The currency of the guild is reputation. The reputation of the guild itself and its members will increase when they gain reputation. There are also very convenient personalized operations.

As soon as the system was obtained, the reputation of the guild began to grow rapidly. His reputation as the president is the total reputation of the guild. Because Luo Yu is currently a high-profile figure in the universe, his reputation has been growing.

Guilds can be newly created or bound to existing forces. Luo Yu is of course bound to Liyue Technology. The growth rate of reputation has increased several times again. It seems that more people are paying attention to the development of the game than to the game developers.

The status of members can be set at will. You can add members of your own forces to the guild without notification and consent. You can set guild members to be unaware of the guild system but enjoy bonuses, or blacklist a member individually.

The president has a strong control over the guild and can remove members from the guild at any time and take back all their rewards.

Luo Yu first set up the division of the reputation points obtained by guild members. He only took 70% for himself, and the rest was the members' own.

【Guild Development] is divided into 'Training Academy’、‘Talent Development’、‘Training facilities’、‘The 'Members' Dormitory' has four facilities that can be upgraded and developed, corresponding to improving efficiency, improving talents, improving combat power, improving recovery speed and reducing fatigue accumulation.

Guild members can enjoy the blessing of these gain effects, and after lighting up, they can continuously upgrade to increase the magnitude of the gain.

This 'guild' has good functions.

Luo Yu was surprised.

Look, what a convenient custom setting, the president can operate it at will, which is much more user-friendly than his 'gift' function, not to mention the other one-time 'recruitment' function. The gain effects in the guild development have also been significantly improved, and I just looked at one function.

Luo Yu opened the guild mall to take a look.

Not bad, simple and beautiful, but there is nothing


Hmm...? Nothing? Blinking his eyes, Luo Yu flipped through the guild mall to make sure that there was nothing in it. It was empty, and there was a message saying"No new products yet"..

【No new BOSS yet]

Luo Yu:"……"

Well, he made a hasty conclusion. Incompleteness is the biggest feature of this system.

Two of the three menus are incomplete. Do you dare to have more shortcomings?

Well, it does dare. The"recruitment" function is even more lacking than this...

Although the two menus cannot be used, at least there is an input and output, you can earn reputation, and you can consume reputation to increase the guild's gain bonus, which can be considered"functionally complete". Luo Yu was speechless and clicked it again and refreshed it several times, but there was still no change.

This system is indeed like this.

But suddenly Luo Yu was stunned, and he vaguely felt something, but the feeling flashed and he didn't catch it.

Just now, there was something...

Luo Yu tried to open the guild mall several times, catching this strange feeling, and then stopped to perceive it seriously.

What's wrong?

Lord looked at Luo Yu puzzledly and suddenly looked serious, but he didn't say anything to disturb him.

In this way, the room was silent for a few minutes, and Luo Yu suddenly moved.

A spherical and extremely regular pale white ball of light appeared in front of him. The ball of light was not bright, but the moment it appeared, it seemed that the whole world became dim, making the ball of light seem brighter.

Lord blinked.

His boss looked serious for a long time. What was he doing?

Luo Yu did not look at her expression. He looked at the ball of light in front of him very seriously. He could not feel any energy flow, and controlled the energy of destiny to touch the ball of light, and it penetrated without any feeling.

It seemed that there was nothing there at all, and it could not be affected by any force.

This is...

Luo Yu was stunned. He took this ball of light out of the system, but he had not yet reached the level of understanding the system. Even now, Luo Yu still could not understand the existence of the system. I am afraid that even the Star God could not detect this.

This is a 'USB port' that was deliberately left.

Trying to control and familiarize himself with the sense of connection with the ball of light, the ball of light that could not be affected by any force just now slowly moved, and finally slowly merged into the table in front of him.

Luo Yu also saw a new product in the guild mall

【Laboratory Metal Table: 5 Reputation Points]

His mind moved slightly, and the light ball left the round table, and the items in the mall disappeared.

Luo Yu tested the light ball by integrating it into the white mouse in the laboratory and found that it had no effect. He then directly controlled the light ball to integrate it into Lord's body.

Lord had no reaction and did not feel anything.

But this time, the items in the mall were different from those added before.

【Constitution +1 (limited to 30): 100 reputation points】

【Martial Arts (Elementary): 500 Reputation Points】

【Martial Arts (Intermediate): 2000 Reputation Points】

【Martial Arts……】


【[ Heart of the World: 3,000,000 Reputation Points]

Two more pages of goods appeared in the mall, all of which were cheap goods, and a somewhat outrageous talent.

After reading the detailed description of this talent, Luo Yu looked at Lorde strangely.

The writing of"Heart of the World" is pronounced as"Golden Holy Goose".

Taking back the light ball, Luo Yu directly integrated the light ball into his body this time.

The mall has undergone earth-shaking changes this time, from ordinary to powerful, from countless talents and skills obtained as rewards, the terrifying number of goods has suddenly increased by hundreds of pages.

【Destiny Energy +1: 100 Reputation】

【Constitution +1: 100 reputation points】

【Thinking +1: 100 reputation points】

【Abnormal resistance +1: 100 reputation points】

【Fire resistance……】


【Memory of Fate: 10,000,000 reputation points】

【Intellectual Destiny: 10,000,000 Reputation Points]

Luo Yu:"……"

Well, although it is useless to me, at least there is a reputation mall that members can use.

Luo Yu pulled the corner of his mouth speechlessly and took another one from the"Organization BOSS" menu.;USB'The interface is plugged into my body

【The organization BOSS has been refreshed. Organization members can participate in defeating the level BOSS every month to obtain reputation rewards.】

【First level BOSS: The hollow, soulless, decayed, fragile Luo Yu phantom】

【Second level BOSS: The hollow, soulless, and decayed weak Luo Yu phantom】

【Level 3 BOSS: The hollow, soulless, decayed, weak Luo Yu phantom】

【Level 4 BOSS: The hollow, soulless, decayed, incomplete Luo Yu phantom】


【Level 73 BOSS: Luo Yu (Victory Stance)]

Luo Yu:"……"

……Forget it, that's it.

Anyway, the mall and BOSS system will not be open to many people in the future. Only capable subordinates will be given these permissions, which can also show the powerful power of the boss and have a deterrent effect.

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