"TM's, what the hell is this."

Destroying a star system in a second, Morgana can't do it herself, let alone Kesha's woman.

Outrageous, so to speak, powerful.

"That, the big guy doesn't know what the universe is like."

With an interest in the unknown universe and Roya's powerful power, Morgana couldn't help but study.

"How can I say, there are many more powerful than the gods of your place."

Roa thought for a moment.

Dragon Ball needless to say, the God of Destruction has all kings, great gods, and the Marvel world, there are five gods of creation, not to mention the DC universe.

"Different universes involve different systems, like your side is mainly technology, but in other universes, there are those who study 'qi', or 'magic', and those who cultivate immortals."

In a wide variety of universes, the combat power of bursting planets is just a common thing.

Not to mention, there is also the combat power of destroying the universe.


Listening to Roya's narration, the corners of Morgana's mouth twitched, in comparison, these technology gods could not match it.

"So how do you know so much?"

Morgana couldn't help but ask, becoming more and more curious about Roya.

"Because, I am an omniscient god of destruction."

Luo Ya smiled and didn't explain anything too much, "Speaking of which, your way of analyzing the universe is not bad, but if you want to think about it, it is far from simply becoming a god beyond the universe." "

The supergod universe, similar in essence to the star iron universe, is using imaginary energy, but the supergod universe is called dark energy for imaginary energy.

The 'Dragon Ball' universe has no concept of dark energy, and any energy can be manipulated as long as it is cultivated enough.

"So, you're going to train me?"

Morgana's eyes lit up, how to say, compared to the guy Carl who is looking for the god of death, Roya's thigh is very worthy of her hug.

"That's right, after all, I just arrived here, and I still need a guide."

The supergod universe is known to be large, but it has not been explored to the extreme.

"So much, the old lady has become a guide."

Although she wanted to complain, Morgana quickly shut up.

"So where are you going to go now, do you want to go to my Demon Nebula."

After Morgana left the Angel Nebula, she established a demon galaxy comparable to the Angel Nebula.

"Then go to Earth, I remember that Earth, there is a super seminary, I am still very interested."

Roa said quickly.

Earth, the super-seminary, he is still very interested.

"Ultra Theological Academy? If you didn't say it, I originally planned to go. "

Carl has planned to help her upgrade the four generations of divine bodies, and then she plans to go to Earth to see the development of the Super Theological Academy on Earth.

"But until then, can you tell me how to become a god like you?"

If she learns Roya's trick 'destruction', Keisha will not panic when she comes.

"Practice penance for a thousand years."

After all, he hasn't abdicated yet, and it's too early to replace him.

"I can teach you some techniques for using divine power, but how much you can master is your business."

Luo Ya thought about it for a while, and quickly thought, "If you want to become a Destroyer like me, you must understand what the Destroyer concept is. "

The concept god and the technology god are completely different.

If it weren't for Kex's guidance, Roya estimated that it would take a hundred years to become the tenth Universe Destroyer.

Thanks to the blessing of Xe, Luo Ya has a trace of understanding of the power of angels, plus came to the Star Iron Universe and came into contact with the energy of fate.

The path of how to ascend to the rank of king can be said to be very clear in Luo Ya's eyes.

"Hmph, I'm very talented."

Morgana is quite confident in her genius.

"Scientific talent doesn't say anything."

Luo Ya shook his head, if Morgana planned to use scientific research to grasp the destructive power of the conceptual level, it would be difficult to estimate that it would be difficult for ten million years.

It may be possible for the supergod universe to develop into a great god civilization at the level of the three-body body.

However, if there are any, it will take countless years, and the sunk cost is not generally high.

The God of Destruction and the God of the Realm King are themselves guides.

After learning about the current timeline of the Ultra Theological Academy from Morgana's side, Roa roughly knew that Karl's gluttony was still some time away.

If you go to Earth, there is no hurry.

However, you can moor in a galaxy not far from Earth, and find a barren planet for Morgana to practice with her.

"I can help you build a place for cultivation, if you are really ready to practice, it will only take a day or two to work."

Roa thought for a moment and quickly said to Morgana.

"In a day or two, you will be able to learn your moves?"

"Thinking about anything, of course not, just gives you more time to learn the skills to become a god."

Luo Ya shook his head, "I can create a special space, and the time outside is equivalent to one year inside, and if it is paid, it is just a hard time in this space." "

"Really fake?"

Morgana has not mastered the technology of manipulating time, and it is incredible that Roya can actually create a special space that affects 'time'.

Facing Roya, Morgana felt her own smallness for the first time.

The universe from which Luo Ya comes is divided into the four infinitely large galaxies and the infinite heavenly realm and hell, and even the afterlife world and the existence of the destruction god level can be governed and handled.

Supergod universe, the death of living beings, dies when they die.

The world after death does not exist.

The God of Destruction can be said to be a powerful existence at the apex of the universe, and on the God of Destruction, there are more powerful kings and great priests.

The concept of the twelve universes greatly shocked Morgana.

Not to mention, the Star Iron Universe can connect countless worlds of the Interstellar Peace Company, the Extinction Maharajah, and the fairy ship that is comparable to the size of a planet and travels in space.

For the information that Roa said, Morgana had to digest it well.

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