"From the action to every part, the integration of precision and efficiency with visual effects is seamless, and the operating system is impeccable. It has the unique fun of the game without losing the technicalities involved in the operation."

"Another point I like most is that the mecha is a weapon full of power. The unique beauty of a huge monster in motion and in battle is shocking, but at the same time, when the mecha falls, the desolate and tragic moment of a huge monster falling heavily is also one of its beauties that cannot be ignored."

"I particularly like this point. The Metaverse did not ignore this important part that is easily overlooked."


Inside the train compartment, everyone was sitting down to enjoy dinner. Walter Yang was sharing his insights and professional comments with great interest. He felt like an old tree blooming.

San Yueqi, who was sitting at the table next to him, had put down his fork and looked at him strangely. He spoke weakly.

"Uncle Yang, you have been talking for more than two hours."

Xing opposite her also nodded.

The two felt like they had met Walter Yang all over again. It was completely unimaginable. It was completely unimaginable before that he had such a high positive attitude towards the game.

""Ahem, sorry, the design of these mechas is so good that I can't stop talking about them."

Walter Yang realized that his attitude seemed a little too enthusiastic, and explained with a dry cough.

At this time, the train conductor Pam came out, walking with short legs, and placed a plate full of exquisite and rich food on the table next to Ji Zi.

"Thank you, conductor."

"The food cooked by the conductor is delicious."

Ji Zi smiled and thanked, and Sanyueqi also praised him. Being thanked, Pam's smile brightened a lot, and his ears twitched happily.

Soon his mood changed from sunny to cloudy, and he looked in the direction of Walter and said

"Dear passenger, please do not make loud noises while eating and disturb other passengers."

"Well……"Walter Yang was speechless and a little embarrassed.


This was the first time he was lectured for something like this, like an adult making a child's mistake and being lectured.

"Haha, okay, conductor, let him go this time." Ji Zi came to the rescue and said,"This is the first time I've seen him so interested in something."

"Well, since you all said so.

Seeing that the other passengers didn't say anything, Pam nodded and didn't pursue it.

Although it usually looks like a mascot on the train, it is indeed the conductor of the Starry Sky Train. It was not until Pam left with his short legs that Walter Yang coughed and thanked Ji Zi.

"Uncle Yang, are you so interested in mechas? We haven't heard you talk much about your past."

"This one……"

March Seven asked doubtfully, and Walter Yang pondered for a moment and told his past.

However, he did not go into too much detail, but just talked about his dream at the time. He wanted to develop a game, but it was shelved in the end due to various reasons.

At the end, Walter Yang said with emotion:"I have always heard you mention Luo Yu before. It seems that he is really an excellent person. I am looking forward to the day when I meet him." After experiencing this incident, he couldn't help but have a good impression of Xing and March Seven who often mentioned Luo Yu.

He should be very happy when he sees the other party.

March Seven replied, his voice full of confidence:"Don't worry, Luo Yu will definitely not let you down."

She believes that even if Luo Yu gets on the train, he will be liked by everyone. After she finished speaking, she was still a little moved by the reality in front of her, and said regretfully

"I didn't expect Luo Yu to be so powerful, a envoy and a genius. Oh, why didn't I ask for an autograph or something at that time?"

Luo Yu is so kind, helping and caring in every way, they didn't realize that he had this identity.

"Autograph? What do you want that for?"Xing was puzzled. They were already very good friends. Is asking for autographs something that only people who are chasing after distant celebrities would do?

"Of course I am collecting it. The signature of such a famous person is very precious and has great commemorative value. We are so familiar with Luo Yu, it shouldn't be difficult to get an autograph."March Seven said as a matter of course. Although she knew that they were already friends, it didn't stop her from collecting autographs.

Xing felt that March Seven's way of thinking was quite interesting.

"Although Luo Yu can't sign for you, I can sign for you, the great hero Galaxy Batman who saved Beloberg!"

"Okay~ I'll put our big shot's autograph in the most conspicuous place in the room~"

Watching the two of them playing, Walter Yang laughed twice, picked up the empty plate and stood up and said

"You guys chat, I'm going back to my room first"

""Haha, don't play games until midnight." Ji Zi chuckled and joked to Walter Yang who was getting up and ready to leave.

Walter Yang shook his head and laughed:"Don't worry, I still have some self-control."

He left the carriage, and the others continued to eat. After dinner, they laughed and played as usual, and went back to their rooms to rest as it got dark.

Besides, they had been in the space station for a long time, and it was almost time to leave for the next stop.

A night passed, and the next morning

"Mr. Walter."

Dan Heng knocked on the door of Walter Yang's room and shouted in a low voice. He had some questions when investigating the think tank and wanted to ask the other party.

"Mr. Walter?"

However, Dan Heng knocked on the door several times, but no one responded. Normally, Mr. Walter should have woken up by now. He frowned and pushed the door gently. The door opened easily and was not locked.

"Well……"After entering, Dan Heng was speechless.

Because when he saw the scene in the room, Walter Yang was lying on the bed with his gaming equipment on, and his clothes were neatly dressed.

Dan Heng:"……"

Mr. Walter, have you... played games all night? ps: Ahhhhhhhh! Huangquan is guaranteed to win!

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