The convenience in the 'Metaverse' made the filming very easy and efficient. The filming progressed very quickly, but Lord, who had been the person in charge of the promotional activities today, asked them to take a break. The next filming would be handled by another person.

Xing and Ester were waiting in an office that looked beautifully decorated, wondering what kind of person Lord would be in charge of. In just two days, Xing's opinion of Lord had changed.

When she first met him in Beloberg, she only felt that Lord's personality was really difficult to get along with, but after getting along for a while, she found that he was actually very easy to get along with and had a good temper. His serious personality made people feel very relaxed when working together.

I don't know how the person I'm going to meet is compared to Miss Lord.

The two were just walking towards the door of the office when it opened, and a completely unexpected person walked in.

The silver-gray-haired girl walked in with a relaxed and natural look while blowing bubble gum. Ester's brain was completely confused. Star Core Hunter?!

How could this girl be so similar to the Silver Wolf in Star Core Hunter?

On the other side, Xing was stunned when she saw her, and her eyes widened slightly and she couldn't help but speak

"It's you."

Silver Wolf turned his head and saw Xing, and was also surprised and smiled:"Oh? It's you, I didn't expect to meet you here"

"You are the person who was with Kafka at that time." Xing clearly remembered the other person's appearance and dress. He was the person who stood with Kafka when she woke up in the Black Tower Space Station. He was also a star core hunter.

The main reason was that the other person's height and very special spiral ponytail made him very easy to recognize.

"Why are you here?"

Xing looked around and asked in confusion,"Isn't this the Liyue Technology Building in the Metaverse?"

"Oh, do you need to guess? Of course I work here."Silver Wolf spread his hands and answered, then said with interest

"On the contrary, I didn't expect you to participate in the promotion of the Metaverse. I wonder what Kafka's expression will be when she sees you in a big screen advertisement one day. It must be very interesting."After saying this, Silver Wolf looked up and down at the star opposite him seriously. The cold gray hair and golden eyes looked down at the long skirt and the white and smooth calves. The purity and flawlessness faintly revealed the nobility.

"Not bad, she has the temperament of a heroine. Silver Wolf stopped to observe and nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Ester next to him and gave a fair answer:"Not bad, more than enough to be the second female lead."

"Okay, let's not waste any more time. I'm also very busy. Let me familiarize myself with the script first."

"Are you the person in charge that Miss Lord mentioned?" At this point, Xing finally understood what Silver Wolf's current identity was.

Esta smiled with a far-fetched smile. Although she was secretly complaining about why she could only be considered the second female lead, she did not say it out loud. She just smiled as usual.

But she was not calm at all in her heart.

Kafka? It seems like she is really a Star Core Hunter! Why is there a Star Core Hunter, a wanted criminal in the universe, in Liyue Technology? Is it so difficult to be a wanted criminal now that you need to find a part-time job?

Why did Mr. Luo Yu let the Star Core Hunter stay in his company?

With a lot of thoughts in her mind, she finally chose to pretend that she didn't see it, and the other party did not really admit her identity, so the identity of the Star Core Hunter still exists only in speculation and cannot be confirmed.

Yes, that's right!


"Director Silver Wolf, here are the documents you requested."Just then, the office door was pushed open again and a woman in business attire walked in and handed a stack of documents to Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf took it naturally and said yes, letting the staff member go about his business. Then he turned around and introduced himself to the two of them.

"This is the script, you can call me Director Haha Rabbit."……"

Just now, that employee called you Silver Wolf, and you agreed calmly. It would be too perfunctory to give out this fake name in this situation!

Silver Wolf didn't care much. As long as she didn't publicly reveal her identity to the universe, there would be no problem. Even if there were rumors in the universe, no one would dare to come to Luo Yu to find out the truth.

Seeing Xing take the script with ease, Silver Wolf couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said teasingly

"Let me make it clear first, I am very strict."

Although there is still a lot of work to do, Yinlang still puts her mind to this matter and enjoys it. This is also one of her dreams.

As long as you are a player who likes games, you will have this dream, to make a popular and fun game, or to shoot a super awesome CG animation. Yinlang is actually very excited about this. The fighting spirit to make an excellent and popular animation on the entire network and do a great job is burning

"Come on, come on." Xing raised his head and gave his reply

"Oh? Are you confident?"

"Of course, I am the king of acting, I can do anything in the game."Xing said confidently, with her head raised and her hands on her hips. The authority in the game and the experiences of the past two days made her look down upon everything.

Seeing her smug look, Silver Wolf could not help but sneer at her:"Heh, little guy, no matter how powerful you are in the game, it's still fake."

"Only when you are strong can you be truly strong. Let me tell you what the adult world is like."

What's the point of relying on official cheats? She's tired of this kind of thing these days.

"I'm not a little guy." Xing retorted. Obviously, the other party was much shorter than her, but when she saw Silver Wolf lowering his head and tapping something in the air,

"Hmm? What are you doing? Aren't you going to show me your advantages?"

"Humph, don't rush me, let me change my destiny first." Silver Wolf responded without even raising his head, and slowly clicked on a product in the union mall.

【[Destiny Walker (Memory): 200,000 Reputation Points]

Currently, there are only three destinies in the mall: memory, wisdom, and preservation. The first purchase of a non-destiny walker only requires 20,000 reputation points, but the second destiny has increased tenfold.

Silver Wolf is a little bit painful to spend reputation points like this. Although it is a bit expensive, it is worth it!

If the reputation points are not used to show off, it will be meaningless!


Luo Yu, this guy, is definitely hiding his secrets. When the star god gave the destiny, he didn't care.

Silver Wolf closed his eyes and felt the power of the newly appeared memory destiny. After a while, she opened her eyes and snorted with a confident smile, and raised her white arms.

Xing Yu Aisda only felt that the world in front of her was spinning and changing constantly. The original office was opened like a box, and the surrounding sci-fi high-rise buildings in the game seemed to be instantly pulled away and moved to both sides. The empty surroundings were countless buildings rising from the ground, and the illusory projections constructed from the ground to the top of the building, from the projection-like illusion to the reality.

"Hum, how is it?"Looking at the two people who were watching the changes in front of them with wide eyes, Silver Wolf raised the corners of his mouth and felt very happy.

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