The news that the news was leaked was a lie.

Seeing the record destroyed, the audience had no way of knowing what would happen next, so they could only go to the monitoring room to see who had destroyed the message record.

According to the time record, I checked the corresponding area of ​​the space station, and I found something fishy!

The surveillance video in the room showed a blurry figure doing something on the operating table.

Looking at his back, it was obviously the old man Bernard!

Seeing that it was Bernard who destroyed the record, the barrage was angry!

"This is Bernard, right?"

"Fuck, this old man did it secretly!"

"You want to break up a couple, right? This old man has nothing to do after eating?"

"There should be some reason, but you can't interfere with other people's happiness!"

"That's right, this old man is really hateful!"

"Confront him and ask him what he is up to! If he doesn't give me a good reason, I will send a Galaxy Flying Drop to him now!"

When Bernard was found for questioning, Bernard pretended to know nothing at first, until he told me about the surveillance video, he let it go.

Bernard: [Alas! You little brats are really worrying! I destroyed the record for Rocky's good! He was ignorant all day for Leslie... That's fine. Not to mention that you have no understanding of the matter at all, Leslie...]

I was disgusted with Bernard's previous words about doing good for others, but when I saw that there was really something hidden in the back, the barrage was instantly stunned.

"Ah? Is there really a reason?"

"It seems that something went wrong with Leslie, don't scare me!"

"Did Leslie refuse?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"If this couple can't be together, I will never believe in love again!"

"If you dare to stab me, I will fight you!"

Lao Mu looked at the three options in the plot and chose the first one "Agreed?" He wanted to see the result of the confession first.

Bernard: [Yes. She agreed to Rocky's confession. ]

Although he saw the desired result, the barrage was really not happy at the moment.

"Leslie agreed! But what happened?"

"With the blessing of Emperor Bow, I am willing to let my roommate be single for 50 years in exchange for them being together!"

"Roommate: Aminos!"

"No, does Emperor Bow still guarantee this?"

"Of course, haven't you seen the hunter chasing the abundance every day! This is love!"

"Fuck, there is a historian!"

In the plot, Bernard said the result of Rocky's confession, but then added.

[But they can't be together. If you think I am the one who is interfering, then you are wrong! Little brat, you are so smart. ]

Bernard: [They can't be together... They can never be together. Do you know why? No, you don't know. Few people understand what starquake is all about...]

At this moment, the audience's hearts were lifted by the ups and downs of the plot until Bernard in the plot explained.

Bernard: [If properly protected, starquake will not cause physical harm to people. However, the gravity collapse caused by starquake will cause a huge change in the space-time curvature of the star field. ]

Bernard: [For example, the time in Leslie's star field was once a straight line like ours, but now it has been pressed into a huge canyon by gravity. Obviously, a curve is always longer than a straight line. So the time curve in her star field, when converted to our time line, will cover several times the length. ]

[Do you know what this means? ]

"What does this old man mean? I can't understand it at all!"

"Is he saying that the time flow rate in Leslie's star field is different?"

"What the hell, the time flow rate?"

The audience was obviously still confused, but Lao Mu had reacted and guessed it roughly.

Because of the starquake, the time curve in Leslie's star field began to slow down.

When Leslie travels through a system in normal time, it may take only ten minutes for Leslie to travel through the star field!

And this time gap will gradually increase. The message that Leslie took a few minutes to reply may take a month, a year, or even ten years to be received by Rocky!

This is true not only for news, but also for any of her activities. Before leaving the abnormal gravity environment, every month Leslie spends more time in the outside world.

If Rocky is living in the anchor point of [now]

, then relatively speaking, Leslie...

She is already living in the future!

Listening to Bernard's explanation, the audience gradually reacted and understood this cruel reality.

"Ah? This means that even if Rocky spends ten, twenty or even more years looking for Leslie, after finding her, she may have only been there for two or three days?"

"Fuck, this is too outrageous! How could there be such an outrageous phenomenon!"

"What should we do? Why should two people in love go through this? This is too cruel!"

"Woo woo woo, production team, I'm going to kill you!"

"I think it's okay. As long as Rocky also goes to the area where the starquake occurred, or Leslie comes out of that star field, won't the two be reunited?"

"After the starquake, the coordinates of the star field have been disordered. In the vast universe, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to re-determine the position of a star field!"

"Yes, Besides, Rocky is just a short-lived creature. He won't be able to find a place even if he devotes his whole life to it!"

"It's okay to let Leslie out, but it takes her a few days to leave the star field, and it's probably decades outside!"

"If Leslie comes out and sees Rocky, who is still waiting for her with white hair..."

"If Leslie knew the result, she probably wouldn't want Rocky to wait for her!"

"It hurts, it hurts too much!"

"A knife got stuck in my eye!"

"You did this to me in the middle of the night (crying)!"

Seeing the two lovers separated by time, Lao Mu's heart was inexplicably blocked. He originally just wanted to find a side quest to brush up experience, but who knew that this side quest would be so powerful!

And Bernard in the plot continued to talk after telling everything.

Bernard: [...I was also a young man once. I think that compared to being rejected, it is more cruel to be with someone who [should] but [cannot] be with someone who shares the same mind. 】

【Perhaps when he is old and becomes an old man like me, Leslie will finally return to the [Black Tower]. 】

【But so little time has passed through her, maybe she is still the same age as now. 】

【How can they be together then? 】

【Space can be crossed, but time cannot be touched! 】

【Now, since you have lifted the veil, it is up to you to make the decision. 】

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