【Albedo: As expected, it is by creating a clone of oneself that one embarks on the path of reproduction?】

【Elhaisen: The bug on the platform should be the creature created by the doctor after he embarked on the journey of breeding.】

【Amber: Fortunately, only one of the Doctors has embarked on the path of reproduction, and the other one does not have the power of reproduction!】

【Kaia: That's true. If the Doctor could gain the chance to reproduce every time he created a clone of himself, that would be too much.】

【Eula: And it will be very disgusting!】

【Ying: By the way, could it be that the Doctor also has the power to transform into a bug?】

【Rosalia: If that's the case, then he needs to be purified even more.】

【Kaiya: It looks like our Sister Rosaria is about to face off against the Doctor.】

【Rosalia: Humph, I hate bugs, especially bugs with a reproductive destiny!】

【Tinari: We don’t know whether the doctor can turn into a bug. I am more curious about how the doctor made the bug.��】

【Alice: Could it be that they were split from his body like those insects with reproductive power in the simulated universe?】

【Ying: Eh! I feel so sick!】

【Ningguang: Those bugs also have the power to devour other creatures, turning them into nutrients to create new bugs... I hope the doctor doesn't have this power too.】

【Funina: Yes, I don’t think so.】

【Ying: I thought of the facehugger】

【Paimon: Facehugger?】

【Ying: They are larvae of the opposite sex. Facehuggers will hug a human's face and inject their eggs into the human body.

Then a new alien will be born in the human body.】

【Paimon: Stop... stop talking, I can't eat anymore!

Luo Feng folded his arms and said to the doctor:

"The power of destiny is naturally excellent"

"But I have to remind you of one thing"

"In this universe, people are extremely unfriendly to the God of Breeding and the insects he created."

"And if you embark on the journey of reproduction, you may also be hated."

"So I suggest you keep a low profile."

"When it comes to making bugs, be a little more restrained."

"In addition, you only have this one research room, and Estelle will not prepare an extra room for you."

"And there is only one room left for you on my train"

"Most importantly, I don't want a situation like your lab to appear on my train."

As he spoke, Luo Feng glanced at the bugs on the platform that were stained with green blood.

Hearing this, the doctor smiled and nodded:

"I will pay attention, Mr. Luo Feng."

Another doctor also nodded and assured Luo Feng:

"I will not bring unnecessary inconvenience to you, Mr. Luo Feng, please rest assured!"

Luo Feng:"I hope so."

【Tartaglia: It's so rare to see a doctor so polite, and two doctors are so polite.】

【Falushan: After all, Mr. Luo Feng's power is there. Speaking of which, not to mention the fact that the doctor embarked on the journey of breeding, the fact that he created another self in a short period of time is also quite extraordinary.】

【Kavi: Indeed, if these two doctors were placed in front of me, I might not know which one is the real one.】

【El Haisen: The other doctor seems to have considerable power. This technology is indeed invaluable.】

【Rich man: The doctor's brain is worthy of recognition. If he is given more time, he may really be able to embark on an intellectual career through research.】

【Rich man: It’s a pity that Luo Feng’s"blessing" could disappear at any time, so he had to choose the most convenient way to embark on his destiny.】

【Great Sage Azar: Putting ethics aside, this technology that can create different selves is indeed excellent knowledge.

I think, even in the context of the universe, this knowledge should be considered a good technology. Even someone as arrogant as Azar has to admit that the doctor's technology for creating different selves is very advanced.

In particular, he also knows that each slice of the doctor has extraordinary power.

And this technology is exactly what he doesn't understand.

For this reason, he can only raise the doctor's technical level.

Perhaps in this way, the level of his knowledge and technology can also rise when placed in the context of the universe.

But Azar overlooked that the knowledge he possessed was completely obtained through the World Tree.

And now, the House of the Order under his leadership has not researched new knowledge and new technology for a long time.

"Mr. Luo Feng's power is really amazing."

Suddenly, Ruan Mei raised her head and looked at Luo Feng with emotion.

"What happened all of a sudden?"

"Why are you praising me all of a sudden?"

Luo Feng said with a smile

"After all, this doctor only created his own slice and embarked on a reproductive journey that almost no human can touch."

"I have never heard of such an easy way to touch fate."

Ruan Mei said with emotion

"From what the lady said, it seems that the slicing technology is not very good, is that right?"

"Are you also a researcher at the space station?"

The doctor heard Ruan Mei's voice and looked over curiously.

Ruan Mei:"No, I'm not a researcher at the space station."

The doctor:"Not a researcher?"

Luo Feng smiled and said to the doctor meaningfully:

"Although Ruan Mei is not a researcher at the Black Tower Space Station"

"But she is a member of the Genius Club just like Heita."

"And she is an expert in biological research."

Doctor:"Genius Club!"

Doctor's eyes widened in surprise.

He originally thought that the person who looked down on his skills would be an ordinary space station researcher, and he never thought that Ruan Mei was actually a member of the Genius Club.

"It turns out that he is a genius of the same level as Heita"

"Since you are an expert in biotechnology, I think you have gone further than me in biopsy research."

"It is normal that you would look down on my slice research."

After quickly browsing the Teyvat forum and understanding Ruan Mei's situation, the doctor said to her with a smile.

Ruan Mei glanced at the doctor and said calmly:

"Your smile seems so fake"

"Even though you try to hold yourself back, your pride still comes out."

"I think I understand why Heita doesn't like you."

Hearing this, the doctor's face froze, and even his smile became a little ugly.

But soon, the doctor recovered, bowed to Ruan Mei in an elegant manner, and said:

"This may be related to the fact that the knowledge I have been exposed to in the past is too superficial."

"I wonder if Ms. Ruan Mei could comment on my slice research?"

"If I could see the real advanced technology through Ms. Ruan Mei, I think I could find the position I should be in and no longer have that unnecessary arrogance."

【Dixia: Wow, this doctor is so direct. He asks Ruan Mei for advice right away?】

【Keqing: Could it be that this man has read the forum and knows that Ruan Mei had previously asked Luo Feng whether he wanted to give him some advice?】

【Yan Fei: Maybe, but this man is too impatient.

Could it be that he thinks that after Ruan Mei meets Heita, the chance of her giving him advice will become smaller, so he wants to seize this opportunity before Ruan Mei has time to meet Heita?】

【Albedo: There is no more precious treasure for scholars than the guidance of a true genius. I just wonder if Ms. Ruan Mei is willing to guide the doctor.

After the doctor finished speaking, Lisa, Nashida and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun immediately looked at Ruan Mei nervously.

Even the lady who was a member of the Fatui like the doctor frowned.

After hearing the doctor's words, Ruan Mei subconsciously looked at Luo Feng who was standing beside her.

"Don't look at me, just decide for yourself."

Luo Feng shrugged and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ruan Mei nodded slightly, stepped over the doctor and the doctor's slice, and came to the reptile lying on the experimental platform, still alive.

In the surprised eyes of the doctor and the doctor's slice, Ruan Mei closed and opened her hands, and an energy body similar to a gene chain had already formed between her palms.

She swung the gene chain-like energy body in her hand and made it quickly pass through the reptile's body.

Then, a surprising scene happened.

The energy chain that passed through the doctor's body actually grew flesh and blood quickly.

In just a moment, a new doctor appeared in front of everyone. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This, this is?!"

The lady, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Lisa looked at the newly appeared doctor standing in front of them and opened their eyes wide in surprise.

"Ms. Ruan Mei's power swept past the bug, but another Doctor appeared?"

"Could it be that the bug was transformed by the doctor?"

Nashida muttered to herself, glancing at the doctor in surprise.

Sure enough, as Nashida's voice fell, the newly appeared doctor was immediately wrapped in a cocoon emerging from his body.

With vigilance, the cocoon broke, and another human-sized reptile appeared in front of everyone.

【Tartaglia: What did I see? The Doctor turned into a bug?!】

【Wendy: Could it be that, as Nashida said before, the previous bug was also transformed from a slice of the Doctor's flesh?】

【Ningguang: If that’s the case, did the Doctor actively cause it to change, or was it forced to turn into a bug because of the power of reproduction?】

【Grandma Ping: From what I can see now, it seems that I was forced to become a bug.】

"Is that really the case? The worms you dissected must have split from your body, right?"

"But when he first split off, he was not a bug, but a person.

Ruan Mei looked at the doctor and said

"As expected, Ms. Ruan Mei, how did you create it?"[]

The doctor looked at the bug beside Ruan Mei in amazement and said

"I cracked your technology, and then used my ability to quickly copy the bugs you dissected....."

Ruan Mei said

"Cracked my slicing technique?"

"This is too fast!"

The doctor opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"In fact, this technology is nothing."

"There are many people in the universe who have similar slicing technology to yours."

"It's just that out of ethical reasons, many people won't use this technology to copy themselves."

Ruan Mei said calmly.

Doctor:"My technology, isn't it?……"

【Azar: How could this be? How could this level of technology be nothing? How could Ruan Mei crack it so easily? How did she do it?】

【Kavi: This is the value of a cosmic genius. We think that advanced technology is nothing in her eyes.】

【Alice: And it only takes a few minutes for them to crack it. No! It should be said that it only takes a few seconds!】

【Falushan: Well, I suddenly feel that the doctor's slicing technique is not that impressive. If we have to talk about the best, it is still Ruan Mei's technique.】

【El Haisen: If she wanted to, she could probably easily copy another person.】

【Kaiya: Come to think of it, Ms. Ruan Mei showed off her skills like this, could it be that she really wants to give some advice to the doctor?】

【Azar: Really?! If he could get her guidance, wouldn't the doctor be able to gain a vast amount of advanced knowledge?】

【Rosalia: This is not good news!】

【Ningguang: I think Ruan Mei just wants to use her technology to make the doctor less arrogant and realize where he should be.

Or, she wants to use her technology to learn a little about the breeding destiny and the bugs produced by the breeding destiny.】

【Yae Shenzi: It is very likely. After all, Heita mentioned before that it was this Ruan Mei who proposed to create the"simulated insect plague in the universe" module.

She should be particularly interested in things related to [breeding].】

"I was able to create another me without any equipment, and even reproduced the scene of transforming me into a bug!"

"Ms. Ruan Mei, how did you do it?"

The doctor looked at Ruan Mei excitedly and asked

"I just used some of my own abilities and understanding of biological knowledge, don't worry about it."

Ruan Mei shook her head and said with a little disappointment

"Are you disappointed with my skills?"

The doctor frowned.

"No, you misunderstood."

"I'm just disappointed that I created another you but didn't touch the breeding destiny."

Ruan Mei said, and she waved her hand and a ray of light sank into the bug in front of her.

In a moment, the bug turned into ice crystal particles and disappeared without a trace.

As early as the beginning, she had completely analyzed the structure and gene chain of the bug in front of her.

Therefore, there is no need to keep it now.

On the side, the doctor saw this scene and sighed deeply.

He could feel that the energy intensity of the bug created by Ruan Mei was even catching up with him, who had embarked on the breeding destiny.

If the bugs created by Ruan Mei could be used well, the doctor felt that he might even be able to create a demon god who was not weaker than the Seven Gods of Teyvat.

However, even though he was a little unhappy, he did not dare to attack Ruan Mei, who was a member of the Genius Club.

"If I want to get to know the knowledge related to [breeding], I still need to go through you, Mr. Luo Feng."

After cleaning up the insects she made, Ruan Mei raised her head and looked at Luo Feng who was standing beside her.

"If that's the case, why didn't you come to help us calibrate the simulated universe as soon as possible?"

At this time, Heita's voice came over.

Luo Feng, Ruan Mei and others turned around and saw Heita walking over with his hands on his waist.

To Luo Feng's surprise, Screw Gumu was also beside Heita.

"That is, Screw Gum?"

""Another genius!"

Lisa muttered to herself.

The other passengers in Teyvat were also quite surprised to see Screwgum coming forward.

Because the projection image of Screwgum existed in the office of the Black Tower.

Therefore, several passengers in Teyvat knew Screwgum.

"The calibration of the simulated universe can be done after Screw Gum arrives."

"That way, the calibration will be much faster."

"As for why I came here, it was because I discovered something related to [breeding]."

Ruan Mei said, glancing at the doctor beside her.

"Is it related to breeding... So this guy embarked on the journey of breeding with the help of Luo Feng?"

"It's really interesting to actually see humans embarking on the journey of reproduction."

Heita stood beside Luo Feng.

She glanced at the remains of the insects inside the laboratory, and was obviously interested in the situation inside the laboratory.

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