"Boss, what's up with those mechas? They feel real."

Not noticing Luo Yu's complicated mood, Lord asked about what he had always been concerned about. The mechas in the battle were too reasonable, just like real mechas, except that the operation was a little simpler, which was a little different from what he had imagined.

"As far as I know, you have never come into contact with this kind of thing."

"Don't be too surprised."Luo Yu waved his hand without answering.

Although the mecha came from the next galaxy, the battle came from the other side of the galaxy, and the other various memory substances came from all over the universe, there is no doubt that the metaverse is his own creation.

Any similarities are purely coincidental. Lord nodded, although he was still a little curious, but it was not a subordinate's character to ask questions about his boss.

"Since there is no problem, let's start mass production. Here are the file data."Luo Yu handed a stack of drawings to the other party:"Take the helmet you just tested. It has some advanced permissions compared to ordinary models."

The next step is to prepare for the sale.

Luo Yu did not want to cooperate with anyone based on this technology. He was not really a scientific researcher. Scientific research was just a sideline, and being a money-grubbing businessman was his main job.

He would first promote and sell this device in the form of a game, and the content inside was originally more entertainment-oriented and gamified.

Entertainment is something that makes people happy. If the operation is too similar to reality, there is no point in experiencing it. Game elements and fun must be had. There are money to pick up and various games on the roadside.

Set a small goal first, let the metaverse flourish throughout the universe, let everyone have two worlds and lives, one is their own world, and the other is in the game world.

Here, you can challenge technology in the human world, enjoy life in luxury, make friends from all over the planet, and Driving a mecha to conquer the starry sea, you can travel through the universe and appreciate the stunning landscapes of different planets. You can do everything here, experience the magnificent second life, no longer be bound by anything, and realize the dreams that could not be accomplished in the original world!

And all this only requires 290,000 credit points.

Or spend 690,000 credit points to order more cool and technological advanced gaming equipment, and there are also private customized models that only cost 2.99 million to enjoy a luxurious and distinguished experience.

Of course, the game must provide players with convenient recharge and in-app purchase functions.

In addition, Luo Yu optimized the recharge function and cancelled the maximum recharge amount of 64,800 credit points, which greatly improved the convenience of recharge. Everyone no longer has to worry about frequent operations due to the maximum amount.

In fact, he wanted to add another one���The card was charged, but after thinking about it, I finally canceled it.

Alas, I, Luo Yu, am too kind-hearted.

It's so cheap, isn't it almost free? Even if I lose money, I can only blame myself for being too kind-hearted.

As for the helmet falling into the hands of others and being cracked, Luo Yu is not worried at all.

The program compiled by an intellectual order is not something that can be cracked by everyone.

Besides, the result cannot be cracked, because the program is wrong in the first place, and the transmitted signal is also false in order to deceive people.

What really constitutes the metaverse is the world constructed by Luo Yu with countless memories.

With the core of the star as the base, this universe currently contains more than 130 planets above the satellite level and 13 planets with unique civilizations.

There will be continuous updates and additions in the future.

The current size of the universe is not even half a galaxy, not to mention Luo Yu's envisioned creation of a second universe.

At least it must first accommodate dozens of galaxies before it can be considered a real metaverse.

The light on the surface of the core of the star flickered violently with fear.

‘It's full! I really can't put any more! '

Luo Yu: Believe in yourself, you can do it

"As a genius, do I need an official account?"

Luo Yu took out his phone and looked through it. If he could use his genius identity to promote the game, the effect would be quite good.

Life was hard. Promotion required credit points, and Luo Yu was so poor that he only had the Winter City Shield left.


【Shocked! The metaverse has reappeared in the world, and the ecology of the entire universe may be reshuffled】

【The self-proclaimed 85th genius appeared and presented his research results. Is it true or not?】

【The lie of the Metaverse: the 85th genius actually came from Beloberg.

After a while, a game called Metaverse was put on sale. Once it appeared, it caused heated discussions throughout the universe. Various cosmic news and rumors spread everywhere, causing a sensation.

"Luo Yu?"

Heita Space Station, Heita has always sneered at this kind of traffic news, but when she saw the news about the new member and his achievements, she couldn't help but feel curious.

Following her curiosity, she quickly found the source of the news.

It was from an account called Luo Yu 123.

"Location…Beloberg!" When Heita saw the real-name location, his interest and smile grew even stronger.

This account might be real!

Heita suppressed his excitement and clicked on the dynamics of this account with curiosity and exploration.

【Genius Club #85 Luo Yu's latest achievement, the epoch-making game masterpiece"Metaverse" is now online. Hurry up and click the link below to purchase it first! Start your second life! 】

Black Tower:"???"


The launch of Metaverse was accompanied by numerous controversies. Some praised it, some questioned it, and some watched it play out, watching the two tear each other apart.

The post Luo Yu originally posted became the hardest hit area in this online fight. My personal tester believed my revelations, and some cursed me with disdain. Some accused me of plagiarism.���The sage of honesty.

While the blacks and fools are still tearing each other apart, the rational people have already started playing the game to experience the joy of life, and within just a few seconds of entering the game, they have given the most sincere praise.

‘Holy crap! Awesome!!’

‘Fuck! Metaverse is so fun!

Metaverse is a community-oriented game. People who have played it began to introduce the game to their friends excitedly, praising it generously. Starting from the first batch of buyers, it spread rapidly like a chain reaction.

The criticism continued, but the criticism had shifted from the quality of the game to the shortage of gaming equipment. The money was ready but the gaming equipment could not be purchased, which caused public outrage.

Why is the production so low? Take my money away!

The skyrocketing sales, the terrible quality, and the countless good reviews blocked the mouths of all the haters.

And the change in the game outlet naturally changed other outlets.

What? Metaverse is real? Is the owner of that account really Luo Yu #85 of the Genius Club?

Countless investors heard the news and their eyes turned red. They wanted to invest in the project to get a share of the pie like hyenas seeing sausages. The appearance of Metaverse once caused many investors to go crazy, and it was still the same even after hundreds of Amber Eras.

However, after these people learned about this matter with great excitement, their passion cooled and they fell silent.

There is something wrong with this"metaverse"...

Isn't this scientific research result too mature? The mature ones have already become products on the shelves and are selling like hot cakes. They are the companies that make profits from the metaverse. With such mature results, what does it have to do with investment cooperation? There is something wrong with this"genius"!!

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