Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Haoguang Clan Annihilation

To get through this star field, it requires not only courage and perseverance, but also huge energy support.

The money spent is hard to count.

It is expected to be completed in half a month, and the consumed materials will at least need to be supported by all the taxes of several large star regions.

It can be said that in order to destroy a small force of tens of thousands of warships, spending such a large amount of energy to break a meteorite star field belt is simply a loss-making business. Anyone with a cool head will not give such thoughts.

Thousands of legions, hundreds of billions of warships, and trillions of warriors consume more than tens of thousands of warships every day, but Ji Min actually ordered to go with this meteorite star field.

From the domain commanders to the ordinary soldiers, they are all very supportive.

This is the charm of Ji Min.

This is the charm of human nature.

When a person is alive, he always has to do things that seem ridiculous and capricious.

Ji Min's command at this moment is enough to describe it as a wayward.

Probably only he can do this kind of feat of thousands of corps, encircling and suppressing tens of thousands of warships. The force went all the way, it was very close to the hearts of the soldiers, this is conquering the universe, as long as they can succeed, then they will truly rely on their own ability to conquer the universe for the first time.

The actions of the Star Dragon Empire All the intelligent robots in the meteorite star are watching.

At the beginning, they all disdain.

This meteorite star is so big, if it is really going to come all the way, how long will it take, how much energy it will take, but unless the opponent is boring to the limit, it is impossible to come in.

Maybe after letting them understand the stupidity of this approach, they will retreat.

This is the idea of ​​all intelligent robots in the meteorite star field.

One day passed.

The army of the Star Dragon Empire continues.

Two days passed.

Still going on.

a week has passed.

The two passages of the Star Dragon Empire have been played for a long time, and troops have been sent to guard them all the time. They are responsible for cleaning up the meteorites that appear in the passages and keeping the passages unblocked. These two passages can be maintained for a long time.

At this time, people are afraid of smart machines.

They couldn't think that the enemy in front of them was really willing to go to war with them in order to deal with their little power.

One week later, the other party not only did not retreat at all, but accelerated more and more.

At this moment, the intelligent robots also began to panic, and they finally realized how determined Ji Min was to kill them.

Seeing the enemy approaching day by day, they finally could no longer remain silent and began to choose to leave.

After finding a right direction, the robot fleet began to break through.

Although the location they chose was very secretive, in the eyes of the large number of patrols dispatched by Ji Min, there was nowhere to escape.

As soon as the robot fleet appeared, it was as if it had thrown into a snare, and it slammed into the encirclement of Ji Min's organization.

A life and death battle broke out immediately.

A few hours later.

The universe returned to calm.

The fleet of robots has been turned into a piece of wreckage, they can't even break through, and it turns into history.

Soon, Ji Min got all the answers he wanted to know.

After this group of robots left the galaxy, they rushed to the star field where they are currently located, and then chose to establish a base here. The fleet that just escaped is more than tens of thousands of warships.

It also includes tens of thousands of transport ships.

Those intelligent robots are reluctant to lay down their industrial base and battleship production line even if they flee for their lives.

It's a pity now that the Star Dragon Empire has swept them all out, all killed in battle.

And Ji Min also understands why this group of robots have developed so fast. After all, it is not long before these robots left the galaxy. If you really have accumulated a little bit of development, it is impossible to have such a large scale. The reason for this fast was only obtained after occupying a race nearby.

They defeated the **** army of this race.

This **** army was too small in number and poorly equipped. It was not an opponent of the robot from Mangyuan. It was quickly defeated. Then the robot seized a large number of laborers and robbed a lot of materials from this force. Development has led to today's scale.

But now it was served by Ji Min.

As the robot was wiped out, Ji Min also got a safe passage into this star field from some of the captive warships.

When the soldiers who had to be dispatched arrived at the place where the robots were entrenched before, everyone was stunned.

Countless corpses covered the planet. Before the robots left, they had killed all the laborers they had captured. They were really corpses across the wild, sad and desolate.

Ji Min originally expected to spend half a month to get through this star field and strangle the robots.

Unexpectedly, this group of robots was so uncomfortable that after only a week, they ran out directly.

This can be regarded as ending this war ahead of schedule.

The Star Dragon Empire also officially wiped out a group of robot forces from Mangyuan, and this was the first time that robot forces were wiped out.

After cleaning the battlefield and confirming that the robot could no longer hide, Ji Min led the army on the return journey.

After half a month, the army reappeared in the galaxy.

At this moment, the blue and green clothes have been waiting for him for a long time.

On the space mothership, Ji Min summoned the blue and green clothes.

"Your Majesty, you can count as coming back. If you don't come back, I will send someone to find you."

When they met, the blue and green clothes said anxiously.

"What is it that makes you so anxious? Could it be that what's wrong with the Alliance?" Ji Ming asked in surprise, because he really rarely saw the blue and green clothes look so anxious, he thought of the Alliance the first time.

Sometimes this alliance really depends on him to maintain During this time, he is not there. If the alliance really has a big problem, it can be really troublesome.

And it seems that only this problem can make the blue and green clothes so anxious.

"No! It's a matter of the Haoguang clan."

Who knows, the blue and green clothes even mentioned the Haoguang clan.

"What about the Haoguang clan? Say it!"

When Ji Min heard that it was a matter of the Haoguang clan, his eyes lit up and he urged.

"Your Majesty! News came back from the Hu clan's reconnaissance unit that went to the Haoguang clan. All members of the Haoguang clan were dead, and they all seemed to be dead and weird. It seemed... like a virus. All the reconnaissance troops that were looking for were isolated. From the video that was sent back, we can see that this is a very terrifying thing that has never happened in the history of the Leapfrog family. In just a few days, all died, this..."

Having said that, the blue and green clothes can no longer be said.

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