His eyelids twitched imperceptibly, and Luo Yu looked at the black knife assassin, who just responded with his usual silence.

【Give the Black Knife Assassin"Spicy Dish", a one-star gift, and get: Roya Fruit*1]

Ten minutes later...

After trying more than twenty dishes in a row, Luo Yu looked at the Black Knife Assassin in front of him, forced a dry laugh and asked

"Um, are you full?"

Hearing Luo Yu's question, the black knife assassin nodded, and his hood swayed slightly up and down.

"That's good." Luo Yu had a smile on his face:"Since we are full, let's go." Just like before, the black knife assassin followed Luo Yu, and the clerk at the door looked respectful. The only difference was that Luo Yu no longer had the calm and confident smile on his face.

The plan to give the black knife assassin a gift was a complete failure.

Luo Yu walked silently to a trash can on the side of the road.


Throw a handful of Roya Fruit into the trash can.

The Black Blade Assassin tilted his head in confusion.

The thing Luo Yu threw looked almost exactly like the Roya Fruit that could be seen everywhere on the roadside at the border.

She felt it was very clever that there would be things that looked so similar in different worlds.

The plan failed terribly, and Luo Yu walked back without even touching a wisp of smoke from the Black Flame of Death.

However, on the way home, she met someone she didn't expect.

"You are... Mr. Luo Yu?"The beautiful girl with silver-gray hair and a team of iron guards were surprised when they saw Luo Yu.

Her height and figure were impeccable. She was wearing the uniform of the Silver Mane Iron Guards, but the lower part of the uniform was replaced with a more noble skirt. On her chest was a medal of noble status. Her silver-gray hair was combed into a turbine shape that made people feel very powerful.


"Who are you?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, Bronya. Seeing Luo Yu's confusion, Bronya introduced herself and extended her hand.

Luo Yu extended his hand and shook it.

"It turns out to be Commander Bronya. It is an honor to meet you.

He looked at the heir of the Great Guardian. In fact, this was the first time Luo Yu had talked to Bronya.

"You're welcome, just call me Bronya." Bronya said seriously, her temperament seemed reliable and steady.

"Very well then, Miss Bronya." Seeing the other party's serious attitude, Luo Yu did not refuse too much.

While the other party was looking at her, Bronya was also observing Luo Yu.

She had always heard of Luo Yu's name, but this was the first time she had actually met him.

The other party started to run the family business when he was young. In the past ten years, he has changed from a child of a poor family to the most glorious and wealthy person in Beloberg. No matter how you look at it, he is a business genius far beyond ordinary people.

Before this, this was also the label for Luo Yu in Bronya's mind.

But a few months ago, the other party suddenly started to do charity.

Ignoring other things, just to the Silver Mane Iron Guard, he donated a large amount of money, and donated every month.

How big is this amount?

Let's put it this way, the original funding of the Silver Mane Iron Guard was to eat... It is tight, and it has become a fixed allocation for the program. There are very few fluctuations, and all funds must be used where they are needed most.

After Luo Yu donated a large sum of money, Bronya completely revised and optimized the military expenditures, improved the treatment of the Iron Guards and various unexpected subsidies, and issued a bonus to the Silver Mane Iron Guards who had a hard time during this period.

As a result, there was still some left in the end.

And there was still a lot left.

If it weren't for the fact that the donations might have stopped, Bronya would have wanted to increase the salary of the Silver Mane Iron Guards by several percent.

In addition, Luo Yu also specifically visited some retired Iron Guards or relatives of martyrs who lived in harsh conditions and provided additional financial assistance individually.

It's nothing more than that when those Silver Mane Iron Guards saw him, they were like seeing their superiors, with such a big In order to save their face, Luo Yu was generous in increasing their salary and bonuses, and also providing them with free insurance.

People are very materialistic, and these Silver Mane Iron Guards now feel more familiar with Luo Yu than with the Great Guardian.

Not to mention them, even Bronya has this feeling.

When she sees Luo Yu, she likes him no matter how she looks at him.

As the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guards, Bronya certainly hopes that the Silver Mane Iron Guards will have sufficient funds, better and more equipment, and fewer casualties among the soldiers. With better treatment, the lives of their families will be guaranteed, and the morale of the soldiers will be stronger.

The more and more frequent appearance of the rift monsters and the surge in rift erosion have made Bronya overwhelmed.

Cleaning up and resisting the rift monsters has caused more and more casualties among the Iron Guards.

As a As the leader of the Silvermane Guards, she certainly would not choose to stay out of it, and often led the team to carry out missions in person.

As a destiny walker, as long as she fights one more time, the efficiency and safety of the mission will be greatly improved, allowing more guards defending the rift to survive.

Realizing this, she couldn't rest even more. Every time she took a moment to rest, it was as if the weight of life was pressing on Bronya's heart, making it hard for her to breathe.

She was too busy, which was why she met Luo Yu for the first time several months after she knew about the donation.

Bronya put her hand on her chest and thanked sincerely,"Mr. Luo Yu, your generosity has really helped the Silvermane Guards a lot. Please allow me to express my most sincere thanks to you on behalf of all the Silvermane Guards."

"I'm sorry, I've been busy with official duties and didn't thank you in person."

Luo Yu said modestly:"I didn't donate for the sake of being thanked. The Silver Mane Iron Guards are busy protecting the people. Using this precious time to express gratitude to me will make me feel panic, so Miss Bronya, please don't take this matter to heart,"

Bronya was startled, and felt like she had met a soulmate and was touched.

What a good person... and just like her...

Once upon a time, she also squeezed her time without sleep, felt the heavy responsibility, and even felt suffocated by the burden of conscience when she stopped for a moment, but people are not machines.

The body will be tired, and the heart will be tired.

In the past, Bronya always supported her body and mentality.

But it can't be compared to this moment. At this moment, she didn't force herself to be in a good mood, but she really felt something called trust, the kind of walking with like-minded partners.

Unprecedented motivation

"I wonder if you are free now, Mr. Luo Yu." Bronya asked, her expression always showing the seriousness of handling official business. It can be seen that she is not very good at chatting with people. In the past, she was only accompanied by the identity of the successor of the Great Guardian.

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