Star Empire

Chapter 229 Maybe...can still be counted as a meeting

Chapter 229 Maybe it can still be counted as a meeting

"Inheritance", this very short word, is an invisible double-edged sword for the current empire.

Obviously, as long as the empire continues to maintain its current expansion rate, the empire's strength will continue to increase at a rate that is so fast that even the individuals living in this huge group can hardly imagine that the environment in which they exist is in their own thinking threads. What changes have occurred during the opening and closing process.

In the process of civilization's continuous expansion to the outside world, the native worlds along the way will be incorporated into the empire's territory after appropriate treatment. From these naturally generated and colorful native worlds, the Empire can always discover a variety of structures whose final composition and operating status are completely novel due to slight differences in the underlying protocol areas. These new discoveries can expand the empire's knowledge system and help the empire's people improve new cognitive concepts - super-individuals absorb knowledge from the outside world, and then adjust their overall travel route based on this knowledge. This is what the empire's rulers first started original intention.

In the process of rapid expansion and development, problems will inevitably be exposed. No one thinks the Empire is perfect now. In the process of rapid expansion, small and difficult-to-detect loopholes will also be continuously copied, accumulated, and eventually exposed along with the various vehicles that carry them or operating protocols such as plans, programs, and behaviors—the cost of solving them It won't be that huge.

In the process of constantly expanding itself, constantly experiencing different things, constantly proposing various solutions, and constantly understanding and recording the surrounding environment, the foundation of civilization is formed.

In the rounds of war training, many souls fell, while more souls became tenacious and indifferent in the blood and fire - they were veterans.

However, heritage is a double-edged sword.

...It has been observed that the "logic" of the Σ fleet that may have completely collapsed at one time is gradually recovering. According to the observation record data maintained by the Arcane Throne, it can be confirmed that during the battle, the unit pressure exerted by the Σ Undead Fleet on the Imperial Fleet was always on the rise.

However... based on the establishment of a staged temporary model based on data abstracted from combat performance, it was determined that the behavior of the Σ fleet was partially abnormal compared with a pure extermination operation...

——When necessary, this part of the content can be used as an implicit boundary to add the Occam’s razor thinking recognition circuit of individuals at the third and fourth authority categories as a new, marked and eliminated part——

There are limits to the minds and spirits of the Imperial people.


The expansion and repair process of the empire is in full swing. Various creations, ranging from heavy-duty fortress stars and orbital firepower base stations to large fortresses of praise of the Holy Sound, are being constructed in an orderly manner. However, even if the empire can ensure that no mistakes are made during the construction process, it is impossible to guarantee that the final result will be exactly as originally expected - because during these construction processes, many processes themselves have problems.

These processes have never appeared in the imperial environment in the past, and in the federal era, it was even more difficult to imagine that civilization could one day reach the level it is today.

Praise of the World and the Holy Sound The Void Fortress is the main physical node of the empire's network. Between these nodes, specially-equipped models of the Holy Judgment hub ships are cruising silently. Compared with ordinary models, their "Reincarnation Forbidden Spell" closed-loop reincarnation disk structure is embedded with more defensive rune array groups, as well as specialized existence representation beacons and an additional set of high-power communications Systems, they can be used to resist possible communication disturbances, and can also broaden the communication bandwidth of the ship itself - they are the ships of the Emperor of the Sky, and they carry the Emperors of the Empire.

As the second authority-level individuals of the empire, the current "Emperor of the Heavenly Region" and the highest person in charge of the independent block of the pan-information model of the Star Empire, their role is to connect the past and the future.

From the current point of view, the emperor of the empire either has very profound attainments and strong receptive abilities in certain fields, or he is the creator and first user of variant "power" and variant "extraordinary information". Compared with other soldiers and commanders at all levels, they can mobilize larger-scale resources, have a relatively broader vision, and may have more profound views. They are fully capable of handling most of the problems reported through the hierarchical authority system in the areas they are responsible for.

After the war, a large number of problems were exposed in every imperial class. Now that the war is over, this super-large-scale war has re-cleared the void environment around the empire. The great expansion of the empire has brought a steady stream of resources to the empire. With the new blood and error redundancy, they can also start to solve these problems.

"Look at this part of the area. Because the world in this part is too dense, whether it is to install a separate world gate for each communication area or to add an additional frequency modulation module to the world gate, it will actually end up stabilizing the cosmic benchmark of the world itself. Causes calculation pressure. The "regional frequency splitting" of the single world gate requires too high calculation support. At present, there is no need to upgrade the cosmic benchmark stable anchor on a large scale. Considering the functions of the "Holy Music Praise" fortress itself and their existence Due to the redundancy of computing resources, we can consider merging the bulk information dispatch nodes that have now "formed routes" into the Sacred Music Praise Fortress Network."

"You should make more effective use of the probability gathering nodes in the void. In this way, you can more efficiently guide related Genesis activities. There is no need to begrudge your abilities. Observation experience will only gradually accumulate after observing enough samples. Get up. If there are issues you don’t understand, deal with them in a timely manner, and don’t worry about the impact of reporting the issues - suppressing the issues is not promoting the honor of the empire. As for my style? That is not something you should pay attention to..."

"...Yes, yes, this is a heavy matter." Faced with the bottomless problems that have been piling up in his processing stack for a long time, Kalost is like a father, comforting He looked around at the souls of the Imperial soldiers who expressed their long-held resentment. "They are all great warriors. The empire will remember these dead people. Their sacrifices will not be meaningless. Their will, blood and tears will be preserved exactly and become the immortal memory of each of you and the entire empire... …”

"Well...if we put this issue together, in the entire empire system, is there still a shortcoming in the strength of the assignment of crystal energy? Is there an invisible loophole in the main range of crystal energy's main assignments A77-B12 and H12-J11? It has been recorded that after conducting relevant actual tests, I will make the relevant parts public and improve the relevant algorithms as soon as possible."

Communications containing such meanings are refreshed by trillions in the empire's existential network almost every moment. There will be such communication between individuals with the same authority level, between individuals across authority levels, and between individuals and equipment - the actual words are almost no longer used, the actual bodies of the soldiers still exist, and the empire's newly created The standard individual will also still have a clear and independent standard body. However, the encapsulated body that follows the tradition of the origin of the star civilization is actually almost a shell of little use - after the soul restrictions are completely lifted, the current basic life form of the star civilization may be closer to energy when it is fully expanded. state, and may even be partially close to... field state.

Life forms not only bring about inner changes, but also affect the entire reality. The most direct example is that all basic systems, including the empire's existing infrastructure and life support projects, have changed in appearance compared to hundreds of thousands of years ago to the point that they cannot be classified as the same type of equipment. Although people are still willing to use their physical existence at ordinary times, the trend of large quantities of equipment that travel according to energy states and field states is unstoppable - these are all changes, either explicit or implicit.

With the support of existential networks, people can often complete almost any activity with just a thought.

In this extremely convenient consciousness communication system, the emperor can not only put forward suggestions for changes, but they can also listen to problems, and even have a good chat with lower-level or even grass-roots entities when there is redundant processing capacity. In the process of communication, the issues raised by both parties are not necessarily all about war and survival in the strong sense. Occasionally, some "other" issues may arise.

The war had just ended and there were many problems to deal with. From the current point of view, the end of every war means that the backlog of unimportant problems during the war need to be resolved. Perhaps in the future, the very existence of these issues will become a "problem" in itself, but at least for now, they must be considered.

This is the "starting" part.

"Notice to all regional emperors and fleet commanders that the empire is currently facing problems."

The high-speed cruise does not hinder the quality of communication between the general flagship and the entire empire. Even if Vidoville even uses a virtual point to jump, his connection with the entire empire is still clear and strong.

"The first thing to deal with is the personality and emotional problems of the current imperial soldiers." Under the control of Vidoville's thoughts, groups of models compiled from historical data were sent to each regional ruler and fleet commander. In the hands of the officer - "You can see that throughout the battle, through active reporting and passive capture, I recorded the fluctuations of emotions and thoughts in the entire empire's existential network. The words that emerged from the "Sacred Music Praise" Void Fortress From this time point around, to the emergence of the "Guo Shi Wushuang" pulse wave, to the outbreak of the Σ Fault Zone, and between the Battle of the Fault Zone, the mental stability of the entire empire network was very poor - this may have been caused by the chaotic sea environment impact, but we do not have the ability to choose the battlefield."

"We must re-adjust the soul control model, including considering completely deleting some personality modules and emotional modules from existence - if a huge number of fourth-level individuals have such unstable personality and emotional parts, then if one day, If our entire empire falls into full-scale war, the surging emotions are likely to overwhelm the command system and the imperial network - this is not impossible."

After the end of this war, Vidoville felt that he might have seen a little bit of the extreme part - the "extreme battlefield" that is enough to annihilate everything for the current empire and low-level civilization.

On such a battlefield, direct description may have lost any meaning. What exists is just the most direct and cruel conflict of information, the most direct confrontation and collision at the expense of memory, history, future and even the attributes of existence. When fighting on the boundary between order and nothingness, one must be careful. If you are not careful, you will turn into a paradox and disappear into the rolling turbulence of the void. The description of the collapse itself is the most intuitive and possible way to express this limit. It is one of the most terrifying manifestations.

"At the same time, you may be curious why you feel strange and different when you look at me - if my estimate is not wrong, from the end of the war to now, your feeling of strangeness towards me has been greatly weakened, even It is possible that some of you have forgotten all or part of this matter."

Faced with some doubtful souls, Vidoville did not feel too much surprise. When he can understand, respond to and change reality in this way, things that have never been considered before really appear now. When it really could be done, he had already deduced it all in his mind. After another period of somewhat terrifying silence, a rare story composed of pure sentences was slowly told by Vidoville:

"The Empire once had a soldier, numbered X-J-5-47k521. He died in the Battle of the Fault Zone not too long ago. He fell in order to realize the will of the Empire. We should commemorate him."

"Uh, but Your Majesty, there's never been any mention in our records—"

"The existence of this soldier has never been recorded, right?" Vidoville knew that Calost would respond this way, "There is no soul base plate in the empire that has recorded the production details of this frequency, and there is no soul assignment base station for this The soul has been infused with basic existence and basic knowledge. No military station has registered this soul. He has never served on any ship, let alone communicated with anyone. No one knows him - right? But pay attention - why What if this number does not exist in the empire's network? It should be noted that other numbers around this number exist. There is an obvious hole here - the empire has never eliminated certain numbers. Imperial law stipulates that numbers are extended. . I think what I was trying to say was very clear."

Feeling that the souls around him slowly turned from doubt to shock, even shock and even fear, Vidoville opened up the "extreme" loophole that he really wanted to explain, which was exposed in this battle.

"If an individual has never left any influence or interacted with any existence in any world, as long as an individual can truly achieve "leave no trace" in the absolute sense, then it can be considered to have never existed. However, the soldier I gave is an incomplete example. Think about it, in the entire empire system, after we count all the survivors and dead, how many numbers are vacant? Now look Come on, I sometimes wonder whether those empty numbered faults have really been missed by the empire. But it is obvious that the current imperial laws and imperial infrastructure will not theoretically allow such a thing to happen."

"But now, they actually exist and have not triggered any alarms."

"Including me, including the decisive battle flagship, and possibly the Void Fierce Sun - when the intensity of certain disturbances reaches a certain level, their damage to us will not only be directed at our physical existence. Those effects will harm everything about us, Eliminate all influences related to the target from all information bodies. To be more clear, these influences are powerful enough to destroy our history, our existence, and all traces we can leave behind."

"You should know that if a being with profound influence suffers such a bombing, all the influence related to him will evaporate in an instant. If this existence is expanded to a team, expanded to a complete class, What consequences would that have - it would be equivalent to completely tampering with history that was already destined."

"I will work with you to find a way to compensate for these emptiness - the situation is urgent, when the Empire realizes that everything about itself can be described, and these descriptions can even be destroyed like tearing paper. We have been exposed to the Doomsday-Creation bombing for a long time, and we are not sure how much information we have lost. In addition, I would like to remind you again that the technical extreme deduction module can solve many problems. Even if it cannot solve the problem, it The information model and some of the actual creations provided are also very instructive. I encourage you to continuously expand your horizons through its creations when using it. We once thought that its use value was limited to Star Inspiration and Holy Seed. But that's just because our perspective is limited, but no matter what - the empire's self-creativity cannot be lost..."

"...Before the empire is completely destroyed..." Vidoville finally swallowed the remaining half of the sentence.

"In addition, you still have many things to deal with - the current strength of Star Fortress and Holy Inquisition hub ship is not enough, and the same is true for all basic crystal energy and arcane units. We must find a way to completely combine them with Σ's Level units have been brought to the same level. At the same time, we also need new large ships. Including the current lack of compensation issues, the empire's combat system still has many problems - I will finalize and issue the details of the problems..."

"No matter how strange, no matter how unreasonable, everything must be carried out. These actions are not for a certain person or group, they are all opinions proposed for the sake of the empire."

"Our struggle is for our own existence to continue."

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