"Besides, I've recently discovered that you can eat early and late when you're alone. If I hadn't been staying at your place these two days, you might have skipped meals sometimes."

"Although I can cook and am quite talented in this area, I will take care of the meals from now on. But if I live in my own home, when will you come back and when should I deliver meals to you? I don’t know these things. Only by living in your house can I control these times accurately.”

"Kokolia, I promise you that I will never mess around in your room. Just let me move in. Anyway, I have been living there recently, and no one is talking behind your back."

"Think about it, I live in my house and you live in your house. Both of our rooms need heating. How much resources will be wasted? The resources in our base are originally I’m not particularly wealthy, of course I just want to save a little bit.”

"I'll give you time to think about it, and you can give me a definite answer in a week, okay?"

Just after Lin Qiye finished saying this, Cocolia spoke.

"You don't need to give me a week, I can give you a definite answer to this matter now."

Just when Lin Qiye was about to leave with his head downcast, Cocolia's voice rang again.

"You can continue to sleep in the guest room tonight, and then when it gets completely bright tomorrow, you can go back to your original house and move your things over, and check out the room over there, and you can live there in the future. I don’t have to spend extra money to live in a house over there.”

After hearing this, the dejected Lin Qiye rushed over and held Cocolia in his arms.

"Kokolia, I knew you were the best. I love you so much."

While talking, Lin Qiye kissed Cocolia several times on the face.

This made Cocolia, who had always been calm and composed, blush with embarrassment.

"Lin Qiye, don't be like this. You are outside now. We will talk about it when we get back if anything happens."

Lin Qiye, who had obtained the right to live in the guest room, looked very arrogant at the moment and hugged Cocolia directly.

"What's wrong outside? I'll hold you even if you're outside. Besides, they don't dare to say anything."

"And because of what happened to Swaro just now, everyone in the base should feel a little embarrassed now. Not many people go out. Don't worry about this. I can guarantee you."

Sure enough, everyone was huddled at home as Lin Qiye guessed, and no one wanted to come out.

After arriving at the door of Cocolia's house, Lin Qiye looked at Cocolia with pride.

"Look, I've already told you that no one came out of the base. Just now you weren't willing to believe me, but now you believe it."

After nodding, Cocolia opened the door to the room and gave Lin Qiye a key.

"This is the key on the door of the room for you. When I am not at home in the future, you can use it when you go out. And the smaller key is the key to the guest room. I will not leave the key to my room. I gave you the key, and you remember to lock the door every night when you go to bed, do you understand?"

After hearing what Cocolia said, Lin Qiye smiled.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry. Even if you fall asleep at night, I won't come to your room. The premise is that you don't call me. If you call me, I will definitely follow you back to your room."

After seeing Lin Qiye's righteous and awe-inspiring look, Cocolia lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I asked you to lock the door not for your consideration, but for my own consideration. I was afraid that if you didn't lock the door in the middle of the night, and I rushed into your room and did something excessive to you, I wouldn't be right now. Your ability to be responsible, the only thing I can do now is to teach you to protect yourself. You have to remember what I just said to you, otherwise you must not come to me after you suffer a loss. I have no plans to do it then. Responsible."

"What do you mean? You let me live in your home, and then you took a key from my guest room. You said this to me when I first moved in. Can I understand that you Are you giving me a hint?"

After hearing such inappropriate words, Kokolia kicked Lin Qiye directly and then went upstairs.

Looking at Cocolia's leaving figure in the background, Lin Qiye felt that she was particularly beautiful.

Fortunately, I had a good eye and fell in love with such an excellent woman. If she were with someone else now, I would cry to death.

After sitting alone in the living room for a while, I went back to my room, tidied the bed, and made room for the things I would bring tomorrow. Then I fell asleep contentedly and waited until the next day. After Tianlin Qiye woke up, Cocolia had already gone out.

Lin Qiye had no choice but to go home alone and pack his luggage. When he took the luggage to Cocolia's home, Cocolia had already returned when he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute. I went back to pack some things for you this morning. The cooking time may be a little later. You have to wait a little. But don't worry, it will definitely be quick when I start cooking."

After seeing Lin Qiye's busy appearance, Cocolia directly stopped his hand that was about to take action.

"The food you cooked is quite delicious, but I want to go out to eat the dish I have been eating for a while. It just so happens that you didn't cook it today. Let's go out for a change."

Lin Qiye naturally met all of Cocolia's requirements.

After hearing what he said, Lin Qiye hurriedly returned to the room, packed the things for the two of them to travel, and then went to the cafeteria to eat with Cocolia.

The moment Clara saw Lin Qiye, she still glared at him viciously.

Fortunately, there was Shivaro behind him to stop Clara, otherwise Lin Qiye would have felt that Clara wanted to come up and slap him twice.

"Klara, don't look at me with such resentful eyes. It's not my fault from beginning to end. It was Swaro himself who wanted to learn how to cook food for you. Why are you staring at me like that now? ? It’s not like I instigated Shivaro to learn. Besides, I only taught him once, and it was in my kitchen, and he didn’t learn it.”

"Who said you only taught him once? So what about the popcorn this time? You have to give me a reasonable explanation for this, right?"

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