Star Empire

Chapter 547 Extra——[Above the echelon, between the void]

[This extra chapter corresponds to the part that the Void Will can see and perceive when the final battle set in this book [Spiral Ladder Battle] takes place. 】

[Contains more subjective thoughts and settings of the author. 】

The void is infinite.

In the long time that stretches silently, infinite infinity is surging in every smallest detail. They overlap each other, they infect each other, they merge with each other... The infinite waves formed by their collision with each other have gone through a long period of self-evolution and countless shapes from inside and outside, and finally formed an endless world with thousands of shapes and a colorful endless order.

They should not be too complex, too tangled, or too profound - they are so different from the ordinary environment that the environment itself and everything originally in the environment may not be able to carry them, and they themselves may be disasters. It can't be too thin, too skinny, too fragile - they won't survive.

Order, world and life, they adapt to each other, modify each other, and eliminate each other. In the long process of evolution, they repeatedly strive for something with each other, rising alternately in the spiral, crossing one territory after another, crossing one threshold after another...

The black ocean that contains everything is rippled with gentle ripples. It is everything, it has never existed, it carries everything, and it quietly supports everything that changes and develops.

But now, things are a little different—there are some things out there that are just too glaring.

There needs to be something to help the creatures scattered in countless worlds like the sinking sand of the river guard a peaceful night.

Countless intertwined webs, intertwined concepts, intertwined infinity seem to be summoned, they rise from the bottomless ocean, upward, and rapidly extend in all directions.

Expand, spread, iterate, ascend.

They exist, and they are recognized and used by order life, and transformed into other forms that can be understood, recorded and transmitted. They are not exactly the same as their "formers", and their forms of expression and the "basis" formed by their expressions are also different, but this does not prevent... they have the same origin.

The source may not understand the children's formulas, axioms and logic, or the layer upon layer of accumulated knowledge, as well as the various "pre-foundations" behind the knowledge and logic that can be pulled by invisible lines.

But the Source understands the thing "itself" that it all seeks to describe.

The formless and profound light alternately iterates itself, iterating upward to expand all gaps and all possibilities.

Countless elements are built into a new sequence, and the sequence is constantly constructed. They continue to spread and expand, and their structure expands to the point where their structure seems to make everyone tremble just by being described and mentioned, as if the end is coming.

However... the "threshold" has never disappeared.

Invisible axioms are projected onto reality, and everything contained in the infinite collection that is melted and reorganized begins to stir the entire process, pushing this step to the final possible limit. Under the directional push of the power of the void, eternity is shorter than an instant. But on this road, as development itself becomes more and more crazy, everything seems to be quietly coming to an end...


The diffused light seemed to become a little sluggish, and they seemed to have reached the final limit as they multiplied infinitely. The aftermath is spreading rapidly, stirring up order, stirring up the void field, and stirring up countless worlds. Powerful disturbances are spreading and spreading. They are unstoppable. The barriers in front of us are still towering in the face of such a flood of information, but it seems that... they do not correspond. To defeat this The barrier does not seem to require a flood to pass over it.

However, after the huge wave of information that for some reason did not completely dissipate in the void hit this barrier, it inexplicably subsided.

At the same time, some kind of pressure that had been accumulated for a long time crossed the limit, and the barrier seemed to be broken. Measuring everything in the world, measuring their corresponding sets and infinite meanings are suddenly lifted. Above this first limit that could never be reached by relying on the original self, at a much higher position, new lights lit up, they were more complex, more detailed, and more dense. They contain a depth and thickness that far exceeds anything before... They can only be directly defined, directly explained, directly applied... or their existence can only be confirmed by confirming that they have various corresponding properties through ultra-finite transitions.

It is a continuous and dense line.

At this point, the goal that has never been completed appears in the void.

Soon, the process itself began to iterate.

The number of lines is already uncountable.

Taking the line as the benchmark, all lines begin to derive continuous surfaces that extend endlessly in infinite directions.

Ultra-fine leaps flashed by one after another, each potential was used as a basis, and various possibilities that exceeded the previous limits were gathered and solidified here. Each one-way almost indestructible echelon node is forcibly achieved by forcibly establishing axioms, establishing rules, and establishing the boundaries of chaos.

Countless symbols used by mortals, countless obscure words, exaggerated formulas, and intricate logical structures like the most twisted web are needed to describe their possible existence, but... these have long been indescribable. The huge collection was pressed down infinitely again and again in the gap that had no direction and no existence, and was pressed into the bottom layer that no longer had any thickness.

The barrier is boundless, extending beyond the once illusory and boundless zenith. There are only weak connections between the countless bright or dark, wide or narrow faults, indicating a weak relationship between them.

Among them, there seem to be some shadows, there seem to be many shadows, there are countless eyes, countless consciousnesses, and countless bodies seem to be trying to wake up, trying to separate themselves from the infinite ocean and become independent.

However, only a part of the two clusters of light were filtered and pulled, and they flowed into the battlefield and into the center of the war-torn spiral. And everything else was submerged in the warm darkness. They fell asleep again, and the weight of their existence was smoothed by the void.

Ascension and inflation never stop. And when the limit approaches, breakthroughs will explode from a higher level. Every breakthrough means that they need to face the next unreachable attribute that is infinitely stronger than the previous level. However, in a time that has long been blurred and can be infinitely long or infinitely short at will, these obstacles are being completely torn apart again and again as countless limits that are difficult to break through again are being thrown away.

However, the power from below has its end. In any case, it is ultimately impossible for this barrier to be closed by its own strength - although countless inaccessibles have been surpassed, this time, the endlessly powerful meaning of inaccessibility...has surpassed everything needed to build a breakthrough.

Along with them, there are also some vague "figures" that are completely invisible in daily life - they are laws, and only when the scope and scale themselves reach an absolute level can it be possible to jump out of the paper and project them into reality. .

Uncountable, regular, strong limits...the countless conditions that are extremely harsh even in a theoretical environment emerge from the chaotic sea of ​​clouds and are embedded in them. After this, unless it is given from top to bottom, the abyss can no longer be crossed.

And on this borderline of chaos that is never reachable in one direction and can never be crossed, two figures stand together like gatekeepers.

The two figures from the void were as calm as ever. They stared at the glorious barrier that was still advancing but almost stagnant.

In the void, the once colorful real environment, the ever-changing scenery of the world... they all lost their meaning. They seem to have lost detail and meaning, and much of their colour.

Everything inside and outside the order is a painting formed by the "pigments" that blend with each other on the vast backplane, and a story written by countless inks. Now, almost all the brilliance and vitality in this painting have been "pressed" into the distant bottom. The story has been flattened out and has no depth or thickness at all. In fact, everything that once was has become insignificant dust, but the eyes from the top are still watching everything. The original power beyond rules and logic focuses on the source of the story, so although it seems to have undergone drastic changes, everything is still clearly visible.

Looking from top to bottom, they are already infinitely far away. The only thing that still has the brightness of activity and change is the boundless wall.

However, even if the gap is endless and huge, the powerful being from the void still carefully controls all of his thoughts - his own thoughts are everything, and he cannot tolerate any omissions or errors. Once it appears, no matter how perfect the meaning of compensation is, it will no longer be pure. That painting and those countless stories are called order, nature, and reality... Although they are full of flaws and regrets, they are also bright.

And "bright colors" may not just stop there. There are many bright colors, many flaws, and more figures. This painting...even from such a high vantage point, it's still vast.

Countless projections of oneness can exchange information captured by transcendent perception, but that makes no sense.

In this painting in which most of the content has lost its "activity", within the interval covered by the barrier, a pair of fighting spirals rise alternately.

"If it was a long, long time ago, what we faced here and all over the Void might have been a declaration of source will." One side of the Void Will said lightly.

"But... there may be other ways to deal with it now. In other words, we must come up with other solutions."

"In the last era, some traces finally survived, and they have not been erased. But now, the variables have touched many key points. This time, the final result is not only about us, but also about all the civilizations on the mainland and all the civilizations on the other side. , and everything in all the eras that have not yet begun and ended." Gou Chen responded to Huan Xi's words in the same indifferent tone.

"The result is clear, but hatred cannot remain between orders for long. This is still within the order, and it is a problem within the children - although it needs a push, these problems need to be solved by themselves."

"To make hatred dissipate, we need a funeral that can convince everyone and overwhelm everything. The problem needs to be completely solved, and order needs a stable environment to operate healthily." Gou Chen said.

"Hurry up, reality won't last long in this situation. The 'children' are still waiting for us too."

In those infinitely deep and infinitely clear eyes, the truth spanning countless worlds and distant voids can be seen. At home, inside and outside the God Realm, strange things have begun to emerge.

Different from usual, inertia is quietly dispelled, and the power from the source is being truly awakened. The power of the Void Will slowly touches the order, and the disturbance caused by the touch turns into heavy pressure, and the endless pressure forms a storm. The surface of the God Realm, which has been shaped countless times and is filled with vitality and vitality, is trembling and trying its best to maintain itself. The deep layers of the divine world, which usually only have weak ripples at most, are all boiling out of control.

At the deepest and vastest bottom of the God Realm, there is a chain, an infinitely deep chain.

In the boundless ocean where the life of order can only be explained in this way, and its waves can only be described and explained by countless levels, phases, space-time structures and conceptual layers that extend iteratively like chains, turbulent and dangerous whirlpools and violent waves are unfolding. Violent vibrations, destroying all the tranquility that once existed.

The bottom of the God Realm and the upper end of the transfinite recursion are being shaken. This is a situation that has never happened in ancient times.

The two figures separated in a tacit understanding. On both sides of the huge distance that was difficult to measure with any words or concepts, their hands still maintained the posture when they held each other. At the midpoint of the corresponding meaning of "hand", a small core containing the will of the void and "everything" needed now has been condensed.

Time seems limited, seems infinite, seems to shrink, seems to spread. At this moment, the lines and the inherent rules were temporarily melted. In addition to the non-linear independence, countless lights and shadows seem to have wrapped reality into the depths of the whirlpool.

Even so, after crossing such a huge gap, crossing such a huge void, the original scenes are still clearly visible to the all-seeing eyes, even if they have become infinitely subtle...

The will of the void blinked his eyes. All confusion disappeared.

Chaos never occurred.

"From this point on, that's enough."

The two "people" looked at each other and nodded lightly.

The warm void bends down from that point, filling and smoothing the countless gaps between the barriers, and even isolates the shadow below that suddenly melts as the pressure expands from the actual connection.

The "barrier" is closed.

"...Go back, be careful not to hurt the children."


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