"Are you talking about Luo Yu?"

Xing knew who March Seven was referring to. After all, they only knew Luo Yu in Beloberg.

March Seven nodded:"Yes, good things should be shared, and he has helped us so much, which makes us feel bad. Although he is very rich and seems to have everything, beautiful scenery like the Aurora is not common, and our thoughtful escort service makes this opportunity rare."

About ten minutes later...

Luo Yu was sitting on the sofa flipping through the books he had collected in the past two days on energy conduction, the basic composition of destiny energy, etc., as well as some research and experimental data from Klipperburg. Although these things are confidential and will not be leaked.

But money makes the world go round, as long as there are people, there are ways.

Suddenly, a subordinate knocked on the door.

After hearing the news, Luo Yu put down the book in his hand with a surprised look.


""Alas~" Walking on the street, Pera sighed, looking a little sad.

Her sadness was all because of the museum.

Several days had passed, and she had been in a bad mood these days.

Counting the rejection of her previous application to the Great Guardian to rebuild the museum, she had mentioned this matter to the Great Guardian many times during this period, and now it was no longer easy to talk about it.

But Pera was of course unwilling in her heart.

She still wanted to rebuild the museum, and then invite Mr. Luo Yu to visit and let him see her achievements.

But she was unwilling but had no choice, so Pera was so depressed.

"Pera. As she was walking, she suddenly heard someone calling her name, and the voice was familiar.

Pera looked back, and after seeing who it was, she was surprised and said,"Lingbao, why are you here?"

The person who came was Lingke, who was carrying a large backpack.

"Pera." Ling Ke greeted, and then said

"Because you seem to be very distressed these days, I have specially checked the magnetic field changes during this period. Tonight is the time when the aurora will appear. Let's go and see it together."

The girl stood in front of the street, carrying a large bag on her back, attracting many strange looks from passers-by. Her face, which usually had no emotional fluctuations, was serious. Her words were not packaged with gorgeous words, and even her expression seemed a little clumsy, but it was so shining. It was the pure and beautiful friendship between girls.


Pella was stunned, looking at Ling Ke opposite her, her eyes suddenly felt a little sore, she couldn't help but turn her head, hiding her smile and wiped her eyes:"Sorry, so... my behavior these days is so worrying, too immature, causing you trouble, Lingbao……"

"Ah! No, no, I acted on my own initiative and didn't even inform you in advance. Ling Ke immediately waved her hand and said,"But... you need to relax when you are too tired, Pera"

""Yeah." No matter how she tried to hide it, tears still flowed down. Pella tried hard to wipe them away so that she would not be so embarrassed, then smiled and nodded vigorously.


Two minutes later, the two walked

""Hey? Are there any other people?" Pera was stunned when she heard that there were other people, but then she was happy because Ling Ke made a new friend.

"Yes, they are all here, let's go meet them first." Ling Ke said, taking Pera to meet up with everyone.

""Okay." Although Pera's eyes were still a little red, her mood became very good, with a happy smile on her face, no longer the depressed and sad look just now.

Whether it was because of Lingke or something else, she put aside all her worries first, and played happily when she was playing, and then worked when she was working.

Because of her mother, Pera had a very special feeling for the snowfield.

It was also because of the overlap of hobbies that she met Lingke, who was of the same age, and became best friends, calling each other Lingbao intimately.

Her favorite novel is"Snow Country Adventure Tales", and she likes Lingke to bring her books or notes, because they record many wonders and styles that can only be found in the snowfield.

On the way to the rendezvous, Pera couldn't help but smile on her cheeks as she thought about what would happen next.

"Aurora... I'm really looking forward to it"


"Luo Luo Luo...Mr. Luo Yu!"Pella, who had just looked expectant and ready to put everything aside to happily watch the aurora, stuttered when she saw Luo Yu talking with Xing and others at the meeting point. The mentality that had just been adjusted collapsed immediately.

This was the reason for her depression. How could she still be in a relaxed mood?

"We meet again." Luo Yu turned around and saw Pera standing next to Ling Ke with a surprised look on her face. She smiled gently.

"Yes, it's nice to see you again, Mr. Luo Yu." But compared to Luo Yu, Pera seemed restrained, and her expression was a bit embarrassed.

"Hey? Do you know each other?"Ling Ke, San Yue Qi, and everyone else looked confused. They were totally surprised.

Two people who just met made an appointment to go out and play, and each invited their friends. It turned out that the two friends of each party knew each other.

Who could have thought of this?

"Lingbao, didn’t I tell you before that there is a gentleman who is willing to help me rebuild the museum? Pera explained to Lingke who was puzzled beside her. Lingke nodded and remembered what Pera had said to her before:"So that’s how it is."

"Lingbao?"Compared to this, Luo Yu was more interested in this intimate name, raised his eyebrows and looked at Pera

"this……"Pera was suddenly even more embarrassed.

Why? Normally, she didn't feel anything when others heard her calling me Lingbao, but when Luo Yu asked her about it, she felt so shy and embarrassed.

She was too embarrassed to explain.

Instead, Ling Ke, who was standing next to her, put her hands on her chest and said seriously,"Yes, this is how Pera calls me. She said that this kind of address makes her look intimate, and I like it very much.""

"Woo——!"She said this without considering the situation at all. Pella screamed in pain and squatted on the ground with her hands covering her burning face in shame.

"……Uh." In the distance, Sanyueqi looked strange, and his body leaned forward.���He whispered to Xing next to him:"What are you saying? I really don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to have such a friend."

Xing nodded in agreement:"Indeed, people can die, but they must not die socially."


The group of six people left Beloberg and were stopped and questioned at the gate.

Because the group of people on the train were conspicuous, distinctive, and hard to forget, the gatekeepers still remembered them, and Luo Yu was even more recognizable in Beloberg. Pera was also a talented non-commissioned officer known to many people. He was promoted and reused at a young age because of his outstanding ability.

But in the end, he passed smoothly.

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