【Navia: I, what did I hear? Belloberg actually has a debt that has lasted for 700 years!? Is this debt really not broken?】

【Zhongli: Luo Feng mentioned it before. This account is still within the traceability period. It should not be damaged.】

【Uncle Tian: There must be immortal species in the universe, and the company spans many centuries, so it is probably normal that an account would take a long time to settle.】

【Kaia: Even if it's 1 Mora's debt, if 700 years have passed, the repayment of principal and interest will be an astronomical figure~】

【Rich man: Since the resources that the company lent to the first Great Guardian can be used to build Beloberg, it must be a considerable sum. Now that seven hundred years have passed, this sum is probably indeed as Luo Feng said. It is an astronomical sum that Beloberg cannot repay.

【Xin Yan: Is it possible that this debt is actually interest-free, and as long as Beloberg survives the difficulty of the star core, he will be able to pay off the debt relatively easily?】

【Xingqiu: Since the company is doing business, I think it should be interest-free.】

"It turns out that this is what happened when Beloberg was built!"

"Luo Feng, will the company definitely recover every debt owed?"

Natasha asked with a frown.

"Unless there are bad debts... In other words, the world of debt is destroyed."

"Otherwise, they will definitely come to collect the money.

Luo Feng shook his head and said

"Given Beloberg's current situation, can he pay the bill?"

"I mean, solve the problem of the core and wait until we stabilize it?"

Natasha asked

"Unfortunately, this account has been settled for seven hundred years."

"If the interest is included, this debt is already beyond the ability of Beloberg to repay."

"Even if we drain the resources of the entire planet where Beloberg is located, or even sell all the people in Beloberg, we still can't pay it back."

Luo Feng said regretfully. If the debt problem can be solved by simply selling the existing resources of Yalilo-VI and pulling the existing population of Beloberg to other planets as labor, Topa in the original plot would not have asked the future population of Yalilo-VI to join the future treaty. Natasha's face suddenly became extremely tangled when she heard Luo Feng's words.

【Zhongli: Is that really the case? Even if we block our resources and population, we still can’t pay off the debt. This is really a heavy contract.】

【Ningguang: This is a disaster for the people of Beloberg.

But from the company's perspective, it is only natural to get the money back.】

【Xiao Gong: But Beloberg can't come up with enough money.

The company can't really sell Beloberg's population, right?

No, they want to make Beloberg's people slaves, right?】

【Dixia: Yes, since Beloberg and the company all believe in the Star God of Preservation, they should be able to sit down and have a good talk, so as not to go so far.】

【Bennett: And judging from the job advertisement Luo Feng just showed, the company seems to be pretty good.

After seeing Beloberg's current situation, they will definitely be willing to understand.

Who knows, the company may even be willing to cancel the account. After all, we have a common belief.】

【Rich man: Too naive! A company that has developed into a great organization in the universe is definitely not an organization that only uses soft tactics.

In order to deal with countless crises in the business world, they must also have corresponding violent agencies.】

【Rich man: If Beloberg can't pay off the debt with interest, the violent organs of the company will probably be mobilized.

Maybe they will really sell Beloberg's people for money.】

【Rich man: As for believing in the guardian star god... Haha, even if the businessmen in Liyue all believe in the rock god, they will still compete in the business world and fight to the death, right?】

【Ningguang: The rich man is right, and since Luo Feng mentioned the company in this way, the company is not a gentle organization. I just don't know what kind of debt collection plan the company will give to Beloberg.】


"We already owe the company a debt that we can never repay?"

"Luo Feng, you must not be serious, right!"

Xier took a deep breath and asked Luo Feng with hope in her eyes.

"Considering the current situation of Beloberg, I also think this is not true."

"But unfortunately, this is indeed the fact, Xier"

"If you don't believe it, maybe you can ask Swarovski later."

"Later, he still has relevant information."

Luo Feng said regretfully

"How...how could this happen?"

"If we don't pay"

"The company won't just kill us, will it?"

Shiluwa said worriedly.

"After all, the company is an organization that believes in the guardian star god."

"Not to kill everyone in Beloberg."

"Besides, even if we kill Beloberg, won't we still be unable to collect the debt?"

"This kind of thing that is not good for them is not in line with the company's style."

Luo Feng shook his head and said

"In other words, is there a solution?"

Xiluwa asked in surprise.

Luo Feng:"There is a solution, but it may not be what you expect."

Xiluwa:"Now that things have come to this, please tell me about the possible solutions that the company may bring."

Luo Feng nodded and said:

"According to my understanding of the company, they should send the executives of the strategic investment department to negotiate with Beloberg."

"Perhaps, you will be asked to make the planet where Beloberg is located the property of the company."

"From now on, all people who are still alive in Beloberg or those who will be born in the future will be directly bound to the company and become employees of the company."

"And this executive from the company may promise to help Beloberg contact the outside world."

"Use outside technology as quickly as possible to help the people of Beloberg live a better life?"

【Bennett: How could this happen? Aren't the companies good people?

Why did they have to force Beloberg to make such a difficult choice?】

【Xiao Gong: Are you really going to sell off the entire Beloberg?

Not just the people who are alive now, but also all the children who will be born in the future!】

【Rich man: I have said it before. A company can develop into a universe-level organization. It is definitely not a good organization.】

【Dixia: On one hand, there is a life of having enough food but no dreams.

On the other hand, there is a life of having dreams but not necessarily being able to have enough food... ahhh, I don't know how to choose. 】

Barbara:"This...isn't this just selling Yalilo-VI? And it's not just selling the current Yalilo-VI, it also includes the future!"

Paimon:"But this seems pretty good, at least everyone can live a good life as soon as possible."

Ying:"Paimon, this is Beloberg's business, let them think about it."

As a traveler, Ying is well aware of such a big thing about the future of a planet.

It is still up to the locals to make the decision.

Outsiders can only give suggestions at most.

Xiluwa blinked and said:

"Is it possible to block all the future possibilities of Yalilo-VI?"

"Although the conditions are harsh and I don't like it, it doesn't seem that bad."

"If everyone in Beloberg can live a normal life sooner, I think it would be great."

Natasha shook her head and said:

"Agreeing to such conditions will kill the children's dreams."

"Not everyone is willing to be an employee of the company."

"Luo Feng mentioned before that being an employee of a company does not necessarily mean happiness."

Shiluwa:"But what's the point of talking about dreams if you can't even survive."

Natasha:"As long as everyone works hard enough, we will definitely find a way to survive."

Xier looked at Shiluwa and Natasha who were staring at each other, and turned to look at Luo Feng who was walking forward on his own.

"Hey, how about you try to persuade them?"

"They seem to be quarreling?"

Luo Feng shrugged and said: (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There's no harm in arguing now."

"It's better than arguing after the company's debt collectors actually arrive at Beloberg."

Xi'er:"Then from your perspective, what do you think we should choose?"

Natasha and Xiluwa heard this and turned their eyes to Luo Feng.

Through getting along with Luo Feng, Natasha has developed a deep trust in Luo Feng.

While trusting Luo Feng, Natasha also inexplicably wants to rely on Luo Feng.

Although Xiluwa has not known Luo Feng for a long time, this information was revealed by Luo Feng, which made her instinctively want to get hints from Luo Feng.

"This is Belloborg's business. I don't make decisions for Belloborg."

"But I can tell you something I know about debt collectors." When the people present heard this, they pricked up their ears.

After Luo Feng looked at it for a while, he continued under the nervous gaze of Xiluwa and others:

"The star core has changed the ecological environment of Yalilo-VI, leaving cracks everywhere."

"Even if the star core disappears, the rift will not disappear immediately, and the ecology will remain the same."

"If we wait for these phenomena to disappear naturally, it would not be surprising if they last for hundreds or thousands of years."

"Faced with such a situation, the company will definitely not choose to wait."

"At this time, the company's debt collectors will probably implement a plan to rebuild the planet's ecology on Yalilo-VI."

Xi'er frowned:"Rebuild the planet's ecology?"

Luo Feng nodded slightly and said:

"Rebuilding the planet's ecology is a huge project"

"Since it is a huge project, it is normal to have certain risks."

"There are planets similar to Yalilo-VI in the universe."

"There are also planets that choose the company to rebuild the planetary ecology"

"However, not all planets survived."

Xiluwa swallowed and said,"Could it be that some planets were destroyed because of the reconstruction of their planetary ecology?"

"That's right." Luo Feng nodded and continued:

"So far, only 63 planets have been able to be reborn with the company's technology."

Barbara:"So... that means the remaining 37 worlds are destroyed?"

"You are right, Barbara." Luo Feng looked at Barbara and said:

"So, if Teyvat is trapped in the abyss and on the brink of destruction"

"At this time, the company happened to come to Teyvat to give suggestions on rebuilding the planet's ecology."

"You Teyvatians should think carefully about this."

After hearing Luo Feng's words, all the Teyvatians were stunned.

【Albert: We were just talking about Beloberg, but why did we end up talking about Teyvat?】

【Dyne: After all, the problem of the Abyss does exist.】

【Uncle Tian: I am old now, I don’t want to experience something too exciting like this】

【Ningguang: Having said that, after understanding this, it is hard not to put Teyvat into Beloberg’s perspective.】

【Xingqiu: Even without looking in the mirror, I can tell that my complexion is very bad.】

【Doctor: Actually, the probability of the sixth floor is not low. If Teyvat really encounters such a situation, it can choose the company's plan to give it a try.】

【Master Mao: This is a bit too big a gamble. Unless Lord Yan approves the company's contract, I dare not gamble.】

【Zhongli: Even the Geo King would be very cautious in dealing with this matter.】

【Wendy: Yeah, I think Mondstadt's wind god Barbatos can't be free in the face of such a thing. 】

Zhongli and Wendy, who had experienced the Battle of Kyria, witnessed the abyss and survived, sighed almost at the same time..

Teyvat has always been troubled by the abyss.

Although the abyss has not yet destroyed the world.

But there is no guarantee that it will not happen in the future. Maybe, in the future, Teyvat will really be in the same situation as Beloberg is now.

Thinking that Teyvat may face the company's plan to rebuild Teyvat's ecology.

Zhongli and Wendy felt that the wear and tear seemed to be getting more and more serious.


""Everyone, someone is coming."

Suddenly, Luo Feng's voice brought Xiluwa and others back to their senses from the debt problem.

Everyone followed Luo Feng's gaze and saw a petite girl with glasses and dark blue hair.

"Pera, why are you here?"

Shiluwa asked with a little surprise.

"I couldn't find you anywhere, so I knew you might be looking for parts in Edge Passage again."

"I've told you many times that coming here is forbidden and it's very dangerous."

Pella put her hands on her hips and walked closer to Xiluwa with a complaining look on her face.

She raised her head and looked at Luo Feng and others:"Who are these people?"

"They are my friends." Xiluwa smiled reluctantly and looked at Luo Feng."This is Pera, my good friend."

Pera frowned and said:

"So, you brought your friends to Edge Channel to look for parts this time?"

"Shiluwa, your orders are really getting bigger and bigger."

"Aren't you worried that Jeppard will scold you after he finds out?"

Shiluwa sighed,"Let him scold you, it doesn't matter."

Pera:"Huh?! What's wrong with you? This is not like you."

Shiluwa:"I just found out something that is quite uncomfortable."

After Xiluwa finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Luo Feng.

"Don't look at me like that, you asked me to say that before."

Luo Feng said.

Pella looked at Luo Feng strangely and said:

"So, what do you know, Shiluwa?"

Shiluwa: You don't want to know, Pera."

Pera:"If you don't tell me, how can you know that I don't want to know?" Shiluwa couldn't help but raise her hand and touch her forehead when she heard these familiar words.

If possible, she didn't want Pera to face the same troubles as herself.

"What is there to hide? Anyway, when the company's people come,"

"She will know it too."

Xier said.

Pera:"Shiluwa, what happened?"

Shiluwa sighed, and finally couldn't stand Pera's insistence.

"Okay, I'll tell you."

"You have a smart head, maybe you can think of a way to deal with it."

Shiluva said.

Pella put her hands on her hips and listened to Shiluva's story about the debt.

However, the more she listened, the stranger her face became.

After Shiluva finished speaking, Pella took Shiluva's hand and walked several meters away from Luo Feng and others.

""Pella, what are you doing?"

Xiluwa looked at Pella with a puzzled look on her face, who had summoned four small floating objects that could fire ice energy beams and aimed them at Luo Feng and the others.

"Xiluwa, be careful of these people." Pella pushed her round-frame glasses and looked at Luo Feng and others warily:

"Tell me, why did you lie to Shiluwa?"

"What is your purpose?"

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