Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1271: Lanster proposal

Ji Min's words caused a lot of discussion among the people present.

However, it can be seen from the stern look of everyone that they have realized the terrible threat of the Mangyuan robot and put it in their hearts.

"Emperor Ji, are you sure there is no problem with the realm of the gods? The troops you reserve don't seem to be much. If the opponent has any special abilities, or your subordinates are careless, the consequences are not just talking..."

On the high platform, the Hu people asked questions.

Although they have formed an alliance with Ji Min, and the alliance prohibits infighting, the deaths and disappearances of tens of thousands of soldiers in the Legion is not a small number.

Nowadays, within the Hu clan, there are not a few people who regard Ji Min as the Hu clan's greatest enemy.

It's just that due to the formation of the alliance, there is a slight convergence. If it is not, how can the Hu people sit under the same roof with Ji Ming and discuss matters together?

"About this, please rest assured!"

Ji Min said with confidence: "The Concentric Star Field is a rare magical star field in the universe. The safe star road is narrow and narrow. I have sent people to build countless checkpoints on this passage to prohibit the passage of the Protoss. Their merchants , We can only trade in the space base outside the wormhole. Our side takes full initiative. There is no other possibility. If we get to that point, I believe my subordinates will directly destroy the wormhole. The connection between the domain of the gods and the leapfrog system was completely broken."

"If you want me to say, it's the best policy to blow up the wormhole right now, it's a hundred."

The Hu clan said fiercely.

His opinions immediately won the support of many people, and they all agreed.

But Ji Min frowned.

If it weren't for trickery, if there were not so many people captured, he would definitely not form an alliance with the Protoss, and would only blow up the wormhole in the first place, but the reality is not for him to decide like this.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he hopes to be able to rescue the soldiers and soldiers.

And Ji Min's deliberate finding of fault by this Hu clan also bored Ji Min.

"Now that the entrance to the domain of the gods appears within the radiant star domain of our Star Dragon Empire, I, Ji Min, will naturally take this responsibility and will never allow the Protoss to invade the Leapfrog System. If you think that our Star Dragon Empire is not enough Well, you can send someone to blow up the wormhole by yourself. I, Ji Min, will never stop it, otherwise the matter will be exposed and I won't mention it again!"

The tone of Ji Min's words was already quite impatient.

The Hu people wanted to refute, but he really couldn't do anything about Ji Min, the coordinates of this God Realm Ji Min had not been announced.

He doesn't have this ability to find Concentric Star Territory.

Seeing Ji Min's anger, the Hu people closed their eyes and said nothing, and the people of many races stopped making a fuss. After all, the development of the Star Dragon Empire is now strong, and they should not offend too deeply.

"Well, since the domain of God has a guarantee from Emperor Ji, we definitely believe that there will be no problems. After all, the Star Dragon Empire is now a big strong clan of the Leapfrog family. If it can't even hold a wormhole, Then we don't need to form an alliance, we don't need to resist Mangyuan, we can simply surrender. Now, our energy should be put on dealing with Mangyuan."

Suddenly, the Lansters spoke.

This person, Ji Min, knew that he was a real power figure in the Lanster Sky Conference. He had been in charge of alliance affairs for a long time and had been stationed in the Monster Vendor Star for a long time. According to the information, this person was named Si Kui.

It has a profound background and has a wide range of supporters among the Lanster tribe. There are several huge families behind it, and the Lanster tribe also belongs to one-handed existence.

This passage made Ji Min look at him with admiration.

It is undoubtedly good news to be able to support his proposal as one of the strongest forces in the Leapfrog family. As long as the Lansters speak up, this matter will have a little more power.

And this is exactly where Ji Min was surprised.

We must know that there are still a lot of nasty behind the current surface harmony between the Lansters and the Star Dragon Empire.

The Lansters instruct the Smona Iron Clan to deal with the Star Dragon Empire. This is something that both parties know, but now neither of them mentions anything about these things. People who don’t know the relationship between the Star Dragon Empire and the Lanster Clan. Even thought that the Lanster tribe had a good relationship with the Star Dragon Empire.

How else would the Lansters support Ji Min to form an alliance?

How else would you say good things to Ji Min at this moment?

I saw Si Kui continue to say: "The Emperor Ji, regarding Mangyuan, our clan’s firmament meeting has also been discussed, and even an inspection team has been formed to conduct field investigations in the Milky Way. After a lot of calculations and deliberation, we have found a more suitable solution. The solution to the current predicament is that this solution requires the cooperation of Emperor Ji."

Ji Min's eyes lit up.

If the Lansters really have a way to solve the problem of Mangyuan, it would be better, "Master Siqui, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely cooperate with all my strength."

"This method is also simple. According to your human words, it is to capture the thieves first, and the robots that spread out are ultimately just some intelligent robots, which threaten those transcendent-level robots that are far from Mangyuan, which is what their robots claim to be. The threat of the saints is great. As long as we remove the robots in the galaxy and blow up the wormholes, the robots spread out from Mangyuan are like duckweed without roots. Although it is still difficult to entangle, it is not impossible. Can be defeated."

Siqui's words made many people present nod their heads.

However, Ji Min looked surprised and asked: "Master Siqui, do you mean that you have found a way to overcome the harsh environment of the galaxy and can you send a large number of troops to enter?"

Ji Min knows that no race will completely replicate the development of others. Each race has its own secrets and its own outstanding features.

Especially the strong clan like the Lanster clan, among them amazing technology is emerging in an endless stream.

They are not short of money or technology. Under normal circumstances, they will not sell the highest and best technology of their race. If they really find a way to overcome the harsh environment of the galaxy, this is not a fantasy. The matter is completely possible.

But soon, Ji Min was happy for nothing.

Siqui shook his head.

"We are also helpless in the environment of the Milky Way. This is an environment formed after the explosion of a large system. Perhaps only the life above the transcendent level can resist the influence of its environment. However, our wise men have found another one. This kind of attack method can use specific equipment to extend the range of the weapon to the center of the galaxy. As long as the number is large enough, we can pose a threat to them. If this group of robots has been hiding inside and cannot come out, then they are considered one. They are all transcendent-level existences, and they are just waiting to die! And as long as they can't resist and are forced out, then they can't help them next, the Leapfrog family, but they don't come and want to go. Just go."

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