Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 181: Have a meeting

"Not enough, continue"

"Bigger, bigger, smaller"

Soon under the detection of the instrument, he finally found a suitable energy release intensity. Ji Min let go abruptly, and the blue fire bead slowly suspended in the air under the continuous input of energy below, just like this. There. 【Full text reading】.

At the moment when the pseudo-mother crystal was formed, a wave of psychic energy invisible to the naked eye spread, and the entire double heaven suddenly became a net.

Whether it is animals or plants, it seems to be refreshed. The sky becomes bluer and the air becomes fresher. Even the hot and difficult deserts in the ordinary days suddenly become cooler, the plants begin to become vibrant, and the humans are also very important. I noticed the change for a while.

"Hey look, the snow cold flowers are blooming"

In a house in Tsing Yi City, a potted snow cold flower was blooming in full bloom. The family looked at this pot of snow cold flower that only bloomed in the cold winter in the past.

In Gancheng, where the Ganjin Legion was stationed, Wang San just finished the phone call for the warship urging the Armament Department, but saw the dying goldfish in the fish tank on the desk suddenly jumped up again. How could he still look half-dead before, very strange. .

"Well, from now on, this base will be set as a military forbidden area, and the guards will take over the protection. Without my permission, no one is allowed to enter."

When he left this base, Ji Min ordered like this.

With this pseudo-master crystal, under the huge energy supply of the light source, its psychic energy fluctuations will affect the entire double heaven planet, and all the animals and plants in the double heaven will be affected, the physique becomes stronger, and the quality of the army. It will also improve indirectly, which is a good thing.

And the next thing is to start issuing laws to effectively hunt mutant creatures in order to obtain evolution stones.

The first time he returned to the palace, Ji Min called for the five army commanders and the representative of the scientific research base Ran Qin, as well as the Minister of Intelligence Ghost, the Minister of the Arms Department Chen Ding, and the Chief of the Military Department Steve to discuss matters.

The ten people here now, including Ji Min, represent the absolute leadership of the Second Heaven Empire.

"I asked you to come over today because there are some more urgent matters to deal with, and there are no outsiders here, so everyone can speak freely." In the study, Ji Min took the lead.

"Your Majesty, please order"

Everyone got up and stood at attention, even Ran Qinben didn't want to be so serious, and he stood up next to him.

"Well, everyone here is an acquaintance. You don't need to be so polite. Just sit down. You still need to make decisions about some things. The layman leads the insider. If you make a mistake, it can be serious." Ji Ming said with a smile.

Everyone saw that Ji Min was in a good mood and spoke calmly. They immediately relaxed and returned to the original position. Although Ji Min always said that they don’t need so much courtesy in private, they still dare not go beyond. After all, Ji Min Nowadays, it is no longer just a friend of life, but also the emperor of a country.

Especially Wang San, Ji Ying, Su Qing, Xi Tianlei and other people who are used to the law of the double heaven, they are even more respectful when facing Ji Min, while Ghost, Jiang Tie and others have lived in the Federation for a long time, sometimes In private, he would be called the boss of Ji Min, but when there were outsiders, he would behave like Wang Sanji.

There is only Ran Qin who can maintain his heart when facing Ji Min, and sometimes he dares to be fierce Ji Min, and Ji Min also cherishes this embarrassing innocence.

For today’s topic, Ji Min told everyone all the information he got from Hetie, including that pregnant women cannot be exposed to light, all human bodies will be strengthened, and only evolutionary stones produced by the earth can be absorbed by humans without side effects, etc. .

Ran Qin's first reaction after hearing this was, "No wonder we are doing research on death row prisoners or animals. In any case, there will be violent, irrational and other side effects. It turns out that this is also related to the home planet."

The other people were both excited and looking forward to it. No one didn't envy Ji Min's skill. The video of Ji Min driving the Blue Soul alone against the federal army with hundreds of mechas is still playing in the army.

When I thought that I would have Ji Min's skills in the future, I was suddenly excited, and seeing what Ji Min meant, he would set off on the earth in the future, which was really exciting.

"The first thing is that the pseudo-mother crystal tower has been built. It is presumed that in the near future, more and more mutant beasts will start to appear in Erzhongtian, and this cannot be kept secret, and new laws and regulations need to be issued. To protect the mutant beasts, it is necessary to slay them reasonably, harvest the evolution stones, and at the same time not let the evolution stones fall outside."

The people here knew in advance that Ji Min was going to build a pseudo-mother crystal tower. Now that I knew the role of the pseudo-mother crystal, they naturally understood the meaning of this.

Once mutant beasts begin to appear, in order to ensure that the evolution stone does not flow out, legislation is inevitable, and not only is the restriction on the evolution stone, but also the protection of mutant beasts must also be enacted. Otherwise, it will be faced with large weapons such as mechas and battleships. The mutant beasts born cannot resist no matter what. At the same time, powerful weapons will inevitably destroy the ecological balance of the second heaven. The large number of deaths of mutant beasts will cause the mutant beasts to lose competition. The evolution stone produced is of low quality and contains psychic energy. Too few and so on, so there must be restrictions on hunting weapons.

According to He Tie, if there are a large number of mutant beasts in a group, it is very likely that the king of mutant beasts will be born, that is, the king of the beasts. The king crystal will be produced in the body of the beast king. The energy of the king crystal is more pure than ordinary evolution stones. Nor can it be said in the same way. If the mutant beast is found, it will be eradicated with a powerful weapon. Under such conditions, the Beast King will not be produced at all, and Ji Min will naturally not be able to obtain Wang Jing.

"Boss, according to you, mutant beasts may have three levels of evolution stones: young crystals, mature crystals, and king crystals. Then how should we set the price? After all, we are crossing the river by feeling the stones and have no experience to follow." Chen Ding first expressed his doubts.

He is a major in economics and management, and he can always think of money in the first place for everything. As long as the thing is linked to money, and he understands the value of the thing, then he can make better suggestions.

Ji Min was silent for a moment, and said: "You also know now that although the evolutionary stone of the second heaven cannot be directly absorbed by humans, it can double the lifespan of a person when worn on the body, and this evolutionary stone has more in-depth research. The meaning is not just to extend the life span. If we didn’t build the Pseudo-Master Pagoda and only have the evolution stones in my hand, then their value is priceless, but now that the Pseudo-Parent Pagoda is built, there will be a double heaven in the future. The output of Evolution Stones will increase significantly. Priceless will definitely not be able to do it. But for the entire Federation, this output is far from negligible. It is certain that there will be no market for the price, and I intend to use it for myself, but also prepare Relying on this to make money for the empire, now we are a country, if we want to develop quickly, we need a lot of money. As for this value, the three kinds of spars can only be determined by energy testing to determine the specific value, but The value gap between young crystals, mature crystals, and Wang Jing should be the lowest ten times, because this is already a qualitative difference."

A country needs rapid development, and it cannot be closed forever. Once the double heaven empire is stabilized and the laws and regulations are well established, Ji Min will announce the opening of trade with all forces and issue a star road map leading to the double heaven to the entire federation. .

At this time, as long as the operation is good, and a little bit of evolutionary stone is exposed through the black market, the merchants will definitely go crazy into the second heaven, because there are too many business opportunities, then the second heaven will definitely attract countless merchants and forces to come. With their arrival, a large amount of wealth will flow into the Erzhongtian Empire.

"Your Majesty, according to your subordinates, since mutant beasts cannot be hunted and killed on a large scale, then we will issue a decree that everyone can only carry light weapons and armor to enter the wild for adventure, so that they can maintain their bravery, exercise their will, and guarantee The high quality of future troops can also increase the difficulty of capturing. It can protect mutant beasts and obtain a large number of evolution stones. Then we can recover them at a fixed price and sell them at a high price. The money earned will surely make us double. The Empire of Heaven has developed rapidly. As for the prices of recycling and take-out, the pricing here is inappropriate, and it is best to be identified by the market."

Speaking of being sensitive to money, Chen Ding is not the only present here. Wang San was also a businessman before, and he was even more adept at making transactions than Chen Ding. According to Ji Min’s proposal, he was clearly aware of the business opportunity to make money. Proposed.

"You mean to put an evolution stone from the black market first and see how the market reacts" Ji Min asked, his eyes lit up.

"His Majesty, that's it. The market decides how much the evolution stone is worth. Although everyone does not know that there will be a lot of evolution stones soon, but we go to the black market, and we can’t blame us when we encounter local tyrants being slaughtered. We can not only make a good profit, but also set a reasonable official price based on the transaction price of the Evolution Stone in the black market." Wang San said in a hurry.

When it comes to doing business, he doesn't think he will lose to anyone.

"Very well, just do as you said, you do it, within a week, I want to know the result, this one is for you" Ji Min took a dig in his arms, threw an evolution stone to Wang San, and continued: "70% of the money sold for this evolutionary stone is turned over to the national treasury, and you keep 30% of it for yourself, which is considered hard work."

"Your Majesty," Wang San thanked him immediately.

Everyone immediately looked at Wang San with envy. The value of this first evolutionary stone is absolutely amazing. It is not a small amount at 30%. This is a fair and honest income. No one dares to refuse to accept Ji Min. Approval, this is a great honor

"The second question now is the currency issue. Since we have established a nation, then we should also have our own currency. This is proposed by Chen Ding. I have already notified you in advance. I wonder if you have any ideas."

After all, Ji Min is not a professional, and he can’t solve it at all. He can’t decide whether or not to issue a new currency. After all, the Federal Currency has been used for hundreds of years. Not to mention other people, even if he uses it very smoothly, Chen Ding proposed it boldly, but he really couldn't make up his mind, so he could only discuss it with everyone.

Faced with Ji Min’s question, no one answered. After all, it’s not professional. Everyone is used to using Federal currency. If you want to change it, it’s not accustomed and troublesome. If you don’t change it, you don’t think it’s right. Your country does it. Why use the same currency as the Federation.

Also, if you want to change, how to deal with the middle exchange ratio, or other things, is by no means as simple as a sentence.

The current double heaven empire also continues the previous management method of the Star Thieves group, which is managed by the army. This can be seen from the arrangement of a legion in each city of Ji Min. In addition to the addition of laws, the lives and property of the people are guaranteed. , The current double heaven empire is clearly an upgraded version of the Star Thieves group.

This is also in the second heaven, if there will definitely be big troubles in other places, but the people of the second heaven are still familiar with this set, because they were refugees in the past, they were used to this, and Ji Min gave them Life is the life they dream of.

Until now, Ji Min knew that he was short of a person who knew all kinds of government affairs. He, the emperor, knew a little bit about commanding and fighting, and the long-term development of the country. But once he encountered economic, cultural, and political problems, his eyes would be smeared. I don't know what to do anymore.

"Don't you have any ideas?" Ji Min had to continue to urge.

Faced with Ji Min’s urging, everyone remained silent and silent. They had never encountered such a problem before. All their problems before were subject to force, and everything was resolved by force. Nothing to spend, grabbing for nothing, grabbing

Suddenly, Wang San seemed to think of something and said: "Your Majesty, there is a recommendation from a subordinate, he should have some suitable ideas."

Wang San’s answer surprised Ji Min and asked quickly: "Who is it?"

"The subordinate's deputy, bored the donkey" Wang San replied.


Ji Min exclaimed, but he didn't expect that the person recommended by Wang San was a bored donkey.

In his memory, Boring Donkey is not like a political talent, but he has his own style of fighting. After the establishment of the five legions, Ji Min assigned Boring Donkey to Wang San as his deputy. After all, they were the most familiar. Also happens to work together.

"I know that your Majesty may be strange. From the appearance, the person who bores the donkey is not like this talent. But the subordinates have to say that the Domineering Star Thieves group has actually experienced many crises over the years, especially the financial crisis, but We were all resolved by being bored with the donkey, and sometimes what we did was just a magical touch. Several of our old friends admired it, so our subordinates dared to recommend the donkey," Wang San said.

"Very well, in that case, I'll go down to talk to Boring Donkey. Then is the last topic of the day." Ji Min stopped suddenly when he said, his face became solemn, and the atmosphere in the study began to depress. When he got up, Ji Min glanced at the people sitting in jeopardy, and continued: "Next, your task is to build a legion with all your strength and form combat power. We may have a hard fight."

As soon as they heard this, everyone's heads became active. It was only a few days after the rest, and there was a hard fight again. It seems that Ji Min's ambition is not small.

"Boss, you mean the three major legions," Jiang Tie said.

"Yeah" Ji Min nodded and said, "As long as your legion can be formed, with the performance of the Tayun series of battleships, we can completely defeat the three legions of Golden Sword, Iron Ring, and Green Python, and I will help each of you. Prepared a mecha force. Now the Federation is full of wars and disasters. The forces everywhere are fighting. The relatively stable is the Golden Star Region. If we can't take this opportunity to occupy a large area of ​​the Star Region, we will only rely on the Second Heavenly One. These terrestrial planets are absolutely difficult to provide us with the capital to compete on the battlefield."

Everyone knows what Ji Min said. Today’s federation can’t control the distance at all. The Venus of Gange is now a defensive force with only three legions. For any force, it’s very sweet, and I’m in the Venus of Gange. The double heaven is even more convenient. If you don't seize the opportunity, you will never be able to do anything in the future.

"Boss, the mecha unit is ready" Jiang Tie asked in surprise.

Everyone knows that Ji Min drew a large group of people with the best physical fitness to participate in mecha training. It was not Blue Soul, but the mechas with streamlined operation methods brought back from the deep sea base. The requirements of, are greatly reduced, and all the people with better physical fitness have been selected. Fan Dong and A Zhuang are currently training alone with them, and no one knows the situation.

Hearing Ji Min's words at this moment, everyone looked at Ji Min, and the longing in their eyes was deeply revealed. Who doesn't want to be the commander of a mecha force one day, this is the wish of any general.

Ji Min shook his head and said, "It's not good yet, only the basic operation is mastered, and it is still far from going to the battlefield."

Everyone was suddenly frustrated.

Jiang Tie was frustrated and complained: "Boss, this Armament Department is too slow to launch battleships. Now the army’s new Blue Star mechas are all in place, but this battleship has also received dozens of ships from your Central Legion. Our other four legions add up to only a few dozen ships. At this speed, let alone fighting immediately, I guess that even if the Federation is divided, it will be annihilated and unified, and our legion has not yet formed.

"Boss, this can't blame the Armament Department. Our production line is already in three shifts. Work is started all day long without stopping for a second, but the productivity is limited. You can't blame the Armament Department." Chen Ding couldn't help it. , Also complained.

Recently, he was urged by several army commanders and he could hardly stand it anymore. He had to give priority to Ji Min's Central Corps. As soon as the other regiments were retreated, they kept calling him. He was almost annoyed.

"What is your If you interrupt the boss's thoughts, I will squeeze your head," Steve cursed loudly on the side.

Suddenly, the hall was quiet

For some reason, this Steve couldn’t get along with Chen Ding. Chen Ding is now the Minister of the Arms Department. Who would dare not give face, even the commander of the army would be polite to him. After all, everyone is of the same level. Steve is the only one who shouts to Chen Ding every time, but Chen Ding is not afraid of anyone, but he is afraid of Steve. Perhaps it was just a few months after Ji Min and others escaped from Sky Blue Star. Christie has completely left a shadow in Chen Ding's heart. At this moment, seeing Steve roaring, his head shrank in a reflexive manner.

To say that this is really one thing down one thing, even though they are all at the same level now, Chen Ding facing Steve is still like a mouse meeting a cat. He didn't dare to refute at all. He sat there obediently and ignored. He has studied the strategy for a long time. He believes that Steve will absolutely not dare to continue yelling in front of Ji Min, but if he refutes, then maybe he will not only be scolded, but also beaten. You know Steve Beat him, Ji Min never cared about it.

Sure enough, Steve cursed. Seeing Chen Ding's appearance of correcting happily, he also knew that it was the meeting place, so he immediately put away his temper and sat down in his seat, waiting for Ji Min to speak.


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