The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

However, while admiring her perfect figure, Fan Chen was still confused. When did the angel come to his room? No wonder he didn't see her in the previous carriage. She even took off her clothes! ! Something is wrong, something is wrong! It's very wrong!

What does this mean by angel? It seemed as if there were a thousand bees buzzing in Fan Chen's head. His eyes were as big as copper bells, and his mouth was open enough to fit an egg. He was full of doubts and shock.

The angel's smile was as bright as flowers in the spring breeze. She said gently, "Master, you are here. I heard that you have been dealing with a lot of affairs recently. Are you feeling a little tired?"

Looking at the angel's gentle and elegant but slightly malicious smile, Fan Chen stayed in place for a while, and didn't turn around for a long time, until he looked at the beautiful woman sitting on the bed in front of him! Then he walked to the bed in a daze.

Fan Chen felt as if there were a group of bees buzzing in his head, and his footsteps were like stepping on cotton, soft. His heartbeat echoed in his ears, as if a crazy drum was beating.

The angel was still squatting and looking at Fan Chen, and her golden eyes were always gentle and elegant, which made Fan Chen wonder what the angel wanted to do for a while? It can't be? Give benefits again, Xiao Sanyue's benefits have been full! Why does it feel like this angel is coming again?

Fan Chen asked tentatively: "Angel, what are you doing in my room? I thought you went on patrol with the others. Why did you take off your clothes? So naked! I'm shy when you do this. Hurry up and put on your clothes. You're too bright!"

But the angel just looked at Fan Chen gently. Her gentle and sacred expression never slackened. She just looked at Fan Chen, who was dumb and confused, until Fan Chen chose to go to bed and prepare to rest. In fact, he was indeed a little tired, of course, mentally tired, and you don't need to talk about the body! How could a star god have physical fatigue?

However, just after lying down, the angel rushed towards her proud devil figure like a hungry wolf. I felt something soft and elastic behind me was touching me. I was thinking about turning around to see what the angel was doing?

Who knew? Just as I turned my head, I ran into the angel's snow-white face cleanser head-on! The angel even pushed Fan Chen's head inward until his entire face was stuffed into the snow-white mountain! Unable to break free!

The mountain peak was like a snow-white cream cake, soft and elastic, exuding a charming fragrance. Fan Chen's face was deeply buried in it, unable to break free, as if tightly bound by an invisible force.

The angel did not forget to gently instruct: "Master, you must be very tired after working so hard? I heard from Lei Ting that it seems that this method can relieve the master's mental fatigue. The master does look very tired. I hope this method can relieve you."

The motherly smile was as gentle as the spring breeze, gently stroking Fan Chen's head. And Fan Chen's face was still being squeezed by the snow-white mountain peak, as if trying to rub him into the soft mountain peak.

But the charming fragrance came into his nostrils again, like a gentle warm current, slowly flowing into his heart. Fan Chen, who wanted to break free, stopped his action in an instant, like a docile kitten, lying directly on the facial cleanser! Enjoy this new blessing again.

"Although it's a bit stuffy! But it smells really good, just like the jasmine flowers that have just bloomed. The original one was milky, but this time it's the charming fragrance of flowers. I didn't set it up like this when I created it, but just enjoy the moment. I guess other men will collapse on the spot when they see this benefit."

The angel continued to encourage the proud snow-white mountain peak, and Fan Chen simply didn't resist. He lay directly on the facial cleanser and slowly enjoyed it, slowly smelling the charming fragrance from the proud mountain peak. This picture is too ambiguous! I hope no one will find out! Otherwise, it will be embarrassing to death.

But this method is indeed effective. After enjoying a wave of benefits in the facial cleanser for nothing, the mental pressure seems to be really relieved. There is no way, maybe this is a unique way for men to relieve stress! The effect is also very significant, hundreds of times better than other methods!

But this benefit is only available to Fan Chen. After all, it is a product of his own creation. It is not a bad thing to enjoy the benefits given by the life he created. There is even a sense of pride! If it were any other man, I guess

There will never be such a special treatment in a lifetime.

After a while, Fan Chen gradually felt stuffy, and the feeling of suffocation gradually spread to his heart. Only then did he slowly get rid of the super benefit of the facial cleanser and breathe in fresh air in big mouthfuls. The angel always looked at Fan Chen gently and considerately, as if his mother looked at her son.

"It seems that you are enjoying it very much, this method is really effective! It seems that what Lei Ting said is indeed right, Master, if you have any pressure in the future, you can come to me at any time, I can help you provide a way to relieve stress."

Fan Chen also smiled and agreed, after all, this benefit is rare! It feels that based on the personalities of all the envoys, perhaps only the two elemental envoys of light and darkness can enjoy this special treatment. As for the others? I don’t think they will be so proactive, anyway, as long as there are benefits!

The vast stars are still so gorgeous and spectacular, dotted with stars, meteorites floating in the starry sky, and planets of different shapes and colors one after another, the Starry Sky Train! It’s really a good place! After all, there is no threshold to enter here, as long as you are an ordinary person, you can enter.

After enjoying the benefits, Fan Chen also chose to lie on the bed and prepare to make up for a good sleep. After all, he had not slept for many days before, and this time he could finally sleep well.

However, just as Fan Chen lay down on his side, the angel beside him also lay down on his side, and actually hugged Fan Chen's strong body gently. The soft touch spread all over his body, and Fan Chen's cheeks were like ripe apples, red and hot! He wanted to turn his head and push away, but when he turned his head, he found that the angel had fallen asleep.

Looking at the exquisite sleeping face hugging him, like a blooming peach blossom, the cherry mouth opened and closed, the even breathing rose and fell in the snow-white peaks, and the charming fragrance came from his body from time to time. Fan Chen was stunned for a while. He didn't expect the angel to fall asleep so quickly, like a beautiful butterfly, quietly entering the dreamland.

He left the spot in an instant, looking at the angel's almost naked body, and the desire in his heart began to rise again, but this time Fan Chen still suppressed it, and even worried about catching a cold, so he slowly covered her with a dark green quilt, sat on the bed and looked at the angel gently.

"I didn't expect this little girl to be so beautiful when she was sleeping! She is such a cute and gentle child, but I am a little worried that if the Dark Order is also made, I really don't know what kind of entanglement you will have?"


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