Star Gate

Chapter 17 Second visit (please collect and recommend)

In the room, the starlight energy flickered, but it did not leak out.

Outside the room, even if someone is there at the moment, even a superpower, they can't see or feel it.

The mysterious energy emitted by the Starry Sky Sword has a small radiation range. If it exceeds a certain range, it will quickly dissipate and disappear directly into space.

What's more, there is a black panther here at the moment.

The mysterious energy that spilled out was completely absorbed by this guy, and there was no spillage at all.

Li Hao went too far!

At this moment, I just felt that my whole body was full of strength and restless. I kept practicing the ape technique for three minutes each round. However, Li Hao didn't know how many rounds he had practiced this time.

He felt that if he didn't vent it out, he would explode.

I sucked a little too much!

Even so, Li Hao did not stop the "Five Animal Breathing and Inhalation Technique". Of course, it was not a complete version, but the breathing method in it was always maintained.

"Five Animal Breathing Technique" can actually be divided into two small parts.

One is the complete version, which is a combination of postures and breathing techniques. The other is a combination of postures and breathing techniques without coordination. In fact, pure breathing techniques can also absorb some mysterious energy, but the effect is not as good as the coordination of postures.


A muffled drink sounded.

Li Hao, who had been jumping non-stop, suddenly stopped jumping. His hands were like ape's hooves, breaking through the air and grabbing at the wall.

The ape technique is not just a method of lightening one's body.

It's just that in the past, Li Hao rarely used the killing method in the ape technique because there was no need for it.

At this moment, Li Hao had too much energy in his body, which he couldn't bear. In addition, there would be a crisis soon, so he didn't care about it anymore. His hands were bent like an ape waving its claws.



Li Hao took a breath, it hurt!

After all, his hand was still a mortal body. When he grabbed it with his claws, several small holes appeared on the wall. However, Li Hao's fingers also hurt so much that his nails were overturned.

However, Li Hao couldn't care less about the pain!

He instantly looked towards the wall, his eyes flickering.

He grabbed the wall with his hands and made several small holes in the flat wall. This was something he could not do before.

The contact surface of the fingers is too small, and the force that can be exerted is actually not great.

Moreover, the wall surface is smooth and there is no point of focus when grasping it.

This is not an earthen wall, but a spray-painted cement wall.

"Liu Long punched through the kitchen wall before, and his fist was even more powerful, and the Zhang family's kitchen was just a red brick wall... Of course, it's still very strong, but at this moment, I seem to be much more powerful than before!"

Li Hao was secretly shocked. He just practiced the "Five Animal Breathing and Inhalation Technique" today and suddenly felt that he was much stronger.

Of course, this is related to him being too weak.

The weaker it is, the more obvious the improvement.

When Liu Long and the others are at their level, these mysteries can be numerous, but for them, they are just a drop in the bucket and there cannot be much change.

"The teacher's method is still amazing!"

Li Hao looked at his fingers. They were still a little red just now, and his nails were a little purple.

At this moment, as the mysterious energy was still pouring in, these small injuries quickly subsided.

Li Hao also felt it, and his muscles became tighter.

The blood seems to flow faster!

The bones are also slowly changing.

That feeling is, strictly speaking...compression!

Yes, the mysterious energy seems to have compressed Li Hao a little.

The original Li Hao was about 178cm tall, not too tall, but not short either.

At this moment, although Li Hao didn't go to measure, he felt that he seemed to be a little shorter, maybe only one centimeter or less, but Li Hao just felt that he was shorter.


Muscles are tight and bones have smaller gaps.

"If this continues...I won't get much shorter, right?"

Li Hao is a little weird, but Liu Long is still very tall.

I have never seen anyone practice martial arts before, and I became shorter as a result.

Of course, everyone started practicing at a young age. Unlike Li Hao, he only started practicing at the Ancient Academy three years ago, and he didn't practice so hard during those two years.

Thinking in his mind, Li Hao did not delay.

The next moment, something moved in his heart, and suddenly his right hand opened up. Instead of grabbing it with his five fingers together like an ape's hoof just now, Li Hao now opened his fingers and grabbed it towards the wall in front!


There was a crisp sound, mixed with some unpleasant fingernail friction sounds, and the five fingers were inserted directly into the wall. The hole was not deep, but only left a palm print on the wall, and did not touch the internal concrete structure.

But this time, the entire wall seemed to shake slightly, maybe it was just Li Hao's illusion.

But Li Hao felt that it was more lethal than before.

"Tiger Claw!"

This is the attack method of Tiger Fighting in Wuqin New Book.

Li Hao is not very proficient in the other four animal techniques, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know them. Yuan Shuo has taught them all, but Li Hao mainly focuses on the ape technique.

He feels that Tiger Fighting is better at attacking.

Sure enough, as soon as the tiger claws came out, the way of transporting power was different. It was not just a change in posture, but also breathing adjustments, and the power was different. Li Hao immediately felt that the tiger claws were more powerful when they were struck out!

The ape hoof of the ape technique moves lightly and is faster. The force it can hit is very different from that of a tiger's claw.

"The Tiger Fighting Technique is indeed the most suitable for attacking among the Five Animal Techniques!"

Li Hao felt some subtle changes in his body and was a little moved.

More power!

The muscles react faster and the body feels lighter.

It was as if I was running with a heavy load before, but now I seem to be carrying a lot less weight. Is this the function of mysterious energy?

So obvious!

No wonder the black panther drank water on the first day and his hair immediately became shiny. At that time, Li Hao also thought that because the black panther was a dog, the effect might be different.

But today, when I thought about it more carefully... Li Hao cursed secretly!

It must be the first bowl of water that the black panther drinks. There could be more mysteries in it!

What he drank was the second bowl of water that day. The black panther had already drunk the soup, so he drank some scrap water?

Thinking of Black Panther, Li Hao seemed to have thought of something.

There's not much movement from the Black Panther today!

Looking sideways, Li Hao was startled.

At this moment, on the Black Panther side, this guy's belly was in the air, imitating Li Hao's appearance just now, and the breathing rhythm in the dog's mouth was similar to Li Hao's.

This practicing!

"What the hell?"

Li Hao was a little stunned. Black Panther understood what he said, but Li Hao could still understand.

But...this guy has such a strong learning ability?

It is actually learning from itself and practicing the "Five Animal Breathing and Inhalation Technique"!

As Li Hao stopped practicing, the mysterious energy no longer overflowed from the jade sword, and the mysterious energy in the room gradually dissipated. A moment later, while Li Hao was still watching, the Black Panther could no longer absorb the mysterious energy.

The dog's eyes opened and he saw Li Hao staring at him. The black panther jumped up and rushed towards Li Hao the next moment!

Li Hao ducked slightly to avoid the Black Panther's attack.

The Black Panther didn't care. He fell to the ground, stuck out his tongue and licked Li Hao's feet.

"Go away!"

Li Hao kicked his legs, bent down and touched the Black Panther's head, frowning slightly: "Are you going to become a spirit?"

He was thinking, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Black Panther actually feels like he's about to become a spirit!

As an ordinary person and a member of the Inspection Department, Li Hao's first thought was, would this have bad consequences?

But in the blink of an eye, when he thought of those superpowers and the red shadow that ordinary people could not see... all of a sudden, Li Hao lost all other ideas.

These days, who cares whether a dog becomes a spirit or not?

What is that red shadow?

Obviously not human!

The black panther is at least familiar to him, and he can be regarded as half-raised by him. If he really becomes a spirit, then he will become a spirit.

"Teacher said that the "Five Animal Breathing and Inhalation Technique" cannot be taught to outsiders!"

Li Hao looked at Black Panther and had a headache: "Fortunately, it's just imitation. The breathing method has taught you the essence. It seems that the Five Animal Pan Gong has not learned any essence..."

The breathing method lies in the rhythm, the adjustment of breathing and the pore breathing. This dog actually imitated 80% of the same.

The Five Animal Pan Gong, which is the five-heart posture just now, is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It also requires some unique methods, but Black Panther did not learn it.

What's more, humans and dogs are different. If you learn it, this guy may not be able to use it.

"I learned the breathing technique, and it was because of my carelessness!"

Under normal circumstances, even if he practices breathing techniques, he will not be too selfless, let alone use the entire set of breathing techniques in front of others. If there is a slight mistake, the entire set of breathing techniques will be useless.

But there was only one dog in front of him, so how could Li Hao care too much? He was breathing heavily, but he let the black panther see it all.

The black panther at his feet seemed to understand something. He looked up at Li Hao with a flattering look in his eyes.

Li Hao frowned and said in a deep voice: "I know you can understand, but you are not allowed to use this unless I am by your side! And... when I have free time later, I have to go find the teacher... to see if the teacher is willing I am willing to accept a dog apprentice..."

As he said that, Li Hao suddenly smiled.

It's like scolding myself!

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

I originally wanted to tease the teacher secretly, but then I thought about it, no, the teacher is not rigid, and he really wants to say that this dog is his student. When he goes out later, he will introduce, "This is my student Li Hao, this is my student's big black dog..." …”

At that time, I will be buried in the ground!

The Black Panther, a little confused, just looked at Li Hao and saw him smiling. The Black Panther also became happy and wagged its tail.

Dogs understand human nature and know Li Hao's joys and sorrows, but he is actually a little scared.

Li Hao smiled, which meant nothing happened.

Li Hao didn't dwell on the matter anymore. He could just report it to the teacher when he had time. Given the teacher's character, he was probably mostly curious, so he wouldn't care if a dog learned his breathing technique.

Ignoring Black Panther anymore, Li Hao took out the jade sword on his chest and looked at it, his eyes brightening.

"Mysterious energy!"

There are many mysterious powers in the jade sword.

Of course, for others, the mysterious power may not be the key. What they care more about is the jade sword itself.

According to the teacher, the mysterious energy on super items is limited, and some are extremely low. Maybe after one or two uses, the mysterious energy will be exhausted.

Liu Long didn't pay much attention to this, maybe because he knew.

He may also feel that these objects have too little mysterious power and are of little use, and he may not be able to use the super-powered items passed down from his family, so he doesn't care.

Li Hao may have been overly worried. He originally had some suspicions about whether Liu Long was secretly planning something, but now it seems that that may not be the case.

"They don't care, but I do!"

Li Hao murmured in a low voice, but the teacher thought it was too little and was of no use to him.

Liu Long is also a hundred-strong person, so he feels that it has no effect.

But he, Li Hao, is just a weakling who can't kill ten people. Even a little bit of mystical power is enough for him to improve a lot.

"Speed, strength, and physique have all improved compared to before!"

"If you test me again now, what kind of strength am I?"

If you cut ten, there is a high probability that it will not be enough.

Not so fast!

And compared with Chen Jian who attacked him before, Li Hao felt that he might be able to avoid the opponent's slap now, but it was almost impossible to fight Chen Jian 50-50.

And Chen Jian is in the realm of cutting ten.

As for cutting ten, it is hard to say whether it is cutting ten or ninety.

According to Li Hao's understanding, the gap between killing ten and breaking a hundred is actually quite large.

The entire demon hunting team, except Liu Long, seems to be in the stage of killing ten, but these people are also divided into strong and weak. On the surface, Liu Yan is the strongest, but Liu Yan says that doctor Yunyao cannot be messed with.

"I'm afraid I haven't reached the point of being killed yet. I still need to work harder. At the very least... I can save my life!"

In the next crisis, save your own life.

Hongying is not easy to mess with.

"Continue to practice!"

Li Hao did not use the Breathing Technique this time. He still had some mysterious energy in his body. He was energetic at the moment, enough for him to continue practicing the Five Animal Technique.

Take all the time!

Since you can improve, there is no reason to slack off.

at the same time.

Qiming Community, Building 5, 6th Floor.

Liu Long folded his arms and stood by the balcony, looking towards Building 6 opposite. In one of the apartments on the third floor, the windows were closed and the curtains were drawn.

It seemed like someone could vaguely be seen jumping around.

That is Li Hao's house.

Next to Liu Long, Wu Chao, who was thin and tall, was also watching. After watching for a while, he shook his head slightly: "This guy closed the curtains before it got dark. He is still on guard. I'm afraid he has suspected Zhang for a long time." The far case is a homicide.”

As he said that, he looked at Liu Long and said, "Boss, are we just staring like this? Will anyone come?"

"have no idea."

Liu Long said calmly: "Look at it!"

Wu Chao didn't say anything more. He looked in other directions, glanced around, and whispered: "Boss, our position is the best for observation! But I did a little exploration just now, and no strangers came. 5 Building No. ”

Then he added: "Is there no one watching, or is Li Hao being watched through some super-powerful means?"

Tracking does not necessarily require someone to come in person.

For example, some superpower methods can also track people silently, but it is rare for a superpower to stalk an ordinary person in person.

Liu Long didn't deny it, but he didn't think there was really someone with superpowers following him at this moment.

It is more likely that the other party is just observing secretly. The time has not come yet, and the other party is waiting. Maybe it is the rainy night that Li Hao said.

Li Haoren is here and he won't run away.

If he wanted to run, he would have run away already.

In this case, whether to track or not is not important.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Long did not continue the topic, but whispered: "How many mysterious abilities are there in the team?"

Wu Chao thought for a while and said: "Twelve parties, 10 parties have attributes, and two parties have no attributes."

Liu Long seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while he said: "Li Hao will go to the Inspection Department tomorrow and ask him to come see me! Extract the mysterious energy without attributes from both sides and let him try to absorb it."

Wu Chao was not too surprised, but just a little envious: "Boss, we don't have many left! And the ones without attributes are more precious... How about giving him the ones with attributes to try?"

Mysterious energy with attributes, mixed with some special powers, including fire and thunder, may not match people.

Of course, if you meet a matching person, or a superpower who specializes in that attribute, the one with the attribute is better.

Varies from person to person!

But for martial arts masters like Wu Chao and others who have not been promoted to superpowers, those without attributes are more precious, because they will improve themselves, there will be no rejection, and the risk is very low.

In the team, everyone will pay more attention to the mysterious abilities without attributes.

"He's too weak!"

Liu Long said calmly: "We are not night watchmen. No strong person can extract the mysterious energy at any time. Once it is absorbed and repelled, it is difficult for us to control and suppress it. His body will explode and kill him. Are you responsible for being the bait?"

Well, Wu Chao stopped talking.

Li Hao is indeed too weak. He has just joined the team, so it is appropriate to give him some benefits and improve himself.

But Wu Chao still had doubts, and said softly: "Boss, are you recruiting him as a one-time addition...or do you really plan to continue to train him?"

This was also where he was confused.

Liu Long glanced at him and smiled: "If you can survive, you will always be a teammate! As long as a person is alive, he is a comrade. What is his is his. If he should be protected, he will be protected. If he should be taught, he will be taught... ...If he is dead...then is there any use in saying more?"

Wu Chao understood.

He also came here this way.

Survival of the fittest!

Those who survive in the demon hunting team are teammates. Those who die have no choice. On the first day of joining the team, everyone understands how dangerous it is to hunt superpowers.

If there is no story or pursuit, I’m afraid I won’t join.

"It's better to be a newcomer!"

I sigh with emotion. Newcomers don’t have to do anything. They get benefits when they come in. I’m envious.

Of course, this is also the rule.

If the newcomers are too weak and have no protective measures at all, the team will gradually lose new blood, become weaker and weaker, and will die sooner or later.

However, before they entered, there was only one mysterious ability.

Moreover, none of the people who joined at the beginning had any, because they had no reserves. The few reserves they have now were just dug out from between their teeth.

Wu Chao thought for a while and said with some expectation: "I don't know if I can kill the opponent this time. How much mysterious energy can the opponent provide? Is it non-attributed or with attributes? Boss, if you absorb some more, will you be able to advance?" Already?"

Liu Long shook his head and said nothing.



If you can't successfully introduce energy into your body to advance to Starlight Master for the first time, it will only make your martial arts cultivation stronger, your physique and strength stronger, and then it will be more troublesome to be promoted in the future.

He is a martial artist who has exceeded 100. If he wants to advance, it may take several times. It is best to meet a matching mysterious ability.

Although the mysterious energy without attributes is easy to use, it is more about improving one's physique. Absorbing too much is not necessarily a good thing, but makes it more difficult for him to advance.

With a sigh in his heart, Liu Long glanced at the opposite window again and said, "You stay here and keep an eye on it, and let me know if anything happens!"


Liu Long said nothing more and turned to leave.

Li Hao's side, probably nothing will happen in the past few days. When the rainy season comes in a few days, it will be hard to say. There may be danger at any time.

Not long after Liu Long left, it became dark, and soon, the night came completely.

In the room, Li Hao was still practicing the ape technique.

The persistence time is getting longer every time.

The sweat on the ground has made it slippery.

Just when Li Hao was about to continue practicing, suddenly, the black panther, which had been lying down, began to scream "woof, woof, woof" in a low voice.

Li Hao's heart moved slightly.

Someone is coming?

The next moment, Li Hao's heart skipped a beat, and even his breathing stagnated. Soon, Li Hao returned to his original state and practiced the Ape Awakening Technique again, but it was much weaker than before.

At this time, Li Hao was shocked.

And fear!

Because in the peripheral vision, a red shadow actually appeared on the window of his house, and the red blood shadow just stuck to the window.

The red shadow is here!

This is the first time Li Hao saw Hong Ying in his home!

Is Liu Long nearby?

Did he see it?

Can you see it?

Damn it!

Li Hao felt a little restless. Is Hong Ying monitoring him?

He could only pretend to be calm and pretend he didn't see it.

After practicing the ape technique once, Li Hao seemed very tired and stopped practicing.

On the window, the red shadow is still floating.

There is no curtain, it seems to go directly through the curtain and stick to the glass.

Li Hao guessed, did that mean that the superpower behind the red shadow was also nearby?

Will he attack himself right now?

So brave!

The demolition of the Zhang family happened yesterday, but the other party dared to show up tonight. This is because they did not take Liu Long and the others seriously at all!

"what to do?"

Hong Ying never left, and Li Hao was very anxious. In order to cover up his uneasiness, he had to enter the bathroom and start taking a bath.

The moment he took a shower, the hairs on his body stood up. Soon, Li Hao suppressed his composure again. He didn't dare to look or think too much. He was worried about being discovered by Hong Ying, but he could see it!

At this moment, Hong Ying is actually beside him, damn it!

In the small bathroom, Li Hao and Hong Ying were almost touching each other.

"Don't worry! The other party only stared at me when he appeared and didn't attack me before he came up. He definitely didn't want to kill me now. According to the teacher's speculation, now is not the time...relax, I didn't see it! It's so cool to practice martial arts, Liu Yan's breasts are so big, Will fighting be a bit cumbersome?"

He diverted his attention, diverted his mind, and kept thinking wildly.

He was afraid that if he kept thinking about it, he would scare himself.

The jade sword on his chest looked like an ordinary jade pendant and had no reaction at the moment. Li Hao didn't know if Hong Ying would think too much about it when he saw it, but he couldn't care less about it at this time.

As for being closely observed and watched by Hong Ying, Li Hao didn't even care about it.

Who would consider this at this time?

"My situation is getting more and more dangerous!"

As Li Hao was thinking wildly, time passed by little by little. It wasn't until he finished taking a shower that the red shadow disappeared silently.

In the living room, the Black Panther had been lying on the ground, extremely quiet.

It wasn't until the red shadow disappeared that the black panther let out a breath.

At the same time, Li Hao also exhaled slightly, one person and one dog, you looked at me, I looked at you, without making a sound.

As for the black panther, there was still some confusion in the dog's eyes.

Can you see it too?

I thought you were blind!

It’s so amazing. When you see it, it’s as if you haven’t seen it. It’s even more of a dog than this dog!

PS: It’s 100,000 words. Please give me some monthly votes. You can still vote if it’s not on the shelves.

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