Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 804: Beheaded

d This time the attack of the super cannon still caused the earth-shaking effect, and countless insects were wiped out in one fell swoop, especially the king insects that gathered in the middle, as long as they were within the range of the bombardment. wWw.

The power of this blow not only shook the Zerg, but also shook many soldiers of the Black Dead and Spirit Eyes who saw this power for the first time!

Many generals who were responsible for guarding the Eternal Line of Defense and the Black Line of Slaying were panicked. If they were the enemy of mankind, at this time, human beings would attack their line of defense. The consequences would be extremely terrifying.

Whenever they think of such a scene, they are horrified, and they keep rejoicing that they are not fighting against humans.

But at the moment when the explosion subsided, the entire Zerg army was moved. They didn't have any tactics, and all the worms came up frantically.

Only when they passed the place that just exploded, they would trigger instinctive fear and detour.

Ji Min has led the Royal Mech Corps back to its flagship position at this moment.

In this battle, although he had tried his best to protect them, more than two thousand mecha divisions were killed! However, compared with the result of the exchange, this loss is almost unnecessary to calculate!

With this blow, they wiped out more than 80% of the Zerg's king insects. This is not an ordinary insect, but a member of the official Zerg clan.

When Ji Min got off the mecha and returned to the flagship, the blue and green clothes greeted him anxiously.

"Your Majesty! The situation is wrong! The opponent did not choose to retreat because so many king worms were eliminated, but the whole army pressed it up!"

"No retreat?"

Ji Min replied in surprise. wwW.

In their expectation, the Zerg army will inevitably retreat under this heavy blow. How can it be so tenacious? It must be determined to fight to the end.

But immediately, Ji Min stopped thinking about this issue. No matter why the other party did not choose to retreat, they are now facing a crisis. It is said that the shot just now has a huge lethality and an extraordinary effect, but it is only for the king insects of the Zerg. Ordinary bugs, probably less than one ten-thousandth of the opponent's kills, did not destroy the Zerg's fundamental offensive power at all.

However, there is also good news that the Zerg’s king worms have suffered heavy losses. As a result, almost none of the Zerg troops invested in the rear formed a worm group, but directly rushed over the sky. This not only weakened the combat flexibility, but also the lethality. A lot smaller, the speed is also sharply reduced.

The bugs that didn't form the bug group couldn't keep up with the speed of the battleship at all.

"Order the whole army to abandon the first line of defense, withdraw the second line of defense, and use the fortifications to counterattack defensively, consuming their strength!"

Ji Min quickly issued an order to move the position.

With the influx of more and more insects, the first line of defense has been scarred. Soon, the fleet will need to meet the insects shortly. This is very unfavorable for combat and can only be retreated temporarily.

As the fleet of the tri-families retreats, the area of ​​defense is getting smaller and smaller, and the contact area with the Zerg is also smaller, so it will be better to defend.

When it comes to the second line of defense, it is even more difficult for the Zerg to develop its numerical advantage. The overwhelming bugs have already filled every starry sky in the universe, but only a very small part of them can come into contact with humans. Most of the bugs are behind. Crazy trying to drill forward, but unfortunately, the human fleet is firmly on the second line of defense. Without the cooperation of the insect group and the king insect, the scattered insects are almost all fighting alone. This kind of attack method is very effective. The threat of the tri-families fleet is much smaller.

Another point is that the second line of defense is getting denser and denser giant cannons, countless positron combination cannons, as well as magic eye cannons, laser cannons, spiral runners, etc., fired wildly in the fortress, every time they attacked They all clean out a large piece of bugs directly.

If this battle is an offensive field battle, rather than a defensive battle, the tri-ethnic coalition forces will inevitably lose very tragically.

A little bit of time passed.

The tribal coalition forces have no reserve forces at this moment. All the combat power has been put on the front. The corpses of the Zerg have covered the starry sky, and the rays of stars in the distance cannot shine through the bugs. Humans have even opened all the fortresses and The super giant lights above the battleship can see the army of terrifying bugs ahead.

When the two sides fought fiercely, a big hole suddenly and quietly cracked behind the insect.

This big hole cracked bit by bit from back to front, and no one noticed the slightest change until it was knocked out by a round of fire before the insect array. Suddenly, the coalition soldiers in charge of this direction discovered that, There are no bugs on the other side, and it seems that they have been asked to empty them.

"General! What does this mean? Does this mean that the bugs are almost wiped out?"

A soldier asked in surprise, wiping the sweat from his face while speaking.

The hardships of this battle exceeded the expectations of most fighters, especially human beings. Fortunately, they all have cultivation skills now, and their physical fitness is completely different from a few years ago. Otherwise, the fierce battle until now, I am afraid that the enemy will not need to attack. I was also exhausted, and at this time I also realized the importance of cultivation.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the endurance. Even if they don’t eat or sleep and fight for days and nights, they will have the spirit to deal with it. If they have a poor cultivation base, they have not yet entered the first-order psionicist. Soldiers are already sweaty and tired at this moment!

The soldier had just said something, but saw that the empty channel suddenly darkened, and then returned to light.

Then, his warship madly called the police!

At the same time all the warships in this area were attacked, and countless warships had to withdraw from the battle sequence. It turned out that a small group of insects passed through the passage of the insects and went directly to the ultra-short distance. Accelerated into their battlefield.

Moreover, this worm group did not like to fight at all, and rushed directly to the hinterland of the front, without even clearing the warships around it.

But even so, under their casual attack, the tri-communal forces suffered heavy losses.

The surrounding generals successively ordered encirclement and suppression, but unfortunately it was ineffective. Countless warships had just encircled, and the enemy’s insects were able to repel them with a sudden long-range bombardment. The nearly warships could not resist at all and were directly beaten. burst.

This worm group is all made up of huge purple worms, each of them extremely huge, moving extremely fast, and rushing straight to the flagship where Ji Min is located.

All the way rushing wildly, there was no fleet that could stop them.

And the change here quickly attracted Ji Min's attention, and he smiled coldly, "Hehe! So this attack was for a beheading action? It happened just right, sneer at it, we should also be in a head-to-head duel!" c

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