Star Empire

Chapter 260 The Creation of Annihilation

...Strictly speaking, the command center of this "Giant Hand of the Void", which originally belonged to the Σ civilization, has been damaged. It was wiped out together with many battleships and creatures of unknown origin more than a billion years ago.

Earlier, after the natural disasters of the chaotic sea swept through countless worlds within the Σ territory, many Σ facilities that had not been directly hit by the destructive attributes of the troubled times were not destroyed in an instant...

As time goes by, the preservation status of these facilities varies - many of them may even still store various units or even conceptual consumables that have not yet been activated from stasis, and more... When that disaster struck, it had been completely destroyed by the storm that caused the collapse of civilization, or it had completely decayed within tens of thousands of years or even less.

As far as the debris distributed in the void within a range is concerned, the giant facilities themselves can often be maintained relatively longer - the pyramids and information network correlation structures piled up by the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races with absolute efficiency and stability remain intact over the vast majority of the space. In some cases, the underlying basic protocol ensures that the lower nodes will always protect the nodes - these powerful units can be either fortresses or "seeds".

However...the void is full of all kinds of variables.

Before this "control core" was attacked, some kind of field spreading in the void had already covered it. During the hundreds of thousands of years of constant erosion and stripping by solar storms, the giant void fortress that had lost most of its stable properties became even more decayed...

Maybe many things may never happen, but many accidents may be equivalent to necessity.

For the wreckage of Σ that is still collapsing, all these changes may have been a huge disaster for those they touch, but for themselves, everything is still in progress.

The order broadcast by the Great Wall of Void to self-destruct many years ago has not ended yet. For these severely contaminated wrecks, they only need to use their most basic reactions to meet the orders, and there is no need to care about anything else.

Among them, some larger clusters may occasionally produce some instinctive reactions. These reactions seem to be mixed with thinking and reflection. However, are these thinking and reflections spiritual activities, or are they simply coming from the past? It’s really hard to tell if the memory fragments are dug out.

The chaotic sea can tear apart all the fixed rules that are taken for granted. In some indirectly polluted areas that have not been directly hit by the outlet of the chaotic sea, everything may not look much different except for the extremely bad atmosphere, but in fact... many of the laws and regulations there have long been covered by the black and red two-dimensional patterns floating in them. tamper……

What remains intact may be only a rotten and festering body.

The high-level center was destroyed, which should have been a particularly serious situation - but, for a corpse that was still rotting, digging out a few more pieces of flesh and limbs... actually, it was meaningless.

It took a long time for the command to send the information contained within the structure to countless lower-level basic nodes that had lost their high-level control centers, and it would take even longer to respond and understand them——

The freeze may just be over…

Slender fingers composed of countless worlds, or it can be said to be endlessly extending hairs... In the void, countless of them slowly hit the source of the "wind" under the control of the remaining underlying reactions.

Advanced intelligence... may have had a very brief recovery and struggle, but when faced with the endless natural disasters that shook the origin of the void order, all their defenses were defeated, which led to... the basis of their existence, I'm afraid It has already carried unimaginable toxicity.

Time can change a lot.


The high-level center is missing, feedback...the top center is unresponsive...

Unable to lock...try fuzzy match...

Chain synchronized self-destruct countdown...

How to obtain an independent and one-sided way of existence and... a way of influencing output in an information environment where everything is related?

Shield, split, distort, dilute...

Eventually, these operations will create some grotesque products with strange properties - just like themselves now.

And these are just a type of models and possibilities...

After the collapse, many restrictions were devoured and torn apart. It is hard to say clearly what the future will be like. After all, how many positive or glorious possibilities can be contained in the ruins? Why do these ruins always try their best to make a silent howl?

At the former border of Σcivilization, two giant pincers of order are still gradually breaking through the external defense lines, advancing towards the deeper layers of this wasteland ravaged by the sea of ​​chaos.

However, so far, the gods have begun to gradually notice that everything does not seem to be as smooth as they once estimated - I wonder if the battle against the decisive battle flagships before the diversion left a too deep impression on everyone. So much so that everyone already had a vague feeling that "victory is in sight". But in fact, the fierce confrontations in the past only occurred in the border areas of Σ, and the vast territory that Σ has managed for trillions of years cannot be opened by this "pliers" in a short time.

Under the leadership of World Ark, the power of the gods on the one hand withstood the ultra-long-range attacks that burst out from the depths of the Σ Wasteland, and on the other hand began to clear out and purify the polluted world and death tide forces entrenched around the giant pincer.

In such a long, boring and dangerous operation, many traces of new information activities in the void began to be presented as clues to the gods and powerful mortals.

"Unknown large-scale information oscillations were discovered at multiple locations in the void...Cyril, and Izana, what do the researchers who are synchronized with you think about it?"

"Your Majesty Elendis, my researchers suspect...the influence of these information that appear randomly in the void and are hard to find...Σmay have occurred some new situation that is independent of the erosion of the chaotic sea and the decomposition of the void... At present, we are unable to provide any more explanations, and the researchers’ depth of perception and thinking has reached its limit.”

Facing such a projection that was not even a holographic projection, but whose words and deeds were filled with holiness and some irresistible majesty, the world-famous Pope of Order lowered his head in fear.

"...Understood, the multi-projection consciousness jointly started, a meeting of spiritual consciousness was convened, the main computing core resources of the Temple of Order began to enrich, and it is estimated that possibility matching will begin in ten years..."

After a brief interaction, the projection became blurred, and the power of the true gods and kings was connected to countless individuals. In the gurgling tide, the consciousness and will of God are becoming closer - who speaks it, who executes it, in fact It no longer matters that their origin is almost certainly a decision ultimately made by a higher will.

"...A preliminary agreement has been reached." Faced with this new result, the brows of the gods did not relax.

"Large-scale simulation calculations show that the total amount of information in the bridge area and the intensity of the chaotic sea outbreak are inconsistent with theoretical calculations. According to the latest test of ultra-high concentration of chaotic sea pollution on solid entities, the chaotic sea pollution is There is a rather high but well-defined upper limit to the instantaneous destructive intensity of solid entities.”

"Indeed, it is true, the two God Kings (Father/Mother God/Creator...). After we further proofread the relevant content, we have reached a consensus."

"...If we say that the void reflects some of the boundary attributes of a "closed system" in some directions due to the thick isolation layer of the chaotic sea..."

In the infinitely extended perception of void creatures, under the layers of endless shadows, a huge piece of darkness is slowly crawling, as if a cut-out void... has life.

They are obscured by overlapping layers of corrupted debris, and for hundreds of millions of years, the different cognitions and overall behavioral patterns among top civilizations have actually had a huge impact on the internal territorial structure of civilizations - even gods cannot directly spy on these Which is directly possible. But the Will of the Void knows what that huge shadow is. It was the former overlord of the world, the pinnacle of order and civilization. In a desperate action not long ago, the violent rebound of the void membrane shook it away from the order. Now, It is caught between reality and nothingness.

The Void Wills saw the shadow, but at least for now, they can only watch. As for the future...?

The gods are one's own children, so isn't Σ, who once united all races under order, one's own children? Maybe I could once build a bridge with just one sentence, and now I can clear everything here with just one sentence, but what happens after that? After wildfires burn the ground, the ground can still sprout seeds again, but what if the ground is completely torn apart? If you do it this time, there will be a next time and a next time again. The inertia of the void will be weakened. If this happens again and again, how can this earth nourish the seeds that have not yet flourished? If there are new difficulties in the future, will they be overcome in this way?

".Lord God King?"

"Ah, we're listening."

".When the structure of the chaotic sea is complete, information from both sides of the Taiwan Strait may never be able to reach the other side."

"Such anomalies indicate that...the Void Bridge may have lasted twenty-one seconds before completely collapsing..."

"Lords of the God Kings, that bridge once truly opened up the two sides of the void! At a certain moment, the closed state caused by the chaotic sea realm was broken through!"

"And at that moment..."

"ΣThe unimaginable huge influence has been coerced by the Doomsday-Creation compiled by all the decisive battle flagship networks, and with this out-of-control bridge being..." Faced with this unprecedented possibility, everyone fell into Meditation, no one would know that the super information flow in the void, which may be the most powerful so far, was sent to the other side during the bridge building process?

Moreover, the information sent to the past may be far more than the aftermath of the end of creation itself, but... the symbolism, influence, and even... everything that is truly closely related to Σ, the extremely powerful king of the world? ? !

It's hard to imagine what this would mean.

The basic order structure on both sides of the Taiwan Strait may be able to support the transformation of the existential structure after the reversal from zero, but...

The information evolution trends and basic docking mapping between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are different. Those information projections from the Σ fleet that may be eliminated, but contain an endless collection of will and power, at the civilization level...

I don’t know if it will affect a civilization of the same level as them, causing a disaster that may be difficult to explain, or it will trigger something else.

Create some kind of unimaginable existence, some kind of... incarnation that awakens from the basic chaos on the other side after transformation and distortion? Even a strange successor with a correlation level beyond calculation——?

"After all, they are the real focused existence that can contain "everything" of civilization - their jets may be considered the purest effort of civilization..."

"It is difficult to truly discover the origin of the problem with the idea of ​​traceability. Because if everything is born from an indescribable source, from the void...then we cannot be sure at what moment our idea of ​​traceability will become invalid. Traceability is applicable to other places, but not It applies here.”

"This devastating research..."

"Let's not discuss it yet."

In the void, countless attacks crossed the dark chasm and smashed headlong into God's barrier.

They were defused by the void shield, blocked by the divine fire barrier, and deflected by the mapping barrier...

A similar thing happened on the other side.

The increasingly elegant and concise Tianshu Xingcai are a kind of discrete core of the divine alliance that is constantly approaching in this direction. At this moment, together with countless new and unprecedented units of various types, they are in the army of the gods. Spreading layers of bright light. God's foundation, God's wisdom, God's power and God's thoughts are reuniting and becoming clear again. They are releasing unimaginable power in the collision and friction.

In the void, divine power shines brightly. Exploration and exploration are not limited to this place, and the war is not only spreading to this place, but also new discoveries and new records, as well as more thinking and changes...

They can happen at any time in the divine world and the void.

Between the giant rings in the void, under the heaven on earth, there were countless hopes, countless ideals and countless doubts...

No matter what form they once took, they are now values.

The upheaval has occurred, even if it is no longer visible.

Between the two sides of the void, more variables have been quietly introduced.

The mortal king…

They may...really make history...

Whenever they think of all this, the gods also express their admiration and regret in their hearts. However, although the power of the gods is powerful, there are also places in the infinite vastness of the void that the power of the gods cannot take care of.

The people who survived the former "Empire" are trying to survive in the rapidly expanding icy ocean.

The infrastructure construction here, especially related to the improvement of military force, is developing rapidly. By now, the force in this void may have surpassed the highest level that the empire could achieve before its destruction. However, apart from force, there is not much life and warmth inside the dilapidated ruins of the former imperial territory.

Under the cold starlight, endless thoughts were poured out like crazy by the surviving souls of the empire. There is not much sequential relationship or logical correspondence between them, and it is even difficult to determine whether these words come from a normal mind or from the crazy words uttered by a madman.

"This part cannot be disclosed to the outside world..."

"The history of the empire... seems not to be blurry yet..."

"Deep in memory, our civilization, our homeland... Judging from the vague memories deep in memory... Every time our civilization encounters a major disaster or destruction, as long as we can survive it, then our civilization will emerge The jump... is unimaginable every time."

"Our home world was destroyed, and the Ark fleet had to rush out of the universe under conditions that were tantamount to suicide. We were once burned by the decisive battle flagship, but the entire territory was scorched, but we were able to create it after acquiring the Doomsday Ark and the Void Sun. Such a series of unimaginable creations were produced... and now, when the vitality of the former empire still exists... the empire at that time is just a drop in the ocean to the present..."

"Even though civilization is no longer there, it is undeniable that our achievements are unimaginable, and every achievement is accompanied by... destruction? External destruction?"

"It's not ruled out...we need to admit some things..."

"In the universe, the elements and foundations that constitute the basic structure of life... come from the birth and death of stars..."

"Our earliest bodies... were probably made of stardust -"

"The planet was destroyed and collapsed, turning into dust floating in the vast space. Then this dust was captured by the new source of gravity and became the source of life..."

"This is bound to be speculation, and I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense..."

"It's just that everything in reality has to be worth noting... because such a coincidence - I'm afraid it can no longer be completely attributed to coincidence and fate."

"I am afraid that the stellar wind of the Fierce Sun cannot trigger so many events and leaps... Looking at it now, the Fiery Sun of the Void itself should be a chaotic existence. Even if it really needs some factors to repair itself, or to trigger something These events... there are countless paths, countless ways to achieve the goal... Even if all of us are transformed into monsters, it is possible, but we... follow the path we have walked, go higher and further..."

"The same seems to be true for Σ. Although it may contain a large number of metaphysical structures and unexplained information that we have not noticed yet, but... maybe the paths between us are roughly similar..."


"From destruction, new vitality and progress are born, our progress..."

"Is there a transfer relationship between this-?!"


The long and lonely thought slowly passed by, and another cluster of thought threads was forever put into the black body by their owner.

It's so similar, so similar to the past, such conjectures, such environment, such similarity... it's suffocating.

Thinking about something is almost no longer related to how many actions you perform——

As a powerful void battleship, the Arcane Throne is constantly being connected to the instincts of Vidoville during hundreds of millions of years of adaptation.

Most of the time, if the general flagship is not facing a large-scale Σ flagship fleet... then its control of the battle is like nerves controlling the heartbeat.

But if you want to weave the irrational evolution of something in the empty sea of ​​consciousness...

It may take thousands of years for an idea to maintain its operation and complete its logical progression.

Such thinking, such patterns, such events...

It seems too similar to the past.

However, it was also too messy.

Chaos has never faded away. Perhaps, it was just the initial panic, fear and dilemma that transformed into what it is now. A lot of logic is created out of thin air based on reality and many imaginary theories, and then...

They are contradictory to each other, even mutually exclusive...

An endless tangle of whispers and complaints echoed through the void of what was once an empire and is now a wreck. There are no imperial beings here, just a group of guys who have not yet recovered from their mental breakdown after suffering a major blow.

But no matter what these souls say, do, or think, so far they have had little impact. Because the will and power condensed in these ruins are not strong enough, they are not enough to allow other information bodies in the void to be transferred by their own will.

"Major event - Feedback from the empire's network system, a large-scale world shift occurred in the void...!!"


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