""Captain Qin, I did it!"

Keli raised the light cone in her hand and looked at Qin excitedly.

"Yes, I saw it, Keli."

Qin smiled and nodded, then looked at Luo Feng with a surprised look.

"Luo Feng, you really surprised me"

"I didn't expect that a small card would have such power."

"However, I have another question"

"How long can the energy shield created by the light cone last?"

Qin asked

"The effect of this light cone, plus the power of preserving destiny that I input"

"The energy shield is enough to wear out the Wind Demon Dragon."

Luo Feng said confidently.


"Now, you should be relieved about Klee's safety, Captain Qin."

Luo Feng said.

Qin nodded involuntarily.

If the light cone can really bring such an effect,

Klee's safety can indeed be greatly guaranteed.

"However, at this moment of sailing"

"We can't really wait until the Wind Dragon runs out of energy."

"So, let's get ready to set sail."

Luo Feng said, and took the initiative to cut off the light cone to continue to transmit energy to the energy shield.

"Wait, Luo Feng, the Wind Demon Dragon is here, I can't just leave like this."

Qin said hurriedly

"Don't worry, Captain Qin"

"You are my passenger"

"I will naturally help you solve your concerns before traveling"

"I will make this wind dragon leave Mondstadt."

As Luo Feng said this, he put his hands on Qin's shoulders and half-pushed her towards the train entrance.

At the same time, he did not forget to urge Barbara, Klee, Ying and Paimon to get on the train.

"Wait, Luo Feng"

"Before we set off, can you tell me whether Liuguang Yiting is related to the Star God?"

Wendy asked hurriedly after seeing Qin, Barbara and others half-pushed and half-pushed into the car under Luo Feng's push.

The effect of the light cone was really exaggerated, and the way it was created was also very special.

It was difficult for Wendy not to associate Liuguang Yiting, which created the light cone, with the Star God.

Hearing Wendy's question, Azar, Nashida, Navilet and others who originally suspected that Liuguang Yiting was related to the Star God also pricked up their ears.

"You guessed it, Wendy."

"Liuguang Yiting is indeed related to the Star God"

"But this star god is neither fertile nor protective."

Luo Feng suddenly stopped and said mysteriously to Wendy.

"Sure enough, are there other star gods?"

"Wait, why are you looking at me like that?"

Wendy asked curiously.

"Nothing, I just thought you might want to meet this Star God and embark on the destiny created by this Star God."

Luo Feng smiled mysteriously and did not explain to Wendy that the Memory Star God might have the ability to heal wear and tear.

Rather than explaining it himself, Luo Feng hoped that Wendy would go to the universe to learn more about the Memory Star God.

"Wait, Luo Feng, why do you think I want to meet this Star God?"

Wendy wanted to ask more, but Luo Feng didn't have much time to explain.

He was already impatient for this first tour guide.

"Ying, Paimon, Jean, Klee, and Barbara"

"Please find a seat."

"The Star Train is about to depart"

"Don't be careful not to fall."

Luo Feng said to Captain Qin and others with a smile.

"Wait, Luo Feng, the Wind Demon Dragon……"

Head Qin walked towards Luo Feng in a panic.

"I said, I will relieve your worries."

Luo Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and then he started the Star Train.

The next moment, the Star Train turned into a light arrow that penetrated the shield that was still protecting Mond, and was installed on the Wind Dragon.

The Wind Dragon didn't even have time to make a sound, and was directly taken away by the Star Train.

It was just like Luo Feng had just arrived in Teyvat and bumped into the Wind Dragon.

But this time, Luo Feng was not unintentional.

"The Wind Dragon was hit by a train again!"

"Wait, why did I say again?"

Paimon stared at the Wind Dragon lying on the front of the train with his eyes wide open.

""Captain Qin, are you okay?"

Luo Feng held up Captain Qin who had almost fallen down because of the sudden start of the train and asked.

"It's okay."

Leader Qin shook his head and looked at the Wind Demon Dragon lying on the front of the train with a strange look on his face.

Because of the speed of the train, the Wind Demon Dragon couldn't even make any movements.

He could only lie on the train and go with the flow.

This was because Luo Feng didn't let the train go too fast.

Otherwise, the Wind Demon Dragon might be dismembered on the spot.

""Luo Feng, where are you going with the Wind Demon Dragon?"

Qin asked

"Of course, I took him home."

"Compared to Mond, I think he should be more suitable to stay in the Wind Dragon Ruins."

Luo Feng finished speaking.

The speed of the train increased again.

This time, the Wind Demon Dragon's eyes turned white and he almost lost consciousness.

"Wind Dragon Ruins!"

Qin said in surprise

""Yes." Luo Feng nodded slightly,"Besides, we have arrived."

After Luo Feng finished speaking, the Starry Sky Train turned and allowed the Wind Demon Dragon to fall from the train.

However, the Wind Demon Dragon had already lost consciousness at this time.

In the end, it could only fall heavily into the ruins.

"This should be enough for him to lie down for a long time."

"So that he does not have the power to threaten Mondstadt."

Luo Feng retracted his gaze and looked at Qin, Barbara, Ying and others.

"Whether it is to obtain the power to resolve the dragon plague or to protect Mondstadt"

"Or is it to gain the power to repair the Sky Harp?"

"Or gain the power to find your loved ones"

"There are opportunities hidden in the starry sky"

"Then everyone, it's time to officially set off."

Luo Feng finished speaking, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the Starry Sky Train rushed into a wormhole that appeared out of thin air.

The train fell into endless darkness, and Ying, Qin, Barbara, Keli, Paimon and others felt that they had lost their balance in an instant.

Ying, Barbara, Keli and Paimon were all sitting in their seats.

But Qin unconsciously fell forward and bumped into Luo Feng's arms.

Fortunately, both the light and balance were quickly restored.

Qin quickly got out of Luo Feng's arms.

"Sorry, Luo Feng.

Qin said with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, Captain Qin."

After savoring the fragrance of the Qin and its soft touch, Luo Feng turned and walked towards the train window.

"Compared to this, I think Qin and everyone else would like to see the scenery outside the window more."

Luo Feng said

"The scenery outside the window?" Jean came over curiously."Wait, what is this?"

Barbara:"What's wrong, Captain Jean? Hey! Where are we?"

Klee:"I want to see it, I want to see it too! Wow, what is that huge ice ball?"

Paimon:"Wow, what a big ice ball!"

Ying:"Are we sailing in the universe? Could that planet covered with ice and snow be...……"

"That's right." Luo Feng smiled and nodded to Ying, then raised his hand and pointed at the white planet outside the window:

"As you can see, that is Yalilo-VI"

"This is also the destination of our trip."

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