The two of them waited until Walter and the other two arrived at the mission site to identify the suspect. Walter spotted the familiar man in the crowd at first sight. Some clips that had not appeared in the game began to flash back, and a man who looked similar to Luosha appeared. Seeing this, Sanyueqi exclaimed. "Wow, it appears, Uncle Yang's... old friend!" Xing also spoke up. "Before, Uncle Yang said that Luosha looked like an old friend of his, and now it looks exactly the same!" Walter finally confirmed it after looking at the flashback clips. The past memories are still chasing me! The audience was also confused by this sudden clue. "Fuck, how come it's related to Uncle Yang again!"

"So there's a reason why Uncle Yang appeared in the previous PV!"

"But looking at the expression of the man in the picture, he doesn't look like Luosha"

"Bold guess, they are twin brothers!"

Suddenly, the speculation about Luosha's identity became confusing, and in the subsequent mission, the three began to investigate Luosha's whereabouts.

After checking the video data of the mechanical bird, the three decided to go to several scenes to see if there were any clues, and learned that Luosha tore off the title page of a book.

After collecting some clues, March Seven began her personal reasoning show!

The game screen turned and entered Luosha's personal perspective in the reasoning.

March Seven: [Okay, next I will put myself in the perspective of the bad guy. ]

[Now, this girl is Luosha~]

The strange sound made by Luosha's warm voice and March Seven's tender tone.

It's just like Suleda with traditional old bean juice, which instantly shocked countless audiences!

"Fuck, I got goosebumps!"

"Help, Uncle Yang, I'm scared!"

"Uncle Yang: I'm scared too!"

"Too explosive, please find a pair of ears that haven't heard this before!"

"Is this reasoning? This is a ghost!"

"Gua, it's March Seven! She's possessed by Luosha!"

"Just fly me!"

"We Luosha fans are sometimes helpless!"

"Good clip, interesting, this is so funny hahaha!"

Xing was laughing so hard at this scene that he almost couldn't stand up straight. March Seven, who was standing next to him, also got goosebumps when he heard the awkward clip sound.

How can this game be made!

A chill rushed up from the soles of his feet, and Walter instantly put his phone away, as if he had seen something dirty.

In the following plot, March Seven was still imagining the scene of Luosha opening the door lock.

[Hmph, this level of door lock, you still want to stump me? ]

This weird tone that appeared again made Gui Naifen and Su Shang in the live broadcast room feel numb, it was like a torture.

Fortunately, the plot finally returned to normal in the following part. When the audience heard Luosha's gentle voice again, they felt that they were relaxed.

When operating Luosha to open the door lock, a Zhaosuan Yuli puzzle device appeared.

It is a puzzle game that moves the Zhaosuan module to the corresponding position by rotating, which is also very common on the Luofu map.

But Gui Naifen has never played this before and knows nothing about it.

After rotating dozens of times in a row, she still couldn't solve it successfully, and Su Shang was anxiously dancing.

"Hey, no, no, it's not like this, you have to do this, then this, and finally this!"

Guifen, who was focusing on the game screen, seemed to understand, and kept nodding.

The interaction between the two of them, like a dragon and a phoenix, made the audience very anxious.

Finally, Su Chang couldn't bear it any longer and said she would demonstrate it to Gui Naifen before taking the phone.

"Watch out, little Guizi, you have to do this, then this, then... Hey, how did it pass?"

Just as Su Chang was about to show off the 15-step solution she had deduced in her mind, she didn't expect that she had already solved the puzzle at the 5th step.

What's going on? In my calculation, there should be a few more steps to succeed?

A bold guess began to appear in Su Chang's mind.

"Could it be that I am a genius?"

The barrage was also instantly amused by this guess.

"Could it be that she is really a genius?"

"Su Chang, you are different from others!"

"Now who can tell you from the Genius Club!"

After unlocking the door, March 7 began to assume that Luosha was meeting with someone, maybe the star core

This is the core of the transaction!

After arriving at the transaction location, a contact person in the image of Walter imagined by March Seven appeared. Walter asked him to speak more politely, so.

[I'm asking you a question! What are you doing here! ]

From "you" to "you", it's more civilized, but not much.

At this moment, the content of this fantasy appeared in the game, and Xing listened to the familiar voice of the imaginary Walter.

I always feel that it is a bit like Poteo?

After meeting the contact person, Luosha appeared in front of several clues found before.

First, there is the sincere request option.

[Please, please, let me meet your boss! ]

The second is to play the emotional card.

[Look, I have old people and young children. If I don't sell this star core, my whole family will starve tonight... Please be flexible and let me meet your boss. ]

Then pretend to be a butler.

[Sorry, I'm an undercover. 】


After all this chaos, Luosha's elegant male god character was almost destroyed by March 7.

Until the end, the cover page that was supposed to be used for the connection was shown.

Then a tall and mighty figure appeared.

[Let me take a look at the goods first. ]

When Pam appeared, all the audience felt that their imagination was not rich enough.

"It turned out to be you, Pam!"

"Sure enough, Pam is the mastermind behind everything!"

"The plan to destroy Luofu was set by Lord Pam!"

[Ahem, this is our boss Xing Yu Bobo, quickly take out the goods for him to take a look. ]

After Luosha said that he would pay the money and the goods, Pam asked Walter to give the money to the other party.

When Luosha said goodbye and was about to leave, Pam spoke again.

[Indeed, we will not meet again, Pam. Pu'er, kill him, Pam. 】

Walter on the side suddenly turned into a golden man again, and it seemed that he was going to silence the witness.

Luosha: [The pattern of the local gang is too low. ]

At the end of the story, Luosha defeated the contact person who was going to silence the witness, and then left the scene with the help of an unknown person on the star core.

The above is the full picture of Luosha's disappearance as deduced by March 7!

After watching this reasoning show full of loopholes, the audience felt that they were beaten to pieces.

Walter: [Little March, although I don't want to hit you, but... your reasoning still has some small problems]

"Some Small Problems"

"My wife, stop making trouble, come home with me!"

"Do you think I'm stupid.jpg"

"My Luosha can't go back, and now my mind is full of the sound of March 7's clip!"

"This is a real fictional historian!"

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