Star Gate

Chapter 45 Paving the Way

Inspection Department.

In the basement, Wu Chao and Chen Jian were both lying on the hospital bed, and Yunyao was currently helping them treat them.

Yunyao seems to have mastered some special healing abilities and can help people heal their injuries without the help of any equipment.

Liu Yan was in a daze aside. This time, she didn't suffer any serious injuries, just some skin wounds, which had long since healed.


When Liu Long entered, Yun Yao, Liu Yan, and even Wu Chao and Chen Jian who were lying on the bed looked at him with some anxiety and expectation.

What to expect?

Liu Long knew what they expected, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "I should be able to get back the mysterious energy I extracted from the few superpowers I killed in the city...but...I'm afraid Yuan Shuo won't give it to the others."

After a bloody battle, everyone naturally looks forward to the post-war distribution.

This time, all 10 Yuemings were wiped out. Li Hao killed one, Yuan Shuo killed 5, and of the remaining 4, Liu Long initially solved three, but was later beaten to death by the Inspection Department.

If the mysterious abilities of these four people could be classified into a team, there would be hundreds of mysterious abilities.

Naturally, there is no comparison with Yuan Shuo.

But compared to the team's income in previous years, this time alone is enough for them.

On the side, Li Hao said: "It's okay, the teacher doesn't need that much, maybe there is some extra, I'll talk about it, we can share some more."

Liu Long waved his hand and did not continue talking about this matter.

No matter how much he kills or takes, he does not need others to pity him.

And Liu Yan laughed: "Xiao Haohao, this time you kill Yue Ming alone. This guy's mysterious energy alone is enough for you to absorb. That guy can extract at least 30 square meters of mysterious energy." !”

30 square meters!

For them, it was already too much.

Li Hao shook his head and said: "That's the team's contribution. It doesn't mean whoever kills the other party in the end, it belongs to the other party! This time, if we really count it like this, the boss killed three of them alone, then our team doesn't have any allocation." ?”

Team tasks are not divided like this.

Liu Yan was actually trying to get benefits for Li Hao, but Li Hao didn't care much about it and just followed the team's distribution principles.

Who contributes the most, and who gets the proportion.

If calculated based on the final head contribution, then a defensive player like Chen Jian or a healing player like Yun Yao might not be able to grab a single kill in their lifetime, and then the meaning of the team would be gone.

Liu Long still didn't speak, as if he wasn't that interested in the distribution of mysterious energy this time.

Liu Yan looked at Liu Long and then at Li Hao.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "The night watchman is coming. Boss, do you have any plans for Yincheng?"

She knew that Liu Long cared more about this.

Liu Long found a place to sit down. There were still some wounds on his body bleeding. He didn't care too much. After a while, he said: "Fat Mu hopes to set up a branch, but Hao Bu can't make a decision. There is a high probability that he can set up a branch." Still no use."

As he said that, he suddenly smiled and said: "The harvest this time is not small. If everyone can advance to super power... maybe there is hope!"

He comforted him for a while.

If a few people can enter the super power system, it's not completely hopeless.

If you enter the ten-death realm, you will most likely become Yue Ming.

It is not easy for him to reach the Digital Moon Ming level. Even if he cannot advance, he will still break through the peak of 100. This kind of strength can still compare with the strength of some branches. The only difference is that the night watchman will not allocate some materials, including Mysterious energy.

On the side, Li Hao said nothing.

He can't get involved in this matter.

At this moment, Li Hao was also trying to digest what he had gained today.

After absorbing a lot of Hong Ying's power, at this time, his physical strength was extremely strong and his body was in better shape than ever before.

The Five Birds Breathing Technique has been operating, but this time, he deliberately stopped extracting the energy from the small sword.

The energy of the little sword is obviously not as good as before.

And this thing is of great use.

It would be a shame if I really took the time.

According to the teacher, at this time, Li Hao's physical abilities have reached a level that is comparable to breaking a hundred, but it will take time to transform.

Let’s digest this now.

There are still many benefits waiting for him when he turns back!

For example, the red shadow in the city, the mysterious energy from the teacher, and if possible, the benefits issued by the night watchman may allow him to go further.

All of this was obtained by Yuan Shuo killing a strong man at the Sanyang level.

Everyone is healing and thinking about things.

Li Hao has also been keeping a low profile to absorb energy and strengthen himself.

Outside the city, the night watchman quickly completed the finishing work.

With Hao Lianchuan and Huang Yun here, one Sanyang, one Sun Yao, and Yuan Shuo who killed Sanyang in the city, Yincheng is safer than ever at this moment, without three or five Sanyangs. Strong men of all levels dare not take risks in Silver City.

It's dark again.

Yincheng Ancient Courtyard, Yuan Family Courtyard.

Hao Lianchuan came here alone.

In the courtyard, Yuan Shuo is practicing boxing.

The door opens automatically.

Hao Lianchuan walked straight in, sat down aside, and silently watched Yuan Shuo practice boxing.

After Yuan Shuo finished a set of punches, Hao Lianchuan said: "Professor Yuan has been dormant for the past few years, but even I didn't feel any abnormality. It seems that the professor has already recovered from the injury three years ago?"

Yuan Shuo smiled, sat down, and wiped the sweat from his face, "It's not too early, and the recovery didn't take long! The reason why I didn't say anything was because I was worried, right?"

Yuan Shuo smiled half-heartedly: "If I said that I stepped into Douqian, the night watchman might stop me!"

"The professor underestimated the night watchman!"

Hao Lianchuan shook his head: "We have actually been hoping that the professor can become Dou Qian and step into the super power. Maybe Silver Moon Province can have another strong person at the Sanyang level. It was just an incident three years ago that caught us off guard..."


Yuan Shuo interrupted him: "Where is my trophy?"

"It's been transported to the Inspection Department. It's not convenient to send it here."

Hao Lianchuan has no intention of coveting these things. The death of a Sanyang is enough to make anyone give up such thoughts.

He came to Yuan Shuo not for this matter. He was silent for a while and then said: "At the end of the month, what do you think about the ruins at the end of the month?"

We had originally agreed to explore an ancient ruins at the end of the month.

But at that time, Yuan Shuo was about to die, and he would definitely just obey the orders of the night watchman.

However, now that the opponent can kill the existence of the Sanyang level, it is completely different.

Yuan Shuo also fell into deep thought: "That place is very dangerous! I was injured there three years ago, and many night watchmen died that day. I heard that many people from major organizations also died when they explored it. A lot! This time, the night watchmen teamed up with some organizations to explore together, and even people from the central area will come, right?"

Hao Lianchuan nodded: "Well, the loss last time was too great, and the night watchman couldn't bear it."

Yuan Shuo thought for a moment and said: "I can lead the team to continue exploring, but the distribution principle needs to change! Before, everything involving superpowers was yours, and I can only take some of the things you don't want. This time... I want to Half a point!”

As soon as he said this, Hao Lianchuan sighed: "Do you think... it's possible? This ruins is extraordinary. This time the night watchmen will also use their strength. Including me, there are many Sun Yao people involved!"

Yuan Shuo wants too much!

Yuan Shuo laughed: "Forget it, I'll explore it myself!"

The definitely there.

However, when one explores alone, the treasures are all his own. He is also an expert in ancient civilization exploration and knows more about ancient ruins than these people. Cooperating with the night watchman has both advantages and disadvantages.

"There will be people coming from Hongyue!"

Hao Lianchuan looked at him, are you sure you will act alone?

"so what?"

Yuan Shuo sneered: "The worst thing is that I won't go! If I don't go, it's hard to say whether those guys can open the ruins! What happened to Hongyue? Knowledge is power, and knowledge is wealth! In today's world, there are many people who understand ancient civilizations better than me. Yes, how many people are there? If you invite those guys, I would like to see how much you night watchmen can share?"

Hao Lianchuan fell silent.

And Yuan Shuo is not in a hurry. In Silver Moon Province, who can he look for if not himself?

Of course, it would indeed be a bit scary if Hong Yue got involved.

Although he killed one Sanyang, it didn't mean that he could kill the second one, especially since Li Hao's jade sword was about to run out of energy, and he had no chance to use the second blood sword technique.

"I'll go back and discuss it!"

Hao Lianchuan said that this matter was no longer his decision. Before coming, the night watchmen also had a brief meeting, and they also mentioned the exploration of historical sites, and thought of Yuan Shuohui's lion's mouth.

I just didn't expect that he wanted so much.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Yuan Shuo thought for a while and said, "You're already here, Yincheng may not be safe now. Before you leave, how about you and I clear out the dangers around Yincheng?"


Hao Lianchuan said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

"There are some superpowers nearby, kill them all!"


Hao Lianchuan was stunned, feeling the cold-bloodedness of this old martial artist for the first time.

Kill them all!

Some superpowers didn't go on a killing spree, they just didn't join the night watch. Some were wandering around Silver City. Even if they had ideas, they didn't take action. At this moment, Yuan Shuo actually said, kill them all!


Yuan Shuo sneered: "If you don't dare, you are afraid of ruining the reputation of the night watchman, then I will do it! I am not afraid! What are you doing wandering around Yincheng with nothing? Don't you all want to do something? I think Yincheng is good for you. You can take it, there’s no risk, right? In that case, I’ll do it. As for the I afraid of this? "

He is really not afraid!

There are too many people offended, so what?

I have survived these years, and now I am not afraid of Dou Qian.

"Professor, this is so irritating..."


Yuan Shuo said coldly: "You are the deputy minister of the night watch, I am not! I don't need to consider the things you have to consider. I am a lonely person, and I have nothing except a few students until now! The students are Students, they have their own future, if they are killed, if they are implicated...that is their life. So, why should I care about this?"

"are you going?"

he asked again.

Hao Lianchuan sighed and said softly: "I can't take action, but... if there is someone at the Sanyang level... I can take action!"

Yuan Shuo nodded with satisfaction.

The next moment, Hao Lianchuan suddenly whispered: "I can't take action rashly... But can you take Wang Ming and others with you? Of course, ahem... declare to the outside world that you were the one who killed them... What do you think?"

Train young people!

The key is that he also hopes to let Yuan Shuo take the blame.

Yuan Shuo smiled, nodded, and agreed very happily, which made Hao Lianchuan a little uneasy.

"How about...forget it?"

Hao Lianchuan hesitated again, this person agreed too happily.

Yuan Shuo chuckled and said: "Xiao Hao, don't think of an idea for a while! Stop talking nonsense, let those guys follow me, even if they don't take action, it's good to have a look, if not, let them make last hits, see the blood for their future There are benefits!”

Hao Lianchuan hesitated for a while and finally agreed.

He really hoped that the young people on the night watch would have more experience. He heard that their performance this time was not very good, including Wang Ming, who performed well in Baiyue City, but when he came here, he seemed a little incompetent.

This makes Hao Lianchuan a little worried. These young people are so well protected, can they take on big responsibilities?

That night, Yuan Shuo went out again.

The southern suburbs of Yincheng.

In a manor, the manor is very large and looks particularly prosperous and luxurious.

At this moment, a man as fat as a pig was eating in the restaurant, his hands were greasy.

The next moment, the man's expression changed in shock, and the roof was directly trampled.

Yuan Shuo was like a demon. He stepped on the roof with one foot and fell down instantly. He raised his toes and kicked the opponent through the temple without giving him any chance!

Behind them, Hu Hao and others quickly fell down, their faces turning pale.

This is the third one!

Yuan Shuo's murderous spirit was too strong and his murderous intention was too strong.

This time, they really saw the strength and strong psychological quality of these old martial arts masters, who can kill without blinking an eye!

Yuan Shuo glanced at the guy who was kicked to death by him and smiled: "What? Still not used to it? You deserved to die. If I remember correctly, this manor belonged to a former Yincheng giant businessman! That guy! The merchant seems to have disappeared, do you know where he went?"

Several people remained silent.

Yuan Shuo mocked: "It's probably buried in the yard. Do you want to dig it out and take a look?"

Behind him, Wang Ming breathed out: "Killing people, looting goods, taking people's money, you are indeed worthy of death! However, Mr. Yuan, originally agreed to give us some opportunities, but now..."

You just kicked him to death and we had no chance.

"Last hit!"

Yuan Shuo said calmly: "I have no obligation to teach you, but I can let you see blood! If you stab him dozens of times, it will be considered a success!"

Wang Ming was a little confused, "The person is dead..."

Yuan Shuo turned his head and looked at him, his eyes calm.

Wang Ming felt a little timid, gritted his teeth, condensed a sword in his hand, stepped forward and stabbed the corpse with the sword!

Yuan Shuo smiled. Behind him, Li Meng and Hu Hao looked at each other and followed suit silently, starting to finish off the attack.

This is probably the first time they have done this kind of thing, and they all seem a little uncomfortable.

Yuan Shuo looked at it for a while and didn't care.

The more you poke, the more you'll get used to it!

On the night watchman's side, the new generation lacks practical experience. The reason why he is willing to bring these people with him has his own small thoughts.

After a few people finished finishing their attacks, Yuan Shuo said calmly: "You guys have already met me. From today on, I will accept the three of you as registered disciples!"


Several people were stunned.

what's the situation?

In the air, Hao Lianchuan was also startled, what the hell?

Yuan Shuo said calmly: "That's it! From now on, you can borrow my reputation from the outside. You are the registered disciples of Dou Qian Martial Master Yuan Shuo. The most important inheritance among martial arts masters! Once you rebel, you will deceive your master and destroy your ancestors! My disciples , just one rule, you must not bully your master and destroy your ancestors, or humiliate your fellow disciples. Friendship and unity with fellow disciples is the only thing my disciples have to do!"

Above, Hao Lianchuan was still stunned.

Hu Hao and the others were also a little uncomfortable with it, and all of them were in a daze.

Yuan Shuo suddenly became majestic and said coldly: "Are you unwilling? Or do you think that I, Yuan Shuo, am not worthy?"

"Don't dare!"

Wang Ming said hurriedly: "Mr. Yuan, that's not what we meant, it's just... we are night watchmen..."

"What happened to the night watchman?"

Yuan Shuo said impatiently: "That's your deputy minister above. Ask yourself, is there any problem? The night watchmen are all superpowers. Superpowers have no relationship with teachers. They are just my registered disciples. It doesn't affect anything. You Ask Hao Lianchuan, are there any questions about this?"

Up in the sky, Hao Lianchuan thought quickly, and after a while, nodded slightly.

Named disciples...just named disciples.

This is just a small matter, not too serious, and it's not a formal apprenticeship, so it's not a big problem.

When Wang Ming saw this, several people did not dare to say anything and agreed one after another. Maybe they were a little happy in their hearts. Yuan Shuo was the top powerhouse who killed Sanyang. It seemed good to become a disciple of Yuan Shuo!

Yuan Shuo then smiled: "That's it! We are just registered disciples, so there won't be any banquets. I don't have many disciples, but they are all formal disciples. You few are registered disciples. When we meet in the future, we have to address each other. Senior brother and sister! Remember, fellow disciples must be friendly, and when encountering difficulties, try your best to help! These are fellow disciples!"

After that, he threw out a pamphlet: "I don't have anything good for you as a teacher. This is the "Five Animals New Book" and it is not allowed to be passed on to other people! Especially the breathing method in it is not allowed to be passed on to other people!"

It’s just a breathing technique, not the Five-Animal Breathing Technique!

After that, he added: "Don't underestimate this. Although superpowers don't practice martial arts, it may not be a good thing to simply absorb mysterious energy! Superpowers are external forces after all, and cultivating them both internally and externally is the way to go!"

Several people looked a little excited, "Five Animals New Book", they know this!

In the past, it might have been dismissed.

But this time, Yuan Shuo crossed the border and killed Sanyang. Who dares to underestimate his new book of five animals?

Several people were really sincere this time, and they all nodded: "Thank you, teacher!"

Yuan Shuo smiled.

She showed a smile like a wolf grandmother. These three are all Yue Ming, and they are all young, especially Wang Ming, who is almost full moon and not far from the sun.

He is so young and is a direct descendant of the Night Watchmen. If he is lucky, he may soon enter Sun Yao and become the backbone of the Night Watchmen in Silvermoon Province.

Li Hao paved the way!

"By the way, Yincheng Li Hao will be your little senior brother from now on!"

Yuan Shuo said again: "He is a martial artist and has not entered super power! His strength may not be as strong as yours, but he mainly inherited my knowledge inheritance. You should protect him more. In the future, your little senior brother, I think I will bring you some help! You also know how little knowledge the night watchman has. Sometimes, knowledge changes your destiny, and you will be able to use him."

Several people looked at each other, but Wang Ming was the first to speak: "We remember what the teacher said!"


Yuan Shuo nodded and said: "Then find the next one. This time I will give you more practice. Enter Sun Yao as soon as possible, so that Sun Yao can have some say. Look at you now, just do whatever I ask you to do. Not free at all… It’s really embarrassing for me!”

Wang Ming and others giggled, but no one dared to say a word.

There are big bosses up there.


Hao Lianchuan listened for a while and probably understood what Yuan Shuo meant, and was a little surprised.

This Yuan Shuo really cares about his closed disciple.

Did you do this just to find some backing for Li Hao?

Li Hao didn't have any foundation among the night watchmen, but now he had two more junior brothers and one junior sister.

Although Yuan Shuo just said it casually and forced people to become disciples, he took Yuan Shuo's Five Animals New Book. This relationship must be recognized or not... Unless Yuan Shuo dies, otherwise, in the world of martial arts, If you dare to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, you are committing treason!

The night watchmen are still officially decent and cannot do that kind of thing. If it happens, the night watchmen will have to clean up the house!

"Yuan Shuo... Li Hao!"

Hao Lianchuan thought to himself, Yuan Shuo paved the way for Li Hao in advance, instead of taking Li Hao by his side to teach him by words and deeds. Did he hope that Li Hao could join the night watchman?

That’s fine!

In this case, the relationship with Yuan Shuo can be deepened.

Otherwise, after Yuan Shuo is promoted, it will be difficult for the night watchman to instruct him to do anything.

At this moment, Li Hao didn't know how many more junior brothers and sisters he had.

It lasted for a day and continued to be absorbed and digested. Almost 80% of the red shadow power in his body was digested by him, and the remaining part would be naturally digested in two days.

Li Hao stood up again and punched randomly, his muscles and bones crackling.

Li Hao's eyes showed a hint of joy.

Progress is super fast!

He couldn't tell what level he was at now, but he felt... just the feeling of power he had just taken, seemed not much worse than Liu Yan.

And Liu Yan is at the peak of the Tenth Level.

An existence close to breaking 100!


In just a few days, Li Hao was extremely happy that he had crossed so much from less than ten realms to nearly one hundred.

The point is, he still has a lot of benefits that he has yet to digest.

Walking out of the lounge inside, at this moment, except Wu Chao, Chen Jian could get out of bed and move around.

When Liu Long saw him coming out, he remained as indifferent as ever, and said in a cold voice: "Just come out, the night watchmen from east and west have been sent! Our side, plus the Yue Ming you killed, gained 160 square meters of mysterious energy!"

As for the martial artist, he failed to provide these things.

"And your teacher also collected about 1,400 cubic meters of mysterious energy, but the amount was too much, so it was compressed and placed in the inspection treasury room. Your teacher needs to extract it himself!"

"This time, there are many elemental mysterious energies including thunder, earth energy, water energy, metal energy, and wind energy."

He looked at the others again: "This time, the team hunts super powers. I am the first to take the lead, and I will get 30% of it! Li Hao will get 20%, and the rest will be shared equally between the four of you, Liu Yan. Do you have any objections?"

Liu Long and Li Hao took half, and the remaining four people also took half, which was less than Li Hao.

Liu Yan laughed: "Of course I have no objection! It's good to get a share. It's more than I expected."

Even if the four people share it equally, she can still get 20 square meters.

In the past, it was good to kill a super once and be divided into three or five sides. The injury might be more serious than this time.

This time, because Li Hao was there, she really wasn't hurt.

Liu Yan was naturally satisfied with being able to divide 20 square meters.

She was satisfied. The others were weaker than her, so naturally they had nothing to say.

As for Li Hao, he was divided into 32 parties, which was almost the same as killing a superpower. Liu Long also divided according to this, and directly attributed all the superpowers that Li Hao killed to Li Hao.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Liu Long nodded: "That's good! This is also our biggest harvest in the past few years. I hope that this time... someone can succeed!"

With some hope, some desire.

As for himself, he lacked some desire. He thought of Yuan Shuo and the grace of the four super-powerful heads falling to the ground under that knife!

A martial artist... can also be invincible!

He has reached the peak of 100 and is still far away from Dou Qian. Although it feels far away, but...if I enter Dou Qian, do I still need to enter super power?

Enter the super power, which is Sunlight.

But Yuan Shuo, who is fighting against thousands of people, can kill Sanyang.

If he also had the strength to kill Sanyang, would Yincheng still be banned?


At this moment, Liu Long, who had been pursuing superpowers, hesitated a little, and seemed not as determined as before.

Because before that, Dou Qian had disappeared from Silver Moon Province.

The road ahead is hopeless!

Now... At this moment, Liu Long was thinking, if he was shameless and went to Yuan Shuo and asked him for advice, would he agree?

With the guidance of a thousand-level martial artist, maybe I can avoid some detours.

He looked at Li Hao, feeling a little sorry... Do you want to take advantage of this guy and ask him to intercede with me?

And Li Hao smiled honestly.

At this moment, it seems that I am very satisfied with my assignment.

32 square meters is quite a lot.

As for the teacher's 1,400 square meters... that belongs to the teacher. I am desperate and want three to five hundred square meters from him. How much more can I ask for?

The opportunity to break the 100 mark seems to be close at hand.

"Everyone has a good rest tonight. While a few strong men are still there, we will continue on duty tomorrow!"

Liu Long spoke, and finally looked at Li Hao again: "Li Hao, you can rest more these days and spend more time with your teacher. If you need anything, as the law enforcement captain and your boss, you can ask me for help at any time!"

This is all it takes to say, you go to your teacher, if you feel tired, I can carry you there!

Li Hao is also a smart man. When he heard this, he immediately understood.

It was funny in my heart, Liu Long seemed to be really convinced this time.

Before, when Yuan Shuo was mentioned, he was unconvinced and resentful. It seemed that this time it was a big blow to him.

"Well, if necessary, I will find the boss!"

Liu Long nodded with satisfaction, then turned and left.

Li Hao, on the other hand, couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to see the mysterious energy he got first. This time he planned to use the power of the five elements. Maybe he could strengthen the five internal organs and make himself stronger!

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