Star Empire

Chapter 213 The purest malice

When Vidoville's attention was still focused on what he was facing, and the Empire was probably the most powerful enemy in the void that he had to face in the past, present, and future, the last obvious memory he left behind was those two This decisive battle flagship can be captured even through this extremely thick wide-area fusion field of order correction, which has never been recorded by the star civilization before. The mutation of the Σ fleet - the blood-red hexagonal pattern.

In the main formation of the Σ fleet, when this backstage secret door that had almost never been used was activated by the hidden chaotic intelligence, these phenomena that were born due to the operation of the disintegration order suddenly swept across the order issuer himself. ——The decisive battle flagship self-destructed.

As the pattern quickly swept across the entire complete hull, the self-consistent armor that bound the entire decisive battle flagship also became fragmented as the order took effect. It could deflect almost all non-void level directional attacks and map-related attacks. The powerful information shield is almost like a piece of fragile mineral that has been completely cleaved by knocking it out along the fracture surface. Every self-consistent law that constrains the complete state of the whole and is born from all possible world views is completely disintegrated and invalidated in an instant under precise control.

As the "constraint criticality" went out of control, it was forcibly used to iterate the world's phantom energy injection - the information endless jump equation power source collapsed and disintegrated. At the moment of the explosion, those who were awakened from the dim nightmare and were still alive The remnants of the world, which had no stable structure at all, were forcibly exploded under the huge driving force. The violent information fluctuations seriously stimulated the high-intensity death wave pollution contained in it——

The remnants of these worlds are part of the infinitely diverse worlds in the void that Σ civilization once owned. However, after the huge death wave natural disaster, most of the entities in the vast territory of the civilization were erased. After the entity disappeared, the afterimages of those worlds were also eroded by the mapping and turned into corrupted residue, and they remained entrenched in the immeasurable expansion space inside the decisive battle flagship for a long time.

And now, as the power cores of these powerful spaceships finally lose control and collapse, even if the infinitely rising information power furnace is forcibly shut down in an instant, the "model shaping material" inside it cannot be instantly erased from its actual existence attributes. While the uncontrolled explosion is forcibly shaping those blueprints that have been contaminated and corrupted and cannot be restored at all, it also completely pushes them away from their original existence range.

"The fault zone, symbolic gift...damn it, after all, consciousness and me, me and everything that may be contained in these two spaceships...who is controlling whom?" On one side is the reflection of the immortal spear. The information injected into the blocking attribute was used to completely block the all-pervasive death tide pollution. At the same time, Victorville also felt a downright creepy feeling that came from his own heart again.

The subtle differences and commonalities between image and reality are too sensitive. On the one hand, Vidoville provides ideological guidance and willpower that may influence the direction of the empire's overall thinking, but on the other hand - even if it is used The practice of Occam's razor to eliminate all unnecessary doubts as much as possible still exists, but as the ruler of the empire, he must leave an extra layer of caution and worry - no matter who this extra thread of thinking comes from.

"Damn... now is not the time to think about this..." After several struggles, Occam's razor, which operates based on the underlying protocol, forcibly shut down the series of threads that plunged Vidoville into chaos. "Civilization's own high external intensity The possibility of whether the symbolic meaning assignment is valid needs to be determined again; it can be considered that the derivative impact of the existential imaginary number attack can, to a certain extent, bypass the non-targeted medium and low-intensity protective layer itself and the high-intensity protection The non-direct belonging object, the defensive impact on the truth level needs to be re-verified... This is my mistake, I took it too much for granted and lacked consideration... I hope that in the future, I will notice the impact of numbness on myself The impact of judgment... Let’s define this series of events this way..."

In the will broadcast node of the Empire's flagship, all relevant situations, as well as the deletion of the last permission of the emperor's consciousness, have been marked with extremely obvious marks. As long as the environmental blockade is lifted, the Empire's flagship can reconnect with the empire's network. When high-bandwidth communication is ensured, all problems can be corrected quickly.

"The surrounding fleets are getting ready to close in. The Immortal Wall is starting to close in. The border... the surrounding fleets?!" After the surrounding range bonus fields were deleted, Victorville was ready to retreat first in the face of such a malicious and chaotic environment. Think of a way to deal with it.

However, he soon discovered that the soul fluctuations surrounding him were becoming chaotic and confusing, and the trajectories of some of the battleships were no longer stable. The main target locking axes of several Star-Aid fortresses had begun to tremble, and those The ultimate goal of locking the axis is probably - yourself.

Vidoville responded immediately. While the entire ship's defense system was further enhanced, the command target formed by the powerful extraordinary information from the endless leap equation power system had condensed into a physical shock wave. The shock wave spread from the entire ship. Sweeping over the independent network that was almost completely cut off by the environment, the power of absolute authority temporarily blocked and froze every individual who had begun to show abnormalities under the influence of the death wave - no matter what level this developed to, before it got out of control , the divine will has completely frozen everything.

"The impact of Death Tide pollution is actually so great?? It seems that the real impact and effective mechanism of Death Tide pollution are more dangerous than the entire empire once expected. We originally had a Death Tide that could be resisted by crystal energy and arcane magic. It can't be blocked just because our protection methods are not smart enough... But now it seems that as long as the concentration of the death wave is high enough... it can even bypass some defenses... and take effect on more levels?!"

"Zizi... the existential network... is unstable... call the general flagship... the fleet is stable... the Void Fierce Sun... guarantee evacuation... standby... call again..."

"?? This piece of information... Fleets in other sky regions have been retreated by the Void Fierce Sun? This... structure like a fault zone is so large that it completely stretches across the void, covering all the thousands of imperial worlds. Drowned?!”

Thinking of this, Vidoville finally couldn't help but hit his swollen head. Under the invisible pressure of the environment, this series of reports were constantly impacting his "nerves" that had been numb for a long time:

"It's going to be troublesome this time... I have repeatedly told Weisrifan not to activate his power if he can... When the undead cluster of Σ didn't pay much attention to this place before, let the Void Fierce Sun simulate some blocking effects to protect it. The few worlds in the core area may still be safe... But now the focus of the decisive battle at the flagship level is here... I don't know if such a large death wave structure was intentional on their part. The Void Fiery Sun directly exerted itself like this. The large-scale power, in the eyes of the outside world, may mean that the background is already controllable...I am afraid that the empire will look more dangerous in the future..."

After gradually freezing and completely annexing the entire fleet scattered around him, another wave of somewhat chaotic thoughts began to surround his mind. This time, Void Lieyang opened fire on the spot in front of the decisive battle flagship functional branch that had not completely lost its ability to respond. Big, from the perspective of the outside world, this is probably even more exaggerated than a civilization that huddles on a planet and burns stones to obtain survival materials and directly masters the technological explosion of the spiral galaxy's galactic resonance cannon.

However, even Vidoville and other researchers who were in direct contact with him and connected to the network have been unable to find out the activities of the Σ fleet for a long time - despite the violent stirring of the chaotic power brought by the death tide, It is indeed possible that the surviving Σ fleet, in the process of continuous compensatory functions and continuous recovery of itself, due to the changes in it, has truly transformed into the microscopic agnostic operating mode of the huge chaotic body in theory.

However, from the continuous observation over thousands of years, the empire has discovered that among the enemies faced by the moving territory, those enemy ship formations still have a considerable degree of independent rational activities and adaptability. The theory is chaotic. If a node or a certain part of the body has such a high degree of independence, then it is impossible for this individual to surpass the super-individual and reach the level of integrating the chaotic body...

"I'm afraid what kind of details are there, what kind of shape the Void Fierce Sun shows in their eyes and ears... I'm afraid these have already been identified in corners that can't be seen at all..."

After completely integrating the entire fleet and temporarily sealing the thinking senses of other individuals, Vidoville, who had condensed his actual form, shook his head. Even now, the empire does not have an effective measurement standard and logical system at all. In a word, everything the empire is experiencing now is unknown. Even if there are probability collapse and trend deduction to assist in researching possible situations, for an overall and huge empire, it is simply not enough, both in terms of quality and quantity. .

"About this...Whether we can find or have an overall framework that can be used to measure and judge the events encountered in life...The results may have two opinions...Ah, it seems Now my thinking is becoming less and less synchronized with the empire as a whole... Before I merged these two strange ships, I couldn't handle so many complexities in so few "moments of order" every time. Thread, it took time to process the fleet, but there is no mutation in the fault zone yet... huh?"

When the last spark of thought in Vidoville finally extinguished, the already malicious environment suddenly changed drastically. It seemed that some "consciousness" in this huge fault zone had discovered the entire environment. This abnormal "beacon of order".

What Vidoville could barely distinguish was the central fault zone shining with dazzling blood-red light in the "central section" of the entire blasphemous environment. Countless weapons with intensity comparable to those emitted by a single "Crescent" battleship The black-red death wave lightning of the dismantling ray was drawn out from around the fault plate sandwiched on both sides of the rift valley, and splashed on the protective layer of the "Eternal Wall" like a heavy rain, as if the existing existence of the "border line" The masking effect is simply non-existent.

However, Vidoville knew that this huge death tide aggregate, which was not compatible with the mathematical simulation structure of the current death tide research system, could not have only the current power. Soon afterwards, he also saw that these death wave lightning clusters, which were enough to disperse the super nebula, were just an appetizer in this environment.

Soon, the invisible consciousness slammed into the long wall of immortality.

"It is judged that there is an obvious fixed information flow pattern in this impact, and it is highly suspected that it is logical and may even possess intelligence... Can intelligence directly control the death tide? Or is it an aggregate of death tides?" Facing the Immortal Wall, the message returned With the increasingly disturbing fluctuation data, Vidoville also became nervous——

Every fluctuation of the Immortal Wall means that all the mapping links established by one or a wave of attacks on the Doomsday Ark have been completely stripped away and completely deleted.

As the data left behind by Σ is called truth, at least in my own perception, it is an almost unsolvable protective layer. Its essence is a barrier, which is theoretically a barrier for anyone with the intention of attacking below the void. It is a barrier that cannot be bypassed by any influence. It should be the end point that causes all mapping to fall here, reaching an absolute interception net.

However, in the face of this interception measure that was already unimaginable, the horror of the death wave is further revealed here - faced with such a protective barrier, it can actually use the environment to collide with the truth again and again!

"...The obstacles in the entire environment are too strong...Everywhere detected is a vacuum of order...Even the definition of world coordinates and...the contact effect of the Void Quadrant are almost ineffective...The influence that the death wave can guide may be far away. It is far greater than the harm that a single Death Tide Gate can cause... What I was worried about has happened... How will the fleet evacuate?"

Facing the invisible countertide, the empire's flagship began to calculate feasible imaginary point coordinates while struggling to withstand rounds of attacks, but problems soon arose - due to the death tide entangled near the flagship. The strength of the bad breath is high enough to corrode the truth. Even the Arcane Throne cannot always maintain the imaginary restoration coordinate axis it emits. This leads to the fact that although the flagship and Star-Aid Fortress can withstand huge information offsets, Distorted units can make virtual point jumps in such a short time, but those conventional ships cannot.

"Could this be... the reason why the self-consistent law armor is mass-produced by Σ..." Staring at the increasingly ferocious and twisted terrifying rift in the fault zone, Victorville could feel the terrifying scale of the super-powerful rift. Conceptual consciousness is directing attention and the invisible and qualityless death tide pollution here. The blood-red rift is completely distorting the surrounding endless darkness that may be more than billions of light years, while the brightness of the core area of ​​​​the fault zone is increasing. The "information vibration" reaction is becoming more and more clear - once the total concentration of the stack reaches the extreme, the collapse will be unstoppable. Similar phenomena are everywhere in the endless jump reactor of Victorville.

"Reset all logical thinking threads, and re-deduce the best solution according to the current situation... It seems that in order to take the fleet out of here... we need to use more unlimited means... Dangerous system, existential distortion, full-level restrictions Release, note of truth, start of resonance, world line tree, upload all projections...virtual information replaces the beacon and begins to "infiltrate"!"

Under the control of Vidoville, souls and blueprints began to be extracted from the highly integrated fleet cluster here, and the remaining shadows rushed towards it under the guidance of several white-gold light spots. That one began to fold itself, like a blood-red rift with life, and several blocks around the Great Rift would only appear as dark round spots anyway - the Gate of Death Tide.

"The logical sequence and thinking need to be corrected again. The weight of system application considerations has increased. The old thinking process covers 50%. Using this incident as a processing template, it is expected that giving priority to the comprehensive use of the entire system can significantly reduce the thinking process and Reaction time...the first batch of environmental analysis is completed...starting the reverse concentration difference jump!"

Under the invisible yet oppressive influence of the chaotic cloud sea, and the intertwined billions of death waves that may be caused by the weapon mutation of the enemy warships, the two flagships began to continuously attack each other. Perform inverse concentration difference jumps in short to severe time windows and space windows. During information broadcasts again and again, as long as an area with a lower degree of damage is detected, the Ark engine will start immediately and complete the world coordinates Jumping, because there is no feasible and regular movement system in this huge corrupted structure with no specific scale, and the constantly twisting and changing sea of ​​clouds is constantly stirring the entire environment, so the speed must be fast. — like walking through a minefield that is constantly changing.

"Virtual point jump...start execution, recover the suicide detection beacon return data...this is...the world under the Gate of Death Tide...?"

After converting the feedback from the released information wave, it can be roughly confirmed... that it is a weird existence that may still be called space. Black-red, mist-like, and seemingly non-existent twisted lines are swirling and jumping in unpredictable paths. Every cloud, every pattern is blocking or even eroding order, just like what is contained in this space. , is the purest and deepest malice coming from the origin of the void.

In this strange environment that may still be called "space", the main axis of civilization has been completely erased. Victorville cannot feel the last shadows of those whose souls and main existences have been extracted and who only rely on themselves. The self-development trend of the suicide beacon that maintains the operation, I am afraid that if those high-level order bodies that forcefully attack and enter the gates do not have the ability to explain themselves, I am afraid that they will completely collapse and disintegrate the moment they come into contact with the strange "gates". Like a mirror-shaped section left in a paradoxical steady state before it was cut open by an out-of-control portal and then shattered.

"The calculation of the overall coordinates is completed... The "Blueprint" plastic energy and its own strength need to continue to be improved... The conversion of virtual and real coordinates is completed, start jumping!"

There was no process, and the Doomsday Ark appeared directly at the preset coordinates - carrying the entire trend blueprint and complete reality that everyone and the fleet in the Zero Sky Zone had been completely frozen.

"The existential network is back to normal! Your Majesty, our observation records show..."

"Crossing the Void Quadrant? Ultra-large-scale United World Frequency Pollution Entity? Barrier loopholes in the Spontaneous Creation? About five percent of the empire's world structure was submerged or even severely damaged by this sudden wave of death?... Fortunately, most people were Withdraw safely, and those worlds that were severely blocked due to the invasion have been almost shattered, and their use value is gone... The fault zone structure, if my observations are added to the current basis... It has high energy with soul The reaction rift, the corrupted cloud with intelligence, the distorted environment, the ability to corrode the existence of all orders at the same time, the degree of damage beyond the concept..."

"Intrusive attacks from the outside are considered a feasible solution... The Broken World Barrier that restricts the environment maintains the foundation of the entire environment... As long as it is destroyed, the void intrusion will gradually erode it..."

"Always pay attention to the contaminated area. Even if it is finally cleared, we must always maintain surveillance. There are only two decisive battle flagships that self-destructed this time. Based on the survival of the functional branch, it is speculated that the survival of the remaining decisive battle flagships is very large. The "attack mapping split system" It might be..."


With the withdrawal of the main flagship, countless warships that were originally scattered in the fault zone are rapidly disintegrating. Each reincarnation disk of the Holy Inquisitor is peeled off. Star Qi Fortress is like a huge piece of glass, which is extremely harsh to the outside world. They were all shattered into pieces under the impact of the environment.

When the soul and existence have been taken away, it is very close for these existences that originally belonged to the shadow to be shattered by the impact in such a harsh environment.

But there may be something else left here that has the properties of orderly response and actual existence.

Driven by some "instinctive reactions", clusters of huge nebula-like corrupt monsters pounced on those huge black balls comparable in size to main sequence stars, just like flesh and blood.

"One cubic kilometer" of highly modulated white matter with the ability to dismantle all order is set to have a "mass" of one milligram.

Among the black spheres left behind by the final jump of the Doomsday Ark, within the constraints of each sphere, there is a positive pound of white matter that is already in an extremely unstable state.

The death tide pollution quickly eroded through the not-so-powerful layer of astral armor, and quickly destroyed the extremely sensitive "detonation sensing layer" beneath the protective layer.

Dazzling white light exploded from the sea of ​​clouds.

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