Star Empire

Chapter 536 Contact Establishment

The resolution was broadcast, and within a short period of time, the various civilizations that formed the federation received the resolution.

When the Federation began to prepare for war in response to possible attacks from the civilization on the other side due to the "forced bridge building" operation, corresponding preparatory measures also entered reality from paper.

The war machine was once again injected with new vitality. In various federal departments, the super civilizations that had long since emerged from the scars caused by the Spiral Echelon Battle once again put more weapons in place like copying and pasting. Layers of defense lines have been set up near each "tranquil core" of the Federation to prevent the mainland from being affected prematurely when war breaks out.

Communication networks began to be regulated, and unnecessary void navigation was prohibited. In just a few years, an army of unprecedented scale was assembled in one of the three "legs" of this huge void cauldron. All parts of the federation began to enter a state of war, and the speed of change was so fast that it was like some energy that had been suppressed for a long time finally began to explode violently.

The starting point and countless extraordinary energy pools are protected by layers of thick divine materials. They are the key to building bridges.

The world used as the core of tranquility has been slowly eroded by the pollution of the chaotic sea for more than ten million years. Its laws of time, space and order have decayed like corpses, but even so, the core of tranquility itself is still active. This extremely special world, as well as all the equipment needed to open a stable exit from the chaotic sea on the other side, have moved from their original locations. These cargoes are the basis for the successful erection of the Void Bridge. They are wrapped in countless camouflage nets of pollution in the chaotic sea, so that they can avoid the sight of pollution and persist until the moment they cross the realm of the chaotic sea.

At the same time, in another territory of orderly civilization, within the scope shrouded in the shadow of the stability of the chaotic sea of ​​the Star Ring Federation, the number of cruising Long Night classes began to decrease. The black giant ships with an ominous aura surging around them are neatly arranged in their home ports like ants in rows. These giant ships are grouped into a group of twelve. They are ready - bring everything with them, Then forcefully attack the deepest or even critical layer of the chaotic sea area, and prepare to deliver the things that carry the hope of the Federation and the hope of survival of all civilizations on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to the other side.

"Your Majesty Vidoville, I would like to report to you on the current situation of the empire."

"Currently, the relocation and resettlement work of Empire nationals has been suspended. Most of the Empire's lives currently live on the side far away from the Federation of Stars."

"Due to the previous "Spiral Echelon Battle", the empire's territory close to the Ring Federation was severely damaged. Even if the ruins have been cleared, it will be difficult for that area to return to its previous state in a short period of time. . In addition, there are still many uncertainties in the future. For security reasons, the Emperor's Council decided after discussions with national representatives at all levels to gradually convert that part of the area into the inner ring defense line of the empire's core territory and no longer use it as a residential area. "

"The empire has strengthened the defense systems of all deep-sea submersible ports within its territory."

"The Star Empire-λ Civilization Alliance has entered a state of joint defense."

"Among the two Long Night-class fleets with Black Gate Fortress as their home port, the Twelfth Fleet has three Long Night-class ships that have not yet berthed, and the Twenty-first Fleet has five Long Night-class ships that have not yet berthed."

"The Emperor's Council is discussing how to inform the public about matters such as bridge construction and catastrophes in a gentler and more appropriate way. Currently, the Emperor's Council is interviewing imperial managers with lower authority levels in the pilot areas step by step. According to the different authority levels , they will be provided with information of varying degrees of detail and try to publish this information. The Emperor's Council is paying close attention to ideological activities in the pilot areas."

"The imperial fleet is gathering to the limit. About one-half of the imperial armed forces will be used to defend the core territory of the empire. Among them, half of the armaments will be deployed on the inner ring defense line of the core territory mentioned earlier, and the remaining The lower half will be deployed to the outer ring of the Void Sun to deal with the situation where the discontinuous zone may cause the Void Sun to collapse out of control when the Cataclysm arrives. A quarter of the fleet will be distributed at the Great Wall of the Sun defense line and defense buffer zone .A quarter of the fleet will comply with your orders and the deployment requirements of the Halo Federation."

"That is the case, Your Majesty Victorville."

"Roger." Vidoville hung up the communication.

Although he can't see the Black Gate Fortress now, let alone the Long Night-class fleet parked on the Black Gate Fortress, he can feel those huge aircraft that only move deep in the chaotic sea area like eternal night. Wings, those black flying wings are like messengers of destruction. The return of each flying wing warship means that a war that will stir up the entire void pattern is one step closer to breaking out.

After the hidden worries about this war, more feelings from deep in my heart gradually began to boil.

After coming into contact with the Star Ring Federation, he has been serving as a liaison between the Empire and the Federation, running on the front lines of the remains of the endless eternal space - the Great Wall of the Sun/Σ First Overrun Test Site Debris Monitoring Station - the core territory of the Empire. During the time he was dealing with the problem, he could clearly feel that even if he no longer needed to participate in the affairs of the empire, and even if he finally left, the civilization called Xingming could still exist independently in the void. And it continues to take on new life as time goes by.

In this regard, Vidoville felt a little complicated in his heart, as if he was reluctant to give up, seemed to be relieved, and seemed to be disappointed - but this should obviously be something he should be happy about.

Now, when he needs to mobilize the power of the empire, in addition to the part of the Guards Fleet that belongs directly to him, he is connected to the emperors of various regions and the entire emperor's council. I no longer need to make specific decisions about various affairs in the empire, nor do I need to go to the new emperor or the old guy to discuss the details of the matter in detail. Among the many "old guys" and "newcomers" "At the same time that they all began to fade out of their sight, they have all integrated into the more powerful and complete Emperor's Council.

If the empire encounters problems, the Emperor's Council will deal with them - isn't this scenario what I once expected?

In the past, I thought about working with Vesrifan to help civilization withstand the pressure with the power of the times and seek survival in the void occupied by endless corrupt foreign enemies. Judging from the results, this hope can be said to be successful, but judging from the process and my own feelings, this hope may not be that successful.

I have also had ideals and wanted to use some fraternity consciousness and peaceful coexistence thoughts to show that I and the star civilization are different from the "violent" Σ. However, under the entanglement of external pressure and internal problems, I have betrayed my ideals and the lofty goals I had set up in my heart again and again. I don’t know if this is despicable, or if there is another, slightly nicer way of saying it.

However, these things have passed. If it is really possible that these things will be liquidated by someone in the future, then in the end, no matter what the consequences are, you can just accept them calmly. If these have been dusted by time and there is no need to mention them again, then just let them pass with time. Looking at history, the power achieved by relying on external objects is still inferior to the power of a civilization that truly accumulates its foundation and radiates vitality.

"No, it's not good." Vidoville shook his head vigorously. It was not a good habit to be distracted at every turn. Even if he no longer directly deals with the affairs of the empire, he still has a lot to do.

Twenty years, seventeen years, twelve years, nine years

The time for the last Long Night class to dock at its home port is getting closer and closer, and similarly, the time for the Federation to forcibly break through the chaotic sea area and reach the other shore is also shortening.

Also approaching at the same time is the moment when the big membrane begins to twitch, completely pushing all external forces away from it - the catastrophe is not far away.

As if they had agreed at the same time, within the reach of the Star Ring Federation, the entire void fell into silence - whether it was the smallest exit from the chaotic sea or one large enough to leave dark ring ruins Fault zones, they all seemed to evaporate out of thin air.

The chaos in the void has fallen into an unprecedented trough. However, this is not something to be happy about. This is the last tranquility before the catastrophe. The Great Membrane no longer bothers to use ordinary means to vent the pressure that has accumulated on it. If the long bridge in the void still cannot be opened, the moment the discontinuity zone finally emerges from the exit of the chaotic sea, a cataclysm will kill the void. everything in .

"There are still seven years until the last Long Night class ship returns to its home port."

On the battlefield of the Battle of the Spiral Staircase, near the remains of the endless eternal space, a building of unprecedented scale was built. It looked like a piece of land spliced ​​together by a series of floating islands with completely different styles. On this land, all the buildings surround the large dome in the middle of this "spliced ​​continent" like stars holding the moon.

Inside the large dome, the ground is shaped into a step-by-step shape, with thousands of terminals arranged in sequence on the steps. In addition, the entire dome and the space inside it have been transformed into a huge information interactive page. The federation's deep-diving facilities and surveillance information are spread throughout the void, and information from countless federation sites is gathered here, weaving into a meticulous network.

This building is the current seat of the Federation's Emergency Committee on Troubled Seas and Bridge Building Issues. If necessary, it can also serve as the general headquarters and war situation center of the war.

At this time, a pair of jet-black flying wings with purple and platinum light patterns had just taken off and left.

Just now, Vidoville completed the transfer of the temporary command authority of the Imperial Armed Forces. Now he is preparing to go to the Σ1st Translimit Laboratory Wreckage Monitoring Station, which is now the actual relay station of the Star-Star Ring communication line. Although the Empire built a communication network between itself and the Ring Federation shortly after the Great Annals began, in the Spiral Echelon Battle 70,000 years ago, the Doomsday-Creation released by the Σ Decisive Battle Flagship had already destroyed them. It burned down, and now, the restoration work is not complete.

"Long Night Class-Ship No. 22-7 is about to leave the contact range of Shule Fortress. This ship will enter a silent period for about a year. The next docking station of this ship is Black Gate Fortress. Black Gate Fortress is the second berthing site of Long Night Class. The home port of the Twelve Fleet, this ship will arrive and berth in three years."

"Received." Vidoville hung up the communication with the Golden Dragon Clan's base deployed deep in the chaotic sea. The order field supported by the Σ monitoring station could already be scanned by him, and the boundaries of the order field began to appear blurred. Light and shadow, and just when these blurry and distorted light and shadow suddenly unfolded into a uniform space, Victorville once again received the message from Shuler Fortress: the Long Night-22-7 ship sent back some noise.

"Noise? What's the content?" Considering that the Long Night-class ship was leaving the contact range, Vidoville felt a little worried - there wouldn't be any accidents on that ship, right?

"We have done our best to reconstruct the information we received and have passed the entire message to you."

"Deep. Unknown surface approaching"

"What is this?" Vidoville frowned. Although the information was intermittent, from these keywords, he thought he could confirm that the Long Night-class ship that had entered the silent period should not be in danger. It seems to have discovered something gradually rising from the depths of the chaotic sea?

But unfortunately, the clues have been cut off here. Based on these contents alone, Vidoville cannot determine what is floating upward from the depths of the chaotic sea, nor is it clear where its final destination will be.

"A warning was issued to the Emergency Committee on Troubled Seas and Bridge Building Issues. The Long Night-class ship No. 22-7, which had just left the contact range of Shule Fortress and was sailing in the direction of Black Gate Fortress, discovered that there was a suspected unknown object floating up from the depths of troubled seas. Repeat. "The Long Night-class ship No. 22-7, which had just left the contact range of Shule Fortress and was sailing in the direction of Black Gate Fortress, discovered that there was a suspected unknown object floating up from the depths of the chaotic sea. It has not yet been confirmed that there are other accompanying situations, over."

"Kriz, please pay attention to something: It is suspected that an unknown object is rising from the depths of the chaotic sea. Please pay attention to strengthen monitoring of the void and pay attention to any suspicious movements."

After explaining the situation clearly, Vidoville drove the two imperial flagships and slowly stopped at the outer ring of the Σ monitoring station. Through his own void scanning equipment, he could see the surrounding void scene. There were countless beacons and Void Celestial Towers standing in the void, and they almost formed an actual passage. This is a highway in the void. With the help of this channel, the core territory of the empire and the protoss facilities located near the wreckage of endless eternal space can already communicate with basically no serious delays.

Now, more and more light spots appear near the Great Wall of the Sun. They are the fleet of the Empire and the glory of the Empire.

"Your Majesty Vidoville, I am Kriz. The backup void survey radar array team discovered the suspected opening of an exit from the Chaos Sea in a very remote world."

"A very remote world? The suspected direction of the story about the exit from the chaotic sea?" Especially after hearing the "exit from the chaotic sea", Victorville was almost excited: Void is now at a low point in the activities of the chaotic sea. At this time, it appears Chaotic sea exit.

"Kriz, are you sure?"

"Your Majesty, I am 80% sure. The direction of the story captured by the Void Sky Survey Radar Array Group is very vague. Although there are unique fluctuations of the exit of the chaotic sea/the opening of the Dead Tide Gate, after that, the Void Sky Survey Radar Array Group did not Storyline where the spread of contamination is detected.”

"Where is that world roughly located?"

"In the "pocket" formed by the Star Empire, the Ursula Empire and the civilization code-named "The Great Devourer". According to the empire's identification habits, this world is located in the eighth quadrant. According to the identification habits of the Star Ring Federation, , the world is located in the Σ quadrant.”

"Σ Quadrant, they are all kings' civilizations that are closely related to Σ." Victorville vaguely felt that there seemed to be a considerable amount of information contained in it, but just as he was about to raise an urgent question about the chaotic sea and bridge building, When the committee was explaining the situation, he was suddenly pulled directly into the consciousness meeting.

"Elendis, what happened?"

"In the far reaches of the Federation, there is a low-level automatic facility for colonization that reports that a chaotic sea exit has been opened, but the nature of the chaotic sea exit is very strange. It seems to be inert."

"The inert sea exit?" Vidoville's eyes widened a little, "Does such a thing exist?"

"There is only one way to make the exit of the chaotic sea inert." Elendis said seriously, "Rely on what comes from the other side."

"—Coming from the other side?!!" Vidoville almost screamed: "Is there something from the other side coming?"

"It is indeed true, but we are not yet sure what it is. The information provided by the low-level colonial facilities is very rough. The Chaotic Sea Purification Force has already gone to the world to analyze the situation. I believe we will have the answer soon."

All the people and gods participating in the consciousness meeting were tensed up at the moment, waiting for information from that world. Because that world is too remote, even God's technology cannot easily cross that gap. After coordinating as quickly as possible, several countries also began to follow the principle of proximity and pointed their high-power void communication equipment at the target-which also included the Void Celestial Towers from the Star Empire.

With the support of more equipment, a scene worthy of being recorded in history appeared in front of the people and gods participating in the Divine Consciousness Conference.

There was indeed an exit to the chaotic sea that appeared in that world, but it was very small, probably only a few thousand meters long. And at a certain distance from the exit of the chaotic sea, the figure of a ship appeared.

The ship had been severely damaged, with only a section of the hull remaining that looked somewhat enlarged. This section of the hull might be the "tail end" of the entire ship. On this expanded tail structure, Victorville saw a large number of ferocious and tangled gaps, some of which flashed with strange and dirty colors from time to time.

In the direction that may be connected to the bow of the ship, people noticed three breaches that were roughly parallel to each other but with equally ferocious breaks - the shapes of the breaches were somewhat similar. If they had not been eroded by the chaotic sea, these breaches might have once been Have the same shape or connect the same modules.

"The properties of the target have been analyzed and confirmed that the target has many properties that we cannot measure. The target also lacks many necessary properties. No matter with similar properties has been found in the known Void Quadrant on this coast - it has been confirmed , the target comes from the other side, it is a creation of intelligence, after analyzing its interior, life activities are found! Repeat, it has been confirmed, the target comes from the other side, it is a creation of intelligence, after analyzing its interior, it is found that life activities are taking place!! Emergency preservation measures are now being carried out on the entire target!"


The Divine Consciousness Conference is virtual, but even so, Vidoville can feel that a tsunami of cheers is erupting from within the network, excitement and joy are spreading in the network, and he is also one of the sources of these emotions. . Presumably, in that hall, the real "live" atmosphere would be much more lively than I imagined.

"Progress is being made in using the ideographic capabilities to parse the language spoken on the other side. The captain of the ship claimed that they left behind a relay communication device when they crossed the critical layer, which can be directly connected to the deep-diving port on the other side! Now, their The equipment has been damaged and we would like to borrow our equipment to send messages!”

"The secondment is allowed! After ensuring that the signal modulation is accurate, the message is allowed to be sent!"

After the initial excitement and excitement subsided, eagerness and nervousness emerged. With the help of the gods of the Purification Force, and under the gaze of countless mortals and gods across the endless abyss, the intelligent life from the other side sent a very brief sentence to the critical layer of the Chaos Sea Realm:

We are still alive.

The signal was modulated and filtered to maintain a stable state, and then it was transmitted through the federal communication network to various facilities buried deep in the chaotic sea area. There, this piece of information was further charged, and its intensity was amplified by hundreds of millions in a short period of time. Hundreds of high-power broadcasting systems that could be used in the chaotic sea area followed the instructions from the front line. instructions, pointing the transmitting antenna at the relay station manufactured by the civilization on the other side.

The broadcast started. One second, two seconds, one minute, two minutes. There is still silence in the depths of the chaotic sea, without any response.

"Don't worry. Just wait a little longer."

Vidoville didn't know who said this. The tension and depression made him feel that the energy flow in his body was becoming violent. He noticed that Elendis' hand had gripped the tabletop, and the force was so strong that it had formed fine cracks on the tabletop.

".This is the Xiling Empire. The message has been received. Please reply."

I don’t know how long it took, but a line of jumping text suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

People and gods looked at each other in shock. After countless collisions of eyes, everyone confirmed the fact from the shock: there is no super civilization called "Xiling Empire" in the void on this shore.

This message was sent by a super civilization from the other side! ! This message comes from the super civilization on the other side! !

Countless epochs of hard work finally came to light at this moment - connected! ! !

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