Star Gate

Chapter 117 Master and disciple work together (please subscribe)

On this day, after visiting Nanquan, Li Hao did not go out again.

As for Nanquan, Li Hao needs to digest it.

In the office.

Li Hao holds a pen in his hand and writes and draws.

Silver Moon, Northern Three Provinces, Wulin, Central...

During the time in the confidential room, Li Hao liked to read some files and do some data collection. Sometimes words can speak and give Li Hao a lot of things.

There are several hidden strong men in Yinyue who have always hidden themselves.

Hou Xiaochen's exposure may be just part of the plan.

Li Hao wrote down several names.

Hou Xiaochen, Huang Yu, Kong Jie, Zhao Chenguang.

The leaders of the four major organizations probably have a tacit understanding.

Li Hao didn't believe it. These people didn't know each other's strength. It was said that Director Zhao had always been against Hou Xiaochen. Is this a double act, or was it caused by uneven sharing of spoils?

Or disagree?

The three commanders of the Wu Wei Army... The Wu Wei Army was established by the royal family. Are these people related to the royal family?

If Hou Xiaochen is one of the three commanders, is he betraying the royal family now?

Thoughts appeared in Li Hao's mind one by one.

Soon, they were all suppressed by him.

It's enough to know these things in your mind, and you don't necessarily need to find out the root cause.

However, you have to be measured and don't stupidly become someone else's pawn.

"Fire Phoenix Spear, Spear Intent."

Li Hao wrote about the Fire Phoenix Spear again. Can he borrow the Fire Phoenix Spear himself?

This is the Source Divine Weapon.

Moreover, it is a very high-level Source God Weapon. If I borrow it rashly, whether I can borrow it is actually a question.

But now that Hou Xiaochen has the intention to value himself, maybe he can.

Strength is the foundation.

The ruins of Zhantian City are still there and have not been completely explored. They may be explored again at the end of this month or next month, and Li Hao knows that he may be slightly involved in Zhantian City.

The Eight Families should be related to Zhantian City.

Li Hao also wanted the defensive Source God Weapon. Although many people were watching, but even if he couldn't get the Source God Weapon, Li Hao still needed the God Power Stones in the city.

The little sword has now restored its sword power. Apart from the Shimen and the Source Divine Weapon, the remaining ones with the simplest sources are these divine power stones.

"So, before I enter next time, I have to be stronger!"

Although time was very tight, Li Hao was unwilling to give up.

At this stage, he knew that the place with the most divine power stones was the ruins of Zhantian City. As for other places, they might be more dangerous than the ruins.

I wrote and drew for a while.

Li Hao smashed all the papers, and the Fire Tiger Sword Intention flashed away, burning all the papers.

Although he is not a superpower, with the emergence of the Fire Tiger Sword Intent, he can now show some superpowers.

On hand, there are 800 cubic meters of wood energy and 600 cubic meters of gold energy.

Li Hao couldn't let these treasures sit idle. In addition to leaving 200 square gold energy for Wang Ming, he didn't need to strengthen the five internal organs for the rest, but he could exchange it for some mysterious energy with other attributes.

Li Hao knew the uses of wind energy and thunder energy.

Thinking of this, Li Hao stood up and walked out of the office.

He didn't go next door to find Manager Yu. He didn't want to get in touch with this person now, Yi Ziyue...

Li Hao walked upstairs.

In the office next door, Manager Yu was handling official duties. When he heard the movement, he sensed it a little and didn't pay too much attention.

As long as Li Hao doesn't run around and kill people, no one will care what he does.

Fifth floor.

Hao Lianchuan was busy when he saw Li Hao coming and said hurriedly: "Help me..."

"Do me a favor first."

Li Hao turned back to his guest: "Minister, help me get some mysterious energy."


Hao Lianchuan was speechless.

Didn't you see that I was busy?

You still come to me for such a trivial matter.

"I got it from someone else, so it's not convenient to find someone else."

Okay, Hao Lianchuan understands.

"How much? What energy?"

"1,200 square meters, replaced by wind energy and thunder energy."

Hao Lianchuan frowned slightly and glanced at Li Hao, what can this guy do in exchange for wind energy and thunder?

Yuan Shuo had changed a lot of Five Elements Energy before. Everyone speculated that it should be related to the five internal organs. Now that he had changed to Wind and Thunder Energy, it was a bit confusing.

1,200 square meters is not too much.

After thinking about it, Hao Lianchuan nodded: "Okay, I'll go to the warehouse to have a look later. If there are any, I'll replace them for you. There aren't too many superpowers with wind and thunder attributes, so they won't be used much."

After saying that, he hurriedly said: "Then do me a favor now. Didn't you say before that the Blood God Son can strengthen the super lock? I got a solar-level one through some connections. Can you try it first? If it works , I’ll try to make something more powerful, but if it doesn’t work, wouldn’t it be in vain?”

Obviously, this one also wants to be powerful.

No one wants to be strong.

Solar-level ones have almost no effect on him, but if the super locks can be strengthened, even just a little, that can give people hope.

Many superpowers actually face this dilemma.

Super promotion is easy, but you can't see the super lock and you can't break the super lock. How can you advance?

Li Hao thought for a while and said, "Okay, but I have to let my inner energy spread throughout your body and observe it carefully. Does the minister have any objections?"

He also wanted to thoroughly observe some aspects of super powers.

Since it was delivered to his door, he was not polite.

According to Nan Quan, super powers can be converted back.

If so...that would be terrible!

If some extremely powerful superpowers could become martial arts masters again, what level of martial arts masters would those with Xuguang-level superpowers become?

Also, how does God’s will solve this problem?

In other words, become a martial artist without divine will?

Even if there is no divine will, it is no small matter. When they become martial arts masters, their bodies will become extremely powerful to an extremely terrifying level. Divine will... may not be the only way.

A pure physical martial artist?

With these thoughts in mind, Li Hao was a little eager to give it a try.

Hao Lianchuan thought about it for a moment, gritted his teeth, and didn't care anymore. He nodded and said: "Okay, give it a try! To be honest, since I entered Sanyang, I have no motivation. I can't see the next super lock, which means With no way forward, many superpowers will end up in this situation after breaking the superpower lock they saw. They are confused and living day by day, and the limit is here anyway. "

Li Hao said nothing.

Just like a martial artist, after entering Dou Qian, there is no way forward, and many people are also confused.

However, the real elite will find ways to see the way forward. If there is no way, then walk out on your own.

A blood god child emerged.

Hao Lianchuan was still a little nervous. He actually had a good nature, but it was about his future, and at this moment, he was a little uneasy.

Li Hao ignored him.

At this moment, he released his inner energy and put his hands against Hao Lianchuan's hands, and his inner energy began to flow from his arms.

In an instant, he encountered a mysterious force of fire.

"Minister, suppress it a little!"

"Okay, okay!"

Hao Lianchuan nodded hurriedly, and the mysterious fire energy in his body was quickly suppressed by him.

Although superpowers are not as simple as a martial artist's ability to control internal energy, as a veteran Sanyang, Hao Lianchuan's control is still adequate.

Li Hao's inner energy began to swim within his body with some difficulty.

After wandering around for a while, Li Hao frowned slightly.

The strength of the meridians is not weak, the flesh and blood are also very strong, and the hardness of the bones is also good...

However, there are many hidden wounds.

Yes, secret injury.

On the meridians, large and small cracks are densely distributed throughout the body.

This is the drawback of super powers!

The progress is too fast, and the mysterious energy is very offensive. Except for a few powerful people whose mysterious energy has a nurturing effect, most mysterious energy is mainly destructive.

This is like a wooden bucket that can only hold 10 kilograms of water. If you fill it with water like crazy, it won't overflow, but it will be sealed. In the end, it will only swell to the point of breaking your whole body.

Superpowers... are dangerous!

It was the first time for Li Hao to explore the physical body of a superpower, and he frowned.

This is not a good thing.

Once the superpower exceeds the limit, these superpowers may explode on their own.

"Superpower... is it a dead end?"

Li Hao fell into deep thought.

But, not necessarily.

Previously in Zhantian City, the silver powerhouse said that the road to superpowers was not broad, which meant that superpowers also existed during the ancient civilization.

There were so many strong men in the ancient civilization, and they were all terrifyingly powerful.

If the superpower reaches the level of Sanyang and Xuguang, it will be a dead end. The limit of superpower is too low. The silver powerhouse may not even mention it. Since he knows, representing superpowers, in the ancient civilization period , should also be somewhat famous.

Even if it's not as good as martial arts, it's definitely not too bad.

Li Hao continued to investigate.

In addition to the many hidden wounds on his body, he once again had the inner energy to roam through his five internal organs. Except for the fiery red heart, which he did not dare to touch rashly, he quickly explored the other four internal organs.

This look...

Li Hao frowned even more.

The five internal organs and the other four internal organs all have hidden injuries. As for the heart, because the opponent has fire superpowers, the super power lock of the heart must be opened. When the heart super power lock is opened, the load is very heavy and there is a lot of fire energy. Although the heart is strengthened , but... there are also some hidden wounds.

How can this be a strong man!

At this moment, Li Hao was speechless.

The injury is serious!

Of course, everything has not exploded yet, so Hao Lianchuan is still a strong person in the Three Yangs. However, once it breaks out, it will be a dead end.

"Are Hou Bu and the others martial artists?"

Li Hao fell into deep thought again.

If Hou Bu and the others converted into super powers during the Qian Dou stage, then quickly became powerful, and then converted into martial arts masters, so to speak... would they also leave a lot of hidden injuries?

Therefore, if he coughs, he may not be faking it.

Also, in the conference room at that time, there were a group of sick and consumptive ghosts who were all coughing... Even if one of them was pretending, were they all pretending?

"'s not necessarily pretending!"

He had never explored Super Power's body before, so he didn't know that Super Power had so many hidden injuries.

But if Hou Xiaochen and others knew how to transform into martial arts masters, and had done so... but were left with hidden wounds, could that explain why they were so powerful, but had unresolved problems with hidden wounds?

Since Nan Quan said this, it means that he may actually know how to switch.

In the middle, there are even people trying!

Hou Xiaochen and others may be the forerunners.

At this moment, some doubts seemed to be explained.

Maybe the sick and consumptive ghosts in that room really weren’t just pretending!

"The five internal organs are damaged, the lungs are damaged, and coughing is normal. If I cultivate the power of my lungs and my lungs are not strong enough, I may also suffer from this situation, and the teacher will also..."

Thoughts emerged again.

Li Hao continued to explore, but the balance of the five internal organs was broken. The heart was too strong. If this continued, the heart might explode, or the other four internal organs would be squeezed to pieces by the powerful heart.

"Li Hao?"

At this moment, Hao Lianchuan felt a little uncomfortable: "Are you okay?"

This guy's inner energy traveled through his body, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

Li Hao came back to his senses and said: "Take the Blood God Son to restrain the fire energy. The energy of the Blood God Son... is concentrated in the kidneys!"


"The kidneys belong to water and the heart belongs to fire. You are too angry. See if you can suppress it!"

Hao Lianchuan was a little speechless, but after thinking about it, forget it, he didn't understand this and could only listen to Li Hao.

A blood god child was quickly devoured by him.

A force of blood shadow quickly exploded in his insides.

At this time, a burst of fire energy quickly erupted and began to suppress and expel or even eliminate the power of the red shadow. Li Hao frowned slightly. Sure enough, the power of the blood shadow and the mysterious energy were incompatible.

Even a little hostile!

Not only that, last time the power of the blood shadow caused a counterattack with mixed abilities from the eight families on the Shimen side.

What on earth is this power of blood shadow?

Li Hao didn't think deeply. Now, he knew too little information.

"Suppress fire energy!"

"It's out of control..."

Hao Lianchuan was also speechless: "The energy of this Blood God Son seems to be at odds with the mystery. Once it enters the body, it is expelled..."

Li Hao frowned: "Try it and gather all the fire energy into your heart!"

All right!

Hao Lianchuan had no choice but to do as he was told. The source of fire energy was the heart.

After a while, Hao Lianchuan still managed to suppress the fire energy.

As for Li Hao, his heart moved slightly, and his inner energy began to guide the power of the blood shadow into Hao Lianchuan's kidneys.

The power of blood shadow does not reject the integration into the body.

In an instant, a stream of blood can merge into the kidneys.

At this time, Li Hao couldn't feel anything in his heart. His thoughts moved, and the hairs on Hao Lianchuan's face suddenly stood up.

At this moment, Li Hao on the opposite side seemed very cruel!

Divine will!

Yes, I couldn't feel anything in my inner energy. Li Hao directly showed his divine will, and a powerful sword intention burst out, but it quickly converged. Li Hao did not use the fire tiger intention, but the earth sword power.

The earth sword force instantly covered Hao Lianchuan.

Hao Lianchuan's scalp was numb and he wanted to speak several times, but finally endured it.

But he cursed secretly in his heart, this kid is very scary.

When a martial artist reaches Dou Qian, once the momentum is established, it will often create some deterrent effect on super powers.

At this time, Li Hao's divine will penetrated Hao Lianchuan's body.

In his heart, the fire energy kept rioting, as if he felt threatened. Sweat dripped from Hao Lianchuan's head: "I... don't mess around, I feel that my fire energy is about to riot!"

"Wait a minute!"

Li Hao didn't say much, and the sword force quickly penetrated into his body. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated into the kidneys. Hao Lianchuan felt the explosion all over his waist and his face turned pale.

But at this moment, Li Hao saw something different.

In the kidneys, those blood energies are being absorbed.

Under the prying eyes of God, one can indeed see a small, looming chain emerging, but it is very weak. At this moment, it is indeed growing stronger by absorbing blood energy.

Obviously, Hao Lianchuan failed to discover the fifth super lock because the super lock in his body was too weak.

Moreover, the fire energy of the heart is too strong and has the effect of suppressing the five internal organs.

Under the prying eyes of Li Hao, it appeared.

Li Hao quickly gained divine will, and his inner energy also quickly withdrew.

At this time, the fire energy in Hao Lianchuan's body also exploded instantly, with a roar, the flames overflowed, and the office suddenly caught fire.

Hao Lianchuan ignored the backlash and hurriedly started to put out the fire, extracting fire energy, and cleared the fire energy in the office. He complained a little: "Don't mess around, your power just now almost killed me!"

This kid is so scary!

Li Hao fell into deep thought.

He looked at Hao Lianchuan for a while and suddenly said: "Hao Bu, can you feel it, are your kidneys stronger now than before?"

"Can't feel it."

Hao Lianchuan shook his head: "Can fire burst out randomly in the body, which can easily cause damage to the five internal organs? I am not a martial artist. I don't have your strength, and I am not like the internal energy that can travel around the body at will."

Super powers advance quickly, but mysterious powers have no cultivation effect.

Martial arts masters advance slowly, but internal energy can be cultivated throughout the body.

Li Hao thought about it and said: "Superpower may not be suitable for us to practice. Superpower is not bad, but I feel that if you practice superpower, it is best if the five internal organs are strong, or even energized."


Hao Lianchuan was stunned for a moment, and Li Hao frowned and said: "With a single type of super power, there will be a situation where the first organ is very strong and the fourth organ is weak! To solve this problem, the best way is not to leak the super power. Your five internal organs become a complex of energy..."

Having said this, he shook his head.

That doesn’t count as a human being, right?

He didn't say more about this and continued: "The effect is there, but the energy of the Blood God Son is too little. It only makes the super lock in your kidney a little stronger, so I'm afraid it won't work."

"Really effective?"

Hao Lianchuan didn't care about that. At this moment, he was very excited: "Did you see it?"


"Is it a super lock?"

"Of course, super locks must exist, they are just different in strength and weakness."

Li Hao smiled and said: "I took a look and found that it can be strengthened, but it is not necessary to strengthen the kidneys. Hao Bu has now broken the super lock on the heart, as well as the super locks on the other three limbs. There is still one limb that has not been discovered, right?"

"Yes, I haven't been able to find the super lock on my left leg yet."

Li Hao nodded: "Then strengthen the left leg. Don't strengthen the five internal organs first. Otherwise, a problem will easily arise. Your five internal organs will be unbalanced and easily broken."

Thinking of this, Li Hao suddenly said: "Now, Xuguang has broken five super power locks. Under normal circumstances, it is probably one for the heart and four for the limbs, so it is not difficult for Xuguang."

"The difficulty lies in the rising light!"

Above the Xuguang, it is necessary to break the second super five internal organs super lock.

Thinking of this, Li Hao was startled again.

Therefore, above Xuguang, there may be some problems, such as... cough!

Because, after breaking the second super energy lock of the five internal organs, it is very likely that the five internal organs will conflict. The conflict between the two energies. The heart belongs to fire and the kidneys belong to water. At that time, the second mysterious energy will be released. When water and fire are incompatible, the five internal organs will Of course it will be damaged!

Li Hao was stunned for a moment.

Hou Xiaochen and the others...did they transform into martial arts masters, or was this the result of breaking the second super lock of the five internal organs?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked: "Is there anything above Xuguang in the middle?"

"How would I know."

Hao Lianchuan was speechless: "I don't even know a few of Xuguang..."

Li Hao thought for a moment and changed his question: "Are there some well-known strong men in the central region who always like to cough?"

"You mean minister?"

Hao Lianchuan laughed: "What, now you can't become a strong man without coughing?"

Li Hao fell into deep thought.

If there are strong people above Xuguang in the middle, they may also cough. Of course, coughing may be caused by lung damage, which is just one manifestation.

If the heart is damaged, the face may be pale and the blood supply may be insufficient.

If the kidneys are damaged, it may become inhumane... This is relatively secretive and most people don't know about it.

Therefore, coughing is a more intuitive manifestation.

Damage to other five internal organs may not be so obvious.

For example, Kong Jie doesn't cough much.

It's very possible that it's because he was damaged not in his lungs, but in other parts of his body. However, his dazzling degree is similar to that of several others, and there shouldn't be much difference in strength. Others coughed, but he didn't... This means that if he guessed That way, it also broke the second shackles of the five internal organs.

Is that above Xuguang?

At this moment, Li Hao finally understood it.

These people are either above Xuguang, or... super-powerful martial arts masters!

However, no matter which one, there is an imbalance of the five internal organs.

So... Yun Shen is not simple.

No, in other words, if the teacher can really improve the Five Birds Breathing Technique so that the Five Birds Breathing Technique can strengthen the five internal organs...

Li Hao took a deep breath in his heart!

If this really happens, then a terrifying undercurrent will erupt in the entire superpower and martial arts fields.

"'s dangerous!"

"No...the teacher is safe!"

At this moment, Li Hao thought of something. He had said before at the press conference that the teacher would try to improve the five-animal breathing technique to strengthen the five internal organs at the same time. Some people may not care, but some people who break the shackles of the second and fifth internal organs A strong person will definitely care.

They...must be paying attention to the teacher!

Everyone is watching Yuan Shuo silently, hoping that he can do it.

Why don't others try it themselves?

There is no way for superpowers to try to improve the techniques, and martial arts masters all have different paths. Teacher's path of strengthening the five internal organs may be taken by some, but it should be the teacher's path that is the most stable and strongest!

At this moment, Li Hao suddenly smiled.

Hao Lianchuan looked puzzled.

Li Hao, on the other hand, smiled happily.

In this way, as long as the teacher's Five Animal Breathing Technique has not been completely transformed, there may be some top powerhouses who will protect him secretly.

However, once the teacher really transforms himself... he may encounter some terrible crises.

Some strong people may choose to take it by force.

As for whether it can be captured...that's hard to say.

But expecting Yuan Shuo to spread the news himself would be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"Li Hao, are you okay?"

Hao Lianchuan was a little weird, and Li Hao smiled: "It's okay, I just want to understand something. It's very interesting. Sure enough, Senior Nanquan is right. When you know a lot of things and follow the threads, you will find that there are many things. It was fun in the end.”

What the hell?

He didn't have the heart to care about this, and said hurriedly: "So, as long as I take enough Blood God Son, I can hope to see the fifth super lock?"


Hao Lianchuan suddenly became excited.

That's good!

And Li Hao suddenly thought of Ying Hongyue.

The power of red shadow!

Why does Ying Hongyue have so many red shadows?

It seems...somewhat understood.

Either the super power turns into a martial artist, or the super power lock is strengthened to balance the strength of the five internal organs. The existence of Blood Shadow is not to allow him to create a group of powerful martial arts masters, but to allow him to eliminate some shortcomings.

If Ying Hongyue also walks above Xuguang, then he will also have imbalances in his internal organs.

Maybe Ying Hongyue discovered this problem a long time ago.

Therefore, he had been preparing early.

If so...

Li Hao secretly took a breath. If there are enough red shadows, the problem of imbalance of the five internal organs may be solved. So, has Ying Hongyue solved this problem and even gone a long way in improving the five internal organs?

The four limbs plus one of the five internal organs' super-power locks are broken, and that's 5 super-power locks. Breaking 5 of them is Xuguang!

If you want to be above Xuguang, you must break the second five internal organs super lock. As for the head... Li Hao believes that not many people dare to do this, and the five internal organs are safer.

Therefore, when the five internal organs unlock the second super power lock, it is usually above Xuguang.

And these people may have two superpowers.

Just by accident, Li Hao suddenly discovered that he might know some secrets while helping Hao Lianchuan look at the super lock.

The secret of blood shadow!

Blood shadow, the teacher said, is a kind of puppet from the ancient civilization. Once absorbed and devoured, it will make him stronger. Li Hao thought about it at this moment. It is very likely that Ying Hongyue used blood shadow to strengthen his super lock!

Then, maintain the balance of the five internal organs.

"Li Hao!"

Hao Lianchuan couldn't bear it anymore. Li Hao was smiling like a fox. What was he doing?

Li Hao stood up and smiled: "It's okay, it's really okay!"

After saying that, he added: "Minister, give me some mysterious energy later and send it directly to my office."

After saying that, he handed the two energy storage rings to Hao Lianchuan and said: "By the way, minister, please help me check the information of all my teacher's students."


Hao Lianchuan was stunned for a moment, what is this?

Li Hao smiled and said: "Let's get to know each other, how many senior brothers and sisters I have."


Because he was thinking that the Five Animal Breathing Technique might have attracted the attention of countless powerful people at this moment, but none of them under the bright light paid attention to it.

If I were one of those strong men in the middle, I might not be able to succeed by force, so what should I do?

Obtained through Yuan Shuo’s disciples!

The teacher is very cruel to ordinary people, but he is particularly fond of his disciples. Many martial arts masters cannot avoid this.

Yuan Shuo had no children and few disciples.

Like Li Hao, at that time he just said that he could absorb mysterious energy. Good guy, Yuan Shuo immediately taught Li Hao the Five Animal Breathing Technique.

That senior sister taught the Five Animal Breathing Technique, but the teacher never mentioned it, and apparently she acquiesced in the end.

Therefore, everyone knows that Yuan Shuo is very kind to his disciples, even if he behaves very fiercely, he is still a sharp-tongued person.

If he successfully improves the Five Animal Breathing Technique, will he teach it to his disciples?

Most likely!

Li Hao will definitely get it, and everyone else... including the senior sister, may get it.

But, absolutely not!

At this moment, Li Hao understood in his heart that once the teacher's improved Five Animal Breathing and Breathing Technique was obtained, it might be a big trouble and some powerful people would step into the Xuguang.

Someone got it. In order not to leak it...killing Yuan Shuo is almost a certainty!

Hao Lianchuan glanced at Li Hao strangely, and finally nodded: "Okay, then I will check it for you. It will probably take a few days to get the specific information. I have actually checked it before, but it was mainly your teacher. As for him There is some information on students, but it may not be complete.”

"Well, thank you!"

Hao Lianchuan thought for a while and then asked: "You guys, don't you want to join them?"

"No way!"

Li Hao laughed: "Night watchman is so nice, why should I leave?"

After speaking, Li Hao hesitated for a moment, but still spoke: "In addition, help me check the Bai family, the Bai family in Baiyue City! Not only the Bai family, but also all the powerful people related to Hu Dingfang, especially those at the Xuguang level Pay attention, there is...Commander Huang Yu!"

Hao Lianchuan breathed in!


What do you want to do?

Bai family, Huang Yu, what... do you want to do?

Li Hao said nothing.

What do you want to do?

I want to check if anyone wants to borrow my senior sister to get an improved version of the Five Animal Breathing Technique.

In fact, Yuan Shuo has not deduced it yet.

However, Li Hao, including some top experts, will most likely believe that Yuan Shuo can do it.

Without him, this talent is really strong.

Not only that, the Five Animal Breathing Technique is a secret technique that he has been improving, and Yuan Shuo also has a lot of knowledge about ancient books. This guy claims to be an archaeological expert, but in fact he is an expert in tomb robbing!

In fact, they are grave diggers.

Otherwise, where would any martial artist go to study archeology?

Have nothing to do?

Archeology, of course, is to better excavate those ancient ruins!

Yuan Shuo has been in Yinyue for many years. He has dug many ancient ruins in Yinyue, and the ancient ruins in Yinyue... are also particularly numerous and important.

A large number of important ancient books and documents were destroyed by Yuan Shuo.

He took a look and decided to either destroy it or burn it directly. It can be said that Yuan Shuo is one of the villains who caused the fault in ancient civilization. He is responsible. Although he dug it all by himself, he destroyed it all. If you don't let others know, you are also a bad person.

Li Hao thought about this, and then thought about his senior sister, Hu Dingfang, Bai Jia, Huang Yu, and the various relationships involved.

If the Five Animal Breathing and Inhalation Technique is really improved, the teacher must not spread it randomly!

Otherwise, something could easily happen.

At this moment, he really wanted to contact the teacher. Unfortunately, it was said that the teacher was on the other side of Linjiang. He might have entered the three northern provinces now. He could not contact the teacher now.

Fog province.

Here, there are clouds and mist, and it feels a bit foggy no matter day or night.

In a high-end hotel.

Yuan Shuo did not choose to stay in the wild this time, but chose to stay in a hotel.

He also wore a pair of glasses on his eyes, looking very elegant.

Beside her, Bi Guangjian looked extremely awkward. She looked at the clothes she had put on... a professional short skirt. She had never worn it like this in her life. With anger in her eyes, she kept glaring at Yuan Shuo.

Yuan Shuosi politely lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "Don't get angry, you are my assistant now! I am a professor at Linjiang College, and my identity is real. This is what I did in my early years. His identity... nothing can be found out. We came to the three northern provinces to investigate the biological variation in the sea..."

Wu Hongshan said angrily: "Why can't you be normal?"


Yuan Shuo laughed: "There is no way, the three northern provinces are in a mess now and cannot be normal."

After saying that, he smiled and said: "It's a good thing that there is chaos here. It's better to fish in troubled waters."

After that, he added: "No rush, let's stay for a few days. My second spirit has almost been fully cultivated. The water tiger is about to break out. The injury was not healed before. Now that we are close to Beihai, I feel almost better." …”

Speaking of this, Yuan Shuo continued: "I have recently gained some insights into the Five Animal Breathing and Inhalation Technique. I have slightly modified it. The five internal organs have different strengths and cannot be balanced. This is the biggest drawback of Yun Shen!"

Li Hao could avoid it with his sword skills, but he couldn't.

What's more, he doesn't know that Li Hao can use the Divine Power Stone to supplement his sword power, so he has so little sword power that he doesn't think about continuing to use the sword to solve this problem. He has to solve it by himself!

What's more, if the Yun Shen Road is to be popularized and officially accepted by all martial arts masters, a set of exercises that can nourish the five internal organs is also indispensable.

Of course, Yuan Shuo is not that great either.

Even if he teaches it, he has to wait until his five internal organs are completely completed, and even his apprentices are completed, before he can find some good martial arts masters to teach him.

"You changed again?"

Wu Hongshan ignored the awkward clothes and frowned: "If I remember correctly, you have been changing it many times many years ago, right?"

"Well, it's just about martial arts. As your strength improves, your perceptions and needs are different. Naturally, you have to continue to improve. Do you just have to rest on your laurels?"

Yuan Shuo laughed, "The secret techniques left by the ancients may not be suitable for us! We still need to modify them according to our own differences. I have some clues recently. If it succeeds, Yun Shen will no longer be me It’s a unique path for one person, and everyone can practice it in the future. It doesn’t matter even if there are no five potentials. Keeping the five internal organs in balance is actually the same as the first potential. In the past, you can only cultivate when the five potentials are balanced, and that is to maintain the balance of the five internal organs.”

Wu Hongshan thought for a while and said, "After you have revised it, will you teach it to me?"

"of course not!"


Wu Hongshan was speechless.

This guy is really nothing!

So what are you talking about?

You also said that you would help me step into Yun Shen, but you didn’t teach me how to step into Yun Shen.

Yuan Shuo chuckled and said: "Don't be anxious, you need to slowly cultivate it first. If it doesn't work, change the blood first and strengthen the body first. As for the five internal organs, take your time! I will teach you the old version after I have changed it. , actually the effect is pretty good!”

old version!

This is very heartbreaking.

He said cheerfully: "I have changed it. I have to talk to my student. Although he may not need it, but... if that guy learns it, he may have hope of integrating the five forces!"

Wu Hongshan was speechless and asked, "When can you get it done?"

"It's coming soon. In a few days, I will first integrate the five potentials. Now the two potentials are integrated, and the third potential will be soon. I will get some Blood God Sons, and the fourth and fifth ones will be integrated. I think it should be almost done."

Wu Hongshan said nothing more.

Blood God Son is also good.

Yuan Shuo fell into deep thought. The Blood God Son blended the five internal organs, and the effect was actually quite good.

At this moment, like Li Hao, he also had some vague thoughts.

Blood God Son... was it used by Ying Hongyue to balance the five internal organs?

However, does superpower also need to balance the five internal organs?

To break more super locks?

At this moment, he actually thought a lot, and vaguely felt some crises. The old devil's crisis sense was still very strong. As the five powers merged into gods, he gradually felt that the super power might be There is also an urgent need for treasures or techniques to balance the five internal organs.

Yuan Shuo stood in front of the window and looked around.

It's a pity that Li Hao is not here.

Otherwise, that kid seems to be able to see things that others can't see. Maybe he can help me see if anyone is staring at me.

After a while, Yuan Shuo showed some smile.

Whether there is or not... you'll find out soon enough.

He wasn't too scared either.

He was very good at escaping from death.

"Bi Guang, I will take you to do a big deal later. Sanyang is too rubbish. The three northern provinces used to be the home base of the three major organizations. Maybe there is Xuguang... If you are not afraid of death, I will take you to do a big deal!"

Wu Hongshan's face turned blue. After a moment, he nodded: "Okay!"

You are not afraid, why should I be afraid? this guy going crazy again?

Yuan Shuo laughed, "I'm crazy but not crazy. Maybe someone will help me."

I have already said that if the five forces merge with the gods, I can hope to deduce a new version of the Five Animal Breathing Technique... If someone is staring at me, they must be anxious. Maybe I can still pick up Xuguang's Blood God Son! -

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