
The Void Lawyer, who realized the gap between the two, suddenly sensed danger.

"You guy, I won't lose to you guy."

The Law of Emptiness quickly retreated at this moment, and the black hole appeared behind Himeko in the next moment.

The [Spear of the Arkon] jumped out of the [Portal].


Kiana exclaimed, and Luo Ya just stood there, and the invisible air shield spread out at this moment.

The spear of the Arkon was easily resisted.


The Void Lawyer's heart was shocked, and just when he wanted to say something, he saw a figure and came to the Void Lawyer at an extremely fast speed.

"I'm just watching a play, why should you me off?"

Luo Ya snorted softly, and a punch landed on the body of the Void Lawyer.


The ground set off a violent roar, and Kiana's expression was stunned, looking at Kiana in the past time and space.

That is, the lawyer of emptiness, who was beaten madly.

Everything around them, under this force, was shattered.

The powerful void law, in the face of the God of Destruction, is simply vulnerable.

God of Destruction, a little angry.

Who let the attack of the Void Law make himself also in the locked range.

The residual anger of destroying God is not so simple and can be easily eliminated.


With a loud bang, the body of the Void Law slammed into the ground, appearing extremely embarrassed.

"Is this the end of it?"

Roa chuckled, his words as if they were sarcastic to the Law of Voidness.

In a chat group.

Witnessing this scene, the group members in the live broadcast room immediately fell into deep thought.

Hell Blowing Snow: Speed... It's so fast and outrageous, it's beyond the speed of sound.

Tokisaki Kozo: The strength of the flesh is so strong... In terms of the elven space shock, it may not be able to grasp the Lord God of Destruction.

Marquis of Woban: Powerful, maybe this is God in the true sense.

Esders: Besides, Roya still has the appearance of spare energy, and he is not serious at all....

The monster of the God of Destruction is clearly manifested at this moment.

"That's awesome..."

Kiana was also at this moment, and couldn't help but sigh in amazement, her final power was released, and it was impossible to hold Luo Ya in front of her.

"Damn, it's just a human being, even the future Kiana can't be so powerful..."

The Void Lawyer reluctantly stood up, his body shaking, obviously his physical strength had been overdrawn.

And the man beside Kiana is even more terrifying, making the Void Law a little elusive.

"That, Lord Destroyer..."

Kiana's voice sounded, and she said to Roya, "Can I solve her with my own hands?" "

"Sorry, I can't say yes."

Luo Ya chuckled and set his gaze on the Void Lawyer, "Experience the fear of destroying the gods!" "

As soon as the words fell, before the Law of Void could react, Luo's next round of attacks arrived.

"So fast..."

She barely had time to react, only to hear a cold and majestic voice ringing in the ears of the Void Lawyer.


"The second personality of this body will be destroyed by me."


Along with the destructive energy, it fell on the body of the Void Lawyer, and the body of the Void Lawyer quickly separated at this moment.

One is Kiana in the past time and space, and the other is the personality of emptiness.

The 'Law of Emptiness', completely extinguished.


"Is this the end of it?"

Kiana looked at the scene in front of her and was speechless for a while.

However, looking at his past time and space, his eyes showed a complicated look.


Himeko quickly ran over and hugged Kiana, who had passed out.

"It seems that the timeline has changed."

Roa closed his eyes, and he could feel the change in the timeline.

At the time of Roya's operation, the past time and space began to have a violent impact.

"Kiana, get ready to return to the future space-time, the changes you made in this space-time have affected and corrected what has happened."

That means that Himeko in future time and space is not dead.

At the beginning, Roa thought that changing the timeline would make the future timeline disappear.

The future and the past Kiana will become one.

However, the information provided by the Time Ring made him quickly reject this answer.

"Really, really?"

Kiana was surprised and delighted, and at the same time felt that she was gradually being rejected by this time and space.

The future really changed at this moment.

"Himeko-sensei, take care of Kiana, there is another me."

After separating the other half's 'final' power, as well as her own memories to her past time and space, Kiana said her final goodbye.


Himeko looked at Kiana's figure, and the time and space around her for a moment were shattered at this moment.

Kiana and Roa return to the future time and space together.

Stepping into the future time and space, Kiana felt that the new timeline memory covered the old memory belonging to Kiana.

Although some of what should have happened, still happened, but the self with future memories has changed a lot of changed endings.

On the moon, Kiana does not have to suppress the collapse and can travel freely to the earth.

"Thank you so much, Lord Destroyer."

Kiana, I don't know how to thank Roya.

"That, the rest of the ultimate power..."

"I just need the Time Ring, the power of the Lawyer, you can keep it for yourself."

Without accepting Kiana's gift, for Roya, being able to get the Time Ring is the best treasure.

The power of the lawyer is of little use to him, the god of destruction.

After this experiment through time and space, Roa can determine the role of this time ring.

Traveling through the world can indeed change the past, and different choices can also trigger different changes in the future world.

Through the Time Ring, Roa is able to observe the changing future of other world timeline characters at any time.

Previously, one of the results obtained by Roya, the past Kiana and the future Kiana will merge into one, is only a possibility.


ps: Already signed, starting tomorrow will maintain more than four more, 8,000 words to 10,000 words update! Ask for collections, ask for ten evaluation votes!!

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