[Congratulations to the host for helping Barbara embark on a fertile destiny, and get a bonus lottery ticket and virtual energy boost]

[Note: Using the lottery ticket, the host will be able to draw any character template from the"Star Dome Railway"]

‘Finally completed a target’

‘I don't know whose character template I will draw this time.

Luo Feng's mood instantly became much better when he heard the improvement in his mind.

But soon, he thought of the scene when the God of Abundance seemed to look at him when he left the universe.

‘It's strange, why would the pharmacist look at me?’

‘Did He notice me through Barbara?

Luo Feng touched his chin and thought to himself.

However, although he was a little confused, the pharmacist's glance did not cause him any trouble.

Luo Feng also temporarily put aside his doubts and turned to look at Qin and others.

"We're back?"

"Barbara, are you okay?"

Jin saw the familiar scenes and the familiar world-breaking monsters around her, and immediately turned to look at Barbara.

"I'm fine, sis."

"Better than ever"

"Moreover, I have seen the Star God of Fertility"

"Now I can protect everyone better."

Barbara said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I know."

Hearing this, Qin also smiled.

The God of Plenty cast a glance at Barbara. Qin was a witness.

Naturally, she would not doubt Barbara's words.

"Now that you have embarked on a rich destiny"

"I guess I don't need to do anything, Barbara."

Luo Feng temporarily hid Feng Rao's glance at him in his heart and looked at Barbara with interest.

"Well, Barbara can handle the current situation."

Barbara said, looking confidently at the oncoming world-shattering monsters.

【Bai Shu: A fate of abundance, did Barbara really see the God of Abundance?!】

【Rosalia: Barbara is not good at lying. Her expression tells me that what she said is true.】

【Kaia: It looks like we'll be able to see Barbara using the power of destiny to resolve this crisis.】

【Arata Ichito: But we didn’t see anything. Did she really embark on her destiny and meet the Star God of Fertility?】

【Master Xueyue Zhuyang: Did I miss something? When did the Star God cast his gaze on Barbara?

As if to answer the doubtful people like Aragaki Ito and Master Xueyue Zhuyang.

Barbara's body suddenly appeared emerald green and suspended aqua blue water droplets.

The emerald green light merged into the aqua blue water droplets and then fell on Ying and Qin.

In the surprised eyes of the people of Teyvat, the wounds that originally remained on Ying and Qin were instantly repaired.

Not a single scar was left.

【Nashida: Grass element? No, the green light on Barbara's body is not just grass element!】

【Navilette: The water droplets are Barbara's original power, and the emerald green light was not originally possessed by Barbara. In other words, has Barbara really embarked on her destiny?】

【Bai Shu: Barbara's healing power is faster than before. This is the power of abundance! If I can get this power, can my long-cherished wish come true?】

【Zhongli: Although I don't know how Barbara saw the Star God, one thing is certain. The power of destiny does exist, and the people of Teyvat can indeed step into destiny.】

【Guo Beng: But this power of destiny doesn't seem to be that great. It just slightly strengthens Barbara's healing power.】

【Yae God: Don't be too confident, or you'll get slapped in the face.】

【Guo Beng: Be careful with your words!】


After healing Ying and Jean, Barbara's light fell on Hook, Claire, and Paimon.

Everyone who was covered by Barbara's light felt a new power surge in their bodies.

"Eh, this feeling... is like Sister Natasha exerting her power."

"It turns out that you have the same power as sister Natasha."

Hook stood up and looked at Barbara curiously.

Klee:"Klee feels full of strength now." Paimon:

"The injuries on Jean and Ying were healed instantly, it's amazing."

Ying:"You are so reliable, Barbara."

Jean:"It seems that the current battle is not impossible to fight."

Ying, Jean and others said, and raised their weapons to the creatures of the Rift.

"I will provide support to everyone"

"This time, I will definitely fulfill my obligations."

Barbara said very seriously after she transformed the rich healing power into a barrier to cover herself and the monsters of the rift.

Qin, Ying and others smiled when they heard it.

Even though there were more enemies in front of them than before, it didn't seem so scary.

The next moment, Qin, Ying and others rushed towards the Fire Shadow on the opposite side.

Just as Barbara said, although there were more enemies this time, it would be more difficult for Ying and others to deal with them.

But this time, even if Ying and others were seriously injured.

The healing power retained in the barrier cast by Barbara could repair the wounds of Qin, Ying and others at a very fast speed.

If Qin, Ying and others did not recover from their injuries after attacking the enemy, Luo Feng would even wonder if Barbara had obtained the innate skills of Rakshasa.

Luo Feng had a general understanding of the power of abundance that Barbara had obtained.

Therefore, even if he saw Barbara's healing power instantly repair the extremely serious wounds on Qin and others, Luo Feng was not surprised.

But when the Teyvat people saw this scene, they could not calm down anyway.

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