【His Royal Highness: Star God?!】

【Diluk: Traveler, what on earth did you dream about?】

【Wendy: Yeah, I just took a short break, how come I dreamed about something related to the Star God?】

【Rosalia: Since Luo Feng said he could solve it, I think he should be able to answer this question.】

【Luo Feng: This is probably related to the traveler's personal physique. As we all know, the traveler can use elemental power even without the Eye of God. Therefore, it is understandable that her physique would attract some other things.】

【Arata Ichito: What? The Traveler can use elemental power without relying on the Eye of God?】

【Shinobu Kuki: Boss, you just noticed it now?】

【Yae Kamiko: Because of his special physique, he attracted something else. This is indeed one reason. But what exactly did the traveler attract?】

【Furninna: Could it be some kind of powerful treasure?】

【Luo Feng: Why, do you want it?】

【Furninna: If I say I want it, will you give it to me?】

【Luo Feng: I’m afraid that if I give it to you, you won’t dare to accept it.】

【Furninna: Are you kidding? How could there be something I wouldn't dare to ask for? Just bring it to me, I'll take it.】

【Luo Feng: Even if it is a"treasure" that can destroy Fontaine"?】

【Fernina: That's right... Wait, what did you say before? You said that thing could destroy Fontaine?】

【Navia: Am I seeing things right? Something that can destroy Fontaine?】

【Navilette: Fernina, I think you should not take this"treasure"】

【Furninna: It's okay... It's okay. With you and me here, everything is a small matter...】

【Servant: Please be quiet, Lady Furninna.】

"The things that travelers dream of are things that can destroy a country"

"Luo Feng, will Ying's safety be affected?"

Qin asked worriedly.

【Luo Feng: I just dreamed about something related to it. I didn't really talk to it or touch it. It's not dangerous.】

"That is, it is something that can speak."

"And as long as you talk to it or come into contact with it, there will be danger?"

Paimeng asked in surprise

【Your Royal Highness: As a tour guide, shouldn’t you be with the travelers at this time, Luo Feng?】

"Yes, Luo Feng, you should come back soon. I am a little worried."

Paimeng said

【Luo Feng: I will be back soon, don't worry, little Paimeng. The traveler is not as fragile as you think.

Even if Star Core really talks to Ying,

Luo Feng doesn't think Star Core can bewitch Ying.

First of all, Ying didn't make any wish to Star Core.

Secondly, even if she wants to pursue power, Ying has other ways to pursue power.

How could the inexplicable Star Core bewitching deceive Ying?

Even if Star Core really succeeded in deceiving Ying,

Luo Feng could pull her back.

After all, Ying is not like the current great guardian Cocolia, who has been completely trapped in Star Core's lies because of a long period of despair.

"Well, I believe you, I will wait for you here, Luo Feng."

Ying said.

Compared with Kong's anxiety, Ying, who had been with Luo Feng for some time, was very relaxed.

【Lisa: It seems that the little cutie already trusts Luo Feng very much.】

【Ningguang: After all, we have been together for a while, so Ying knows Luo Feng much better than we do.】

【Charlotte: It's important to know that Luo Feng is not trustworthy.

But I am more concerned about the thing that Luo Feng said could destroy Fontaine.】

【Elhaisen: What can destroy Fontaine may also be able to destroy Xumi】

【Clorinde: Luo Feng, can you reveal a little bit of the content?】

【Yae Miko: Yeah, we don't even know the name of this thing, this is really worrying】

【Luo Feng: Its name is"Star Core". The outer universe flames, fire disaster shadows and other world-breaking creatures that you saw in the live broadcast room before are related to this.】

【Fernina: What? Isn't it just something that can summon the flames from outer space? Don't think of destroying Fontaine with something like this.】

【Wendy: I think this star core is not that simple, and the so-called Rift Creature is definitely not that simple either.】

【Diluk: The Rupture... I've heard this term many times, but what exactly is it?】

【Luo Feng: The so-called rift... in simple terms, it is a special space crack caused by the star core.】

【Luo Feng: These space cracks will continuously give birth to creatures that split the world.

Unless the crack itself disappears, the creatures that split the world will not disappear.】

【Luo Feng: In addition, to make the rift disappear, the star core must be sealed or destroyed.】

【Luo Feng: I have to mention that the flames from the outer universe that Qin, Ying and the others had to deal with before were just ordinary world-shattering creatures.】

【Luo Feng: As I said before, the Flame of the Outer Universe is just like the cosmic version of the Hillicrucian thugs.

Above them, there is the cosmic version of the Hillicrucian King, or even a higher level existence.】

【Luo Feng: When I have time later, I will take Ying, Qin and the others to take a look at the Rift.

If I can encounter the"Guardian's Shadow""、"

You will probably have a deeper understanding of the strength of the Rift Creatures.】



"Then Villette, what Luo Feng said must be false, right?"

"What star core, what rift, it certainly can't destroy Fontaine, right?"

Funina rushed into Villette's office and asked nervously when she came to Villette.

"I don't know." Villette shook his head and said:

"We have not yet witnessed the Rift"

"I have not seen the guardian shadow and other creatures mentioned by Luo Feng."

"Therefore, I cannot assert what Luo Feng said."

Funina:"I know that this is definitely not true."

Violet:"But I think Luo Feng is not the kind of person who speaks nonsense. What he said should have some truth." Funina

:"This... Violet, you are not serious, are you? I will never admit that the star core can destroy Fontaine or something like that."

Violet put down the pen in his office, turned his head and looked directly into Funina's eyes, and said:

"As long as you don't desire the star core, it doesn't matter whether the star core can destroy Fontaine."

"Anyway, he is just something outside of Teyvat."

Hearing this, Finina blinked and said with a sad face:

"But, doesn't this mean that I'm afraid of that star core?"

Violet:"For Fontaine's sake, you'd better know what fear is."

Funina:"But, but I'm the water god. As a god, I shouldn't be afraid."

Violet looked at Funina, who had her hands on her hips and looked proud, and sighed slightly.

He had no way to deal with the character of his own god. So he focused his attention on Paimeng's live broadcast room.

He wanted to see if Luo Feng would give any more hints.

It was a pity that Luo Feng had temporarily left the forum at this time and focused his attention on other things.

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