Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1299: Alien status

Star Emperor Tyranny Chapter 1294: The Status of Foreign Races

Chapter List Chapter 1294 The Status of the Alien Race

Chapter 1294

March 02, 2017 23:32

It is like the Civil War that broke out in the United States hundreds of years ago.

In order to win the war and get more troops to supplement, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation for the Emancipation of Black Slaves, which hit the key to the South. The death knell of nearly 200 years of criminal slavery was sounded, and 4 million black slaves saw the dawn of freedom and encouraged them to fight. The blacks immediately joined the army, which led to a rapid increase in the military strength of the Northern Union that supported President Lincoln.

Lincoln told the Deputy Secretary of the War Charles Dana: "Amending the Constitution to prohibit slavery is one of the most important military measures. It is tantamount to adding at least one million new troops on the battlefield."

This move gave the Confederate an unprecedented fatal blow, reversed the situation in one fell swoop, and finally won the war.

The same is true of the Dark Emperor, in order to get more troops and save more resources.

He accepted the foreign race into the army, and announced that anyone who merited meritorious battlefield performance can be exempted from the status of a slave, obtain the same status as the saint in the dark empire, and be appointed as a nobleman.

This is similar to Lincoln's liberation of blacks.

And Anluo is the only person with outstanding military exploits among all alien races.

Although the loss of robots in war is indeed less than that of other aliens, how to look at this issue.

For the carbon-based intelligent race, every person in a carbon-based lifeform needs a lot of time and resources to learn and grow from birth to adulthood, and everyone's sacrifice is not worth the loss.

But for robots, the Star Warriors can't afford to lose. They are too expensive. Every battle of the ordinary robot fleet consumes astronomical amounts of materials. This is a huge economic loss. It is also a place for aliens. , The reasonable utilization is also a good thing for waste utilization.

That's why there is the previous command.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, foreign warfare is lack of morale and low combat effectiveness. The Dark Empire needs a foreign hero to stimulate all foreign fighters. At this time, General Anluo came into being.

The facts have also proved that the Dark Emperor’s command is quite effective. Under the command of Dark Luo, countless alien races have exerted their full strength, repelled the enemy, and regained the lost Evil Abyss. Now guarding the Evil Abyss, it is even more effective for the enemy. It is impossible to move forward for decades.

This is the effect.

But aliens are always aliens.

No matter how clever and no matter how loyal a dog is, it will never be comparable.

Even they can't even compare the status of black people.

Blacks and whites are at least the same human race, and in the eyes of the saints, alien races are just like pigs and dogs that can be bought and sold and killed at will.

Although Anluo is a great general of the dark empire, in the final analysis, even an ordinary saint can not give her any face, her position as a general is also useful in Xie Yuan. Yuan, I'm afraid that even the intelligent robot can't command it.

But now, the think tank really can’t understand why the Dark Emperor would let General Anluo lead his army at this time. In his heart, he was worried about the reaction of neighboring countries. He was worried about the person and her subordinates. .

It was speechless.

No one star warrior or a saint was willing to work under Anluo.

After all, in their eyes, foreign races are just slaves, even An Luo, who is in the position of a general, is the same. It is impossible for them to condescend.

Therefore, the generals of Anluo are almost all aliens. Only the lowest part of the army is a fleet of ordinary robots. The entire army is composed of aliens and robots, and some intelligent robots are mixed.

Because of this, Anluo never had access to the true core secrets of the empire.

And what the dark empire needs is just a watchdog.

For Amethyst Star and the Leapfrog Family, such a major secret, it is really inappropriate for an alien to know.

This is even more important than the core secrets of the empire.

What kind of person the Dark Emperor is, you can see at a glance what the think tank is thinking.

"Don't worry! Even if Anluo has great abilities, she can't escape from my palm. It is undeniable that her ability to lead the battle really surpasses everyone in the empire, including you and me. According to intelligence, Xinglong The Ji Min of the empire is not easy to deal with. The power we can draw is limited. At this moment, the neighboring countries around are ready to move, and the frontier army can't move easily. In addition, the Federation has been frightened by Anluo for decades, and there should be nothing wrong, so Only Anluo can be mobilized at this time."

"But Anluo is nothing but a foreign race..."

The think tank wanted to say something, but was stopped by the dark emperor's eyes.

"I don't want your performance to appear in front of Anluo. This will affect her attitude of doing everything for me. At least on the surface, she must be respected. Don't worry. When the Star Dragon Empire is repelled, it will be her Anluo body. At the moment of death, any alien that knows about the Leapfrog family has only a dead end, and with the amethyst mine and the star field rich in the Leapfrog family, Xie Yuan will no longer be An Luo will also be dispensable, and the rise of the Dark Empire is just around the corner!"

The Dark Emperor's words were full of disdain.

Obviously, even he has never regarded the foreign races such as Anluo, who was conferred by himself, as his own.

Even An Luo led an alien army fighting desperately for the empire, guarding the frontier for decades.

In the bottom of his heart, An Luo is no different from others. The superficial respect is just a little affirmation and encouragement for a dog who can fight and be loyal.

"That's the case, since the Dark Emperor has already planned, then I won't say more, I will go to convey the order."

The think tank said with a smile.

Since the Dark Emperor had already said so, he naturally had nothing to say.

A little bit of time passed, and the Star Dragon Empire’s attack finally came, and immediately destroyed the base outside the wormhole with a force of destruction, but Simmer and others had already led the army out of the base and jumped to a place in the galaxy. There is no place to be attacked.

At the same time, Amethyst Star was also cleaned up again.

Before the attack came, all the Star Jue fighters recruited by the original guard finally put down Amethyst, chose to escape, and merged with Simmer. Under the premise that Camo was captured, they surrendered and took refuge in the Dark Emperor.

In a short period of time, Simoer once again mastered no less than 70,000 star fighters.

Fortunately, natural wormholes are not comparable to man-made wormholes. A long-distance aimless attack like this will not be destroyed at all, and man-made wormholes, as long as the equipment is blown up, the wormhole will inevitably collapse.

This natural wormhole has a stable structure and must be blasted at a fixed point to completely destroy the spatial structure of this piece of space before it may collapse.

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Chapter 1294

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