Dragon Ball Time Ring.

It can be said that it is a very good treasure, that is the holy relic of the Realm King God, and only the Realm King God is qualified to use it.

However, according to the system of the 'Dragon Ball' universe, if the time ring is used, it will produce parallel space-time.

In this case, it should not have much impact on the history of the original world.

"If only there were a door through the world."

Roa muttered.

[Ding, group member Luo Ya has a strong demand, open the boundary gate, group friend Kiana can be invited through the armor piercing door, invite group member Luo Ya to come to the Collapse Universe].

[Chika Fujiwara: There is a gate through the boundary, and the chat group will actually take the initiative to upgrade the function, so that everyone can travel to and from each other's worlds. 】

[Tokisaki Kozo: It seems that you have to be invited by the group members of the world to which you belong, and there are certain restrictions. 】

[Marquis of Woban: I still really want to see the universe to which Lord Destroyer belongs. 】

[Zhongli: Is the new feature turned on? It's really good. 】

[Kiana: Great, can you please help?] Lord Destroyer, I am willing to pay half, no, all of the power of the Ultimate Lawbreaker in exchange. 】

[Kiana: As long as Lord Destruction God, it can help me go back in time and save Himeko-sensei. 】

On the moon, becoming the final lawyer is not Kiana's wish.

Kiana, the most regrettable thing is that she was unable to save Himeko.

Infinite Tower Himeko, the Valkyrie of Destiny.

Similarly, it is also the teacher that Kiana cares about the most.

[Roya: Yes, invite me over, Kiana. 】

He wanted to confirm that the time ring obtained by Kiana was the same as the effect of the Dragon Ball world.

[Kiana: Leave it to me. 】

[Ding, the group friend Kiana invites you to come to the world of Collapse, the location of the moon. 】

[Do you accept?] 】


Breaking the world, Roa is still very interested.


Soon, Roa disappeared into the Iron Collapse Universe.



Kiana has been on the moon all this time, and in order to reduce the impact of the avalanche on the earth, she has always lived on the moon.

On Earth, until she can carry the power of 'End', she will stay on the moon.

However, now that there is a chat group, changing the past and allowing the new future to be recovered, this is what Kiana hopes in her heart.

"Huh? This is it. "

As a figure appeared on the moon, Kiana watched Roya's appearance and showed a stunned look.

She could feel that Luo Ya's extremely powerful momentum, as the final lawyer, she could feel what terrifying power lurked under Luo Ya's plain appearance.

"That, Lord Destroyer..."

"Just call me Roya, since it's in a chat group, everyone is friends, aren't they?"

Luo Ya said gently, staring at Kiana with good-looking eyes, which made Kiana blush.

I have to say that Luoya's appearance is indeed great.

"Are you trying to change the past?"

Luo Ya quickly spoke, "If there is that thing, it can indeed be, but it may form a new parallel space-time, or it may re-overwrite your original space-time." "

"What does it mean to cover the original space-time?"

Kiana scratched her head, her face showing a puzzled look.

"It means that if the timeline of the past is changed, the future will change, the regrets that occurred in the original world will all dissipate, the original world will cease to exist, and from now on there will only be a more complete world."

Luo Ya's words shocked Kiana's spirit, and she couldn't help nodding, "If I can really achieve that kind of world, I am willing to pay any price." "

"Hahaha, then lend me that, I'll see if I can do it and take you back to the past time and space."

Luo Ya looked at Kiana and couldn't help but laugh.


Saying that, a silver ring appeared in Kiana's hand.

"This is the Time Ring I drawn, but I can't use it, if Lord Roa you can use it, then please."

Kiana lowered her head, her eyes shining with hope.

At this moment, Roa had already put on the Potara earring, the time ring, and soon put it on his index finger.

"Whew, so it is."

Closing his eyes and feeling the power of the Time Ring, Roa could feel the different parallel worlds of the Honkai world, and of course, the story time and space that happened in the past.

Compared to the 'Dragon Ball' time ring, the time ring published by this chat group is more effective.

As long as the original time and space can be successfully changed, it means that the bad time and space in the future will disappear from here.

The only one affected, it is estimated that only Walter Yang, who collapsed the iron universe, may get a different memory.

"Gee, then sacrifice him."

Changing the timeline is just a matter of no impact for a god of destruction like Roa who stands at the apex of the universe.

"Kiana, let me ask again, are you sure you want to change the timeline of the past? I can help you change the original timeline, but once you change, you have to start again in the changed space-time. "

Roa asked repeatedly, he wanted to determine Kiana's mind.

"Please help me, Lord Destroyer!!"

"Then hold my hand, and I will take you back to the time stage that you most want to go back to."

The corners of Roya's mouth rose and said to Kiana in front of him, Kiana did not hesitate and held Roya's hand.


Kiana, recalling Himeko's words.

'Go, Kiana. ’

'Everyone is waiting for you outside.' ’

'I will continue to guard you.' ’

It's the last one, but it's not a farewell. ’

Himeko's words seemed to still linger in Kiana's ears.

When you're confused, look up at the stars. I want to be there and illuminate the whole night for you. ’

'Kiana, live. ’

'This is the last lesson...'

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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