March 7 stood in this perfect spot and watched the scene. His eyes went from being stunned to sparkling with little stars and looking excited.

"Great! The journey has begun!"March Seven cheered and rushed down

"Wait for March! Be careful here……"Dan Heng was just about to ask the other party to calm down, but there was a downhill road covered with ice and snow ahead, so he had to be careful with his steps.

"Great! Let’s go!" Xing next to him also shouted"Great" and ran down.

Dan Heng:"……"

Forget it.

He sighed and held his forehead.

But the two of them still couldn't happily enter Beloberg.

Because they were stopped by the iron guards in front of the gate. When Luo Yu and Dan Heng arrived, the iron guards were about to start arresting people.

As for Sangbo, he smiled and made excuses to leave halfway.

He is wanted now, how dare he show up in front of the Silver Mane Iron Guards.

Luo Yu came forward to negotiate.

"This...Mr. Luo Yu, we also want to let you in, but……"But the Silver Mane Iron Guard who was negotiating looked embarrassed and said with a bitter face.

This situation is actually very good. If it weren't for Luo Yu's face, these Iron Guards would have gone up to arrest the person who obviously disobeyed the death order. How could they explain here with great care?

If Luo Yu needed any help, he would definitely be willing to help, but these Iron Guards, as soldiers, really had no way to deal with the matter of disobeying orders.

"Haha, don't worry, I met with Chief Jeppard before when I came back, he knew I was back. Luo Yu was not panicked, he said slowly

"this……"Upon hearing this, the guards at the gate looked at each other.

"Can I still lie to you?"

"No, no, that's not what we mean. Please come in."

The Silver Mane Iron Guards at the gate opened the gate and let the group in.


"You are too proud, Luo Yu." After entering Beloberg, March Seven exclaimed curiously, looking around.

She really learned a lot, this pride is too useful.

Luo Yu waved her hand modestly:"Fortunately, my family has a small business worth a few billion, and I have helped some Silver Mane Iron Guards before, so everyone is willing to do me a favor."

Dan Heng was also constantly observing the surroundings, but compared to March Seven, there was not much appreciation in his eyes.

"Luo Yu, you went out to the snowfield just for the museum? I see you didn't bring anything with you, and it doesn't look like you're going to do archaeology or experience historical sedimentation. Hehe... I hope we didn't delay your business." March Seven asked a question that he had just started, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he thought of a possibility.

"Haha, actually that happened two days ago." Luo Yu spread his hands and smiled:"But I have to find a reason to bring you in. I thought that Pera would not mention this to others casually, so I used it as an excuse."

"Hey, so that's how it is. I'm so sorry." Sanyueqi felt even more embarrassed after hearing this. After all, it was because of helping them.

Xing:"Thank you for your trouble."

"Thank you for your help. If you need any help from us, please feel free to tell us and we will definitely help you."Dan Heng also nodded and said. Although his expression was still calm, his words did seem much more familiar.

Luo Yu led the three people to walk on the streets of Beloberg, introducing some landmark buildings and chatting as they walked.

March 7 is full of energy and always has endless things to say. Luo Yu always answered in a good temper.

"If it's not for the museum, then why are you going to the snowfield?"

"Heavy snowfalls all year round on the snowfield make it easy to bury people."


"Hey! You must be kidding me, right?"The teased Sanyueqi opened his eyes wide.

"Haha, of course, I'm just a businessman, not a ruthless person. I just went out to relax. After all, people are never satisfied."Luo Yu smiled and spread his hands to indicate that he was just a businessman with no power.

"With a warm little house, people will desire a big house. With a big house, they will desire an even bigger house. Although the solid barriers of Beloberg protect against wind, snow and disasters and provide a good living environment for the people here, it also isolates people from the outside of Beloberg. People can only live in a limited space all their lives, which makes people want to go out and take a look."

"So that's how it is."March Seven nodded in agreement.

Although she didn't really understand, she didn't want to show that she was stupid. Besides, there was no definite answer to this kind of philosophical question. Everyone had their own opinion. So she just nodded in agreement.

Well, she is so smart.

After more than half an hour's journey, with Luo Yu's introduction, the train crew had a general understanding of Beloberg.

"Well, let's stop here. I believe you have a general understanding of Beloberg."Luo Yu stopped moving forward, turned around and said goodbye to the people behind him.

"Thank you, Luo Yu, it's really troublesome for you." San Yueqi thanked them. Luo Yu had been helping them since they met.

Xing said solemnly:"Thank you"

"You're welcome. I hope everything you're going to do will go smoothly."Luo Yu waved his hand gently:"Then goodbye, everyone. If you need anything in the future, you can contact my store to let me know." The three people on the train nodded seriously and waved goodbye.

Luo Yu quietly watched the three people walk away, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Memory will record everything equally. But if a plot that has already happened once is allowed to happen again, it will seem a bit boring, right?"

After watching the backs of Sanyueqi and Xing disappear at the end of his sight, Luo Yu said to the person next to him.

""Okay, let's go back too."

From the beginning, the Black Knife Assassin had disappeared and followed him quietly.


After returning, treat the Black Knife Assassin you summoned first and see what she likes. In the immortal ecology of the borderland, it is still unknown what age the Black Knife Assassin is. The name of Black Knife Sister is actually very conservative.

But it seems that the other party is easy to feed. She can be very happy with a roasted salamander. It seems that conquering the other party with food is a good choice.

However, the Black Knife Assassin was at a loss at this time. Since entering Beloberg, she fell into deep silence at the scenes she saw along the way.

When the Black Knife Assassin was summoned, it was in the rift of Rivet Town, and later followed Luo Yu to the snowfield.

Both places are areas with difficult and harsh living conditions and scarce living materials, so that the Black Knife Assassin believes that this is the norm here. Luo Yu's living conditions here are so difficult, just like the border where she was originally in the golden rule of decline, dilapidated and desolate, full of holes.

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