But they were very angry but had no way to deal with it. Many forces regarded it as a joke after dinner.

To be honest, the family's reputation in the universe is not very good, only slightly better than the Legion and the People of Plenty.

The Legion is a ruthless universe destroyer, and the People of Plenty are brutal universe plunderers. They all belong to the camp of complete chaos and evil.

The family's reputation is really bad.

If you ask members of other forces a question, which one do you think is more annoying, the family, the riddle man, the tavern, etc.,

I believe most people will choose the family.

The family's style can be fully explained by the expression of the same fate.

When cooperating with others, they often only hold one concept, assimilation and rejection.

The win-win surface cooperation is like the family's superficial noble and friendly lie.

On the surface, they are friendly, but they hide evil intentions behind the scenes. Cooperation is just a legitimate reason and meaningless. Their goal is to take all the meat on the plate.

The opposite partner either joins them and becomes the family's dog, or they will be directly expelled and eliminated by them. It can be said that they are very ugly.

Those who have cooperated with him either have no ability to resist and become meat on the family's plate, or they are powerful and resist the family's malice, but they themselves are also very upset.

Although most of the civilizations in the universe have been deceived by the family's upper-class and dignified side, the family's reputation among the major forces in the universe can be said to be extremely bad.

For Pinoconi, which is almost equivalent to the family headquarters, many forces that have been cheated have laughed at it without hiding.

However, although the family hates Luo Yu to the extreme, if there is really a cooperation, they will still cooperate.

After all, money has to be made. If you don't make money, you have to make trouble for others and take a step back and the world will be wide open. There are only two choices in business. Friends with interests, as long as you are a qualified businessman, you will endure your temper and choose the more profitable second one.

If there is a chance, Luo Yu doesn't mind cooperating with the family, because... the winner takes all.

Free buffet.

But the promotion of songs obviously does not meet the conditions for a big cooperation. It's just a few songs. How much profit can there be? This kind of small profit will definitely be rejected by the family, and then it will make Luo Yu upset.

"I have a candidate for the right person to promote the game."Luo Yu pointed at the armrest of the chair, and after thinking for a while, a smile appeared on her face. She thought of a good candidate.

Lord was puzzled, thinking about who the boss was talking about.

Luo Yu smiled.

That was an excellent partner, and she would be happy to accept it, and it would probably save a lot of publicity costs.

"Huh? Why are you so absent-minded?"Luo Yu looked at the Silver Wolf on the other side.

At this time, the other party seemed to be daydreaming. After hearing Luo Yu's voice, he immediately woke up, then hurriedly shook his head to clarify:"No"

"I was thinking that I should make some contribution to the organization, boss. I am still somewhat confident in stock investment."

She is different from Lord, who was promoted through hard work, while she is just an airborne executive, an intern cadre. Liyue Technology currently has no one who knows her, let alone reputation points.

"Oh? Okay, let's arrange it this way. I'm glad you have this intention."

Luo Yu smiled gently, then thought about it and said with understanding and concern.

"However, it is slow to start and become famous in the stock market, which will make your reputation in the early stage of development tight. Let's put it this way, the atmosphere in Beloberg has been a little tense recently. I plan to hold a relaxing food festival and give some gifts to soothe the mood of the citizens."

"I'll leave this matter to you."

""Eh?" Silver Wolf blinked his eyes when he heard that. Is that so good?

If he were to be the parachuted in person, wouldn't he be able to earn a lot of reputation points by showing up a few times? And he would also let many people know about his existence as a new executive.

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Silver Wolf nodded immediately and agreed happily in his heart. When he looked at Luo Yu, he felt a little changed.

He didn't expect that this guy was quite caring about others.

Luo Yu smiled and nodded, giving him enough power:"Well, I will give you a few goals that must be achieved, and you can decide all other matters."

"As for the promotion of the Metaverse, you and Lord will be jointly responsible for it. This involves professional fields that you are familiar with, and I believe you will be able to do it well the first time you get started."

This is great! Add your own name to the promotion, and promote the traffic of the entire universe, which will bring in a lot of reputation points!

"No problem!"Silver Wolf's eyes were bright, and he thought quickly that this was a good job, so he immediately agreed happily.


"no problem!"


"No problem!"

Half an hour later, Silver Wolf walked out of the gate of the manor with a full harvest and a happy look. Before leaving, he received Lord's approval.

But Silver Wolf didn't care about her strange look, and happily estimated the reputation value she could get in the future. She didn't expect Luo Yu to take such careful care of her, and she also felt Luo Yu's trust and full belief in her ability.

This made her feel good, isn't this pretty good?

But Silver Wolf was happily counting on the road, and the amount of reputation was increasing in the calculation, but the happiness on her face gradually disappeared, and instead her big eyes blinked in confusion, and she doubted her life. Did she... seem... maybe... take on so many tasks at one time?

In the manor

"Ah...comfortable……"After arranging all the tasks, Luo Yu, who had nothing to do, leaned back in his chair and looked lazy.

This is what a qualified leader should do. He should spend more than half an hour listening to reports every day, answering questions for his subordinates and pointing out directions, making important decisions. He should allow each subordinate to fully realize their value and show their talents.

He is really a caring and excellent leader.

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