【Tartaglia: The lady's flame is slowly fading! Has she exhausted her strength?】

【Harlequin: In the end, she still couldn't embark on her destiny?

Harlequin felt a little sorry.

Although there were many disagreements among the Fatui executives, the relationship between Harlequin and the lady was not bad.

If the lady could embark on her destiny,

Harlequin felt that the Ice Queen's plan would be more likely to succeed.

【Servant: At least now it seems that the lady has failed】

【Sanbing: Sure enough: Is this the extent of a lady?】

【Rich man: There is no need to be so pessimistic. Even if the lady did not embark on her destiny this time, as long as she is still in the universe and by Luo Feng's side, she still has a chance.】

【Sino: Are there really so many opportunities? This battlefield is tailor-made for women.

Under such circumstances, she has not been able to embark on her destiny. It is hard to say whether she will have more opportunities in the future.】

【Kavi: It's hard to disagree! The Doctor, Lisa and others can still try to embark on an intellectual destiny through research, but the lady seems to have no idea of researching anything at all.】

【Mona: Maybe she has been a militant for too long and has forgotten how to research.】

【Kavi: What a pity. I thought I could at least see the mini star god in the simulated universe through the lady.】

【Kaia: It's a pity that I didn't get to see the mini-Star God, but it's also an eye-opener to see such advanced technology in simulating the universe.】

【Albedo: Indeed! I really want to meet the geniuses who can build such a realistic world.

However... even if someone like me meets them, I am not qualified to gain knowledge from them.】

【Sucrose: If even Master Albedo is not qualified, then I certainly am not qualified either.】

【Alice: To be precise, probably no one in Teyvat is qualified to obtain knowledge from geniuses like Black Tower. The fact that we can access the simulated universe depends on Luo Feng's favor with geniuses like Black Tower. 】

Under the gazes of the crowd, the flame tornado surrounding the lady slowly dissipated.

In the eyes of the crowd, this was clearly a sign of the lady's exhaustion.

Therefore, many Teyvat people no longer paid much attention to the lady.

How could they know that at this moment, the lady was just getting familiar with the power she had gained in her body.

The monsters that were blocked by the tornado flames seemed to sense something was wrong with the lady, and they tried their best to break through the tornado flames.

Seeing this scene, the lady couldn't help but sneer.

"You actually want to die faster, then I will grant your wish."

After saying that, the lady took a deep breath and raised her hands.

The huge fire power continued to condense and compress between the lady's hands, turning into an arrow.

The lady thought of the posture of the Patrolling Star God bending the bow and shooting the arrow, and imitated Him to strike the same posture

【Tartaglia: Huh?! Has the lady switched to using a bow? No, there's something wrong with her power!】

【Servant: Could it be that she has actually already embarked on her fate?】

【Scattered Soldier: What?! This woman can really embark on a fateful journey?!】

【Dolly: There is a reversal?! I won't lose money on the bet I just made!

At this moment, the tornado of fire around the lady has completely disappeared.

All the fire elements have merged into the flaming arrow in the lady's hand.

However, even though the flaming tornado has disappeared, the dark monsters dare not move forward.

They look at the lady with fear and keep retreating.

"Oh, so the beasts from the abyss can also be afraid?"

"How ridiculous!"

The lady sneered, her expression suddenly becoming extremely ferocious.

"But you have no way to escape"

""Be reduced to ashes by my hatred."

After saying this, the lady loosened her fingers at the right time.

The arrow of fire flew rapidly into the sky, and then suddenly exploded, turning into scattered flame butterflies that fell on the fleeing abyss monsters.

Every monster touched by the flame butterfly turned into ashes in an instant.

Even the earth turned into magma the moment it was touched by the butterfly.

In just a few seconds, all the monsters disappeared.

The ground within a radius of several thousand meters was directly turned into a pool of magma.

【Tartaglia: Are you...are you kidding? Are you really that strong?】

【Arata Ichito: This woman turned an entire area into magma in an instant!】

【Albedo: Were the knights in Mondstadt in the distance also frightened by the lady's attack?

Sure enough, even the Teyvat simulated in the simulated universe is very real.】

【Ichito Aratake: I say, is it time to worry about whether the simulated Teyvat is real?

Shouldn't we pay more attention to the strength of this Fatui lady?

His strength has suddenly increased, there is obviously something wrong!】

【Albedo: It is necessary to determine the degree of reality of the simulated Teyvat.

If the degree of reality of the simulated Teyvat can be determined, the strength of the lady can be deduced to a certain extent.

As for the sudden and rapid increase in the lady's strength... Captain Jean, Traveler and others have had similar experiences before.

It is obvious that the lady has seen the Star God and embarked on her destiny.

Such pure destructive power, I don't know if the lady saw the Star God of Destruction or some other Star God.】

【Tartaglia: I see, the lady actually took her own fate at the very end. That's right, if it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been able to display such a powerful fighting force.】

【Ichito Arataki: Now we should be able to confirm the authenticity of the simulated Teyvat. How strong is this woman now?】

【Albedo: Such strength... is probably at the level of a demon god.】

【���Taki Ichito: Demon!】

【North Wind Wolf King: It is indeed the level of a demon god, and it is not the weakest demon god.】

【Tevarin: What the North Wind Wolf King said is right. The attack she unleashed earlier is comparable to the special skills she unleashed before when she was under control.

There is no doubt that she has reached the level of a demon god, but I don’t know if she has used her full strength when she embarked on the journey of destiny.

Tevarin looked at the destruction caused by the lady on the screen and sighed deeply.

The lady grew to the level of a demon god through the journey of destiny, and the traveler Ying who had fought with him before also reached the level of a demon god through the journey of destiny. The stronger and more potential people have, the more they seem to grow after embarking on the journey of destiny.

Tevarin seemed to see a scene in the future where demon gods were everywhere in Teyvat.

Alas, if this goes on, I don’t know if Barbatos can defend Mondstadt.

If that guy can at least embark on the journey of destiny... wait, can I also follow Luo Feng to the universe and embark on the journey of destiny?

Luo Feng shouldn’t care about the fact that I attacked him when my mind was not clear.

Tevarin thought nervously in his heart

【Scattered Soldiers: The lady actually reached the level of a demon god first? Damn, if I could go to the universe and embark on my destiny...……】

【Rosaria: Even the North Wind Wolf King and Tevarin have commented on this. The lady's power can be defined as that of a demon god.】

【Elhaisen: It's a pity that we didn't get to see the Star God with the lady.

It seems that even in the simulated universe, when the passengers who followed Luo Feng to the universe saw the Star God, we couldn't also see the mini Star God in the simulated universe.】

【Yae Shenzi: It's a pity indeed. I still need to place my hopes on Luo Feng.

I hope that when he tests the simulated universe, we can also meet the mini star god in the simulated universe?】

Simulated Universe

"Is this the power I have now?"

The lady came out of the state of the Witch of Fire and looked at the damage caused by her attack with a look of surprise.

Although she had expected it, it was clear that the evolution brought about by the power of destiny was more terrible than she thought.

Snap, snap, snap!

"What a great shot, congratulations, ma'am."

In the distance, the doctor clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, the lady frowned slightly and looked at the doctor.

"I will just assume that you really wish me the best, Doctor."

The lady snorted and quickly fell from the air to the Doctor, Nashida, Lisa and Master Liuyunjiefeng, who had already emerged from their invisible state.

"As a colleague, I sincerely wish you the best."

The doctor opened his arms and warmly welcomed the lady's return.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to, Doctor."

"I tell you, don't even think about bringing me into your research." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"If you want to know the benefits of destiny, try to see the Star God and embark on your destiny."

The lady snorted coldly

"It's really heartless."

The doctor shook his head and said.

He knew clearly that even if he could see the Star God and embark on his destiny, he would not see the Hunting Lan and would not embark on the Hunting destiny.

(bddi) If you want to study the power of the hunting patrol, you naturally need to start with the lady.

Thinking of this, the doctor looked at the lady with a gleam in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not intend to give up the idea of studying the hunting patrol through the lady so easily.

[I don't mind if you want to chat in the simulated universe]

[But I think it's not too late for you to change the interface and chat again]

[I almost need to close this"Past Mondstadt" scene.]

At this time, Luo Feng's voice rang in the ears of the lady, the doctor and the other five tourists.

As the voice rang out, a card that was as tall as a person, showing off its wealth in mid-air, and engraved with beautiful pictures and text appeared in front of the five people.

"What is this?"

Nashida asked in confusion.[]

[You can understand it as an interface transfer point]

[I asked the intelligent robot to set up an interface for taking a break]

[You can go there first to chat and prepare for the Emperor War that will start later.]

Luo Feng said.

After hearing what Luo Feng said, the few people naturally had no objection.

The five people reached out to touch the huge card suspended in the air.

Accompanied by a burst of dark data flowing by.

Nashida and the other five people found that they had left Mond and came to another place.

"Is this...Beloberg?"

The lady looked around and asked in confusion.

"To be precise, it should be a street in the restricted area of Beloberg's Iron Guard.

"As expected of the incarnation of the World Tree, he could recognize at a glance that this was the street in the Iron Guard restricted area."

"Sure enough, your memory is extraordinary. No wonder you can embark on the journey of memory."

The doctor laughed.

Nashida ignored the doctor and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

"We are going to be transported here. Are we going to participate in the Emperor's War in Beloberg?"

"And fight against Beloberg's mechanical machines."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun muttered

"Of course not, this is just a place for you to rest and sort out your mind."

"The site of the Emperor's War is in another place."

Everyone heard Luo Feng's voice and turned around to look.

A few meters away from them, Luo Feng's image was slowly printed out.

【Kavi: Has Luo Feng entered the simulated universe? Can we see the miniature star gods in the simulated universe through Luo Feng?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: But Luo Feng's current state... doesn't seem to be himself.】

"Mr. Luo Feng, thank you for not pulling me out of the simulated universe earlier."

The lady walked quickly to Luo Feng and said excitedly.

There was obvious gratitude in her eyes.

"It seems you heard my mumblings before."

"Don't worry, whether you can see the star god and embark on your destiny depends on yourself"

��If it weren't for your last obsession that made you see the Star God, I would have pulled you out of the simulated universe."

Luo Feng waved his hand and looked at the Doctor, Nashida, Lisa and Master Liuyunjiefeng who were walking towards him.

The lady silently retreated to the side of the crowd. Although Luo Feng told her not to care, the lady knew that if Luo Feng hadn't given her the opportunity, she would never have obtained such a powerful power.

Even as proud as she was, she knew how to be grateful.

"Luo Feng, your current state is different from ours"

"You didn't let yourself enter the simulated universe?"

Lisa asked curiously, looking at Luo Feng's somewhat illusory figure.

"Hmm! If I enter the simulated universe now, there is a certain possibility that the simulated universe data will expand"

"In order for you to be able to complete this simulated universe experience more smoothly"

"I just let the robot left in the Black Tower project my image in front of you."

"I think you may still have some doubts about the upcoming Emperor Wars. Before the Emperor Wars begins"

"You can rest here and ask me for some information you need."

Luo Feng said, raising his hand and snapping his fingers.

The next moment, transparent glass jars containing blue energy and green energy appeared beside him.

"Madam, break them. Then you can recover the mental and physical strength you consumed by using the power."

"You will also participate in the Emperor's War later."

Luo Feng said

""Okay, Mr. Luo Feng."

The lady nodded with a smile, and directly smashed the two energy tanks with flames, allowing the power in them to surround her body and quickly replenish the power she consumed.

The power she just gained gave her the confidence to deal with the Emperor War.

【Paimon: There are actually healing items and the like. Is the simulated universe really not a game?】

【Ying: To some extent, this is indeed a game, a virtual reality level game.】

【Kaiya: I want to play it now.】

【Tartaglia: I think I can hone my martial arts skills here.】

【Kavi: It doesn't matter if you practice martial arts or something. What's a pity now is that Mr. Luo Feng did not enter the simulated universe in his true form.】

【Albedo: Indeed, in this case we won’t be able to see Mini Star God for the time being.】

【Yae God: What a pity! It looks like we will have to wait a while before we can see the Mini Star God.】

【Tartaglia: Luo Feng doesn't seem to have any plans to broadcast live himself.

Can we really witness him entering the simulated universe and attracting the mini star gods in the simulated universe through his perspective?】

【Servant: Otherwise, why don't you try to wear the black silk stockings I plan to give you to win the appreciation of Mr. Luo Feng?

Maybe he will be willing to broadcast live because he appreciates you.】

【Tartaglia: Are you serious?】

【Servant: What do you think, sir?】

【Luo Feng: I think that instead of asking you to wear black silk stockings to win my appreciation, it would be better for you, the servant, to actually do it.

Maybe in this way, the probability that I will be willing to live broadcast will be a little higher.】


【Linny: This... this is a joke!】


Luo Feng saw the message in the forum and shook his head.

He felt that he had to knock on the servants to prevent someone from asking the young master to wear black silk stockings in front of him.

"Mr. Luo Feng, regarding the Star God I saw, could you please tell me about her?"

At this time, the expectant voice of the lady who had absorbed the power of the green and purple bottles reached Luo Feng's ears.

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