Star Gate

Chapter 189 It’s almost broken (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

The black panther was taken to the small building where guests were entertained to rest.

The people in the backyard began to discuss.

In fact, Black Panther did not rest. As a demon clan and a descendant of an ancient demon... Li Hao felt that a dog that rested obediently was not in line with the ancient demon design. Whose big demon was so obedient?

Therefore, as soon as the second manager left, the black panther came out openly.

He didn't hide anything, he just walked out openly and stared at a servant in the mansion: "That weak guy, come here and show me around!"

That posture means that if you dare not come, I will eat you!

In the Duke's Mansion, the young slave was so frightened that he didn't dare to agree, but he also didn't dare to refuse. Seeing the black panther baring its teeth, as if it was about to eat people, the slave was so frightened that he almost peed... The one who just left The second manager suddenly came back!

Li Hao also became more and more certain that he was being watched.

Came too fast.

You don't give off any aura, and you don't attack anyone. People will know what happened to you when they turn around. If no one is watching, Li Hao can chop off your head.

"The envoy won't rest for a moment? Kuishan is here, not far away, and it's a long journey..."

"Do you think this king is your weak human race?"

Li Hao spoke again: "Besides... this is a broken place, the space is small, how can you rest? The energy is also extremely scarce, so stop talking nonsense and show me around... You human race will enjoy it, even a mere prince can do it. Buying such a large property..."

The second manager's cheeks were twitching.

This little demon is so rude.

After all, he is also in the Rising Light Realm. This little demon is no better than Sanyang, but he is so arrogant.

Of course, he also knew that this monster had a lot of background, and he did not dare to provoke it easily, so he had to deal with it: "I wonder what the envoy wants to see?"

Li Hao thought for a while and said mentally: "Treasure house!"


Li Hao said unceremoniously: "Treasure House! Let's see how your family background is. Are you worthy of cooperating with Kuishan? Do you have the qualifications to join forces with me, Kuishan! The treasure house is the foundation, the most basic energy stone, ancient magic weapon, life Zhiquan, if there are not enough of these things, what kind of big force is it?"


The second manager felt a little confused.

This is the first time I met such an arrogant person... a demon!

No, I didn’t know a few demon clans before. Are all demon clans like this?

So straightforward?

Are you all so unscrupulous?

If this guy didn't have a backstage, he could slap it to death right now!

Listen to this tone, it's too arrogant.

Li Hao, on the other hand, said: "What? Are you afraid that this king will rob you? Is the Duke's mansion afraid of this king, Sanyang? What's more...does this king like you?"

With a sneer and disdain in his spirit, Li Hao clattered his paws, revealing a large jar. The jar was sealed and the inside of the jar could not be seen clearly. However, Li Hao poured it out at will... and poured out more than ten drops of the fountain of life.

"After you have served me well, I will reward you with a few drops of food. I have plenty of these things!"

The second manager’s expression changed!

When Li Hao took out a drop before, he was a little moved. This demon clan is really rich.

But at this moment... he was not shaken, but shocked, but crazy. He even had murderous intentions in an instant, wanting to kill this big monster and seize the treasure.


What did I see!

He saw a big jar and saw more than ten drops of the spring of life poured out at will. He was the general manager of the Duke's Mansion and was considered a knowledgeable person. He knew the preciousness of the spring of life.

One drop, one life!

at the same time.


Several superpowers, their auras exploded instantly.

Duke Dingguo also crushed the second chair, and Xu Xing, who had just arrived in front of them, also opened his mouth wide.


The expressions of several strong men changed.

At this moment, there is murderous intent, greed, and madness.

That's a big jar!

Very big!

Pour it at will, more than ten drops of the fountain of life. How many are in this jar?


How many lives?

Not only that, even Xu Qing was wondering, with so many fountains of life, whether he could directly strengthen his five internal organs to the limit and directly unlock his combat power without having to seal himself anymore.

But the next moment, he suddenly shouted: "Sit down!"

Greed appeared in his eyes, and the next moment, it turned into solemnity: "Sit down! What, are you all crazy? Do you know what so many fountains of life mean? It means that a great demon of ancient civilization has really survived , means that the imperial palace really exists, means that there is an extremely powerful legendary existence behind this little demon, which means that its identity is really extremely noble, and it can even drink from the fountain of life..."

The more he spoke, the more frightened he became. He gritted his teeth and said: "You are going crazy after seeing the treasure. Are you not afraid of taking the life flower with your life? Or do you think that if you take the treasure, you can run away, and I, Duke Dingguo, am here, anyway. Is he just a member of the Duke's palace?"

As soon as these words came out, several strong men suddenly changed their expressions, hurriedly suppressed their greed, and bowed one after another: "Master, we understand our mistake!"


Duke Dingguo snorted coldly. In fact, at that moment, he had a murderous intention. He really wanted to ignore it and go out and kill the weak little demon.

But reason finally prevailed.

At this moment, there was no doubt anymore.

This is a descendant of an ancient demon with a great background and extremely noble status. Behind him, there may be more than one ancient demon standing, because the fountain of life cannot be condensed by monsters.

How many are there in this jar?

That means that there is definitely a big demon plant type demon alive.

The more I think about it, the more I understand the horror of it.

He frowned, and soon he relaxed slightly and exhaled: "Good thing! Kuishan is close to us, so the Kuishan people came to us first. It seems that they also have the intention to cooperate. It is different in the past and the present, and it is like this golden demon It makes sense that today’s ancient demons may not be able to come out easily and may not adapt to today’s world.”

"However, all this is just speculation. If the other party really comes out, it will be an existence that we cannot match."

After thinking for a while, he looked at his son: "Go, show it around. Take it wherever it wants to go."

Xu Xing was shocked: "Father, it is going to the treasure house..."

"Take it!"

Xu Qing said calmly: "For it, is the treasury of the Duke of Guo's Mansion really a treasure trove? Maybe it's just for curiosity or fun, but I would be willing to exchange that jar of the fountain of life for the entire Duke of Guo's Mansion... ...I’m afraid it won’t want to! You can try it and ask it if it’s willing to exchange it?”

Robbery is the stupidest decision.

He is not a roving cultivator or a straggler.

He is the overlord of the East and the Duke of Dingguo. Once he robs this little demon, he will not be able to escape unless he gives up the family business, but he is not happy with this. The Xu family's two hundred years of accumulation made him give up, in order to Giving up the fountain of life...that's impossible.

Not only cannot it be stolen, but it must also be protected.

Thinking of this, he looked at the people present again and said in a low voice: "You are all the pillars of my family. I don't want anything to disappoint me... The fountain of life is precious, and there will be many opportunities in the future. If we are together with Kuishan, If we can completely form an alliance with each other, I think that these fountains of life are not lacking. Don’t give up the longer-term interests in the future for the sake of immediate interests... As long as cooperation can be achieved, a little demon can have it, I think... in exchange for , the price won’t be too high.”

After everyone thought about it, it was indeed the case.

Someone immediately began to flatter him: "This is also because the Duke's good fortune and his name moved Kuishan's lineage, so he sent the descendants of the ancient demon to discuss the alliance."

Xu Qing smiled and said nothing.

Naturally, I felt proud.

However, there is still a problem.

Chasing boots!

Yes, storm boots.

What they want right now is the Wind Chasing Boots, which is what troubles him the most. If he wants something else, anything, that can cooperate with Kuishan and rely on the ancient demon, he really doesn't think about it.

But...wind-chasing boots...

He was a little entangled, and thought about the one that was taken away, and the one that is left now... and hesitated a little. These ancient beings all want the wind-chasing boots. It seems that these wind-chasing boots are really good. Impressive.

But I can’t use it myself.

No matter how great it is, it can't be turned into combat power or benefit.

Thoughts emerged one by one, and he decided to wait and looked at his son: "You go first, whatever requirements it has, try to satisfy it. If the storm boots are mentioned again... just say, after I come out of seclusion, I will give it a try...but not now."

"Okay, father, then I'm going..."

Xu Xing didn't say much and quickly retreated.

As soon as he left, Xu Qing looked at the people in the mansion again, took a deep breath and said: "Let's comfort this ancient monster of Kuishan first, and cheer up everyone. At dawn, when the big festival starts, the main thing is to first Guard against those guys. If you can scare them, that would be best! If you can’t..."

He looked at the big golden demon in the picture and began to think, should he make use of this little demon?

Although the cooperation has not yet been concluded, it is not impossible to use Kuishan's name to shock all parties.

Guest building.

Li Hao clamored to see the treasure house, and the second manager was helpless. It was not until Xu Xing appeared that the second manager was relieved.

Xu Xing, as for Xu Xing, had no intention of arranging the grand ceremony at this moment. At this moment, he only had the big jar of the fountain of life in his heart. When he saw the black panther, he hurriedly laughed: "Where is the envoy going?"

"Your treasure house, this servant of yours actually dares to refuse..."

"Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings! The envoy is a descendant of the ancient demon. He has a distinguished status and is just a treasure house. It is nothing. Manager Ming does not understand these things, so the envoy misunderstood."

Xu Xing smiled broadly: "I'm taking the envoy with me. They're just little things that can't be discerned. It's an honor for the envoy to be interested."

At this time, Li Hao was also hiding in the belly of the black panther and secretly rejoicing.


Taking risks is risky, but for smart people and ambitious people, it is not considered risky.

If he met a guy like Nan Quan... Li Hao would not dare to be so showy and ostentatious even if he died. He would really die. Nan Quan would definitely kill the black panther and then seize the treasure.

As for how much trouble he will leave behind, what does it have to do with him?

As for Kuishan joining the royal family... Nanquan might even have fun watching it.

Therefore, different methods must be used to deal with different people. For Ding Guogong, it is obvious that Li Hao is using this method well. For those people in Nanquan, they have to be punched!

Li Hao was secretly happy, but he was not polite, and he was still as reckless as a monster: "Well, what good things can you have here? Yes, they were dug out, but sometimes you don't know the treasures, and you may not be able to use them if you find them. I may not know you... My biggest interest is to go to Taobao. Sometimes you don’t understand, but I understand, hahaha. At that time, it’s my luck... I’ve taken a fancy to it, how about giving me a few pieces? "

"It's just a small thing."

Xu Xing smiled and nodded. His father had already said that he should try his best to satisfy the descendant of the ancient demon. Naturally, he had no objection.

What's more, the things in the treasure house are actually of the next level.

How can truly good things be kept in a treasure house?

Is a storage ring a decoration?

The real treasures of the Xu family are actually in his father's storage ring, and even he, Xu Xing, is not qualified to touch them.

Xu Xing didn't waste any words, and quickly walked deep into the backyard with the Black Panther. Along the way, the Black Panther looked around, and Li Hao also released his mental power without restraint, exploring everywhere.

That arrogant posture, as if this is its territory.

Xu Xing pretended not to see it.

Just explore, look at the descendant of the ancient demon, it doesn't look like he is here to gather information, but he is curious about entering the human world for the first time. In fact, Li Hao and Black Panther are indeed very curious.

Li Hao was exploring and said mentally: "By the way, what is your name?"

Xu Xing was speechless, but he still said: "Xu Xing."

"Oh,'s a pretty good name!"

Li Hao praised him and said: "Xiaoxing, this place is not good..."

what happened again?

Xu Xing was speechless.

Li Hao seemed to have said unintentionally: "I have been feeling uncomfortable since I came here. I seem to be being watched by something. Is there a strong person who is watching your family?"

Xu Xing was shocked.

Have you felt this?

This little demon is worthy of being a descendant of an ancient demon. His senses are too keen. You know, many powerful Xuguang entered the Duke's Mansion and felt nothing.

Xu Xing was a little embarrassed and didn't say much.

It's hard to talk about this. If we talk about it, maybe the little demon will get angry and feel that the Duke's Mansion has offended it.

And Li Hao was just testing it out. When he saw that he didn't speak, he suddenly understood. He had some guesses in his mind. He investigated and found out that what he was monitoring might not be an ordinary thing, but a magic weapon treasure.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so hidden.

This Duke of Ding has many treasures.

It is indeed a family that has been inherited for two hundred years... Well, in this era, two hundred years of inheritance is quite a lot. It can indeed be regarded as a big family, even an aristocratic family. It is no wonder that Xu Feng was so arrogant back then. He believed that Li Hao did not dare to kill. he.

After going around in circles, several people and a dog soon appeared under a huge attic.

"This is my Xu family's treasure house..."

Xu Xing introduced it, and Li Hao once again explored the treasure house. The defense was okay. There were two Sanyangs secretly guarding the place. Sanyang was not weak. Under normal circumstances, they had touched this place. In fact, it represented the capital of the Duke's Mansion. was invaded.

Whether to arrange Sanyang or Xuguang... there is actually no difference.

"This treasure house is made entirely of the most powerful fine steel. It is extraordinary and cannot be broken easily..."

Xu Xing said a few more words, walked to the attic door, and took out a key from the storage ring. There was a big golden lock on the attic door: "On weekdays, the treasure house will not be open, and I am the only one in the house. You can open it with your father..."

Li Hao said nonchalantly: "Broken copper and iron can be broken into pieces with just one claw."

Xu Xing laughed: "It is not difficult to break it by force, but this is the Duke's Mansion, which may not be as good as the Kuishan Imperial Palace, but in the human world, it is still an extremely well-defended place. The envoy laughed. "

With a click, the big lock opened, and Xu Xing pushed the door open.

The Black Panther's nose twitched, as if he smelled something, and even wanted to drool. Li Hao hurriedly burst out and stimulated the Black Panther, don't be embarrassed.

Xu Xing didn't pay much attention to this, and led the Black Panther in, and said: "The treasure house has three floors in total. It is not a good thing for the messenger. The first floor is where the divine energy stone and mysterious energy are stored. Here There are 100 storage rings, which contain divine energy stones and mysterious energy..."

Yes, there are only some shelves here, and there are no magic stones on them, but storage rings.

Li Hao's eyes turned green!

Storage rings cannot be stacked, so each storage ring will occupy some space. It is impossible for ordinary people to carry so many storage rings.

100 it full?

How many divine power stones are there!

It’s unimaginable!

Li Hao Zhuangruo said unintentionally: "Your Xu family also has an energy mine?"

Xu Xing was stunned, energy mine?

After a long while, he smiled bitterly and said: "The envoy is talking about the energy vein recorded in ancient books? This is not... The Xu family does not have this. It is just discovered and accumulated from some ruins."


Li Hao said again: "I have seen some humans using them before, and they were all rubbish. Are you all like this?"

"The rubbish the envoy said...I don't know what the standard is. The envoy can see for himself."

Li Hao was not polite, controlled the Black Panther, grabbed a storage ring, checked it with his mind, and then threw it on the shelf casually, as if he didn't care at all.

It feels... worse than garbage.

But actually, I'm already breathing in!

This storage ring is densely packed with divine power stones. At a glance, there are at least 10,000 of them!

My God, what kind of concept is this?

Are there millions of divine power stones stored here?


On Yinyue's side, Li Hao wanted 30,000 rings before, and he felt that he was trying to make Yinyue bankrupt, but now, there are hundreds of storage rings in his treasure house.

If there are at least 10,000 pieces, wouldn’t they be millions?

"They're all rubbish!"

Li Hao was shocked in his heart, but his spirit fluctuated: "Are all the other storage rings like this?"

Xu Xing said, "Whoever enters the Xu family's treasure house will be shocked to the point of numbness!"

It's better now, I'm despised.

No, despised by the demon.

However, he still had nothing to say, so he could only say: "They are all like this. There are actually some high-purity divine energy stones... but they are all at my father's side. There are only these here, and the ones with high purity are not in large quantities... …It can only satisfy our own cultivation.”


Li Hao didn't seem to care. He looked around and saw that the space on the first floor was not small. In addition to the rows of shelves containing some storage rings, there were also some other things.

He controlled the black panther, walked to other places, took a glance, and said contemptuously again: "You guys pick up rags? You want these things too?"

In addition to the shelves, there are boxes here, and in each box, there is an armor.

a large amount!

Seeing that he was looked down upon again, Xu Xing could only say: "These are not considered tatters. The envoy may not know that these are military armors called broken air force... They were actually found in a ruins, but they have never been found again. The activation method... and the Zhantian Armor of Zhantian City and the black armor of the Black Armor Army that appear today are all armors of powerful military services in ancient civilizations..."

Li Hao's heart moved slightly, but he said: "Of course I know! But these were just scraps of copper and iron back then. There were a lot of them in the imperial palace, and the level was higher than this. They were all worn by minions. , what is it if it’s not scrap metal?”

Xu Xing's heart moved slightly: "Envoy, is there an army in the imperial palace?"


Li Hao said disdainfully: "The Imperial Palace, the Emperor's Palace, of course has guards! They are selected from thousands of powerful armies. What Zhantian Armor you are talking about? I have also heard my ancestor say that Zhantian City is not Weak, but back then it was just an ancient city left by an emperor who randomly named it. It is far from being comparable to the Imperial Palace itself, and the Heavenly War Army cannot be compared to the Imperial Army in the Imperial Palace..."

Xu Xing felt that he had learned a lot!

I see!

At this moment, not only him, but Xu Qing, who was secretly eavesdropping, also felt that he had learned a lot.

It turns out that Zhantian City was an ancient city named by an emperor during the ancient civilization, but even so, it was so terrifying. It was said that the golden warriors in it were extremely powerful even today.

Xu Xing's message jade shook at this moment. He picked it up and looked at it, his eyes moved slightly and said: "Does the envoy know much about Zhan Tiancheng?"

"Zhantian City?"

Li Hao thought for a while and said: "I don't know much about it. I just know that there were quite a lot of humans in Zhantian City back then. It is said that there were tens of millions of people and millions of Zhantian troops..."

"The envoy knows that there are some warriors wearing golden armor..."

"Oh, you mean those officers at the level of division commander?"

Xu Xing was overjoyed. This person really knows everything. He is strong if he has ancient inheritance and knows everything.

The fundamentals of Zhantian City that countless people had not figured out were suddenly revealed at will by the other party.

Li Hao seemed to be recalling something, and said mentally: "A division commander is responsible for ten thousand people, right? I don't remember very well. I heard a long time ago that there are only one or two hundred division commanders in Zhantian City. What other army commanders and legion commanders are there? Chief or something like that, the teacher... is just a little boss, right?"

Xu Xing breathes in!

How can it be?

"Messenger, it is said that the Lord of Zhantian City is only a golden warrior..."


Li Hao cursed: "How is it possible? You are almost blind! Besides, who is the city lord wearing armor? I remember my ancestor said that the lord of Zhantian City seems to be... a collateral line of a certain Emperor or something. Your surname is Wang? He is a bad old man, very powerful..."

Xu Xing was even more shocked. So, the news coming out now is all false!

Zhantian City is not that simple at all.

He wanted to ask again, but Li Hao said impatiently: "Why are you talking about this? Who still remembers so much? Apart from these garbage, there are no real treasures here?"

Xu Xing was a little helpless.

Are these all garbage?

There are a large number of divine power stones, countless mysterious powers, and thousands of sets of ancient civilization armors. If they are not inoperable, if they are taken out alone, they are all treasures.

Yes, he has a strong background and has a lot of experience.

He immediately said: "There are some treasures on the second floor. The envoy may be interested in them. They are some divine weapons... Of course, the level is not too high."


Li Hao was speechless again. What does "some" mean?

He didn't waste any time and walked directly to the second floor.

The furnishings on the second floor are different. Individual cabinets are full of dazzling items.

There are many cabinets, but many are empty.

But there are things placed in some cabinets. At a glance... there are at least twenty or thirty cabinets on the second floor that contain things. Some of them exude a faint energy and show something extraordinary.

There are fiery red long knives, earthy yellow swords, and frost-like bows and arrows...

Xu Xing glanced at the Black Panther cautiously at this time, fearing that this guy would scream trash again, he immediately said: "These are the Source God Soldiers..."

"I know!"

Li Hao said unceremoniously: "It's also rubbish, and it's very unfriendly to the demon clan! These so-called Source God Weapons are all made from the corpses of the demon clan. They were abolished a few years ago. During the Xinwu period, that is, They were used in the early stage, and in the later stage, new types of divine weapons were used. These Source Divine Weapons...were all eliminated and were used by some casual cultivators or rear personnel."

Xu Xing felt that he had gained experience again!

I see!

"The envoy said before that there is the origin of the demon clan in the Wind Chasing Boots..."

He couldn't help but ask again, according to what you mean, the wind-chasing boots are also garbage magic weapons?

Li Hao was also startled, and quickly cursed: "What do you know! If the Wind-Chasing Boots were the divine weapons of the Eight Great Families, then it would be different. Even if they were the source of the divine weapons, they would use demon bodies that were extremely powerful. What is built by the tribe is not comparable to these rubbish!"

All right.

Xu Xing looked at this treasure house that he was proud of before, and suddenly felt a little sad today. The treasures of our family, the treasures that other strong men covet, are all garbage in the eyes of others!

You know, there are millions of divine power stones and dozens of divine weapons here!

The most important treasures of the Xu family are all in Xu Qing's place.

But this is also the core and most critical place of the entire Xu family, where the confidence lies for the entire Xu family to rise, even dominate the East, and even dominate the dynasty... In this person's words, everything is trash.

As for Li Hao, he naturally wouldn't care about this at this time.

Hiding in the panther's belly, he was almost drooling.

Oh my god, so rich.

Although he had also obtained many Origin Divine Weapons... He even gave Xiaoshu a dozen of them at once before, but when he saw dozens of them at once, he was still salivating.

At this moment, he just wants to grab it!

But after thinking about it, I still held back.


A little impatience will mess up a big plan, and I haven't seen the wind-chasing boots yet.

"The second floor is full of garbage, so the third floor won't be full of garbage too, right?"

At this moment, Li Hao seemed extremely dissatisfied!

"You, Duke Dingguo, are very famous in the entire East and are known as the Overlord of the East, but in the end... just these rubbish? If so, I have to re-evaluate the strength of your Duke Dingguo! There is only one thing about strength, wealth It’s also the same point. If you don’t have enough wealth and there are many strong people, it’s useless… you won’t be able to follow up!”

Xu Xing also felt very embarrassed.

But I can't say anything. Could it be that these are treasures, and people outside will break their heads if they see them.

However, it is meaningless to talk to a descendant of an ancient demon. The ones he has seen are much more numerous and stronger than the ones he has seen.

Originally, I was full of confidence in the treasures on the third floor.

But at this moment, he was a little less confident and said vaguely: "The treasures on the third floor are better than here. The envoy can go up and have a look..."

He couldn't even boast too much for fear of being slapped in the face.

He was not used to being slapped in the face. He was the only one who slapped others in the face.

But today, I was slapped in the face again and again by an unlikeable dog, but I still couldn't get angry. I really had to admit that my standards were too high, so what else could I say?

One person and one dog walked up to the third floor.

On the third floor, there are fewer things.

But the layout is different again. On the huge third floor, there are several crystal-like covers at the moment, and some energy is leaking from them. It seems that they are protecting the treasures in the covers.

"There are a total of 6 treasures on the third floor...all are rare treasures!"

Xu Xing still introduced it bravely: "Among them, there are three Source Divine Weapons, which are all Earth-level Source Divine Weapons, not comparable to the Xuanhuang level below. The other three are also very precious treasures, and one... "

Just when he was about to speak, Li Hao took the initiative to speak: "Hey, Golden Lotus? Or a whole one, where did you get it? This is a treasure in the forbidden sea during the Xinwu period. Of course, it has no effect on the strong, but it has no effect on the weak. The effect is good... you have one at home, how nice is it!"

Xu Xing was stunned, I'll go, you know this too!

Really insightful!

He hurriedly said: "This was also obtained in a ruins, but... this thing... has some drawbacks. In fact, when it was first discovered, there were more than one, which was very helpful to the martial arts master's spiritual will. But after the spiritual will grew stronger, the physical body I couldn't bear it, but it made me collapse more easily. I found a lot of them at first, but later many people in the Xu family took it, and many people died... The physical body collapsed directly, and only one flower was left. It was originally intended to wait for my nephew. Use it after promotion... Alas, my nephew died in the hands of a wicked person."

Li Hao cursed secretly!


My golden lotus.

Not just one, but many. As a result, these bastards from the Xu family wasted them all. Listening to Xu Xing's words, they got the treasure and used it casually. As a result, their mental power was too strong, their physical body was not strong enough, and their mental power was suppressed. Exploded body.

Deserve it!

Definitely, this thing is very effective and will be of great help to Li Hao today. Not to mention other martial arts masters. Once they overdose, their internal organs are not strong. If you don't blow them up, you will kill them!

In addition to the three source weapons, Li Hao also recognized the other three treasures.

There were two other treasures that he didn't recognize either.

It seems to be a fragment of some kind of weapon, but it looks very mysterious. It may be the fragments left after a powerful weapon was broken.

One is something like a token, but it's a little blurry. I can't see the font on it clearly. I don't know what kind of token it is, or if it's just an ordinary square.

As for the three magic weapons, they are indeed one level higher than the ones below.

It feels a little more powerful than the wind chime I got before.

The Xu family is indeed a big family and a powerful force. It is worthy of being the hegemonic force that suppressed the East for two hundred years. The key is that this is only a part, and it cannot be the entire wealth of the Xu family. The real treasures are probably all with Xu Qing.

But even so... this place is probably where most of the Xu family's wealth is located.

Li Hao was extremely greedy.

But at this moment, he couldn't show it, and still felt a little disgusted: "Forget it, there's nothing good about it. The Golden Lotus is actually okay, but it's not very useful to the demon clan. You can keep it for yourself! It's a waste of time! "

Xu Xing was helpless.

Your vision is just too high.

I originally wanted to use some treasures in exchange for some fountain of life, but now I can't even say it.

Who would have thought that the Xu family treasure house would one day be looked down upon by others.

Li Hao controlled the Black Panther and went straight downstairs. As he walked, his mind fluctuated and he said, "There's nothing interesting about these rubbish. When will you show me the wind-chasing boots?"

"Well, the envoy will wait for a while. The boots of chasing the wind are with my father. When my father comes out of confinement, he will report to the envoy as soon as possible..."

"Be more efficient, the human race is so tedious in doing things!"


Xu Xing was acting like a grandson at the moment, but he didn't feel anything was wrong.

As he walked, he looked at the communication jade again, and said cautiously: "Messenger, if the wind-chasing boots are not what Kuishan needs, then the matter of cooperation..."

Li Hao said bluntly: "Let's talk about it then!"

At this moment, Xu Xing was a little anxious, but hoped that the chasing boots would be what the other party needed.

He added: "Envoy, I would like to ask one more question, this Kuishan Dragon God...and the Imperial Palace..."

"Lord Dragon God is the guardian outside the Imperial Palace. The beings in the Imperial Palace cannot come out easily, so I gave some random advice. Lord Dragon God has a good talent. He has cultivated to this point. Now, he is not close to the Imperial Palace. few."

Xu Xing understood, so it was like this, I understood, he was just a janitor.

No wonder when talking about this golden demon, he only mentioned his noble status and did not dare to say anything more.

Xu Xing thought in his mind, and then said: "Envoy, if the Wind Chasing Boots are what the Dragon God needs, then what the envoy said before, that the five Xuguang Great Demons are for the driving of our government, is this true?"

Li Hao's heart moved slightly, he was tempted!

Apparently, old guy Xu Qing was behind the question.

He boasted again, and his mental fluctuations were full of pride: "It's just the five Xuguang demon clan! If the Dragon God is successfully promoted and the safety of the imperial palace is guaranteed, what are the five Xuguang demon clans? Kuishan's lineage, the countless demon clan , you can ask as much as you want! What we need is a strong person, a strong person who can surpass Xuguang, Xuguang is just making a small fuss... If the Dragon God doesn't advance, wait for those in the imperial palace... Ahem, I can't tell you, anyway. If it’s later, if the Dragon God doesn’t advance successfully, we won’t need it anymore!”

Xu Xing was shocked, but he understood what he meant. Could these ancient demons be leaving the imperial palace?

He suddenly became anxious. Kuishan was not far from the east.

Wouldn't that be...dangerous?

"The adults in the imperial palace, are you coming out?"

he asked cautiously.

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Li Hao said proudly: "I won't care about you after we come out. I can see through your little thoughts at a glance! When we come out, we are also going to the Land of Silver Moon! Our goal is not here, not even this world, but deep in the sky. I have told you that you don’t understand. We will follow the footsteps of the ancient kings, follow the footsteps of the Emperor, and leave here... Your vision is too low, it is just a continent. In the past, that was the core of the Star Dynasty, what you called The central continent is just a small Tianxing Island. Now the royal family only occupies the ruins of Tianxing Town, so they have some capital..."

Xu Xing felt like his outlook on life was about to explode!

What's the meaning?

at the same time.

Xu Qing's face also changed, and he murmured to himself: "Tianxing Island, Tianxing Town... So that's it! Silver Moon... It turns out that the existence of these ancient civilizations has never targeted this land... It turns out that the dynasty is really just a The island is…incredible…”

But considering some of the information he had, he still believed it.

In his eyes, there was only horror and desire!

When Li Hao said this, he suddenly became convinced that Kuishan would not be interested in his Duke Dingguo's mansion.

Even if they occupy the east, the other party will not care.

But, he cares.

In this case, cooperation has a foundation.

The other party's pursuit of cooperation may only be temporary. Maybe those existences really can't come out easily now... And this is actually an opportunity for the Duke's Mansion.

Once you miss it, you may never have such an opportunity again.

"Wind chasing boots..."

He gritted his teeth. Anyway, one was lost, so let’s just pretend that the second one was lost too!

The other party may really come back.

According to this little demon, if the snake king doesn't break through, he will be abandoned. Once abandoned... the wind-chasing boots will probably have no effect.

At this moment, he should help the Snake King break through, so that the Snake King can gain a firm foothold and be grateful to the Xu family for helping it break through.

Only with the link of the Snake King can we achieve cooperation with the Kuishan Imperial Palace.

After thinking about this, Xu Qing knew what he should do.

At this moment, he has completely believed in Black Panther's identity. He has no choice but to do so because the other party knows too many things. There are some things that the Xu family has not even understood even after excavating countless ruins for two hundred years.

And this kind of half-knowledge made him believe what Li Hao said.

If you don't understand at all, in fact, no matter how much Li Hao talks, he is just playing the piano to others.

Just be afraid, people may understand a little bit, but not completely.

In this way, Li Hao's words were very lethal, and his words were simply shocking.

At this moment, Xu Xing seemed to have received some instructions and said: "Envoy, after dawn, the Xu family's grand ceremony will begin. Some people from other eastern provinces will come. At that time, will the envoy be interested in watching the ceremony?"

"It's boring!"

Li Hao wanted to play hard to get, but Xu Xing hurriedly said: "Perhaps my father will be released from prison at that time. If father is released from prison, I can bring out the Wind Chasing Boots!"

Li Hao immediately said: "Okay, I will go and see the excitement!"

Xu Xing was overjoyed, and then cursed secretly in his heart!

Without him, my father said, don’t worship the storm boots after dawn... No, don’t worship the storm boots in his hand, wait for him to come and preside over it in person!

What the hell!

How could Xu Xing not understand the meaning at this moment? It's fake!

The wind-chasing boots that the old man gave him were fake and meant to fool people, but now, the demon messenger is here. Once he enshrines the fake ones, and the other party realizes that they are not what he needs, it would be inappropriate to turn away and leave.

Obviously, the father is going to show up in person, and the offering is really... it's really not a thing.

What you said is so righteous. Are we, the Xu family, still afraid of being robbed?

However, it's not like I gave myself a fake one.

The more Xu Xing thought about it, the angrier he became!

At this moment, looking at Black Panther, some little Jiujiu also rose in my heart. I used to think that my father was unattainable, but now it seems that it is nothing more than this. If I can build a relationship with this descendant of the ancient demon and gain the support of the imperial palace, my father will dare not Pass yourself?

No... maybe... I can think a little more.

Can a mere prince be satisfied?

The key to all this is the big golden dog in front of him.

At this moment, Xu Xing became much more humble and became more enthusiastic. Li Hao's scalp was numb when he laughed. Why were he laughing like that?

Did you guys find out something about my bragging?

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but now that it had reached this point, Li Hao could only bite the bullet and continue to pretend.

Li Hao left the treasury with a step of disowning his relatives. At this moment, he also changed his mind a little. The wind-chasing boots... were not enough. Before leaving, he would not be willing to take away the treasury in one go.

You have to think about it, how can you serve it together?

It's best to create some big trouble for the Duke's Mansion!

Otherwise, if these guys are free, they will definitely hunt him to death.

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