After Fu Xuan walked to the side and continued to practice holding his breath, Sanyueqi's face twitched, and then he just turned his head helplessly and continued to look at the big cauldron in the distance.

Looking at the strange fog that could make the people of Xianzhou feel afraid and even turn into monsters, the three of them had a headache for a while, not knowing how to close it? After all, this mysterious mechanism is complicated and diverse, and these unknown guests who are unfamiliar with the place really don't know how to deal with it.

Xing was the first to ask a question: "How should we shut it down? We don't seem to have seen this kind of thing before. Does it have a switch? Or should we just use force to destroy it? Will it stop like this?"

This opinion was immediately rejected by Cocolia:

"Your method is a bit too radical. If we destroy it, we will have to pay for it later. Why don't we ask Fu Xuan again? Never use violence unless it is absolutely necessary."

The two were discussing, and Sanyueqi, who had been in a foolish state, suddenly became smart again, pointing excitedly at the pile of small tripods below and said:

"I know, do you see those small tripods below? There seems to be some mechanism on top? Will it let us shut down the small ones first? Then shut down the biggest one, after all, the small ones first and the big ones later."

After listening to Sanyueqi's opinion, the two thought about it and it seemed that there was no problem. This was the nth time that Sanyueqi suddenly became smart and came up with a countermeasure. Anyway, most of the time, little Sanyue was still stupid.

Xing: "Then listen to Xiao Sanyue for now. Go and close the small ones first. The biggest one should be dealt with last."

Cocolia: "Agree!"

As soon as they said it, the three of them came to the small cauldrons one by one along the road. There were several rich monsters guarding each one, but considering the strength of the three, these rich monsters were not enough to fill the gaps between their teeth.

"How is it? Is my method particularly feasible? Just close the first one, then close all of them one by one, and then deal with the last one. Isn't it simple and easy? What Fu Xuan said is not that difficult."

Xing/Cocolia: "....."

Xiao Sanyue only said the ideal state. The real state is much more difficult than this! How can it be so easy? Xiao Sanyue has always been too simple and naive. She has never seen the world. I hope this journey can make her grow up.

The three of them did the same thing, and the small cauldrons were closed one after another. Fu Xuan followed quietly and nodded with satisfaction, but he still had to be careful not to find the three of them, otherwise they would think he was just slacking off.

The journey seemed too smooth. Except for a few rich monsters that occasionally came into his hands, there were no other accidents or situations. The few of them walked all the way to the largest cauldron, but the one standing in front of them was the person who had received the secret teachings of the King of Medicine!

The leader was Dan Shu, but now she had turned into a rich monster. Seeing the three people coming in front of her, she sighed slightly, waved the staff in her hand, pointed at the three people and said:

"I can't believe you came here. Humph! Do you think you are strong just because you killed a few small monsters? Leave here immediately. I won't pursue you. Otherwise, you will all die!"

Little Sanyue was still as domineering as ever. She straightened her back and said angrily:

"What are you, a little jerk? You actually said that we will all die? Are you out of your mind? Do you really think you can beat the three of us by yourself? I advise you to go home and take a shower. Don't beg for mercy if you cry later."

This mocking language can be said to be full of momentum. Even Xing and Cocolia couldn't help but secretly admire Sanyueqi's spoken language. This little girl really dares to go up when she has something to do and really dares to say something! It's just too stupid.

"In that case, then you should all disappear here together. The blessing of abundance will eventually be our best destination. We will be immortal and achieve eternal life. You short-lived people don't know anything at all. Let's disappear together!"

As he said this, Dan Shu raised his staff and slammed it on the ground. The power of abundance quickly flowed along the ground and soon formed dozens of abundance monsters of various shapes, and the number was still increasing.

Seeing this scene, the three of them were ready to fight, and they couldn't wait to start the battle. After all, this group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals could not do anything to them.

"Everyone, come together!"

The three of them took out their weapons and faced the groups of rich monsters. Within a few minutes, the rich monsters that had just emerged all went offline. Sanyueqi took the opportunity to shoot an ice arrow to attack Danshu in the center.

But this trick obviously couldn't hurt him. Danshu gently waved his staff and easily blocked the attack with the rich shield. Xing didn't listen to reason at all and rushed forward with the Galaxy Stick.

"This guy is so fast!"

Without waiting for Danshu to react, Xing swung his stick directly. Danshu had no time to react and was knocked back several meters away. Cocolia and Sanyueqi assisted remotely, and the ice arrows and ice cones sandwiched Danshu directly with the force of gunfire and rain of bullets.

Danshu was not panicked, and waved his staff to form a shield around him, blocking all attacks from both sides. Xing seized the opportunity and stepped into the air directly. The Galaxy Stick flowed with the power of destruction and swung a powerful blow!

"Rules are meant to be broken! Ha!"

After a shock explosion, Xing and Dan Shu were both pushed back several meters, but Dan Shu was obviously in a worse state, with a completely different golden color flowing from the corners of his mouth. It turned out that the power of abundance was extraordinary, and even the most essential blood of a person could change it.

"You three are indeed very powerful, but you are not qualified to knock me down with this little strength!"

Dan Shu adjusted his breath, and the powerful power of abundance once again evaporated from the center of the staff. The terrain around him was crumbling, and even the air was filled with a strong breath of abundance. Dan Shu, who was in the center, had already gained momentum.

Such a powerful force made Xing feel a little nervous. If he used the self-destruction trick last time, he would be absolutely sure to kill again, but this would also completely destroy the big cauldron, and the loss would outweigh the gain.

"Let me show you the true power of abundance!"

The powerful wind force formed a huge wind field on the entire terrain, as if it was accumulating power for a big move. The three people could only barely keep their bodies steady, and the violent wind continued to blow for a lifetime, and this huge wind field seemed more like a huge bull's eye!

Little Sanyue: "Why do I feel like we are more like targets being targeted? Why is this wind field only around the three of us? The periphery is not affected at all, could it be? She directly launched a big move again!"


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