"Great Guardian, I have something to report about the Rift." Bronya said after coming in, and then immediately introduced Luo Yu next to her:"And this is Luo Yu"

"You should also know his name, Luo Yu. He is a well-known philanthropist in Beloberg. You can hear about his selfless assistance wherever Beloberg needs help. And a few months ago, Mr. Luo Yu generously donated to the Silver Mane Iron Guard.……"

Without even talking about business, Bronya was excitedly talking about Cocolia and introducing Luo Yu's deeds.

However, she was so absorbed that she didn't even notice her mother's expression. Her eyes didn't even fall on her when the two of them came in.

Cocolia stared straight at Luo Yu, and her daughter's excitement seemed to gradually fade away in her ears. In her eyes, there was only Luo Yu standing below.

It was just that she treated the responsibility of the Great Guardian as a task of a machine, and for the first time, her heart, which had been frozen for a long time, had an emotional wave.

However, this emotion was not a good emotion.

Confusion, confusion, panic, murderous intent.

Why did the star core suddenly stop responding to her, and what happened to this man who appeared afterwards?

"I think people like Luo Yu should get the rewards they deserve."Bronya spoke for more than ten minutes, and talked about Luo Yu's selfless deeds, and then looked at her mother, Cocolia.

She felt that people like this who care about Beloberg should not only be rewarded, but it would be best to hold a commendation meeting and read out the commendation speech for him in front of all the people of Beloberg.

However, when she saw her mother's expression at this time, her words choked on her lips.

"The Great Guardian?"

""Have you finished what you are saying, Bronya? If you have, then leave." Cocolia said calmly.

What a look that was, even when she said this, she did not turn her eyes away from Luo Yu to look at herself. Even the slow-witted Bronya noticed the problem.

That calm and cold gaze did not have any kindness at least.

"Great Guardian?" Bronya noticed this and immediately spoke in confusion, with a bad feeling in her heart.

What's going on? Why?

"Back off"

"But!"Bronya was a little confused and wanted to say something

""Stand back." However, the only response she got was a terrifyingly calm voice that did not allow for any rebuttal.

"Mother!"After being treated like this for a long time, Bronya, who couldn't understand it at all, lost control of her emotions. How confident she was at the beginning, how unbelievable she was now.

"Bronya, you don't even listen to me?" Cocolia didn't react to her emotional outburst, and said in a tone that seemed emotionless.


Although he was out of control just now, he seemed to be awakened by the coldness. The little courage he had just had was instantly washed away, and he returned to the state of not daring to refute his mother.


Bronya clenched her fists and opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't have the courage to say anything in rebuttal. She bit her lip, lowered her head, and finally whispered


She lowered her head and turned away, not daring to look up to meet her mother's cold gaze, nor did she have the courage to look at Luo Yu's expression.

It was obviously her who invited him to Klipperburg on her own initiative... but...

Bronya walked past Luo Yu, biting her lips, her knuckles turned white.

His eyes must be looking at her at this moment, but she didn't dare to look up, because that look must be a cry for help, and... deep disappointment...

Luo Yu: Well... looking cold as ice is also very beautiful


Bronya left, and there were only two people left in the hall, which became very empty and quiet.

"It is a great honor to meet the Great Guardian. Please allow me to extend my most sincere greetings to you."Luo Yu spoke first, stroking his chest and said in a gentle and gentlemanly manner:"It's just that you look so angry? If I have offended you in any way, I am really sorry and am willing to correct it."

"What is your purpose?"But Kokolia obviously had no intention of chatting with him. Her eyes were cold, and a white cold current was lingering around her, causing the temperature in the entire hall to drop sharply.

"Alas, you seem to be anxious and irritable. Is this because……"Luo Yu sighed

"This thing?" But at the end of the words, his temperament changed dramatically. Luo Yu smiled and raised his hand.

"!!!"Cocolia's pupils suddenly contracted.

In Luo Yu's open hands, golden light and flowing light radiated in all directions, as if the surrounding space was disturbed, rippling, and the object was wrapped in the radiated energy and golden light, and the specific shape could not be seen.

But Cocolia was too familiar with what this was, but because of this, she couldn't believe it, and her emotions at this moment seemed to fall into an ice cave.

Why... Star Core……

"I don't have a star core myself. After all, I'm just an ordinary businessman. How could I possibly have such a rare thing?" Seeing the disbelief in Cocolia's eyes, Luo Yu explained kindly:"This star core was found in the room at the end of the west side here."

"It's the room with the huge spherical restraint table.……"


Before he could finish his words, there was a sharp sound that cut through the air, and a bone-piercing ice spear had already reached Luo Yu's forehead.

At one end of the spear handle was Cocolia, who had lost control of her emotions, with madness and murderous intent in her eyes.


An exquisite long sword with crystal clear ice blocked the ice spear. Although they were two weapons made of ice crystals, when they collided together, they made a crisp sound of metal colliding.

"Give me back the star core!"

Now, Cocolia only had the star core and the new world in her mind. She was almost crazy, and her double guns were deadly in every move, trying to snatch the star core back from Luo Yu's hands.

The provocations were dazzling, and every shot was fatal, but Luo Yu on the opposite side even held the star core in one hand and the sword in the other, and parried it with ease, as if he was strolling in the garden.

The attack that could not hurt her at all made Cocolia grit her teeth and no longer care about anything else. A visibly cold current was set off around her.


Huge ice spears fell one after another, and the walls of the Clipper Fort were cut through like tofu. With a deafening rumbling sound, the magnificent and huge Clipper Fort was deeply penetrated by an even larger ice spear. Smoke and dust filled the sky, and half of the gun body was exposed outside.

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