In a chat group.

[Kiana: Temporary tasks, this is the first time that the chat group has triggered task selection. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Abominable, why not small knowledge.] 】

[Nangong Nayue: Dragon Lady Thor, is it the kind of dragon I think? 】

[Luo: Indeed, I haven't seen the Dragon Maiden, and it seems that when the chat group is in danger, it may trigger the protection mechanism. ] 】

[Ganluji Miri: Missions should earn points. 】

[Hell Blowing Snow: That's right, so envious.] 】

[Esders: The legendary dragon, I don't know how strong it is? 】

[Roya: Destroying the world should be done, destroying the stars may be much more difficult. 】

[Tokisaki Madzo: Oh, yes, the chat group is really an amazing existence. 】

[Chika Fujiwara: As the weakest in this group, I still sell Moe. 】


Luo Ya's vision was chaotic, and after determining the crossing, Luo Ya passed through a mountain forest and felt the huge aura coming from afar.

"It should be there."

Luo Ya moved and soon saw the appearance of Thor, and the huge body of the dragon mother Thor's dragon form was quite eye-catching.


As if noticing Roa's presence, Thor warns Roya.

It seems to be saying don't go near her!

Dragons, but the enemy of humanity, if they were captured by humans here, the situation would be terrible.

"I'm not your enemy."

Luo Ya smiled lightly, looking at the huge body, which was a hundred meters long, and the yellow dragon horns were quite majestic.

Emerald green scales covered the body, and the huge dragon wings were spread.

And behind her, a divine sword filled with a divine aura was inserted into her body.


A wary Thor, watching Roa.

"I'll help you, you should see the prompt in the chat group, I'm not an enemy."

Roa said again and quickly jumped behind Thor's back.

"Chat group? It's that thing in my head. "

Suddenly, Thor came back to his senses, and when she was in a coma, she seemed to have indeed received some invitation to a chat group.


The holy sword was successfully drawn, and the holy sword also seemed to be disposable, and after Luo Ya pulled it out, it dissipated.

"It's better."

Roya's gaze fell on Thor's body, and he jumped down at this time.

"That's it."

Slightly regaining his magic, Thor spread his wings slightly, and soon shrunk his body and turned into a human posture.

Hot figure, eye-catching.

"Eat this, Sendou, it can heal your injuries."

Luo Ya had used points to buy some fairy beans for spare before, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

"Sendou? That's amazing. "

Thor's expression was a little suspicious.

"If you don't believe it, I'll eat half of it, you eat half, rest assured, it's not poisonous."

Luo Ya smiled slightly, "Moreover, I am not a human in this world, you don't have to treat me as an enemy, how about as a friend." "

His kindness made Thor quickly accept it.

"It's amazing."

After eating the fairy beans, half of the fairy beans also have the effect, and soon Thor is alive.

"Okay, I'll go back first, if you have any questions, you can call me in the chat group."

Roya didn't mean to stay.

"That, how can I thank you."

Anyway, Roa helped himself, and Thor was a little embarrassed.

"Thanks, how about you be my maid?"

Roa pursed her lips, and couldn't help but feel a little trying to tease Thor's thoughts.

"What is a maid?"

The fiery dragon lady has a puzzled look and a cute expression, and has an urge to bully.

"Accompany my family."

Luo Ya smiled slightly, and quickly teleported back to the Broken Iron World.


Thor looked at Roya's departing figure, feeling a little lost, "Do I have a home now?" "

Thinking of the existence of the chat group, he could still meet with Roya, Thor's expression showed a slightly happy look.

In a chat group.

[Ding, congratulations to the group member Luo Ya for completing the temporary task, reward: 1w points! ] 】

[Kiana: So envious, Lord Destruction God has so many more points. 】

[Roya: Such points are not enough for me. 】

[Marquis of Voban: Next task, I don't know if it is automatically assigned. 】

[Alicia: Don't talk about this, just destroy God-sama and don't spoil other worlds (snickering)~].

[Roya: For the control of power, I am still perfect. 】

Play bad world, non-existent.

[Alicia: Just now I saw Zhongli embark on the path of fate, and I had a little understanding. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: No, Alicia should not be on your fate. 】

Black Tower Space Station.

Like a girl with brilliant flowers, like an elf, standing in the center.

The cherry blossom-like glow is like a fragment of a mirror, reflecting the beauty of the girl.

"The power of fate, the fate of pure beauty, I didn't expect it to be this fate."

A new path of destiny begins, and Alicia is the second existence to step into the path of destiny after Zhong Li.

"Woo hoo, that's all I have left to do."

The person who knows the law is too angry, he is the first to come to the Star Iron Universe, he should be the first to step on the path of fate.

"Pure beauty!?"

The black tower looked at the scene in front of him, but he couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

"It is rumored that the 'pure beauty' star god Idelila has fallen, and I didn't expect that someone could open the fate of 'pure beauty'."

The people who follow Luo Ya are all a little powerful.

Black Tower didn't understand how Alicia embarked on a pure and beautiful destiny, but Roa knew better.

Alicia, the first lawyer of the pre-civilizational era.

As the original Origin Lawyer and the Law of Man, Alicia's existence symbolizes immaculate beauty, the beauty of human nature.

Therefore, it is also natural to be able to obtain the fate of 'pure beauty'.

One day, He fell from heaven.

People looked up and saw the starry sky.

Xingyue sent God's daughter, who would like to be a companion of man.

The long wind turned into her chariot, and the four seas became her garden. Birds bring seeds of goodness, flowers weave odes to love.

This is how she was born into the world, walked the earth, grew up with mankind, and sprouted with the world.

She is Alicia, the eternal and flawless flower of humanity.


ps: Thank you for the evaluation votes, tips and reminders, cough author bacteria today five more.

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