Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 216: Earth class

"Your Majesty, the minister has a suggestion, please listen carefully," Blue Green said afterwards.

"Oh, what advice?" Ji Min asked.

"As far as I know, after arriving on Earth, the Earth Federation will definitely not take action against the various forces. After all, they are nominally the righteous party. Now everyone is discussing the joint forces to eliminate the robot family. They do this at this time, not only cannot eliminate the various forces, It will also cause great chaos, and once the guards of one legion of each force rebel, I am afraid that even more federal fleets will not be able to keep the earth from being destroyed. Therefore, the pressure from the Earth Federation is not great, but the participating forces are not very popular. Qi, at that time there is likely to be any unknown situation. As far as I know, your Majesty has a great grudge with the Shi Family Dynasty," said Lan Lvyi.

"Yes, I will definitely destroy the Shi family dynasty. Now it's just to let them live longer and just wait for the opportunity," Ji Min said fiercely.

Thinking of Shi Kaitian's persecution of himself and others at the beginning, if He Tie in his body suddenly awakened, I am afraid that all of them and his party would be killed by the Shi family.

If he died, he would have to be notified by the entire federation that he would be sentenced to death as a crime of human treason, which was really unbearable for Ji Min.

The blue and green clothes obviously had already been confident, and said: "Your Majesty’s comfort at will will not be completely guaranteed this time. I suggest that your Majesty take the Blue Soul team. They can now wear the Black Star armor and have their protection. I believe that your majesty’s safety will inevitably be guaranteed, and ministers and others can also handle government affairs for your majesty in Erzhong Tian with peace of mind.

"The identity of the Blue Soul Team" Ji Min didn't finish speaking, but everyone in the study understood what Ji Min meant.

This Blue Soul Team is Tiger Eagle and their 31 members. They are the only people in the entire army who can drive Blue Soul Mechas. Together, they formed a small team called the Blue Soul Team. They are genetically modified people. Everyone also knew that because of this, everyone's eyes lit up after listening to the words of the blue and green clothes.

"Your Majesty's Prime Minister is right. Tiger Eagle and others are wearing black stars, and their true identities cannot be seen on the outside. Moreover, when they participate in the meeting, they will inevitably hand in their weapons, but the battle armor will not. In this way, they will wear black stars. The combat power of the Blue Soul team is absolutely the top, and it is also good to control the audience to ensure that your Majesty can guarantee safety in any unexpected situation." Jiang Tie also stood up and said.

When Ji Ming heard this, it was true. The invitation letter made it clear that it is impossible for a large force to enter the earth. Then only a small part of the people of each force can enter the earth, so who else can compare Can the thirty-one of the Blue Soul team, when they put on the black star, it must be the battle force that swept all the forces.

"Okay, just do that" Ji Min typeset immediately.

After Ji Min had dealt with everything, he took the Central Legion and set off from the Second Heaven, contacted the Lanhua Star Region to find his way, and went straight to the earth.

This time, Ji Min did not intend to expose the light source of the fleet, so he always used the same speed as the warships of the Federation when sailing at war speed. He believed that the speed of the warships should not be exposed yet.

When he attacked Avery, others would only think that he had planned for a long time, and that the soldiers going out of the magic tooth gate was just a decoy, and they would not think that his battleship had a problem with the speed, because if you look at the surface, his battleship is no different from the battleships of other forces. , The only difference is that the national emblem on the battleship is different.

But the energy shield has been leaked. Not only did a large number of soldiers on the battlefield see this, Lance who fled also saw it with his own eyes, and even personally understood the power of the shield. The news naturally spread at the fastest speed. Come.

All the forces are interested in this kind of energy shield in Ji Min's hand, because without this thing, when facing Ji Min, with less than five times his strength, it is impossible to fight at all, otherwise more defeats and less victory.

This is enough to infer from Ji Min's sweeping the entire Gange Venus Region in just a few days.

Although the reason for the quality of the soldiers cannot be ruled out, the value of this energy shield is simply hard to estimate.

At the same time, almost all the forces took action, either to go to the earth in person, or to send their subordinates to participate instead.

When Ji Min arrived in the solar system, it was already two weeks later.

The fleet reached the solar system. At this time, a fleet was sent from the opposite side to greet it. The Central Legion followed and guided the fleet to the solar system step by step, and then stopped on the moon to the already drawn sphere of influence.

Knowing this moment, Ji Min really saw the earth, standing on the moon, looking at the blue planet in front of him, everyone felt extremely honored.

This is the mother planet, the planet where humans are born. She is like a mother, staying there quietly, watching her children develop and march into space.

She is so cute, Ji Min swears, no matter what happens in the future, he will never do anything to the earth, he will love her, protect her, let her witness the prosperity of mankind, the development of mankind, if anything happens to the earth, Human beings have lost their roots, and wanderers who lose their roots are destined to be buried by the ruthlessness of the universe.

The solar system has almost been exploited to the extreme by mankind. Whether it is Neptune, Pluto, or Venus, which has extremely low temperature, countless bases have been established to deliver nutrients for the development of humanity.

And between the moon and the earth, there are countless passages. These are super-distance magnetic levitation highways and metamaterial elevators. People get on a speeding car and can go back and forth on this highway in just a few hours. Those who are tired only need to sit. On the seat, I slept beautifully. When I woke up, people had already reached their destination. The same was true for elevators. They transported countless people to and from the earth and the moon every day.

With this kind of technology and this kind of design, only the earth, the mother planet of mankind, can reach this level.

With the materials used in the elevator, it can resist the huge gravity of the earth, not deform, and connect to the moon. This kind of technology can indeed be called the pinnacle of human technology.

This is the gap between the double sky and the earth. Perhaps in several aspects of the military, due to various coincidences, the double sky is in a leading state, but based on the use of ordinary technology, the double sky will definitely not catch up with the Federation.

For example, the roads and elevators that span the two planets can hardly be built even with the power of the whole country. This is the gap in scientific background, and it cannot be completely smoothed out by one or two weapons.

Ji Min had a hunch, maybe at this moment, the federal army's warships have been upgraded. This upgrade is not a sudden change of a major aspect like Ji Min's, such as the energy shield, but a comprehensive upgrade.

For example, the hardness of the materials used to manufacture battleships has been upgraded again, the use of new materials, the coatings of battleships can be more resistant to high temperature and corrosion, and the energy supply is more stable and reasonable. The basic equipment in the battleship, entertainment, food, etc. are fully upgraded, so that the battleship’s Strength is an improvement of the whole army.

The upgrade in these aspects of the Federal Warship is like an improvement in weapon algebra. It is a comprehensive technological advancement. It cannot be like the battleship of the Double Heaven Empire. Because it has an energy shield, it will immediately be able to be one-to-five, but what it improves is basis.

If the previous battleship of the Federation is the Dolphin-class, then an algebraic improvement can immediately wipe out the well-trained soldiers of the Ji Min Legion and the increase in combat power brought by the entire army's Blue Star battle armor. The federation's legions are all well-trained, and then put on the Valkyrie battle armor, Ji Min's battleship will not be able to do one-to-five, maybe one-to-three is also more difficult.

The flexibility, dodge rate, and even firepower of the upgraded battleship will be considerably improved. Although Ji Min’s battleship has greatly improved its defensive power, its battleship is based on the Dolphin-class. Except for its defensive power, nothing else will be improved. , You can't hit others, that's also a disguised reduction of combat power.

Once this kind of algebra is upgraded, the combat power of the whole army will increase sharply. It's like hundreds of years ago, other people’s planes were fourth- and fifth-generation fighters, and you were indeed second- and third-generation fighters. Although your fighter can be equipped with a particularly powerful missile because of the modification, its attack power directly exceeds the fourth and fifth generations, but it is only the attack power, and its defense power, sensitivity, etc. are still fifth. For the generation of fighters, once a fight, no one can guarantee who will win.

In fact, Ji Min has seen a lot all the way.

Although the Lanhua Star Region has also become violent, it has not experienced the flames of war. It is still more developed than the Gange Venus Region. When the fleet enters the Earth's Star Region, the gap becomes even greater. Every time it goes through an artificially transformed planet. , An artificial base, Ji Min could not help but lament its economic development and large population.

The Earth's star region, this is the most deservedly first region among the thirteen star regions of the Federation, and it far exceeds all other galaxies in terms of resources, territory, population, or economy.

Almost all wealthy people will set up their family headquarters on the earth after earning money. In this age of the universe, what could be better than being able to live on the earth and show their identity?

Think of a remote galaxy. No matter what the goods are, as long as they flow from the earth, their value will immediately increase by a hundred or a thousand times. All this is enough to explain the status of the earth in the eyes of mankind.

When Shi Kaitian tried to persuade Shizhongtie to rebel, Shizhongtie did not agree at first. The fundamental reason is that Shizhongtie has been in business for a lifetime. He clearly knows the huge gap between the development of the earth and the remote galaxies. fear.

The Shi Family is the first Shi Family in the Storm Star Region. Money is just a set of numbers for them. However, the Shi Family only ranks more than a hundred in the entire Federation. Such strength If it is placed on the earth, it may be only for those big families to carry shoes.

And this is the reason why Shi Zhong Tie did not agree at first, but it was not until Shi Kaitian took out the evolution stone that doubled the life of Shi Zhong Tie, which completely stimulated Shi Zhong Tie's ambitions, and this is where the Shi family is today. The power of the dynasty.

Think about it, the earth has hundreds of families with more financial power than the Shi family, plus the government that originally concentrated all the economy and technology of the entire Federation, how strong this power should be.

At this moment, Ji Min's self-satisfied state of mind because he had just occupied the Venus Region of Gange also calmed down.

He knew that these forces were probably nothing more than grasshoppers in the eyes of the Federal Government. If it weren't for the multilateral control of the Danube Alliance, the Qingyang Empire, and the Intelligent Robots, the Federal Government might have already swept the entire territory.

The facts have proved that Ji Min’s conjecture is not wrong. Although he has only met a few times, Ji Min still clearly sees that all the armors of the Federal Army have been replaced and defeated. The blue armor has long been abandoned. From this point of view, the overall modification and upgrade of the federal army is already inevitable.

Ji Min knew that in the past, the parliament controlled the federal government because the role of the army did not reflect value. Except for a few star thief, mankind has no enemies. Every budget of the army is suppressed by the parliament to the bottom. The army cannot be impossible. The increase in combat power.

All scientific and technological funding for the army has been slowed down and slowed down, just like the Battle Armor of the God of War. Obviously, this is the best armor that human soldiers can use. The military-standard armor is a blue pattern that is several times worse. Battle Armor, this is the weakness in peacetime.

But now is different. Now the Federation is divided and in a period of war, all work is based on improving the combat effectiveness of the army as the first element. With the support of the huge economic and technological foundation, the tension of the Federation army will grow wildly like a snowball.

The division of the federation is not because of the incompetence of the current government leaders, but because the technology of the federation has not been able to break through. The ills accumulated over the centuries are hard to heal, and they are hard to return.

On the contrary, the leaders of this sector are quite capable and smart. At critical moments, Chen Changsheng, Xie Fei, and Qin Feng worked together, and the military and economic capabilities of the federal government continued to increase.

According to the news from the Ghost Intelligence Agency, Ji Min knew that the current strength of the Earth Federation had increased to a terrifying number of fifty legions.

Ten of them are still first-class and title-granting legions. This kind of combat power can be said to have overwhelming all forces, but the Federation also knows the truth that affects the whole body.

With their strength, it is easy to annihilate any force, but the current situation is that if the federal government takes action, it will inevitably force all the originally dispersed forces to unite. In this way, even if the federation is strong, it will only have three. How can the foundation of this star region be able to rival the union of the other nine star regions?

As the saying goes, all separatist forces are the enemies of the Earth Federation government. Then the enemy’s enemies are friends. From this perspective, all organizations except the Earth Federation have a theoretical basis for unity, and all of this comes into being. It just depends on how the Earth Federation acts.

When he arrived on Earth, Ji Min could not bring a large army. The receptionist gave a clear reminder that no more than 300 guards can be brought by each person, and he also made every effort to ensure that the federal government would send multiple guards to protect everyone. The safety of those attending the conference.

In this case, Ji Min took Ji Ying, Ran Qin, Treading Cloud Beast, and the Blue Soul team, and transferred two hundred guards as his entourage, and then headed to Earth.

When they set foot on a few speed cars, Ji Min couldn't help getting excited.

He will be able to reach the earth soon, and he can't wait to try how it feels to cultivate Lan Yanjue on the earth.

At the same time, Ji Min also reminded the tiger carvings and others in the carriage that the effect of training on the earth must be good, so the group of people are very excited, but Ran Qin and Ji Ying really can’t understand this group. Where is the excitement of the man, he will soon enter the full control of the enemy, and he is so excited one by one, just like seeing his wife.

The car moved and the speed was very fast. This feeling is very good, because a part of the speed can be felt inside the flying car. Unlike in the battleship, the battleship moves. In addition to relying on instrument detection and looking out the window with the naked eye, the battleship I don't know if it's moving or not.

This special highway is like a belt straight into the earth.

Sitting in the carriage, Ji Min and others only felt that the speeding car was falling quickly. This feeling was very exciting. Looking out the window and seeing the closer he was to the earth, this feeling was intoxicating.

Soon, the speeding car entered the atmosphere.

At this moment, He Tie suddenly uttered a voice in Ji Min's body, "Hey, this planet's psychic energy is very huge, huge to amazing, it's incredible, this planet has very high potential."

"Is there any problem?" Ji Min asked quickly.

"The problem is big, this planet has a big problem." He Tie’s business is very surprised. Ji Min has never heard of this surprise. In his impression, He Tie has always been synonymous with stability and calm, not just for him. His strength lies in his insight.

He Tie is a person who has experienced the war between the Zerg and the Gods, and he has been on the front line. Compared with those terrifying battles, does he need to be surprised by Ji Min's things?

In his opinion, everything that Ji Min has done up to now is nothing more than play, but he cannot change this status quo. He currently does not have the ability to help Ji Min quickly improve his strength, and then unify the human race and fulfill the agreement. , What he can do now is to provide Ji Min with all the cultivation techniques he needs, and to help Ji Min's power increase.

"What's the big problem?" Ji Min also noticed something was wrong, and asked solemnly.

"A good thing is also a bad thing," Hetie replied.

"How do you say this"

"The level of the earth is not simple, and the purity of psionic energy is by no means comparable to that of a place like the double heaven. No wonder the last time I helped you break through to the psionic your physical performance is the priority. It seems that this exercise is for you by nature. The body has even automatically developed its own psychic energy storage hole, which is what you call the dantian. Your human genes are indeed uniquely endowed, and this is all related to the level of the earth. He Tie slowly explained.

"I still didn't understand." Ji Min was helpless. Half a day after He Tie said, he only heard clearly what the earth is not low, and their human bodies seem to be very suitable for cultivation.

"Let me tell you this. The earth is no worse than our Zerg's mother star Domination Demon Star. You should understand here," Hetie explained again.

"I didn't understand" Ji Min still shook his head.

"When I say you are so stupid, I mean that you humans have great potential, and the earth is not inferior to our Zerg parent star Ba Devil, so you humans may also develop to the level of our Zerg," Hetie explained.

"Really" Ji Min was very excited. He knew that the power of the Zerg race was beyond imagination. Let alone their mother system outside the galaxy, the light galaxy occupied a large area. The weak God Clan, I am afraid that the Zerg clan has unified the galaxy.


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