Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: 2 hard to advance and retreat

"All right!"

Ji Min sighed and said: "The past is also gone. Fan Dong told me what happened on the other side of the wormhole. I know all the efforts you have made to preserve the army. The same is true for other generals. It’s past, so I don’t want to say more, but let’s not take it as an example. This time, you still need to be punished. I know that you have made a lot of money with me over the past few years, and the family behind you, from now on, take out For all your family property, in addition to the empire's pension, another subsidy will be given to the families of the sacrificed soldiers!"

"The ministers obey orders!"

Everyone took their orders one after another. Money is a good thing for people at their level, but it's not a very important thing, and whether it's there or not doesn't affect much.

Ji Min punished their family property, this opportunity was the lightest punishment for them, Ji Min showed their intention to protect them vividly.

If it is true, it must be judged according to the Imperial Military Law.

At this moment, it is not impossible for half of them to be demoted.

"Jiang Tie, do you know the meaning of my punishment like this?"

"The sinner understands! Your majesty's love for me will definitely be remembered in my heart. In addition, your majesty also wants us to start anew. No matter how high our previous achievements are, once we lose our roots, then it is just a failure. By!"

"As long as you know!"

Ji Min nodded, "Your performance this time really surprised me. You dared to rampage in the universe without leaving any way out. You were dazzled by your past achievements and thought you were the world. Invincible, this lesson comes at the right time to let you realize that the universe is not as simple as we imagined."

"Your Majesty is educating!"

Everyone responded in unison.

The most important thing they made was their arrogance. Otherwise, no matter what they were, they would not be reduced to where they are now.

"By the way, I just came over and saw that you actually stationed your army outside and built a defensive circle, but didn't blow up the wormhole. What is going on?"

Ji Min asked strangely.

It stands to reason that blowing up the wormhole is the best way to deal with it now. Who knows if there are other weird tricks on the other side that are useless. If they can’t defend themselves, then this will be a disaster for the entire Leapfrog system. .

The Realm of God is different from the Leapfrog and Tengshe series.

This is a unified system. The Protoss is its only powerful race. The resources of the entire Gods are available for its development, and the Leapfrog family can’t even connect all the races to date, and there are only monster monsters. The wormhole race formed information sharing, and even military sharing could not be done.

The Teng Snake series is also a country of countless countries, but it has basically achieved complete information sharing and partial military sharing.

If that's the case.

I'm afraid that the realm of Gods is the strongest among the three major systems, followed by the Teng Snake system, and the Leapfrog System.

But obviously the strength of a large system cannot be calculated in this way.

According to the intelligence of the protoss prisoners captured by Jiang Tie, although the realm of the gods is very strong, the Teng Snake system is the holy land of robots, and the various characteristics of robots are most suitable for the universe. In terms of quantity, even the protoss does not Want to be able to compete.

The Leapfrog Department is not always the weakest.

The weakest thing is that everyone disperses each other and cannot gather all the fighting power. Moreover, as far as technology is concerned, it is obvious that if the Leapfrog family really realizes technology sharing, the technology will probably be the most powerful of the three major systems.

According to intelligence, those powerful clans are all top-notch technologies with a lot of pressure.

Even his Star Dragon Empire has many unique things.

The Protoss relies too much on their own talents. The robots are so good, but their innovative ability is too poor. Their technology is contributed by the races that are enslaved by them. Now, the Teng Snake family is respected by the holy race. The low status of the ten thousand races greatly reduces the technological creativity of their affiliated races.

In general, technology is one of the strengths of the Leapfrog series.

These Ji Min had already understood very well when he got the information of God's Domain.

However, the Leapfrog family has not yet been unified, so the power is particularly small, so a small Teng Snake family Mangyuan forced him to find a way to gather all the races of the monster dealer monsters and form an alliance.

The current unified God's Domain is relatively more terrifying.

So at present, blowing up the wormhole and cutting off the connection with the Protoss will be the best way. After all, the Leapfrog family is already under pressure when facing a reckless abyss. If you add a realm of Gods, they may not be able to handle it. Up.

When Ji Min mentioned this moment, Jiang Tie hurriedly explained:

"Your Majesty, this matter is not in a hurry. The main reason is that the siege did not die and fell into their hands. Now if we blow up the wormhole, then the siege still has so many deployments from him, and it may really happen again. I can't come back either."


Ji Min stared at Jiang Tiedao in surprise: "What did you say? The drama didn't die?"

He always thought that the drama was dead long ago, not to mention Ji Min, even Fan Dong, who didn't know it, was surprised.

"Yes, not only was he not dead, but the minister had already dealt with them, and saw the drama, the Protoss even used the lives of everyone in the drama as a threat, and asked us to withdraw from this star field, and Fan Dong would look for you. In the past month or so, they have contacted me three times, once more threatening than Especially the last time, their attitude has changed a lot, it seems that an extraordinary character is here, asking We must immediately decide whether to withdraw or not! We must come up with a statement."

"Too much bullying!"

Xi Tianlei snorted coldly.

His temperament is the most unbearable to be threatened by others. If someone uses him to threaten others, he will definitely end his life as soon as possible. However, he also understands that since the drama has the consciousness after the break, he is naturally not a person who is afraid of death.

I'm afraid that at this moment, he has been completely controlled and he can't help himself.

After all, how can people who are not afraid of death be their **** like this?

Because of this, the killing intent emanating from Xi Tianlei's body is so strong that he can't wait to fight against the Protoss. The ability of the Protoss has been communicating with Fan Dong and the Eighth Merry for a long time, and he is about to try a few new ones. Tactics, see if the Protoss is really that powerful.

Ji Min fell silent.

The drama is in the hands of the gods, and he now has a question before him, whether to save it or not.

Save and withdraw this star field, then the Protoss will inevitably invade the Leapfrog Family, and it is certain that this time, the Protoss invasion will be unbearable.

It will never be a small unit like the last time.

Without saving, although the generals are understandable, the feeling of sadness will inevitably spread throughout the army.

The siege was not because of their own arrests, but because they were captured for their lives. Such people are heroes and the heroes of the entire Star Dragon Empire. Not only will the army of this Star Territory be sad at this moment.

In the Milky Way, the patrol corridor, the families of all sacrificed soldiers will also be chilled.

Even Ji Min felt sorry for himself.

This is a real problem, and now Ji Min is in a dilemma.

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