavy, let Mo Chen take care of it.

"Woo... Don't make the atmosphere so tragic.

The blue finch raised her head, her eyes watery, and muttered with a flat mouth.

Everyone in Xianzhou is fine, and the big guy is okay when he retires.

That's enough!

It's not good to let go of fighting and killing and enjoy life.

"Miss Qingque, please understand that there is a reason why Senior Mo retired. Yukong

gently stroked the hair that was blown away by the wind and said softly.


Qingque blinked her innocent eyes, and her little face became nervous.

Could it be that the big guy still has something unspeakable to hide?"

Senior Mo is a swordsman who can be called the strongest swordsman in the world.

"But... He could no longer draw the saber. He

sighed faintly, his eyes full of regret.

All that should be said was said, and she didn't bother the green finch biting her lip anymore, and left gently.

Senior Mo has guarded the Xianzhou Alliance for thousands of years, and he should always stop and rest.

Lively and cute little group of sparrows, let's chat with him more if you have nothing to do, and relieve loneliness.

If you work harder, you will lose this cabbage...

Oh, suddenly I'm looking forward to it.


After lunch, we talked and went back to our homes.

"Senior Mo, if you have time, you will invite you to your home as a guest, let me thank you a little more.

Yukong bowed down to say goodbye to Mo Chen, gentle and elegant.

I've been here for a short time, and I'm afraid that there are already many people looking for her on the Tianbo Division.

Calculate the time, and it's time to return to the clouds.


He looked at the green sparrow who was secretly observing in the distance, and smiled slightly.

If it drags on any longer, the cute little tufts will have to wait.

"Well, next time, definitely.

Mo Chen waved his hand and watched the elegant and mature fox woman leave.

Hit a hatcher, bored.

The sun was warm, which made him a little sleepy.

I've become lazy since I retired.

After a moment of silence.

In the quiet surroundings, it seemed that he was the only one left.

Jingliu and Fu Xuan had already left first.

So, shouldn't he go home now?

"Big guy, don't leave yet!"

Suddenly, there was a hurried call from behind him.

Mo Chen, who was just about to leave, subconsciously turned around.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and the wind was very noisy.

Under the sun, the girl didn't know when she changed into a beautiful gauze skirt, and the skirt was shiny when swaying in the wind, which was very good-looking.

The transparent suspenders expose her perfectly delicate shoulders to the air and make her skin fair.

The silky hair has been combed well, and the double ponytail is still so playful and pleasing.

The bangs were a little blown by the wind, but it wasn't a big problem.

Girls' dressing time is always a mystery.

Of course, it depends on who she wants to meet.

"Qingque, why are you going out again?" Mo

Chen asked with soft eyes in the face of the pretty Qingque.

The story about him, you should already know.

In fact, no matter how the green finch reacts, it is acceptable.

After all, the parting that Mo seniors have become accustomed to.

"No, nothing... I just want to send you off suddenly.

Qingque buried her reddened little face, and came to Mo Chen's side step by step with her little hands behind her back, her voice soft.

Bright sunshine, quiet atmosphere.

Everything is so beautiful.



the blue finch staggered to its feet, barely standing firm.

When you are nervous, you will be in a hurry.

"Be careful.

Mo Chen hurriedly supported her, but he was also caught off guard by this moment.

The little finch is always unexpected.

The moment I lowered my head, I saw the girl's slender feet in high heels.

No wonder I don't think this girl's height is right.

It turned out that I wanted to cheat secretly.

"Woo, big guy, you are not allowed to laugh at me!"

Qingque's little face turned red, and he raised his small pink fist angrily and hammered it on Mo Chen's chest.


finally picked out a pair of the most difficult heels to wear and walked out the door, but she didn't expect to drop the chain at the critical moment.

The girl's face puffed up in annoyance, only to feel that the atmosphere that had been created with great difficulty had collapsed.


"Haha... Well, I don't laugh.

Mo Chen happily, staring at the little green finch that was about to be pasted, and comforted softly.

Is there anything you want to say to him?"


The green finch's watery eyes fluttered, but it dodged a little.

So nervous.

"Huh?" Mo

Chen looked at the suddenly obedient Qingque, a little uncomfortable.

His eyes drooped slightly, and his smile faded inadvertently.

Is this girl still estranged?

That's when it happened.

"Big guy, don't be sad, I know everything.

As if she had made some kind of determination, Qingque raised her face and said seriously.

That kind of look, while relying on reluctance, seems to have more sympathy.


time it's Senior Mo's turn to figure it out.

"If you can't draw your sword, you must be very sad.

Qingque tilted her head, her little face full of worry and concern.

She understands it.

The big guy's sword is like her Emperor Yuan Qiongyu card.

If you can't touch the cards, your life will become bleak!

" Wait a minute, when am I..."

Senior Mo had a headache and found that the expected situation was wrong.

"Hmph, big guy, don't quibble, is the Dao heart broken. "

Qingque incarnated as a detective, and his crossed waist looked extremely serious.

She was very serious!

"It's true that I can't draw a sword, but where did I hear that my Dao heart is broken?"

Senior Mo couldn't cry and laughed, and asked rhetorically.

He's just retiring, and he's not going to be buried anymore.

"Don't all storytellers say that, the strong man who retreats..."

The more Qingque spoke, the more excited he became, and finally plucked up his courage and grabbed Mo Chen's big hand.

The feeling of warmth is so fascinating.

But the thought of this reassuring warmth will gradually cool down, and it will be extremely distressing.

Why do you want to make yourself so tired and pretend that you're fine?

Thinking of this, the green finch raised its watery eyes.

"It's okay big guy, I'll raise you in the future!" Although

he likes to touch fish, he is a mascot.

But she's also good at cooking and playing cards.

Spoiled and cute, massage and beat legs, warm quilts and everything.

Wait a minute, it looks like something strange has been mixed in.

Forget it!

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