Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 2 Landing Battle (1/2)

Chapter 2 Landing Battle

All the recruits in Team 2027 opened their mouths, and even Tian Tiantian, who had always had a cold expression in the past, looked shocked.

What does the top fifty percent mean?

This means that more than half of them will die on this earthy yellow planet.

"how so?"

Tian Tiantian asked in disbelief.

Song Ziming snorted coldly and said:

"Why do you think you can live peacefully on your respective planets?

Why do you think you can get a salary that is ten times higher than other branches of the military when you first join the army?

Isn't it because these soldiers in the frontline combat troops are fighting alien creatures at the cost of their own lives!

Everything the Milky Way Human Alliance has now was obtained with the blood of the frontline warriors with powers and incompetencies! "

"No, I don't want to die! I want to go home!"

Some girls screamed in panic after learning about the dangers on the frontline battlefield.

The people around him became nervous, and a sense of panic suddenly spread in the troop transport cabin.


There was a gunshot, and the head of the girl who shouted to go home exploded.

The girl's brains and blood were splattered everywhere, but the recruits on the side didn't dare to wipe the blood off their faces.

There was dead silence in the troop transport cabin, and none of the recruits dared to move at this moment.

Song Ziming put the kinetic energy pistol back into its holster and said to everyone:

"The second rule my soldiers need to abide by is never to be a deserter.

Anyone who disturbs the morale of the army will be killed immediately! "

The cruel facts were before Liu Cheng and the others, and they never expected it.

The first blood bathed on the battlefield did not come from alien creatures.

But it was a girl who had been with them for three years.

Seeing that everyone's emotions gradually stabilized, Song Ziming continued:

"I think you should learn two things from what happened just now.

First, you are no longer a student at the Combat Academy, but a real soldier.

The only things you can get are death and honor.

Second, superpowers cannot 100% guarantee that you will come back alive from the battlefield. You still need to rely on weapons at critical moments. Do you understand? "

"Understood, Captain!"

In the command room of the Qin-class battleship.

Zhao Gang, the top commander of the battleship, and Li Ronghao, the commander of the combat unit responsible for this new recruit training mission, clearly saw what happened in the troop transport cabin of Team 2027 through the surveillance screen.

Zhao Gang frowned and said to Li Ronghao on the side:

"Old Li, did the soldier commander surnamed Song go too far?"

Li Ronghao didn't take it seriously and said:

“This is all normal procedure for our combat forces.

Moreover, Song Ziming is the best class cadre in our group. I believe there will be no problem with his handling. "

"Normal procedure? Will the captains of other squads also do this?"

Li Ronghao shook his head.

Captain Zhao Gang's frown was relieved.

That is to say, although the combat troops are not as elegant as the flying troops, they cannot be so barbaric.

Just when Zhao Gang was about to say something, he heard Li Ronghao slowly say:

"Others would have gone further."

Zhao Gang: "..."

It’s similar to what Li Ronghao said.

In all the troop transport compartments during this mission, the soldier captains used various methods to let the recruits who graduated from the combat academy know that the battlefield and the title of soldier are no child's play.

In the troop transport cabin of Team 2027, after Song Ziming had almost finished what needed to be told, the recruits had all put on their equipment and were ready to land.

The individual equipment of combat troops consists of firearms and combat uniforms.

People with superpowers adjust according to the type of their superpowers, and most of them will not wear complete combat equipment.

For example, those with superpowers whose palms emit flames generally do not wear combat gloves, and those with superpowers whose eyes emit lasers generally do not wear combat helmets.

Among the entire 2027 team, Liu Cheng is the only one equipped with a complete set of individual armor and weapons.

If this were placed in school, Liu Cheng would have been ridiculed by his classmates.

However, Song Ziming had already established absolute prestige in their hearts, and they didn't dare to say anything except looking at Liu Cheng twice.

"Two minutes left until landing begins."

The final countdown to the landing sounded on the ship-wide radio.

Qin class battleship command room.

Captain Zhao Gang gave the order after hearing the landing countdown:

"Quantum cannon recharging, target, landing point."

"Roger, the quantum cannon is ready."

"The quantum cannon is charged fifty percent, the quantum cannon is charged one hundred percent, the quantum cannon is charged one hundred and twenty percent..."

Countless light spots gathered at the quantum cannon muzzle at the front of the Qin-class battleship, growing bigger and bigger like a fireball that kept rushing into fuel.

Li Ronghao on the side knew that Zhao Gang did this to clean up the alien creatures at the landing site and increase the survival rate of the recruits.

Although this was against the regulations, Li Ronghao did not stop it.

"The quantum cannon is charged 150%. Report, the quantum cannon is about to be overloaded. Please give the launch command!"

The operators in the command room reported loudly.


With Zhao Gang's order, the huge light ball gathered by the quantum gun barrel rushed out towards the surface of the khaki planet.

The moment the light ball landed on the surface of the khaki planet, a halo visible to the naked eye from space exploded on the surface of the planet.

It soared into the sky and spread to the surroundings, spreading to a position of one-tenth of the diameter of the planet before gradually disappearing.

The recruits in hundreds of troop transport cabins looked at this impactful scene for a long time without saying a word.

They realized that no matter what they were going to face next, it would definitely be completely different from what they were taught in the combat academy.

"Ten seconds until landing."


At the moment the countdown ended, hundreds of X-2 fast troop transport ships flew out of the Qin-class battleships.

In addition to the graduates from the Second Combat Middle School in Jinmen City, they also carried graduates from combat academies in other cities on the same planet.

The ground of the planet was filled with yellow sand, and it was almost impossible to observe any ground conditions with the naked eye.

After the troop transport ship where Team 2027 was located flew into the yellow sand, Song Ziming learned about the situation on the ground from the driver, then returned to the troop transport cabin and said to Team 2027:

"The sandstorm was caused by the bombardment of the quantum cannon and will dissipate in about half an hour.

There were many biological reactions near the landing point, which should be alien creatures hiding underground, so the troop transport ship cannot land and the troop transport cabin will be separated.

Remember, the intelligence of alien creatures is not lower than that of humans. You must be prepared to fight as soon as possible after landing. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Captain!"

Song Ziming nodded, and a complex look flashed across his eyes.

These people in front of him were the first time he met them in his life, and it might be the last time.


The troop transport cabin ejected after separating from the troop transport ship, independently pushing the engine to start, and dived quickly towards the ground.

The people who were used to being accompanied by their teachers and sergeants suddenly lost their backbone and looked at Tian Tiantian and Li Kang.

Li Kang and Tian Tiantian looked at each other, and both saw tension and pressure in each other's eyes.

However, at this moment, Li Kang, as a boy, stood up first and said to everyone:

"Team 2027 should be ready for battle, and don't bury the pride of our Class 27 of Senior 3!"


With Li Kang taking the lead, the others also had the courage to fight, and the boys began to shout and boost their morale.

With a bang, the troop transport cabin landed, and there was a huge tremor under everyone's feet, and the hatch of the troop transport cabin opened.

This touch-and-open design is to ensure that the soldiers will not be trapped to death in the troop transport cabin.

"Let's go together!"

Li Kang shouted, and the boy next to him who shouted the most happily ran out of the hatch first as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

But before the boy rushed out of a distance of ten meters, several giant wolf-like figures rushed out of the sandstorm and surrounded him.

The boy was chopped into pieces and swallowed by several giant wolves before he even used his superpowers.


Another timid girl in the team shouted.

Seeing that his team 2027 was about to be in chaos, Li Kang remembered what Sergeant Song Ziming said, that the first one who disturbed the morale of the army would be killed.

Li Kang immediately shouted at the girl:

"Don't retreat, everyone who stays in the troop transport cabin will die, if you want to live, come with me and kill!"


Li Kang shouted and was the first to kill the giant wolf, and the other students saw it and quickly followed to kill.

Just when Liu Cheng was about to rush forward with a kinetic rifle, he was suddenly held down by a hand.

Although the hand was slender and delicate, the power it sent was very terrifying, and he was pressed down and unable to move.

Liu Cheng looked to the side and found that it was Tian Tiantian who stopped him, and immediately showed a puzzled look.

Tian Tiantian seemed to know what Liu Cheng wanted to say, and said in a light tone:

"The teacher asked me to watch you."

After that, Tian Tiantian followed the others to kill, and Liu Cheng had to follow her.

After Li Kang and others approached, they found that the giant wolf was actually a first-level alien creature, the Steel Thorn Wolf.

The Steel Thorn Wolf is two meters tall and more than four meters long.

It has sharp metal steel spikes on its back that can shoot out and pierce the enemy.

It has sharp steel claws and steel teeth, is extremely fast, is good at group combat, and is a non-carbon-based creature.

Li Kang, who was in the front, saw the Steel Thorn Wolf rushing towards him and used his supernatural power directly.

Two wind blades formed in his palms, and he swung his hands forward alternately.

The two wind blades broke through the air and directly cut the metal cortex on the back of the neck of the Steel Thorn Wolf that rushed towards him.

A sharp sound of wind blades cutting metal sounded, and blue-brown blood flowed from the wound of the Spiked Wolf.

The Steel Thorn Wolf fell down in pain, and the huge inertia made him slide forward on the ground.

Li Kang saw this and quickly rolled to the side to dodge.

At this time, Tian Tiantian and Liu Cheng also came out.

Tian Tiantian raised her hand and pointed, and an ice cone shot out from her fingertips.

The ice cone pierced the Steel Thorn Wolf's neck from the wound, nailing the Steel Thorn Wolf to the ground and stopping it from sliding.

Liu Cheng, who was following behind Tian Tiantian, raised his gun and aimed, and the kinetic rifle fired continuously, breaking the Steel Thorn Wolf's already broken neck.

The Steel Thorn Wolf's head rolled down, and its long tongue hung from its mouth. It looked deader than dead.

Although Liu Cheng had no intention of stealing heads, some people still felt dissatisfied with him in their hearts.

The wearable devices on their bodies would automatically record the number of kills, so the points for killing the steel thorn wolf would be recorded on Liu Cheng in the end.

Seeing that the first steel thorn wolf was killed so easily, the 2027 team members suddenly felt confident.

Those who fired flames fired flames, and those who fired water balls fired water balls.

What they didn't know was that Li Kang's first success was a certain amount of luck.

First of all, his wind blade was transparent and colorless, and the trajectory could only be identified through the disturbance of the air.

In addition, the visibility was very low in sandstorm weather, and the steel thorn wolf would not doubt the stirred sand at all, which led to Li Kang hitting the steel thorn wolf's vital point with one shot.

Other people's attacks did not have this effect.

The steel thorn wolf group moved quickly to dodge, and the long-range attacks of the 2027 team all fell into the air.

Seeing that the long-range attack was ineffective, a new recruit with enhanced superpowers took the initiative to rush towards the steel thorn wolf group.

He jumped into the air, and the skin of his entire arm swelled and petrified instantly, turning into a pointed cone-shaped petrified spear that stabbed at the Steel Thorn Wolf Pack.

"Don't jump!"

Li Kang shouted, but he was still a step too late.

The Steel Thorn Wolf Pack's steel spikes fired at the new recruit who jumped up, and the mutant was instantly shot into a hedgehog by the flying steel spikes and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Don't jump against the Steel Thorn Wolf!

Their weakness is the skin on the neck and abdomen, which was taught in school. Don't lose your footing!"

With Li Kang's reminder, everyone stopped fighting randomly, and all recalled the knowledge taught in school and worked together.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen Steel Thorn Wolves were all annihilated by Team 2027.

And Team 2027 also lost eight people, and the casualties of the original team of more than 40 people directly exceeded 20%.

One of the eight people was stabbed to death by the steel spikes, five were scratched by sharp claws, and one was bitten into two pieces from the waist by steel teeth.

Looking at the bodies of their dead companions, everyone was still in shock.

This was just to deal with the dozen or so first-level alien creatures they encountered during landing, and so many people died. They couldn't imagine what it would be like to face thousands of alien beasts on the front battlefield.

"We need to find a safe place to stay first. Don't stay here. Some people follow me."

After that, half of the people immediately followed Li Kang to explore in one direction.

The other half looked at Tian Tiantian.

In addition to Li Kang, the strongest among them was Tian Tiantian, and naturally regarded her as the backbone.

Tian Tiantian glanced at Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng knew that she wanted to take care of herself, so she said:

"I want to collect the bodies of alien creatures. You go first."

Tian Tiantian nodded:

"Okay, I'll come back to you later. Don't run around."

Some people heard that Liu Cheng wanted to collect the bodies of alien creatures. They still hated Liu Cheng's head-grabbing behavior at the beginning, so they said sarcastically:

"It's time, and you're still thinking about this little money. Be careful not to lose your life if you are so greedy."

Liu Cheng did not refute, because he was really going for the money.

Because of the strange structure of alien creatures, their organs and flesh can be sold at different prices.

It's just that the value of the steel thorn wolf's body is not very high, so except Liu Cheng who needs to support his family, no one else cares about it.

After everyone left, Liu Cheng took out a special dagger with a laser cutting blade and began to dissect the steel thorn wolf's body.

The brain of the steel wolf has high medicinal value. When Liu Cheng was in school, he specially studied the valuable parts of various common alien creatures.

However, since it was his first time to dissect the corpse of an alien creature, the dissection process was inevitably a little unskilled, and it took a lot of effort to peel out the brain of the steel wolf.

He cut the brain of the steel wolf in the middle, and a pea-sized fragment with a faint blue light appeared in front of him.

Liu Cheng curiously took out the fragment and put it in his palm, wanting to see what it was.

Suddenly he thought of a knowledge point taught in school, his eyes widened, and he looked at the fragment in his hand with an incredible look.

"This... is it a star core fragment?!"

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