Star Empire

Chapter 143 High-energy test props

There is no doubt that the universe used as a testing ground by the Empire is in bad luck.

Year after year, century after century, each test project is gradually transferred from the plan to the level of actual testing, and the objective result of actual application is that the world being tested changes in various ways. "Stopped" countless times.

In the increasingly intensive destructive tests one after another, valuable data transformed from various test conditions entered the empire's database one after another. The Cosmic Benchmark Stable Anchor extracts stable snapshots from the heart of the world again and again and uses the decay of crystal energy to convert the snapshots into reality, which is similar to one-click reinstallation - but obviously, this will consume more resources.

"Although some problem-solving scenarios may indeed be a bit strange, it has to be said that with enough technology and energy, you can really... do whatever you want."

In the Void Observation Post, Vidoville, who had been poking around for who knows how many years, looked at the shrinking gap of missing entries with satisfaction: "It seems that we can pay off a lot of debts owed due to the hasty development before." "Yes."


"Also, Kalost, I want to explain the test results - the environmental stability of the world itself seems to be relatively low, and it can also accommodate changes in internal laws. What I mean is that after excluding the influence of the universe's benchmark stabilizing anchor, the natural world The stability of the background information environment.”

"His Majesty?"

"And you can also see the difference between the two - the difference caused by whether the exogenous information basic control of the universe's datum stabilizing anchor is superimposed. After the mathematical rate control field of the universe's datum stabilizing anchor covers the entire universe, the information basis of the basic space Stability, or the improvement in mathematical rate stability is more than a star and a half. Maybe you have already thought about related aspects, but I must also remind you that if we need to face a war in the future, we will compete for control of the mathematical rate in the battlefield environment. will be an essential step.”

"Your Majesty, I understand."

"It has to be said that the world itself is far more complex than we imagine."

Facing the database that was still being uploaded with new information and that was expanding all the time, Eskett let out a slight sigh,

“When the grand unified theory of information was first established, I and many people who were not directly involved in front-line crystal energy research believed that everything in the world would be fragile under the crushing power of information levels. But in fact, even if the cosmic benchmark stabilizing anchor is not superimposed, the world itself can still sustain for a long time under very strong various impacts. It should be said that such a stable and mysterious order system is worthy of being the work of the void... "

"I think these aspects are understandable - the world itself as an order body in the unified information system is on the same level as the crystal energy arcana. What I feel is even more surprising is that what is discovered in the destruction is that the world itself exists like this Some properties of it, such as the speed of light, dimensions, etc.”

Most of Orif's consciousness is still immersed in retrieving the database, and only a small part of his perception is still vaguely feeling the surrounding environment.

"Currently, it seems that in a relatively stable world, the speed of light itself is like a self-stabilizing mechanism for the growth of the world. It can limit the speed of information appreciation of the world itself in the process of existence, which prevents the world from spontaneously arising. Excessive information fragments can ensure that a world will not die quickly due to its own growth too fast, and other basic environments and environmental constants of the universe such as dimensions can also help the stability of the world itself. But although this is better than The "fully expanded world" in the mathematical environment is much worse, but in the process of step-by-step development of theory, the world we have recorded so far can allow us to gradually realize the information mysteries of the world during development. "

"Speaking of this, I think of other situations - for various functions with extremely large growth rates in the mathematical system, the universe was once used to describe the hugeness of those large numbers, and the unbearable capacity of the universe - the result It was just an arrogant description of our own concepts when we couldn't figure out how much we weighed compared to the world. It could be defined by just a dozen or dozens of words. Big numbers are originally a kind of information. Human beings are born from the universe, and those concepts are born from human beings. Think about it, how many levels are there in between."

"Huh? But even now, we don't dare to say that we can actually operate at that level of magnitude in reality?"

"It is indeed impossible to operate in reality. The highly stable existence of information will lead to a sharp increase in the difficulty of operation. This is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed at present. Moreover, imagination will always be farther away than reality, and many imaginations are difficult to put into practice. , even now, we still can't cope with many of the fantasies we once had...Ah, I've said too much, forget it, just treat this part as my nonsense."

Eskett shook his head and deleted these meaningless thinking threads, "I just didn't expect that the observer effect would also affect the world. Under the observation and influence of order creatures, or low-entropy bodies, the world itself The world line will collapse and converge. In theory, the world has infinite possibilities, but how can the path left to our civilization be such a one?"


"Σ, no matter what happens in the future, within the allowable scope, I will retain an opinion on that civilization, or that overall existence."

"General Eskett, you..."

"Don't worry, Olive." The look on Eskett's face suddenly became serious, "I must emphasize that it is just "reservation of opinions within the allowed range". And if one day in the future, these wishes will run counter to the will of the empire. , I will delete them."

"This is."

"Please note that the fleet's overall scanning radar of the universe has detected anomalies." The sudden reminder from the shipboard AI broke the awkward silence between the two conversation and instantly attracted the attention of people in the flagship command room. The information was in everyone's mind. At the same time as the report was confirmed, the huge holographic projection inside the ship's control hall also suddenly unfolded. Under an unusually eye-catching mark, near a huge star in a certain galaxy, there were faint anomalies in the empire over the past thousands of years. Once again, changes occurred.

"The abnormal reaction is very weak..." Eskett maximized the cosmic environment at the marked location. Above the huge blazing white main sequence star, there was a section of space that was fluctuating abnormally. When the star's light passed through this place, It's like pouring from the sky into the sea, leaving strange light and shadow effects in the process.

However, compared with previous records, this time's abnormal vibration can only be said to be featureless and even quite weak. If it were slightly farther away from the star, I am afraid that such a weak change would even be considered a "stellar plate" "An optical phenomenon manifested by changes in gravity caused by displacement.

"AI, prepare to complete the record——"

"The highest level alert! The highest level alert! A blind spot for information detection appears in the world. A black circular gap appears in optical detection. It is detected that the information danger level in a large area has intensified... It meets the judgment: Gate of Death Tide!"

"Damn, this kind of abnormal change in space has been recorded countless times in various worlds. How come this time such a weak abnormal change happened to have a gate of death tide appear?!"

Eskett could only feel helpless from the bottom of her heart, "If this is the actual situation, then we will be at an impasse if we try to summarize the eruption pattern of the Death Tide Gate. Release the temporary universe control module and immediately suppress the star Operation, destroy the space star bridge. After testing the link to confirm that there is no pollution, inform His Majesty the Emperor of the news!"

"...Gate of the Dead Tide?" After confirming that the communication environment was safe, the communication was directly sent to Victorville. "Currently, it seems that the security problem is not serious. The communication environment is stable. The universe where the Gate of the Dead Tide is located Not within the empire's territorial network, if calculated based on the intensity of the previous Death Tide pollution, crystal energy shields and crystal energy communications can isolate and purify these pollutions due to their higher information level. Then, this time the Death Tide Gate erupts Are there any patterns revealed?"

"No, Your Majesty, I'm sorry." Eskett's thoughts relaxed instantly, and even her mood was a little depressed, "Among the tens of thousands of abnormal space changes observed so far, the explosion caused by the Death Tide Gate There is nothing special about the abnormal changes compared with what has been recorded, and even the intensity is very low. Maybe... it really has no rules to find. Under Erwin's perception, those spaces are abnormally fluctuating. Zhong also does not have probabilistic instructions for the Death Tide Gate, and this does not seem to be a matter of probability."

"In other words, it can only be considered that the Death Tide Gate may only be accompanied by certain abnormal phenomena when it appears in the ordered universe. But are these highly similar anomalies not necessarily related to the Death Tide Gate? ..." Vidoville shook his head, "Sure enough, this kind of unclear and extremely dangerous existence is really troublesome. By the way, Eskett, how are you and Olive prepared?"

"The temporary universe control system has been activated, and the universe containing the Dead Tide Gate is being cut into an independent world."

"...Then, be prepared. It is your first test object, and it is also the first empire-level semi-stable test gate. Please note that the sample is precious - this kind of thing is hard to come by. There must be something before it is damaged. Enough harvest."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

After hanging up the communication, Eskett quickly focused his attention on the universe he was currently in. In the universe that should have been mainly black and brown, there was a large distorted space like a mirror and there were other things in the space. The enveloping starlight is rapidly warping and closing.

After further verifying that the temporary cosmic benchmark stabilizing anchor was in stable working condition, this specialized fleet composed of the Immortal-class Type 2A dreadnought and a large number of high-precision fire support ships quickly started the jump engine and headed towards the huge and Rush to the reserved passage of the warped and closed space.

"I have to say that the Warp World Wall is still so eye-catching, and the Dead Tide Gate still feels as bad as ever!"

In front of the target, Orif couldn't help but laugh and curse. The death tide pollution has infected a large space. In the extremely distorted atmosphere, the death tide gate is quietly emitting jets similar to black mist.

In the shadow of the celestial body, the black and red two-dimensional patterns are quietly spreading and biting away the stability of everything, but this time it is different - in a state where it can be done, the universe The benchmark stabilizing anchor is still providing stability to everything here, so even though those polluted celestial bodies are becoming extremely distorted, even just a glance can make people feel the manic and destructive will contained in them. , but in the end they still maintained a considerable degree of stability, and none of the celestial bodies went out of control and became the minions of the death tide that spread further.

"The joint shield of the fleet is in stable working condition, and the shield auxiliary frigate has been put into operation." After confirming that the fleet can indeed survive in such an environment for a long enough time, a trace of expectation also appeared in his eyes. Ray said, "Olive, next, we can test whether your previous guess is correct. Attention fleet, release the absorber target!"

Around the huge hull of the dreadnought, circles and circles of dim ripples began to appear from the space. In order to ensure the safety of the ship, the dreadnought corrected a large number of Adsorber missiles located in its storage library through space coordinate conversion. information and put them into space.

After a slight attitude correction, these bright light spots quickly set off dense crystal energy trails in the air and quickly rushed towards the Death Tide Gate located several light-years away. These are called "adsorber targets" "The missile is an experimental weapon against the Death Tide Gate. According to Orif's conjecture, the pollution emitted by the Death Tide Gate can not only destroy everything, but if the Death Tide Gate can be used in the world of order, Appears and exists stably - no matter what its essence is, then the Gate of Death Tide will be connected to the information structure anyway. In this case, its pollution will most likely destroy part of the gate when it passes through it. Disintegrate.

In order to verify these conjectures, these adsorber targets have become excellent verification props - their power is extremely small, and there is not much high-frequency crystal energy in them.

But the difference is that its "warhead" position is equipped with an expansion module, which is filled with pure low-level stable order information - the filler does not matter, even stones, as long as they can be contaminated. After the absorber approaches the gate of the death tide and attracts a sufficient degree of pollution, the projectile itself will be destroyed - after the damage reaches a certain level, the safety bolt contacts, and the crystal energy constraining field will remove the internal pollution. Completely restrained, they will then be purified by fire.

After the first wave of missile salvos, the hundreds of thousands of supporter-class high-precision point-killing main guns spread across the fleet were ready to attack - the truth-class main guns were too powerful and the tracking speed was not enough. , once that level of firepower cannot keep up with the out-of-control restraint controlled by the Death Tide pollution or directly affects the stability of the Death Tide Gate, the experiment will fail.

"The fleet observation system reports that it has detected that the adsorber target near the Gate of Death Tide has begun to mutate. The crystal energy constraining field is stably taking effect and is expected to provide forced pollution suppression for about three minutes at internal pollution points."

During the report, the missiles that originally floated with a layer of pale golden light had all disappeared, and were replaced by hundreds or even tens of millions of huge black circles that were several kilometers in diameter and looked very twisted and weird. There is no law that can be used to describe the strange flight trajectories of those black balls. In fact, as the carriers of dead tide pollution, these black balls themselves have almost no rules - The fact that it can still assume a roughly spherical shape without exploding is actually the result of the crystal energy constraining field trying its best to suppress it.

"The entire fleet, attack freely except directly at the gate of the death tide!"

On the scale of the universe, whether it is the death tide pollution carrier that has begun to run rampant in space at an unknown number of times exceeding the speed of light, or the fleet spreading golden light, it can only be said to be insignificant. If there is no information level that is enough to ignore the speed of light, With observation methods, it is likely that it will take several years to react to watching such a battle. However, when the empire's technology has developed to a level where it can already gallop in the void, such a battlefield will not even occupy a large area in the holographic projection. a display area.

In a firestorm that was comparable to a storm, all the information calculation capabilities of the supporter class were constantly flowing in the direction of the crystal energy main gun. The crystal energy firepower arrived immediately, and in order to shorten the time for the crystal energy to purify the pollution as much as possible, this bombardment did not use the form of light spears. Amidst the ferocious killing firepower, the pollution-restricted bodies near the Gate of Death Tide are being destroyed layer by layer.

"Hey, it seems that this approach will not greatly affect the stability of the Death Tide Gate, but...this seems to have not changed much?"

"Don't be so anxious. The last time the Death Tide Gate erupted, it polluted a large area of ​​the universe before collapsing. That's where it went."

Eskett stared at the absolutely regular black round door in the display screen. Under the continuous strafing of high-precision point-kill firepower, the first batch of adsorber targets released had been cleared away, even those indescribable ones. No matter how the dead tide pollution carriers can escape, as long as they have not directly lost control and self-destructed, then their crystal energy binding field that suppresses the spread of pollution on the surface is the brightest target mark feature that makes it absolutely impossible for them to escape the fleet's lock.

"It seems that we can further test the passability of these disgusting-smelling gates - Dreadnought information - the material conversion device produces targets at full power - don't waste the fire channel of the supporter class!"

In the warped world that is about to close, an extremely irregular geometric body like a circular cone, composed of golden bright wires, begins to gradually take shape.

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