"Hey, we just arrived at the space station and we came here"

"How have you been lately, Ester?"

Looking at the two people who were very energetic, Ester sighed when asked about their recent experiences, and said helplessly:"What changes can I have? I still stay in the space station and do various things. Sometimes I really envy you for being able to play around... Forget it, let's not talk about this."

She shook her head and stopped thinking about these unhappy things, then turned to smile and asked the two people about interesting things that made them happy.

"By the way, are there any interesting places on the planet you visited this time?"

"Humph, that's a lot to talk about."When the other party asked this, Sanyueqi immediately became excited, pretending to be mysterious and humming twice, and then began to tell the other party about the interesting things they saw in Beloberg.

Estelle listened attentively for a long time, and after the chat, she said with envy on her face

"That's great, I want to go play there too, that dream world of ice and snow is so beautiful just thinking about it."

After she finished speaking, she realized that her words seemed a bit impolite, and quickly waved her hand to correct it:"Well, I didn't mean anything else, of course I'm happy that the residents of Yalilo can get rid of the cold and see the warmth again"

"It's just...sigh...but when I think about not having the chance to see the wonders of this ice and snow world after this, I feel like I have left a regret in my life."Esther said with a look of regret.

She is knowledgeable but has not seen much. She was raised by her family since she was a child, which gave Esther a broad vision far beyond ordinary people. She knows the operation of major markets in the universe, has an extraordinary business mind, and understands the relationships and secrets between many forces, but these are all taught and cultivated at home.

In her growing experience, she has actually seen and touched very few things.

Perhaps this is why Esther has developed the habit of being interested in everything she sees and liking it very much.

"It's okay. Luo Yu said that part of the ice and snow in Beloberg will be preserved, and the frozen antimatter corps will be re-frozen. It may be opened as a tourist attraction in the future. You can go there when you are free."

Xing comforted the regretful Ester. Hearing her words, she was immediately in high spirits. At least the ice and snow world is still there, isn't it? Although she should not have time, time and work are things that no one can predict. As long as Yaliluo is still there, she will find a chance to play sooner or later.

"It's a headache to talk about this. They have been frozen for seven hundred years, but the antimatter army is still alive."When Xing mentioned the antimatter army on Yaliluo No. 6, Sanyueqi complained.

It's really a disaster for thousands of years.

"Those guys in the Legion are like this, otherwise they wouldn't have disturbed the entire universe."Esther also agreed with this.

The biological hearts in the virtual soldiers of the Antimatter Legion had long been replaced with antimatter cores, which provided the virtual soldiers with a constant supply of energy to trample and destroy everything, almost never getting tired.

After reminiscing about the past and chatting, Xing also mentioned the business of looking for the other party. After a brief explanation, Esther agreed directly

"Thank you, Esta. If you need any help, just let me know."Xing thanked

"It's okay~ It's not a problem at all. This kind of thing is just a matter of a word for me." Esta smiled and waved her hand.

It was just sending someone to connect with the network construction. It really only required her to give a command. This was actually an active introduction of a customer to her.

And even if it was free help, Esta was happy to help. The amount paid was insignificant to her. Whether it was to help a friend or to aid a planet that had been destroyed by the antimatter army and the star core, she was willing to help. She could also mix the account of buying a holiday planet in with Alan to fool him. The other party couldn't block her credit points for such a thing.

Although Esta looked like she had taken it on easily, Xing still thanked her again and again.

After chatting for a while, they left the base cabin, but on the way back, March 7 always looked at Xing with a strange expression. After noticing the other party's gaze several times, Xing asked in confusion

"What's wrong with me?"

"Ah! No."After being caught peeping, Sanyueqi subconsciously denied it, but after saying it, she felt a little stupid and added:

"There is a little bit... I always feel that you are a little different today than usual." Sanyueqi hesitated.

When is the point?

Xing is too normal today, and normality is very abnormal for Xing.

Sanyueqi's impression of Xing can be summed up in one sentence:

‘This guy always likes to do some tricks. '

But today, Xing didn't say anything strange along the way. She gave people the impression of a cold gray-haired beauty, and she was also very reliable. Sanyueqi felt like she had just met Xing for the first time, which was a huge contrast to her usual familiar impression.

Another point is that when Xing was talking to Estelle about the connection and network construction, she didn't mention that Luo Yu asked her to do this, but she was talking in the way she wanted to ask Estelle for help.

Sanyueqi has done tasks with Xing and helped others many times, but this is the first time she has seen such a thing.

The other party usually speaks simply and clearly.

So-and-so asked me to ask you, so-and-so wants to do something, and he always says it very clearly, and he will never take responsibility.

Although she knew that Luo Yu helped them a lot when he was in Yaliluo, it is also right to help each other within her ability.

But Xing's abnormal attitude is also surprising.

"Is there?" Xing tilted his head slightly in doubt, looked himself up and down, and then shook his head.

"Probably not. I don't feel it."

""Okay, we're done, let's go back."

After returning to the train, Xing sat in her seat in the train compartment and turned on her phone.

Before they left Beloberg, they gave everyone a mobile phone as a gift, so that they could communicate easily during the space voyage.

She first sent a message in Beloberg's group chat.

【Galaxy Stickman: [Space Station]】

【Galaxy Stickman: We have arrived at the space station】

【Xier: As long as you arrive safely】

【Pera: The facilities here look amazing!】

【Bronya: [Red flower, wish you happiness and health every day, green leaves]】

【Xier: ???】

【Galaxy Batman:……】

【Xi'er: What is this? It's so ugly.……】

【Bronya: Ugly? I think she's pretty. 】

After chatting with everyone in the group for a while, Xing found Luo Yu in the private chat, edited a message and sent it to her.

【Galaxy Batman: Luo Yu, I have already told Ester about the network reconstruction, and I have also handed the gift to the Black Tower for you.】

【I'm not lying: Thank you Xing, this will make the reconstruction work much smoother】

【Galaxy Batman: You're welcome, it's just a small favor. I've given your contact information to Estelle, and she'll have someone contact you when the time comes.】

【Galaxy Bat Man: Although there were some misunderstandings regarding the gift, Heita likes it very much. So what did you give her?】

【I didn't lie: Haha, just some small toys, don't worry about it. 】

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