Natasha told them that although Shvaro no longer blocks the hearth.

But the people in the lower districts cannot rush back to the upper districts, and she is worried that Kokolia will do something out of line because of this.

Natasha and they still have to maintain the living status quo of the people in the lower classes, and there is no way to divide many helpers to help them.

She apologized for this, but sent Xi'er, the most powerful member of Earthfire, out in the hope of helping.

At this time, Bronia and Xi'er came over.

Bronia looked much better, at least not as muddy as she was when she first learned the truth.

Danheng said: "At present, everyone knows that the source of the Belloberg disaster is the star core.

"Well, now there are still some issues to be figured out. Like what... The position of the star core. And the reason why Kokolia suddenly changed her attitude towards them.

Star then spoke out about the strange dreams he had had.

They are; a dream of staying at a Goethe hotel for the first time; the second time he was stunned by Sambo and dreamed in the doctor's office; And the last dream I had while staying at the Goethe Grand Hotel.

All three times it was a repeat scene, and a voice was heard talking to Kokolia.

Danheng and March Seven guessed that this may be related to the star core in the star body, and there is a high probability that they dreamed of a conversation between them.

"I knew something was wrong with her." Xiao Zhi interjected at this time, "Remember when we first met the Great Guardian?

"That's when I felt something was wrong with her. Now that I think about it, it feels like facing two people..."

According to Xiaozhi and Xing's words, combined with the archival information revealed by Shvaro before.

They wondered if every Great Guardian would hear the sound of the star core. And could this be the reason for Kokolia's sudden change of attitude?


Bronia became a little worried.

Sensing her emotions, Xi'er shook her hand hard. Look at her with firm eyes, which seem to say: Don't worry, we will always be with you.

This gave some relief to Bronia's nervous heart, at least... This time it won't be a one-man fight.

Natasha asked,

"Are you going to leave now?" Don't take a break anymore? I think that after arriving at the upper district, there will be little time to stop and rest.

In this regard, Xiaozhi did not have the will to rest, so he turned his eyes to Bronia.

After all, she has just been shocked by the truth, and whether she can set off depends on this person's situation.

Bronia said,

"No thanks, I'm fine!"

"We can go now, after all, we have been underground for a long time."

Natasha smiled and said, "

Okay then."

"Sambo... Can I trouble you to take everyone up?

"I have an objection." Xiaozhi raised his hand and spoke.

"If it's just going back to the upper zone, I know the way,"

"There's no need to take this guy with you at all."

March 7 they felt that it made sense, and they all stared at Sambo questioningly.

Sambo said with a kind of earnest:

"Ouch~ my little aunt." You also know that road is not only far and round, but also dangerous along the way.

"With so many people this time, let's take a closer path?"

Natasha covered her mouth and smiled secretly, and then helped play the circle:

"Okay, don't dislike Sambo, with a professional person to lead the way, it will always be smooth and safer."

"And after he goes up, he can also bring something down along the way, killing two birds with one stone." (wink~)

With Natasha's efforts, Xiaozhi decided not to meet Sambo.

"Okay, okay! For the sake of Dr. Natasha's face, I will reluctantly take you with me. They

said goodbye to Clara and Shvaro and returned to Rock Town.

According to Sambo, this time the group was ready to return to the upper area through the hearth there.

Shvaro said he would send a message to the mechanical guards who were guarding there and no longer block your passage.

It's just that considering Dr. Natasha's words, the passage of the hearth cannot be fully opened for the time being, and I hope to get their understanding.

On the way back to Rock Town, Bronia kept her head in thought.

After all, the truth is not so easy to digest, it needs to come a little bit.

And she also needs to prepare for the opportunity to face her mother alone.

The group soon entered the town of Panyan.

After saying goodbye to Natasha, the group of seven quickly approached the location of the hearth.

As they approached the heart of the furnace little by little, the robots shifted their gaze one after another, their red eyes flashing.

After a while, they gave way to a passage and let them pass.

This caused shock among the people watching nearby, followed by dissatisfaction.

Some speculators even want to sneak up on the upper floors after Xiaozhi.

However, after being educated by the machine guards, no one dared to try to fish in troubled waters.

Those who were beaten by the robots could only incompetently and angrily shout and ask why those people could leave and why they didn't stop them.

In this regard, the machine guards did not explain the truth to these people.

It was just firmly carried out and guarded the hearth to prevent others from approaching.

Bronia looked behind her, the people who were venting their emotions because of their dissatisfaction.

She can only apologize to them in her heart and promise that the blockade of the upper and lower districts will soon be lifted, so that everyone can freely move through the upper and lower districts.


A staccato gasp sounded, as if after a long struggle.

March Seven asked breathlessly:

"Huhu~ I said... How tall is it? This... It's exhausting!

Sambo said breathlessly

, "Right away, whew... Coming soon, one more point. "

You... This is the 8th time you have said right away, exactly... How many more to say right away?

"Really... This time it really is... It's really coming. "

Xiaozhi, Xing, Bronia, and Xi'er, they are too tired to speak.

The devil knows how long they climbed the stairs, dark places, which can only be illuminated by flashlights.

That's an old sin.

After walking for a long time, they saw a glimmer of light come in.

They couldn't help but be ecstatic.

"Export... The exit is coming..."

Sambo's voice was a little hoarse, and he seemed to be exhausted to the limit.

Finally, they climbed up along the circular staircase, wasted their strength, and finally climbed up.

One by one, they lay on the ground, not wanting to move.

After a while, Danheng took the lead in sitting up.

He looked around and found no trace of the silver-maned iron guard.

Sambo explained that the cable car to the lower level is closed and the entrance to the cable car is not here.

No one would want to go up the stairs of the hearth.

For this explanation, he still agrees with it, and if he were given another choice, he would rather choose the path that is full of dangers.

This seemed like an endless spiral staircase, and he never wanted to climb it a second time.

The others also sat up one after another.

Xi'er said angrily

, "Sambo, what kind of roads are you taking here!" Even I'm going to die of exhaustion, can you be reliable?

"What, isn't it already on the ground!" Moreover, there were no guards here.

He saw that everyone was looking at him with resentment, very wrong, and he quickly got out and ran away from this dangerous situation.

"So what... Good luck everyone! I still have business, so I won't accompany you heroes~~~"

"Hmph... Even if he runs fast, otherwise the will be beaten out for him..." Xiao

Zhi slowly got up and said indignantly.


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