Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 918: After i come to break

?? "Has been robbed?"

Lette looked at Owl in shock, and said in disbelief.

If it weren't for him to be one of the marshals of the Kuanglan Empire now, he would even think that Xiaoxuan was lying to him.

Who could have robbed a mysterious golden fleet? This sounds like a fantasy.

Now in the patrol corridor, no one can have this ability, right? If the Xuanjin fleet were to run, no one would be able to keep them, just like this time in the Pingluo Empire. Because the Xuanjin fleet of the Manduo Business League was completely loyal to the Shang League, he could not persuade them to surrender. Together, they can only drive away the Xuanjin fleet, but cannot take it down. This is reality.

"I know you don't believe it, even I would not believe it myself, but the fact is that the prince Falcon is missing, even the entire fleet is missing, there is no trace of it left!"

Xiao Xun said helplessly.

"Could the King Falcon go somewhere else?"

Lette continued to ask without giving up.

Xiao Xun said: "As long as he sends this piece of magic gold back to the country, he will be the next heir to the next Kuang Lan Great Emperor. Do you think he will choose to leave at this time? This is simply impossible! I also hope that He just went to play somewhere, but his reason told me that this is impossible. Someone unwittingly took down all the princes of the falcon, and the magic gold fell into the hands of unknown forces, even that Ten thousand warships also fell into their hands."

Patrol Owl squeezed his fist and said fiercely: "No matter who it is, Patrol Owlet must find him out, slaughter the clan and destroy the country, I want him to know the fate of offending my Kuang Lan Empire!"

Leit also knew from the look of Owl Cruiser that this was probably a fact, and it shouldn't be a lie he made up at will.

He sighed in his heart, feeling very sorry.

He really wants to see the power of the three magic golds when they gather. If it is really as he expected, then as long as the Kuang Lan Empire stabilizes the battle and drags it for a few years, the whole situation will undergo earth-shaking changes. <>

The longer the time is, the greater the potential of the Kuanglan Empire will be, and maybe there will be a day when there will be a corridor of star inspection.

Just thinking about such a pomp, Lette felt extremely excited.

It's a pity that God is not beautiful, and some moths are always produced at critical moments, which is really uncomfortable.

"Okay, Marshal Xiao, the battle situation here has stabilized. The Pingluo Empire has chosen to surrender and unconditionally join the Kuanglan Empire. Things have stabilized. I don't need me anymore. I am going to return to the capital. Seeing Emperor Kuanglan, I will work hard for you here!"

Leit said goodbye.

During this period of time, he has been here to help the Owl Patrol deal with the problem of the descending army and the Heping Luo Empire, and now it is basically resolved, and he plans to leave.

"It's hard to talk about, the joining of Marshal Lette will make our mad empire even more powerful. Go back first! I can deal with it here. By the way, you will take all these descendants away, keep them on the front line, and disperse me. It’s also a troublesome thing to take care of with the power of yours. It will affect the next decisive battle, and I can only trouble you."

Xiao Xun said.

"Ok, I can still help at this point!"

Leiter readily accepted, and then got up and left.

At this time, Qianyun and other three legions were fleeing madly in the chosen direction.

They also knew that as long as they moved, they would definitely not be able to escape the investigation of the Kuanglan Empire, but they could run faster, as long as they were faster than the speed of the Kuanglan Empire to mobilize troops, that was enough.

Sure enough, as they rushed, the road was unimpeded, and no enemy stopped them, but there was still a test waiting for them. They knew that there was a defensive base for the Kuanglan Empire in front of them, which they could not avoid. , Can only rush past. <>

However, the general defensive base will not have too many troops. This is their hope.

After half a day, they finally came outside the defensive base. However, the other party had already received the order. A legion had already lined up outside the defensive base and had been waiting for them for a long time.

Seeing that the other party had already prepared, the three of Ji Min did not make any more stops.

They had already agreed on a strategy as early as on the road, that is, Chong!

The current situation is that time can’t be delayed at all. If the enemy sends an army to encircle them, then every time they delay, they will drag themselves into a dangerous situation.

So no matter how many troops the opponent has, they only have one choice, and that is to fight out.

And now there is only one legion on the opposite side, which also made them breathe a sigh of relief. After all, they were able to break out of the encirclement relatively easily.

The three legions of them rushed towards the Kuanglan Empire Legion, while the Kuanglan Empire's legion formed a rectangular formation, which seemed to block them head-on.

Closer, closer!

Soon, the two sides had begun to hand over the fire, and the three legions including Ji Min ignored the other's fire interception and slammed into the other side.

Just when they thought they would win.

Suddenly, a gap was opened in the opponent's battle formation, and a golden string appeared in their eyes, and it quickly slammed toward them.

Ji Min took a closer look, where was the golden ribbon, it was clearly the same as the mysterious golden warships he had seized, this was a mysterious fleet.

At the same time, the other two army commanders also completely changed their faces. <>

However, it was too late to adjust the strategy at this moment, and the two sides collided fiercely.

This time, the power of the Xuanjin warship was vividly demonstrated.

Their artillery fire never stopped, and against the artillery fire of the Star Alliance warships, they fought back fiercely, attacking with artillery fire from far away, and rammed by warships near.

Invulnerability is their most authentic portrayal.

They are like a group of drill bits, slamming into the Star Alliance fleet, without any scruples, they rush wherever there are more warships, and wherever the firepower is Their actions are instantaneous. So that the Star Alliance fleet was completely chaotic, they scattered into countless small fleets to kill back and forth among the Star Alliance fleet, and the killed Star Alliance fleet could no longer maintain a complete formation.

The 3rd Army was also defeated and couldn't resist at all.

Under such circumstances, it is useless even if the gods come.

After the Xuanjin fleet, the opposing legions gathered together and constantly fired at them. Suddenly they suffered heavy casualties.

"We have to keep a distance. This battle can't be so big. With the Black Golden Fleet, we'll be over if we drag it down!"

Ji Min couldn't help but say.

"General Ji, what shall we do now?"

A legion commander asked.

"Don't worry about the formation, all take the town as the unit, spread the impact! How much can you run out? After running through the defensive base, everyone will gather together again. Then you will withdraw first, and I will break!"

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