Star Gate

Chapter 5 A single move affects the whole body

Six pm.

It was time for the inspection department to get off work. Li Hao was not a front-line law enforcement officer, so he naturally got off work on time.

On weekdays, Li Hao would have left long ago.

But today, Li Hao was in no hurry to leave.

Office of the Chief.

Wang Jie glanced at Li Hao and said in a deep voice, "You said you wanted to visit Zhang Yuan's home?"


"You and he are classmates. The current case may be a homicide. It's not impossible for you to investigate,'s a bit troublesome for the personnel in the confidential room to apply for firearms to take home."

Yes, Li Hao came to apply for firearms.

Wang Jie must give his approval before he can take the gun home.

Although the red shadow is very weird and the firearm may not be useful, the red shadow may not be able to come out now. In this case, Li Hao should be more careful about people.

If it were a human being, the firearm would be extremely lethal.

"Chief, you're not taking it home, you're using it to handle cases!"

Li Hao corrected it.

Wang Jie smiled. Taking it home and using it for handling cases are two different concepts. This boy is indeed a student of Yincheng Ancient Academy, and his nature has changed with just one sentence.

"Our confidential room is not a law enforcement team."

Wang Jie shook his head, and Li Hao was a little disappointed.

He hasn't thought of a good way to deal with Hong Ying yet, because he doesn't know much about it, but if he holds a gun in his hand, it will increase his sense of security.

"Zhang Yuan's case has only been communicated with the law enforcement team. It has not been formally filed yet. You cannot apply for a gun based on this."

After saying that, Wang Jie thought about it and said quickly: "In this way, there will be an external inspection of Yincheng Ancient Courtyard soon, and the Inspection Department will send some people to carry out protection work. You fill out the form and apply Participate, then you will have a mission, and as a protection personnel, you are qualified to carry a gun."

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and soon felt helpless.

After going round and round, is this task still hanging over your head?

In the morning, Chen Na mentioned this matter, but Li Hao refused.

Over at Yincheng Ancient Courtyard, I heard that my mentor is still leading the team this time. So, if I accept this task, I will have to see the teacher again soon?

Seeing his silence, Wang Jie sighed and said: "What's wrong? Are you afraid of being beaten by Mr. Yuan? I heard that when you dropped out of school, you had a bad time with Mr. Yuan. Xiaohao, since you have entered the Inspection Department, I I think you should find a chance to improve the relationship, after all, he is your teacher."

"If Mr. Yuan gives you a hand, your future in the Inspection Department will be brighter. But if everyone knows that Mr. Yuan doesn't want to see you, even though Mr. Yuan can't manage the Inspection Department, other people have to consider whether it is necessary. I can’t get along with Mr. Yuan because of a third-level inspection for you.”

Wang Jie took great pains. He didn't know the details, but he heard that Li Hao dropped out of school and was unhappy with his tutor.

The other party has no way to participate in the promotion and demotion of the Inspection Department, but the Yincheng Inspection Department has to sell some face.

"If you want to get a gun, this is the best way. It can also ease the relationship with your teacher and kill two birds with one stone..."

He was about to give some more advice because he was very optimistic about Li Hao.

Before even saying a few words of advice, Li Hao nodded and said, "Okay!"

The words came to my mouth and suddenly got stuck in my throat!

Wang Jie glanced at Li Hao strangely. Didn't he say that although this guy was kind, he had a bit of a bad personality?

Why did you agree so happily today?

An honest and helpless smile appeared on Li Hao's face: "Director, what is said outside may not be true. The relationship between me and the teacher is not that exaggerated. When I dropped out of school, the teacher was not satisfied, but it has been a year. Yes, I have long been relieved. A few days ago, I was urged to do a good job in the Inspection Department."

"That's good, that's good!"

Wang Jie nodded and expressed satisfaction. Although he didn't know whether it was true or false, Li Haoren was quite honest and it probably wasn't too false.

"Then you fill out the form. In a few days, you will have to go to the field to accompany the law enforcement team to protect the inspection team of Yincheng Ancient Courtyard."

Li Hao took the form and took a look at it. The expedition date of Guyuan's inspection team was set at the end of the month.

However, the specific destination was not written down, and the entourage was just asked to be on standby.

This is also to prevent the news from leaking out. The ancient courtyard has a lofty status and naturally has its own value. The inspection team of the ancient courtyard is still led by my own teacher. I am afraid this task will not be too simple.

I don’t know if it will conflict with Hongying’s matter.

When the teacher travels, there will most likely be a night watchman following him. If Hong Ying activates at that time, it might be a good thing.

Thoughts flashed, and soon, Li Hao completed filling out the form.

"Go to the equipment warehouse to get equipment!"

Wang Jie put away the form.

Li Hao did not go out, hesitated for a moment, and then carefully probed: "Chief, Zhang Yuan's case is a bit... a bit strange. Do you think it involves some unusual power? Our inspection department can really do it." Is it solved?"


Wang Jie quickly looked at Li Hao, his eyes moved slightly, and he frowned and said, "What did you hear?"

"No, no."

Li Hao was a little embarrassed, as if he couldn't hold it in any longer, and said dryly: "I'm worried that the law enforcement team will... alert the snake, or something unexpected will happen. I heard... our inspection department... seems to have another one mechanism?"


Wang Jie frowned and said: "Be careful! I know you may have heard some rumors, but this is not something we should discuss! And one more thing, don't think about this. To be honest, if it really comes to that point, the trouble will be even greater. ! People coming over there will cause a lot of trouble!"

He didn't really want to say anything more, and he didn't want to talk about the night watchman.

The arrival of these people is not a good thing.

Once the night watchman is involved, it will be very troublesome, and the arrival of the other party will often bring some big trouble.

So he didn't want to have anything to do with the night watchman unless absolutely necessary.

The law enforcement team is probably not too willing to get involved.

Of course, when there is no other way out, the night watchman will naturally appear. At that time, it is not up to the inspection department to ask for the other party's appearance.

Li Hao nodded, and finally reminded him: "Chief, I have observed the time when the self-immolation case occurred. Every time, it was rainy. Yincheng will soon enter the rainy season again. It has been a month since the last case." Years ago, based on past time points, I suspect that if it was a man-made homicide, it might have happened recently!”

Wang Jie took note of this matter seriously.

He had just taken over the case and hadn't understood it in detail yet. Naturally, he didn't know as much as Li Hao.

After hearing this, Wang Jie was silent for a while and nodded: "I will tell the law enforcement team that you should be more careful yourself and be more careful when you go to check Zhang Yuan's house. Do you need to deploy manpower to help?"

"Need not!"

Li Hao shook his head. It was not that he wanted to die. When he encountered the red shadow, most people couldn't see it and it would have no effect.

If you don't meet Hongying and you bring your own gun and make some other arrangements, then the problem won't be too big.

What's more, in the confidential room, most of them are civilians. If we are really in trouble, it's still a question of who protects whom.

"Then be careful. Even though the person has been dead for a year, I don't think there is any danger."

Wang Jie waved his hand and sent Li Hao away.

Li Hao quickly walked out of the office and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Jie is still very caring.

Li Hao walked towards the equipment warehouse, holding Wang Jie's approval document. Soon, Li Hao received a dark black pistol, full of metallic texture.

The third generation of Whirlpool has an effective range of 50 meters, and there is no accuracy at all beyond 50 meters.

It is said that some big cities have begun to promote the fourth generation of vortex, which has an effective range of up to 100 meters. Of course, Silver City is not that big and has not yet become popular. Now, including the frontline law enforcement teams, they also use the third generation of vortex.

It is equipped with 18 rounds of bullets and can be loaded with 6 rounds each time. It can be fired continuously, making it a quite deterrent weapon.

Before Li Hao entered the inspection department, although he entered a confidential room, he had received temporary training for a month. Shooting was also part of the training, so he was not unable to use it after getting it.

I just usually stay in the confidential room and haven't used it for a long time.

Wearing weapons on his body, Li Hao felt more confident.

I just don't know if it can hurt Hongying. Others can't see it, but I can see it. If I shoot at the opponent, will it have any effect?

"Depending on what the head of the royal family wants, the current law enforcement team may not be willing to notify the night watchmen to intervene. But time is already running out. If the night watchmen don't intervene, can they deal with Hong Ying?"

"If I say now that I can see the red shadow..."

This thought flashed in Li Hao's mind.

But he couldn't help but think of the previous case files. Some of the guys who could see red shadows disappeared in the end.

Dead or something?

Seeing the red shadow, the night watchman may have intervened in such a case, but in the end, all those people disappeared or died.

Li Hao didn't know whether these people were dead or absorbed into the night watchman.

Such uncertainty made Li Hao struggle.

If the night watchman can deal with Hong Ying and is willing to solve it, then what he has exposed is still valuable. I am just afraid... Is there any collusion between the night watchman and Hong Ying?

If he was exposed in advance, would the night watchman deal with Hong Ying or himself?

"Mysterious power... maybe the night watchman is like this, and the red shadow should be the same way. Are the two sides working together, or are they hostile?"

Li Hao couldn't tell because he lacked the channels to understand this information.

If the two sides end up working together, those who discover Hong Ying will be killed and silenced. This is the outcome that Li Hao is most worried about.


At this moment, Li Hao was very confused.

He longed for the night watchman to take action against Hong Ying and avenge Zhang Yuan and his parents, but he was worried that he would eventually go the opposite direction and expose himself instead, and be silenced by the night watchman.

"Just wait a few more days..."

Li Hao knew that he was in danger, but even so, he would rather wait a few more days for the results and attitude of the law enforcement team.

Now, I just accidentally discovered the anomaly in the self-immolation case. I believe that as long as the law enforcement team is serious, they will soon discover it.

At that time, if there were still smart people in the law enforcement team, Li Hao felt that the law enforcement team would probably contact the night watchman in advance.

Just now, Li Hao revealed that self-immolation cases are likely to occur in the next few days, just to make the law enforcement team feel the urgency. If the law enforcement team is used to lure out the night watchmen, then Li Hao will not need to be exposed to see the red It's about the shadow.

"Moreover, the teacher will soon lead a team to go out for inspection. In this case, the night watchmen will appear. Regardless of whether there are night watchmen in Yincheng, there should be night watchmen arriving in the past few days."

After going over everything, and convinced that the night watchman would most likely appear, Li Hao temporarily gave up the idea of ​​actively exposing himself.

Maybe we will know soon whether the other party is in the same group.

Before the rainy day arrives, if the night watchman hasn't appeared yet and hasn't taken the initiative to talk to him to understand the situation... then he has to find a way to expose himself.

Walk out of the inspection department.

The scorching sun has set, the sky is a little red, and the sunset is emerging.

There are not many people passing by outside, and the weather is sultry. Recently, it has been extremely hot even until eight or nine in the evening, and few people come out.

Li Hao's home is not too far from the Inspection Department, about seven or eight kilometers.

Li Hao took out his bicycle and climbed on it. He has been riding to work this year.

On the one hand, it is to exercise, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid some dangers.

In places with many people, it is not easy to detect danger.

After Zhang Yuan's death, Li Hao has always been cautious.

After getting on the bike, Li Hao looked around unintentionally, as if he was looking at the road conditions and the scenery. In fact, he wanted to see if anyone was following him.

Especially today, it was determined that Hongying's next target would be himself.

Li Hao was thinking, how did Hongying position these people?

According to Li Hao's judgment, the red shadows will not appear for too long. Every time they appear, they will disappear quickly. The time they stay outside is very short. In this case, how can they be accurately located?

Does that mean that there are actually people secretly observing in advance, just waiting for the red shadow to harvest and kill?

This possibility is not impossible.

Although he is not a professional patrol officer, Li Hao still has some basic anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

"Nothing has been found yet. Could it be that the red shadow can directly locate us? Is it related to the Starry Sky Sword on my body? Can we be tracked through these inherited treasures?"

The bicycle moved slowly, and Li Hao placed the third generation of Uzumaki in the inner pocket of his jacket, and unbuttoned it. It looked like blowing air, but in fact it was to take out the gun and shoot as quickly as possible.

As always, Li Hao found no problem.

But when Li Hao rode downhill, his heart skipped a beat when the bike slid down quickly.

On the rapidly sliding bicycle, Li Hao glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a small black car driving in the opposite lane. It was very ordinary and ordinary, and seemed to be no different from the vehicles coming and going.

"Silver 7219!"

Li Hao was shocked, something was wrong.

He had just seen this car. Although the streets were full of cars like this, they were just the most basic scooters. Nine out of ten cars were like this, but... Li Hao remembered this license plate!

Li Hao, who was admitted to Yincheng Ancient Academy, naturally has his own merits.

A good memory is almost a must.

If he didn't have any merit, he wouldn't have been favored by that old professor Yuan Shuo, and he quickly came into Yuan Shuo's orbit and became his student.

"Something's wrong. This car was going in the same direction as me just now. I was riding slowly, and this car had passed me and left for about 7 minutes!"

For 7 minutes, according to the speed of this car, it kept driving forward. There was a straight road in front of it, and there was no suitable parking spot.

If you're doing errands or sending someone off, you won't be able to drive back so quickly.

Now the other party drove back and faced Li Hao, which meant that the car turned around and came back not long after leaving Li Hao.

Li Hao's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was shocked.

"It's never happened before. Today is the first time... is someone really following me?"


Soon, Li Hao thought of a possibility. The case he and Wang Jie reported...may have...been leaked!

"There is a mole in the Inspection Department!"

"Probably in the law enforcement team!"

This was Li Hao's first thought, and he couldn't help but feel heavy in his heart. Although the other party might be a coincidence and really just turned around, Li Hao didn't dare to regard it as a coincidence.

Any coincidence should be treated as prepared.

"The head of the royal family went to the law enforcement team and told them about the self-immolation case. If anyone on the law enforcement team knew that I was the one who proposed overturning the case, they might target me! If the law enforcement team has any questions, they can ask me directly. There is no need to follow me, because Apparently I was paying extra attention just because of my classmate’s case..."

"Also before, everyone who reported seeing a red shadow would be discovered soon... In fact, I have long thought that the Inspection Department has a hidden clue of a red shadow or a night watchman!"

Li Hao had read the case files and found that the people who reported seeing the red shadow soon died or disappeared.

Of course, it is actually very difficult to find unless you pay special attention to it.

When many patrol inspectors receive such cases, they just deal with it perfunctorily and record it casually. They don't even make a follow-up visit because it's some nonsense.

But as luck would have it, someone just noticed.

What does this mean?

It shows that there must be someone in the inspection department who pays special attention to this. Whenever someone reports a crime, it will soon reach the ears of another group of people.

"Am I being targeted now?"

"Is it because I raised the self-immolation case, and these people want to confirm whether I saw the red shadow or discovered it accidentally?"

"When Xiao Yuan died last year, I didn't dare to say that I saw the red shadow. If these people knew about it, they would most likely think that I discovered it by accident, not because I could see the red shadow. Otherwise, I should have seen the red shadow last year. Reported!"

In just a short moment, Li Hao thought a lot and analyzed a lot.

After all, he was now a third-level inspector, or the inspector who had just discovered a problem with the self-immolation case. Li Hao guessed that even if someone colluded with Hong Ying, they would not deal with him and kill him at this time. In fact, he would commit suicide. Problems with the case may even cause greater trouble.

“It’s getting more and more interesting!”

Li Hao snorted coldly in his heart, but his face remained expressionless, as if he didn't notice anything unusual and continued riding.

And the car he was eyeing quickly disappeared.

Silver 7219.

In the car that had just been driving towards Li Hao, at this moment, in addition to a middle-aged male driver, there was also an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman in the passenger seat.

Just like an ordinary middle-aged couple, there is nothing special about them.

"Nothing found."

After driving away from Li Hao, there was silence in the car for a while, and the woman whispered something.

The driver who was driving didn't seem to hear it.

After a while, the driver said calmly: "It should be just an accident. He should have been paying attention because of Zhang Yuan's death. Zhang Yuan and him are good friends."

The woman nodded slightly.

Silence returned in the car again.

After a while, the driver suddenly said: "We don't rule out other possibilities. Just keep watching, just from a distance. Be careful lately. Those annoying guys may be coming to Yincheng."


The woman nodded again. She knew who the driver was talking about. Those guys were indeed annoying.

There was complete silence in the car.

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